What is a good UV mapping library writing in C++? - c++

I am currently scripting Blender right now but it's excruciatingly slow for large models.

I usually use OpenGL and freeImage when building something from scratch. However, if you want to use an existing framework to save time, I recommend OGRE. There's also a converter written for Ogre to convert models from blender called blender2Ogre. However, it's kindof in the beta stages. You will also find tutorials on the Ogre wiki.


PNG Texture OpenGL es 2.0 Android NDK

I'm developing a game, actually my first game, so I'm new in this world, I'm using OpenGL with NDK and C++ for the render part, and I call it from java with JNI. I'm stuck with the textures topic, since I need to use PNG with alpha channel and use TTF for some text.
I can include the libpng, but since I'm using the experimental gradle puglin, I don't know how to add the library and use it, I saw that the library can be precompiled and be added, but from what I saw, only for one architecture, then, I don't know if I'm wrong, but I think if I add the source code of the library and compile it with the program, I think, it will be compiled for the architectures that I need (MIPS, 64-bit ARM, x86, 64-bit x86, ARM), so that is one, I was thinking in pre-convert the png in raw RGBA and use that vector directly with opengl but again, I dont know how to do this.
and with the TTF issue, well I am in blank, if you have any advice for this I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for your help.
You can build the whole FreeType engine into your code, or you can just use what's already part of Android: use Canvas to render glyphs to a Bitmap. You can find an example of this in Android Breakout. The game is written in Java rather than C++, but the Java-language GLES code is just a thin wrapper around the native stuff, so it's pretty similar.
There's a pretty good blog post about GLES text on Android here.
On a similar note, you already have a copy of libpng in your app. You can call through the Bitmap API to use it.
If you have as a goal the creation of an entirely self-contained native app, then the approach of calling into Canvas/Bitmap isn't viable. I don't think that's a particularly useful goal, however. You're better off separating the "game engine" from the game logic, e.g. have platform-specific "decode PNG" and "pass this pile of RGBA pixels into glTexImage2D()" functions, and platform-agnostic "use texture N".
Taking that one step further, your best approach is to use an existing graphics engine or game engine, and focus on creating the game rather than writing the engine. Learning about engines by writing one is a worthwhile endeavor, but if your actual goal is to write a game then you should focus on the game itself.

VS2012 using 3D models dilemma

I'm having problems understanding the the usage of VS2012's 3D features in a project. I'm current building a 3D project using DirectX (Direct3D) and want display a simple 3D object (teapot) for starters. I understand the usage of the shadergraph which is of great help, but when it comes to loading an FBX model, is there an alternative to using the Autodesk FBX SDK built in or am I just stuck with it (FBXSDK)?
Generally, is there anything in VS2012 for C++ similar in nature to how XNA uses it's content pipeline to simplify loading and working with models?
You will definitely need to manage the translation from the format of your model files to the typical D3D mesh/meshpart arrangement. You can get sometimes find models in the old .x format, which corresponds to a Direct3D model. This page has some good reference for loading .x files and also links to exporters for maya and max.
OTOH If your source data is in fbx, use the fbx sdk; it's just simpler than any alternative way to get fbx data. You'll need some library for importing 3d models and although they're all limited in different ways FBX has the advantage of being supported by the widest variety of DCC apps. There are text and binary versions of the FBX format, so if you're interested in manual debugging you can use the text based version to make it easier to crosscheck your results. This sample discusses using the FBX SDK with DirectX 11 - although it is in the context of vs 2010, there may be issues moving to VS 2012.
If you go with another intermediate format you should look for one supported by the 3d tool you'll be using or the model vendor you are buying from. Collada is the most widely available interchange format, and it's based on XML so you could probably implement your own loader -- however it's also notorious for complexity and inconsistent standards so I'd avoid it unless you have a compelling reason or a big trove f Collada format files.
If your needs are very simple and don't include animation, the OBJ format is widely available and easy to implement on your own -- however it does not support animation.
is there anything in VS2012 for C++ similar in nature to how XNA uses
it's content pipeline
As far as I know, there is no such thing. You will need your own solution, as always in native C++ world =). Probably, you can make use some of the modern rendering engines: Unity, OGRE, Irrlicht, Torque, etc.
when it comes to loading an FBX model, is there an alternative to
using the Autodesk FBX SDK built in or am I just stuck with it
As far as I know, FBX is a closed proprietary format, so you stick with FBX SDK.
Another ways (from gamedev view)
FBX format is a terribly complicated and multifunctional. Typically, you don't need FBX to draw teapot. You don't even need FBX to create a good game.
to just draw teapot you, probably, better take another simple (or not so simple) format, such as .obj, .dae or .3ds. You can load it using 3rd party library, such as assimp (which is just few lines of code) or roll out your own loader (which is not so hard either).
to draw some meaningful interactive "teapots world" you will also need to wrap them into some kind of scene: scenegraph is a common solution.
mid-size game labels typically crate their own format, converter and loader for it:
artists create models in their favorite 3D editor
then they convert it using converter: convert to custom binary .mesh format. This can be done via plugin for 3D editor or in small standalone app
in C++ app, programmers just load .mesh, deserialize to structs and classes and use it.
serious game labels develop their own content pipelines: it can include multiple custom formats (static mesh, animated mesh, etc.), loaders (to load and stream content into app), 3ds max/Maya/Blender plugins, visual scene/level editors (to make artists happy). All content is created and managed by artists, so programmers don't need any integration of content to their IDEs.
Visual studio 2012 actually has it's own model processor now.
You can add different meshes to your project(I think that it natively supports .dae, .fbx, and .obj) and it'll spit out a ".cmo" model that's simple to parse.
The directX Toolkit also has pretty good support for loading the format, so if you're already using the DXTK, then I recommend seeing if the model loader meets your requirements.

C++ library/file format for exporting 3D skeletal animations?

I'm writing an application for creating 3D skeletal animations. I'm currently using Blender for modeling/rigging, export, then load and render the model with OGRE. But I'm stuck when it comes to exporting.
I'd like to be able to export the finished animated model/scene to some known file format, so that it can be imported back into Blender for rendering. So what's the best way to get the animated skeleton/armature back into Blender?
I think COLLADA is the way to go when it comes to file formats. I'm unsure about the library. FCOLLADA is dead, I'm not sure how up-to-date it is. The latest version of Assimp had COLLADA export functionality added to it, but unfortunately not for animation yet. There's OpenCOLLADA, which doesn't seem to be well documented, but there's two plug-ins which are probably better examples than any tutorial. Lastly there's COLLADA DOM.
Have you heard about FBX? It is widely used as an exchange format for geometry and animation. It support bones/joints which should fit for your skeletal animation.
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FBX
Autodesk Page: http://usa.autodesk.com/fbx/

Is there a middleground between writing raw OpenGL versus using a full-blown game engine?

I'm playing around with OpenGL and I'm finding myself writing code that I feel like I shouldn't have to write.
GLU and GLUT are nice but not really what I'm thinking of.
Code to load .obj models (vertex and normal vectors) from Blender and render them.
Code for collision detection.
Code for navigation/camera stuff.
Code for simple terrain generation.
But at the same time I feel like a full-blown game engine is more than I need.
Are there any good libraries built on top of OpenGL that I could take advantage of, perhaps to create relatively simple games? I don't necessarily need all of the items listed above. Those are just examples of what I'm thinking of.
I can't be more specific as I don't write my own game engines but I do have a list of libraries online at this location, most of which sit below being a full engine.
openscenegraph (replaces performer)
Depending on how much you need, one of these toolkits / libraries might suit your purpose.
GLUT - OpenGL Utility Toolkit
Ogre3D - OGRE Object Oriented Graphics Library
Open Inventor - OpenGL toolkit for scene management created by SGI
Performer - OpenGL toolkit for real-time rendering created by SGI
I learnt my opengl stuff from GameTutorials and Gamedev. Unfortunately gametutorials are no longer a free selection of tutorial (there's some examples) but they were good. Coupled with SDL, you would have code to do everything you wanted - and you'd be able to understand what is going on under the covers, something I find is very useful later on (if, for example you wanted to write HTML5/WebGL code later).
A lot of the game engines aren't as well documented as I'd like (well, weren't a few years back when I was looking), but they might still do what you need. Sourceforge has many, including Ogre3d, Irrlicht, and CrystalSpace.
In general I agree with your sentiment. There is a school of thought that says that programming should consist of pluggable modules. Once youve written an OpenGL app, you should be able to grab a model loader, and/or a skeletal animation engine and plug them in.
The depressing thing is, most of the game engines on that list (that Ive looked at) are all or nothing propositions. They provide an entire framework and do not really take into account the more common real case scenario.
That said, all is not lost. A lot of those engines package up a number of other 'utility' libraries into their distribution. With a bit of patience it is possible to piece together the component libraries yourself: OpenAL for the sound, Freetype for font rendering, libpng, libjpeg etc for image codecs

Importing 3D objects and its animation to iphone openGL

I am trying to develop a 3D game in openGL and i need to create many 3D objects.. I am a begginner in openGL.. I have tried with many 3D softwares like Blender , MODO, Unity 3D and Cheetah.
I am easily able to create my objects with these and exporting as Wavefront .OBJ, and converting it to a header file using a perl script. This header file is added to my openGL project..
The 3D objects are seen, but its not perfect. The script i used is to convert the .OBJ to .h using TRIANGLES.. And the object is seen with triangles. Its not full.. No way when i used TRIANGLE STRIP,FAN..? Problems with the vertices..
Is the problem with my Script or is it the wrong way i have gone..?? Or is there any other best ways to directly import 3D objects to openGL..??
The below link is the best one which you can get for 3D objects to openGL.. i got the scripts from these..
please help..
You don't want to go that way. Direct drawing mode (using TRIANGLE and friends) is extremely slow in OpenGL.
Instead, you should pick a decent format and write a loader for it (or use one found on the web). Good formats would be 3ds, obj if gzipped, collada.
Here's an example tutorial on loading from Milkshape files.
Once you load your objects programatically, you can use Vertex Arrays, or even better VBO's to display them. This is waaay faster.
Google for a mesh loader for your favorite format, or write one yourself.
I have written a reader/renderer for AC3D files that works fine on the iPhone (OpenGL ES)
Feel free to have a look at it here.
There is also an obj loader by Jeff Lamarche at google code.
AC3D can reduce the triangle count pretty good and as an alternative I ported QVis to the mac. My reader/renderer also tries to build tri-strips.
About VBO's. I have not seen any gained performance when using them in the iPhone. I'm not the only one.