Is Django design as good without css3 + html 5? - django

I've had a look at some really good website layout and design using Django, pinterest, (former)curse, disqus, and the django design template lpoks impressive.
Was just pondering thoughts as to were it is necessary to add css3 or html5 to enhance page design and interaction or would using Django features for eg. divs and headers, boxing text good enough or even better visually.
Lets for argument sake, say we are developing an extensive auction site like e-bay or networking site like facebook.

Django doesn't have any design. There is zero front-end included, so that if you made a template page and added divs/headers/whatnot in there it would have absolutely no custom formatting whatsoever beyond the specifications of vanilla HTML.
So if you want to design a site like Pinterest you'll definitely need your own CSS and HTML.

So, django make a view with HTML and CSS (you will have some div..) but no div will be declared and you will have a white page withall things aligned to left..
It is not complicated, if you want a beautiful site (or just not hugly :)) you will need both html and css, but not last versions if you don't wand (but its better..)


Dynamic templates with Django and Ajax

My question is a bit generic in that my problem is a broad one. I have been working with django for some time, and I really want to move more into doing very dynamic web pages where actual page reloads aren't common.
I have read about the different popular javascript frameworks available, and I always feel like I am missing part of the puzzle, particularly in templating.
What are some of the best practices for keeping my templating code as non redundant as possible. I get the impression that a lot of templating logic will make it's way into the JS in addition to my django templates. I want to avoid situations where I am writing templating code in two different places.
For a very basic example, let's say I am writing some template code inside Django for an input field that has a set number of attributes. I have then also written in JS that when I click on a button, another input field of the same type is generated with all the appropriate attributes. In practice this could be a form that takes an arbitrary amount of e-mail addresses. The problem I see is that when I want to change something about that input field, I need to do it in two places.
Is there a particular development paradigm or work flow that I am unaware of? How are issues like this generally avoided?
Recommendations on frameworks would be amazing too!
as you mentioned above:
Use Django Template language. Pass the data from view to template dynamically.
Read Django Template Language documentation.
For JS :
its better to write your js in home.html.... use {% include %} tag for other html

Writing translatable static web pages using Django

I am a bit confused on the best way to handle this problem:
My web site needs read-only static web pages (typically the About part of a web site) with 2 simple constraints:
they need to be translated
they need to have flexible layout: to incorporate base headers/footers, floating images and/or tables, and non-interactive elements (like a bootstrap carousel).
Several solutions that I have thought about:
I can of course directly write HTML files but the translation part will be awkward (a lot of <h1>, <ul>, <li> and <p> which are of no interest to the translator).
I can use Django flatpages with some markup languages but I lose a lot of flexibility (for instance template tags are not recognized)
Use generators like Hyde, but it seems quite overkill for my needs and internationalization seems a bit difficult
Does someone have other propositions that I can look into ?
Thanks !
Use django-cms, it has a Page model that can be translated and has a very smart plugin system to add many content-types into every page.
I use it a lot and it's very easy and yet powerful
For completeness and fairness, here's a full list of available CMS packages for Django.
for a much simpler solution, I would create a model called "Page" with lets say title and text fields.
The title and the text fields I would register to django-modeltranslation which will handle the translation issue.
For the text field i would use TinyMCE which let you insert basically any HTML you want so you can do whatever you need.

Twitter bootstrap and crispy forms confusion

I decided that I wanted to use twitter bootstrap for a potential website I want to make. However, I am still learning web development. I was wondering if someone could give me and explanation of what Crispy forms has to offer. I've been reading and I believe that it has twitter bootstrap embedded in it? I was wondering which would be a better choice to pick. This might be a bad question to ask but I'm quite confused. Are there pros and cons to picking either?
Twitter bootstrap is something completely different than crispy-forms:
Twitter bootstrap is a CSS and Javascript presentation framework. You can use it to generate your html pages from any framework, not just Django! You can use it to define how your html will be layout in a grid and also it has styles for a number of html components.
Crispy-forms is a Django application that can be used to create better layouts for forms. What it does is that you can define programatically how you want your form to be rendered (instead of doing it in the template with html). You should use it if you want to have really nice looking forms without too much hassle.
The only relation between the two is that crispy-forms actually can render your form using bootstrap layout, meaning that the styles and classes etc of your rendered html form will be following the concepts of the bootstrap framework. I am copying from here
Since version 1.1.0 of django-crispy-forms has built-in support for different CSS frameworks, known as template packs within django-crispy-forms:
* bootstrap Bootstrap is crispy-forms’s default template pack, version 2 of the popular simple and flexible HTML, CSS, and Javascript for user interfaces from Twitter.
* bootstrap3 Twitter Bootstrap version 3.
* uni-form Uni-form is a nice looking, well structured, highly customizable, accessible and usable forms.
* foundation Foundation In creators words “The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world”. This template pack is externally available through crispy-forms-foundation
So crispy-forms can use a bootstrap mode to render your forms -- but you have to be already using bootstrap in your django templates for this to appear properly!

django==1.4 support for html5

I have a small blog app I have built using Django 1.4 and recently, I have been learning "bits and pieces" of html5 and css3. I am about the start transitioning my site to html5/css3 and I was wondering if Django widgets support html5(?)
My blog is nothing special - a few forms, a few tables etc.. For example when I do,
I was wondering if django would generate the required html5 markup(?) I read the docs, and it says the admin pages support html5, but I could not find any docs for regular apps.
If html5 is not supported by Django, what is the best way going about achieving this?
Thanks for your time.
Django's form output is XHTML. Django does not snip with support for the new HTML5 input types such as number, email, url, etc but it is not difficult to add them. See or That being said I don't know any place where Django generates markup that is invalid for HTML5.
"If html5 is not supported by Django, what is the best way going about achieving this?"
I have been trying a monkeypatch approach with very encouraging results so far, the big bonus for me is that there is no need to change your existing code, or for modifying third party apps, or Django admin. This keeps things very clean and central and there is no need for hairy and repetitive

Editable unstructured pages

I'm building a small site framework for a set of sites that are likely to have quite a few unstructured pages - meaning they have:
Slightly different layouts per page
Lots of one-off text
None/very little generated content from models
I would like to allow clients to edit the content of these pages through my admin UI (I'm using Django for this project), but with the requirement that they are not exposed to the page HTML and are only able to edit parts of the page that I've specified as fields; for example:
A few blocks of text content
Perhaps some blocks of predefined image locations
PDF files that need embedding
Where these fields vary significantly between pages.
The layout, and what fields these pages require would be specified by the developer, so there's no need to dynamically generate much for this.
The 'best' idea I've had so far is to serialise these blocks of content once they've been edited by the user and store them in a 'Pages' table/model in my relational database, or just throw MongoDB or similar at it.
Conceptually, how would you implement such pages? As mentioned, I'm using Django so any implementation suggestions specific to Django are welcome, but general high-level ideas would be great too.
I would implement a ContentBlock model, which has .kind (header, text, image, pdf) and a .data, which would house the content (if text) or path to an uploaded pdf/image/etc. Presumably then you'd hardcode the pages with the appropriate blocks defined - I'd just use hardcoded slugs, eg, 'home-title', 'home-intro', 'about-title', 'about-text', 'about-right-photo', etc.
I would suggest not using Django's admin interface. It's much more suited to editing homogenous, non-business-logic models. I'd just add an edit view that renders the appropriate form fields for the blocks instead - html editor, file upload, etc. It's possible to do that in the django admin, but in my experience it's not worth the trouble - plus, if you do your own edit view, you can have it use the same base templates as the rest of the site, which IMO is a better user experience.
Here are a couple of apps which do that for you:
Along with django-frontendadmin, it's super cool.