How to make cplex not output to terminal - c++

I am using the IBM cplex optimizer to solve an optimization problem and I don't want all terminal prints that the optimizer does. Is there a member that turns this off in the IloCplex or IloModel class? These are the prints about cuts and iterations. Prints to the terminal are expensive and my problem will eventually be on the order of millions of variables and I don't want to waste time with these superfluous outputs. Thanks.

Using cplex/concert, you can completely turn off cplex's logging to the console with
Where cpx is an IloCplex object. You can also use the setOut function to redirect logs to a file.
There are several cplex parameters to control what gets logged, for example MIPInterval will set the number of MIP nodes searched between lines. Turning MIPDisplay to 0 will turn off the display of cuts except when new solutions are found, while MIPDisplay of 5 will show detailed information about every lp-subproblem.
Logging-related parameters include MIPInterval MIPDisplay SimDisplay BarDisplay NetDisplay
You set parameters with the setParam function.
cpx.setParam(IloCplex::MIPInterval, 1000)


Arduino random() affecting string output

I am currently working on an arduino project using a Teensy 3.2.
The project uses some encryption code that exists in the library folder. When building the encryption code, any padding that was needed was hard-coded until the rest of the encryption worked. With the encryption working, I moved to randomize the padding process.
I am currently using the random() function from Wprogram.h.
When using manual padding, the output seems fine. However as soon as the random number generator is used, the output becomes wild and unintelligible.
When using manual padding:
//st is defined as byte[4][4]
st[0][0]=message; //character from original message, usually 'a' for testing
//set state: a123CDEF89fghijk //state prior to encryption
//encrypted: ⸮$2⸮⸮k6⸮tʠ&⸮⸮ //this should look funny
//decrypted to: a123CDEF89fghijk //matches plaintext
When using random padding, I've tried a few different ways:
//starting off with one random char for ease of testing
//random value seeded by randomSeed(analogRead(7));
st[0][1]=byte(random(33,127));//using 33 to 127 to avoid non-print chars
//-----Also Trying------
//It almost seemed like the data from the random number generator was flawed
//So I put in a scheme to ensure a hard coded character
//--------Also trying----------
//Since it seems like it is simply the existance of the random value that is
// problematic, I tried calling it without using it
int randval=random(100);
//Typical Output
//set state: a123CDEF89fghijk //state prior to encrypting(random char shows)
//encrypted: *3}3⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮N //this should look funny
//decrypted to: ⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮k⸮-⸮⸮ //this should not look funny
From trying several different ways to create a random character and from also seeing that just the existence of the random value is causing trouble. I am suspecting that there is something buggy about how the random() function works on arduino/teensy.
Something else I noticed after setting up the random number and not using it, is that when I remove this line of code I have to recompile a couple of times before the code works correctly again. This is causing me to suspect the function even more or being buggy.
As I noted in the code samples, I am seeding the random number generator with a unused pin. Even though I would suspect it would be an issue here, I have tried a few different pins just to be safe.
So I guess my questions here might be: does anybody know what might be causing this problem or can possibly suggest and alternate way to get a random value?

Fastest way to make console output "verbose" or not

I am making a small system and I want to be able to toggle "verbose" text output in the whole system.
I have made a file called globals.h:
namespace REBr{
extern bool console_verbose = false;
If this is true I want all my classes to print a message to the console when they are constructing, destructing, copying or doing pretty much anything.
For example:
window(string title="",int width=1280,int height=720):
std::cout<<"Generating window #"<<this->instanceCounter;
this->glcontext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window);
std::cout<<"FATAL ERROR IN REBr::WINDOW::CONSTR_OPENGLCONTEXT: "<<SDL_GetError()<<std::endl;
else std::cout<<"FATAL ERROR IN REBr::WINDOW::CONSTR_WINDOW: "<<SDL_GetError()<<std::endl;
Now as you can see I have a lot of ifs in that constructor. And I REALLY dont want that since that will slow down my application. I need this to be as fast as possible without removing the "loading bar" (this helps me determine at which function the program stopped functioning).
What is the best/fastest way to accomplish this?
Everying in my system is under the namespace REBr
Some variants to achieve that:
Use some logger library. It is the best option as it gives you maximum flexibility and some useful experience ;) And you haven't to devise something. For example, look at Google GLOG.
Define some macro, allowing you to turn on/off all these logs by changing only the macro. But it isn't so easy to write such marco correctly.
Mark your conditional flag as constexpr. That way you may switch the flag and, depending on its value, compiler will optimise ifs in compiled program. But ifs will still be in code, so it looks kinda bulky.
Anyway, all these options require program recompilation. W/o recompilation it is impossible to achieve the maximum speed.
I often use a Logger class that supports debug levels. A call might look like:
logger->Log(debugLevel, "%s %s %d %d", timestamp, msg, value1, value2);
The Logger class supports multiple debug levels so that I can fine tune the debug output. This can be set at any time through the command line or with a debugger. The Log statement uses a variable length argument list much like printf.
Google's logging module is widely used in the industry and supports logging levels that you can set from the command line. For example (taken from their documentation)
VLOG(1) << "I'm printed when you run the program with --v=1 or higher";
VLOG(2) << "I'm printed when you run the program with --v=2 or higher";
You can find the code here and the documentation in the doc/ folder.

gcc gprof/gcov/other - how to get sequence of function calls/exits + control flow statements

We have testers for our embedded GUI product and when a tester declares "test failed", sometimes it's hard for us developers to reproduce the exact problem because we don't have the exact trace of what happened.
We do currently have a logging framework but us devs have to manually input those logging statements in the code which is fine . . . except when a hard-to-reproduce bug occurs and we didn't have a log statement at the 'right' location and then when we re-build, re-run the test with the same steps, we get a different result.
We would like a solution wherein the compiler produces extra instrumentation code that allows us to see the exact sequence of events including, at the minimum:
function enter/exit (already provided by -finstrument-functions)
control-flow statement enter i.e. entering if/else, which case statement we jumped to
The log would look like this:
int main() entered
if-line 5 entered
else-line 10 entered
void EventLoop() entered
. . .
Some additional nice-to-haves are
Parameter values on function entry AND exit (for pass-by-reference types)
Function return value
Are there any gcc tools or even paid tools that can do this instrumentation automatically?
You can either use gdb for that, and you can automate that (I've got a tool for that in the works, you find it here or you can try to use gcov.
The gcov implementation is so, that it loads the latest gcov data when you start the program. But: you can manually dump and load the data. If you call __gcov_flush it will dump the current data and reset the current state. However: if you do that several times it will always merge the data, so you'd also need to rename the gcov data file then.

How to interpret results from kcachegrind

Could anyone tell me how to interest the results from kcachegrind.
I had two versions of my code (v1, v2) both compiled in debug mode. I ran them through valgrind with options:
valgrind --tool=callgrind -v ....
The output files thus generated are opened in kcachegrind. Now I already found the version v2 of the code runs more faster than first version, v1 as it meant to be. But how do i inperet a result from kcachegrind's call graph.
In kcachegrind All Callers tab, I have the following columns: Incl. , Distance, Called, Caller.
IIUC, Called and caller are the no of times the 'caller' was called in the program. But I dont know about others.
Another thing is when selecting a particular function and then
the 'callers' tab it shows some more information. Ir, Ir per call, count, caller
and in the types tab: `EventType, Incl. Self, short, Formula.
I dont have any idea here.
So far I had read these questions:
KCachegrind interpretation confusion
Confused about profiling result
I use QCacheGrind, so I apologize if something on my screen isn't quite the same as what you see. From what I understand, QCacheGrind is a direct Qt port of KCacheGrind. Additionally, I have the ability to toggle between an Instruction Count and a % of total instructions. For consistency I will refer to the Instruction Count view on any column that can be toggled in this way.
The "All Callers" tab columns should represent the following:
Incl.: The number of instructions that this function generated as a whole broken down by each caller. Because callers are a hierarchy (hence the distance column) there may be several that have the same value if your call stack is deep.
Distance: How many function calls separated is the selected line from the function that is selected in the Flat Profile panel.
Called: The number of time the Caller called the a function that ultimately led to the execution of the selected function).
Caller: The function that directly called or called another caller of your selected function (as determined by Distance).
The Callers tab is more straightforward. It shows the functions that have a distance of 1 from your selected function. In other words, these are the functions that directly invoke your selected function.
Ir: The number of instructions executed in total by the selected function after being called by this caller.
Ir per call: The number of instructions executed per call.
Count: The number of times the selected function was called by the caller.
Caller: The function that directly called the selected function.
For Events, see this page for the handbook. I suspect that if you didn't define your own types all you should see is "Instruction Fetch" and possibly "Cycle Estimation." The quick breakdown on these columns is as follows:
Incl.: Again the total instructions performed by this function and all functions it calls beneath it.
Self: The instructions performed exclusively by this function. This counter only tracks instructions used by this function, not any instruction used by functions that are called by this function.
Short and Formula: These columns are used when defining a custom Event Type. Yours should either be blank or very short (like CEst = Ir) unless you end up defining your own Types.

Debugging C++ in an Eclipse-based IDE - is there something like "step over loop/cycle"?

At the moment I'm using an eclipse-like IDE and the corresponding debug perspective, that most of you are probably familiar with. While debugging code I quite often find myself stepping through many lines of code and observing variables and double checking if everything is as it is supposed to be.
But suppose there is something like this:
1. important line, e.g. generating a new object;
2. another important line, e.g. some tricky class method;
3. for (int i = 0; i < some_limit; ++i)
4. some_array[i]++;
5. more important stuff;
Obviously I'm interested in what happens in lines 1,2 and 5 (I know this is a poor example, but please bear with me for a little while longer) but I don't want to step through all hundreds (or even thousands) of iterations of lines 3/4.
So, finally, my question: Is there some way to step directly over the for-cycle? What I do right now is set a new breakpoint at line 5 and let the program run as soon as I hit line 3 and I believe this is not an optimal solution.
edit: The eclipse implementation of what ks1322 proposed is called "Run to line" and is mapped to ctrl-r
Use until command instead of next.
From gdb documentation:
Continue running until a source line past the current line, in the
current stack frame, is reached. This command is used to avoid single
stepping through a loop more than once.
If you will use until instead of next, gdb will step over loops only once, which almost exactly what you want.