How can I set the CNAME record on network solutions for my heroku app? - web-services

I bought a domain name on network solutions. I have a working app at I want my domain name on network solutions to point to this app. So in the CNAME records. It has a box for alias, ttl, and a drop down menu for # (none) or www . Then there is another option you can check (instead of the drop down menu) to fill out an other host name.
So which is the alias? Should I check other host name and put in the heroku app's url? This is all done under my DNS settings for the domain I purchased so I assume that I don't have to fill it out anywhere? The online resources I have found are rather unhelpful.

I just went through the same thing.
Log in to Network Solutions (Select manage my domains when you log in)
Click "Manage" on the domain you want to point to Heroku
Click "Edit Advanced DNS Records"
Click "Edit A Records" and clear the IP addresses for "www" and "* (All Others)". Put in for "# (None)" then click continue
Click "Edit CName Records"
put "www" in for the Alias. And "" in for the "Other Host" field. Make sure the radio button for "Other Host" is selected. Then click continue.
IF you get an error claiming you already have an A record for www then log out of Network Solutions, log back in, and try again.
This will point to
To make sure it worked (give it some time before checking) open up a terminal window and type :
It should respond with something like .. is an alias for

Just discovered that this page is extremely helpful for this:
Basically you just need to delete all your A records, and point the # one to the IP Then, as long as you have a valid CNAME record for 'www' (in the case of Heroku, it'd point to your app's heroku URL), Network Solutions will correctly forward all traffic to your www CNAME.

A CNAME (Canonical Name) record is only for domains that you can control and points the canonical name to the correct domain name. What you need to do is point your domain to your Heroku app by following the steps in the following:
The article does state to use CNAME to point to (cedar server)


How to resolve "Domain's DNS record could not be retrieved" in GitHub page creation process?

I am trying to create a GitHub page for a repository. But when I gave the custom domain name, it shows the following message "Domain's DNS record could not be retrieved. For more information"
As I am new to GitHub I am not getting the information what is documented in GitHub pages. Could anyone help me to resolve this problem?
If you've recently changed or removed your custom domain and can't access the new URL in your browser, you may need to clear your browser's cache to reach the new custom domain. For more information on clearing your cache, see your browser's help site.
In order to serve the Page, your DNS records must point to GitHub's server. To confirm that your custom domain points to GitHub's servers, use the dig command with your custom domain. The dig command shows you where your custom domain points. For example:
$ dig +nostats +nocomments +nocmd 3600 IN A
In the example above, points to the IP address
If you configured A records through your DNS provider, your A records must point your custom domain to the following IP addresses:
You may see a different IP address, since we serve Pages with a global Content Delivery Network. Use dig to see the full resolution path. Note that DNS caching may cause a delay.
If you're using an A record that points to or, you'll need to update your DNS settings for your site to be available over HTTPS or served with a Content Delivery Network. For more information, see "HTTPS errors."
If you're using an A record that points to or, you'll need to update your DNS settings, as we no longer serve Pages directly from those servers.

How to redirect non-www to www blog) in AWS Route 53?

I have my non-www with GoDaddy and my WordPress Blog is hosted in AWS EC2. I'm using Route 53 to handle DNS requests. The existing solution for my question, seen in many places(including SOF) is to create two S3 buckets in the name of non-www domain and www domain for redirection of static websites. This is not my case.
I've my WordPress installed in EC2 and not using S3 for holding my Data. I hope this is not a static website and cannot follow the general solutions available.
I tried the following solution around and did not work
I tried changing the C-NAME record to but it did not worked.
I tried domain forward feature available with and didn't work.
I tried modifying .htaccess file and that too didn't work.
This is what my record sets in Route 53 look like
Name Type Value TTL
------ ----- ----- ---- A (EIP) 300 MX 1 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM 3600
10 ALT4.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM NS 172800 SOA xxxxxxxxx 900
How can I redirect my to
I was hesitant to post my comment as an answer because there are a gazillion ways to setup and configure Wordpress it seems. Anyway, to keep in the spirit of keeping this question in the amazon-web-services tag I ran a test case deploying from the AWS Wordpress Cloudformation template. I'm not sure if this is how you actually installed Wordpress but here is one way to redirect:
Make sure that your Cloudformation template completes successfully.
Here is what my Hosted Zone looked like - I have not added A records yet.
Get the instance IP address. Note that in this example I did not setup an Elastic IP. Since I knew that I would not need to stop the instance temporarily I opted to just stick with the automatically assigned, random pubic IP.
Next I made an A record for the domain apex of that IP and then an A record for www. I also changed the TTL to 60 seconds.
Once DNS propagation completed I tried accessing my domain name. As you can see, the AWS Cloudformation Wordpress installation defaults to a different path and URL.
Using the URL, did the trick.
I didn't go through the steps but when you go to it starts a setup screen. Enter all the information like DB name and password, etc. and then login to the admin panel. Once you go through all of that you go to the General settings screen. This is where your configuration will probably be different but for mine, the URLs were listed as I simply changed these URLs to (As an aside, I also tried changing and saving the permalink section to generate an .htaccess file but one was not generated due to the inability to write to the file. I tried making my own but I kept running into "too many redirect" messages so this might not be a route you want to take depending on your install.)
You will need to make a change in the index.php file. For my installation it was located at /var/www/html/wordpress/index.php. Make sure to make a copy before changing it. I simply added /wordpress/ in front of wp-blog-header.php. Again, this install puts the Wordpress files in the directory /wordpress - your install will probably be different.
Next you need to copy that modified index.php file to /var/www/html/ and then restart the httpd service.
To test the change I cleared out my DNS cache and opened up the network section of developer tools in Chrome.
I then opened a new tab (have to open developer tools again) and then typed in the naked domain name.
As you can see, the URL redirected to with a 301 permanent redirect.
I'll through another suggestion out here while I'm at it. You can use the free version of Cloudflare to just do the redirect for you. Cloudflare offers a bunch of other free and useful services like CDN so if you don't mind depending on a 3rd party service (a reputable one by the way) it might be easier with more value add. As I highlighted in the screenshot however, note that if you use forwarding you cannot use some of the other advanced rule sets.
Anyway, I hope this helps!

How to avoid in the URL?

I'm using static site generator and I just hit deploy and I was hoping the url would be ONLY but instead it is
How do I get rid of the and have just Or do I need to manually upload all of the content to an FTP thing like cyberduck?
Any advice for a super not advanced developer is helpful I have no idea what I'm doing and all of the docs in AWS are really heavy.
Use Route53 and register your domain then in the Route53 then the following step:
DNS management click on your Hosted zones, click on your domain name
Click on Create Record Set
In the "Create Record Set" leave your Name blank; Type A - IPv4 address; Alias = Yes; Alias Target: select your S3 Endpoint should be something like "" and that's it!

I hosted Opencart on openshift, But after CNAME mapping, Application is showing 404 Error

I have successfully deployed opencart on openshift, and It is running properly with the url provided by the openshift, But when I have mapped that URL with the CNAME in my domain name, It is showing Error that App is not found.
Can someone please help me for the same.
You may need to set your alias to the domain name you have chosen. You can do this via the web console. Aliases are what allow you to use your own domain names for your applications on OpenShift.
It's a 2 step process
(1) Set up the CNAME record with your DNS provider
it sounds like you have already done this at your DNS provider
(2) Configure OpenShift to use your alias
so from the web console, go to your application's main page by clicking on Settings icon then click on "Change" link to enter your custom domain name e.g. or
Let us know if that works,

How do I to forward to at godaddy for s3 hosted site?

I have:
signed up for an AWS account
set up buckets for and
enabled website settings in properties for each domain
set bucket policies for both domains
created this cname record:
www >
Right now when a user goes to, they see the index page, and everything is working just fine. When they go to, there is nothing but darknenss and silence because the page just doesn't load (and gives 'connection timeout' error. )
What I want is for to forward to so that no matter what the user types in the browser, they see the site that is located at
How do I make this work?
Can I add a record of some kind at godaddy to make redirect to
Do I have to get a static IP to make this work using s3? I keep reading about an elastic IP from EC2, but I am not understanding how I can set that up, or how it would work since I am not using EC2 at all for my website.
I think user Go Daddy's answer was correct, but I'll write up more succinct instructions that I followed to get the forwarding to work for me. I don't know why others are suggesting wwwizer, because GoDaddy uses a 301-redirect too (but maybe it didn't used to?). By the way, this answer isn't specific to Amazon's S3 -- it simply requires you have the "www" CNAME record set correctly.
Login to
Click on My Account.
Click on the Domains product, and click the Launch button next to your domain.
In the Domain Information section you should see "Forwarding: Off". Click the Manage link next to it.
A Forwarding and Masking dialog box should come up. Under Forward example.COM to enter
Click the OK button.
The forwarding kicked in for me within maybe half an hour.
To note, in the dialog box you can change it to forward either "http://" or "https://". I only needed it for "http://", so I'm not sure if GoDaddy will forward both SLL and non-SSL at the same time.
Also, if you're curious, if you click on the Advanced Options link in the Forwarding and Masking dialog box, it should be defaulted to "Forward Only" and have the redirect type set to permanently forward your domain (which is what gives the 301-redirect).
You can use wwwizer's free naked domain redirect service:
Just put as the A record for the non-www version of your domain.
I'm glad you were able to find a way to get your site working. Admittedly, it's a little hard to understand exactly what's going on with your domain name without more specific info, but I wanted to jump in and mention one thing.
You weren't sure if you could forward your domain to the www subdomain. It depends how you have it setup - sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't. According to your original post, the www subdomain is setup with its own CNAME (as opposed to mirroring the main A Record). Because of this, you COULD forward your domain to the www subdomain - ie, forward to - using's domain forwarding functionality.
If, however, the CNAME for a subdomain is set to '#', which means it directs to the main A Record, forwarding the domain to the subdomain would not work.
I just wanted to clarify for anyone else who might come across this thread.
Good luck with your site,
Alon Social Media
Sounds like your DNS/Name Servers on GoDaddy aren't set up right. They should have the information listed for the Nameservers somewhere where you're hosting the site.
EDIT: I've done some more looking around and it would Amazon doesn't provide you the Nameservers for S3. The "real solution" to this would be to set up a CName on GoDaddy. This site provides a lot of insight on doing that:
Also, this question seems to have come up before: Using GoDaddy Domain Hosting to link to Amazon S3 Website
I used the approach described in
(also with godaddy).
It boils down to deleting the A host entry, creating a CNAME entry and using godaddy's forwarding functionality.
For me it is a partial solution. It works if I type
in the url bar.
But it does not work if I click on a link pointing to
or if I type
wget from the command line.
I am looking for the same answer. How I have done it in the past is with an apache htaccess rewrite. I may do it again this way.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^mysite\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=permanent,L]
Here is one such page that talks about it.
If you need more help I would google htaccess and apache rewrites.
If you are using Route 53, you can create a new bucket with your naked domain name, and under 'Static Website Hosting', set it to 'Redirect all requests to another host name'.
Update : Jul 2019
Since the original accepted answer by Michael Krebs in 2012, screens/ui might have changed little bit.
Please follow the screenshots below for the latest steps as of today:
Then click on add.
If no A record and www sub-domain is bound with subdomain it should redirect root domain to www sub-domain. This is how it works with many other sites.