How to access all channels of OpenCV image - c++

I have an OpenCV image created like this:
cv::Mat img(XN_VGA_Y_RES, XN_VGA_X_RES, CV_64FC3, cv::Scalar(0));
How can I access all its pixels?
I tried:
for (int x=0; x < XN_VGA_X_RES; x++) {
for (int y=0; y < XN_VGA_Y_RES; y++) {<double>(y,x) = 1;
However, when I do it this way only 1/3 of the image is white. I'm guessing this is because there are 3 channels in my image, but how can I access them all? I tried various stuff like<double[3]>(y,x) or<cv::Vec3f>(y,x), but they do not seem to work.

Try this:<cv::Vec3d>(y, x)[0] = 1;<cv::Vec3d>(y, x)[1] = 1;<cv::Vec3d>(y, x)[2] = 1;


Calculate 1DPlot, determine the maxima and their distances between each other

I want to create a 1D plot from an image. Then I want to determine the maxima and their distances to each other in c++.
I am looking for some tips on how I could approach this.
I load the image as cv::Mat. In opencv I have searched, but only found the histogram function, which is wrong. I want to get a cross section of the image - from left to right.
does anyone have an idea ?
Well I have the following picture:
From this I want to create a 1D plot like in the following picture (I created the plot in ImageJ).
Here you can see the maxima (I could refine it with "smooth").
I want to determine the positions of these maxima and then the distances between them.
I have to get to the 1D plot somehow. I suppose I can get to the maxima with a derivation?
++++++++++ UPDATE ++++++++++
Now i wrote this to get an 1D Plot:
cv::Mat img= cv::imread(imgFile.toStdString(), cv::IMREAD_ANYDEPTH | cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
cv::cvtColor(img, img, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
uint8_t* data =;
int width = img.cols;
int height = img.rows;
int stride = img.step;
std::vector<double> vPlot(width, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
uint8_t val = data[ i * stride + j];
vPlot[j]=vPlot[j] + val;
std::ofstream file;"path\\plot.csv");
for(int i = 0; i < vPlot.size(); i++){
file << vPlot[i];
file << ";";
When i plot this in excel i got this:
Thats looks not so smooth as in ImageJ. Did i something wrong?
I need it like in the Plot of ImageJ - more smooth.
ok I got it:
for (int i = 0; i < vPlot.size(); i++) {
vPlot[i] = vPlot[i] / height;
Ok but i don't know how to get the maxima an distances.
When i have the local maxima (i don't know how), i can calculate the distance between them with the index of the vetcor elements.
Has anybody an idea to get the local Maxima out of the vector, that I plot above ?
Now o wrote this to find the maxima:
// find maxima
std::vector<int> idxMax;
int flag = 0;
for(int i = 1; i < avg.size(); i++){
double diff = avg[i] - avg[i-1];
if(diff < 0){
flag = -1;
if(diff >= 0){
flag = 1;
But more maxima are found than wanted. The length of the vector varies and also the number of peaks. These can be close together or far away. They are also not always the same height, as can be seen in the picture

How does the remap function in OpenCV for undistorting images work?

for debugging purposes I tried to reimplement the remap function of OpenCV. Without considering interpolation, it should look something like this:
for( int j = 0; j < height; j++ )
for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ )
{<double>(<float>(j,i),<float>(j,i)) =<double>(j,i);
To test this, I used following maps to mirror the image around the y-axis:
int width = distortedImage.cols;
int height = distortedImage.rows;
cv::Mat mapx = Mat(height, width, CV_32FC1);
cv::Mat mapy = Mat(height, width, CV_32FC1);
for( int j = 0; j < height; j++)
for( int i = 0; i < width; i++)
{<float>(j,i) = width - i - 1;<float>(j,i) = j;
But the interpolation it works exactly like
cv::remap( distortedImage, undistortedImage, mapx, mapy, CV_INTER_LINEAR);
Now I tried to apply this function on maps created by the OCamCalib Toolbox for undistorting images. This is basicly the same as what is done by the OpenCV undistortion as well.
My implementation now obviously does not consider that several pixels from the source image are mapped to the same pixel in the destination image. But it is worse. Actually, it looks like my source image appears three times in smaller versions in the destination image. Otherwise the remap command works perfectly.
After exhaustive debugging I decided to ask you guys for some help. Can anyone explain me what I am doing wrong or provide a link to the implementation of remap in OpenCV?
I figured it out myself. My original implementation has two fundamental mistakes:
Misunderstanding on how the maps are used.
Misunderstanding on how to extract intensity values.
How to do it correctly:
for( int j = 0; j < height; j++ )
for( int i = 0; i < width; i++ )
{<uchar>(<float>(j,i),<float>(j,i)) =<uchar>(j,i);
I want to highlight that the intensity values from the images are now extracted using .at<uchar> instead of .at<double>. Furthermore, the indices for the maps are switched.

Convert cv::Mat to openni::VideoFrameRef

I have a kinect streaming data into a cv::Mat. I am trying to get some example code running that uses OpenNI.
Can I convert my Mat into an OpenNI format image somehow?
I just need the depth image, and after fighting with OpenNI for a long time, have given up on installing it.
I am using OpenCV 3, Visual Studio 2013, Kinect v2 for Windows.
The relevant code is:
void CDifodoCamera::loadFrame()
//Read the newest frame
openni::VideoFrameRef framed; //I assume I need to replace this with my Mat...
const int height = framed.getHeight();
const int width = framed.getWidth();
//Store the depth values
const openni::DepthPixel* pDepthRow = (const openni::DepthPixel*)framed.getData();
int rowSize = framed.getStrideInBytes() / sizeof(openni::DepthPixel);
for (int yc = height-1; yc >= 0; --yc)
const openni::DepthPixel* pDepth = pDepthRow;
for (int xc = width-1; xc >= 0; --xc, ++pDepth)
if (*pDepth < 4500.f)
depth_wf(yc,xc) = 0.001f*(*pDepth);
depth_wf(yc,xc) = 0.f;
pDepthRow += rowSize;
First you need to understand how your data is coming... If it is already in cv::Mat you should be receiving two images, one for the RGB information that usually is a 3 channel uchar cv::Mat and another image for the depth information that usually it is saved in a 16 bit representation in milimeters (you can not save float mat as images, but you can as yml/xml files using opencv).
Assuming you want to read and process the image that contains the depth information, you can change your code to:
void CDifodoCamera::loadFrame()
//Read the newest frame
//the depth image should be png since it is the one which supports 16 bits and it must have the ANYDEPTH flag
cv::Mat depth_im = cv::imread("img_name.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH);
const int height = depth_im.rows;
const int width = depth_im.cols;
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
if (depth_im<unsigned short>(y,x) < 4500)
depth_wf(y,x) = 0.001f * (float)depth_im<unsigned short>(y,x);
depth_wf(y,x) = 0.f;
I hope this helps you. If you have any question just ask :)

Accessing certain pixel RGB value in openCV

I have searched internet and stackoverflow thoroughly, but I haven't found answer to my question:
How can I get/set (both) RGB value of certain (given by x,y coordinates) pixel in OpenCV? What's important-I'm writing in C++, the image is stored in cv::Mat variable. I know there is an IplImage() operator, but IplImage is not very comfortable in use-as far as I know it comes from C API.
Yes, I'm aware that there was already this Pixel access in OpenCV 2.2 thread, but it was only about black and white bitmaps.
Thank you very much for all your answers. I see there are many ways to get/set RGB value of pixel. I got one more idea from my close friend-thanks Benny! It's very simple and effective. I think it's a matter of taste which one you choose.
Mat image;
Point3_<uchar>* p = image.ptr<Point3_<uchar> >(y,x);
And then you can read/write RGB values with:
p->x //B
p->y //G
p->z //R
Try the following:
cv::Mat image = some stuff...;<cv::Vec3b>(y,x); gives you the RGB (it might be ordered as BGR) vector of type cv::Vec3b<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[0] = newval[0];<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[1] = newval[1];<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[2] = newval[2];
The low-level way would be to access the matrix data directly. In an RGB image (which I believe OpenCV typically stores as BGR), and assuming your cv::Mat variable is called frame, you could get the blue value at location (x, y) (from the top left) this way:[frame.channels()*(frame.cols*y + x)];
Likewise, to get B, G, and R:
uchar b =[frame.channels()*(frame.cols*y + x) + 0];
uchar g =[frame.channels()*(frame.cols*y + x) + 1];
uchar r =[frame.channels()*(frame.cols*y + x) + 2];
Note that this code assumes the stride is equal to the width of the image.
A piece of code is easier for people who have such problem. I share my code and you can use it directly. Please note that OpenCV store pixels as BGR.
cv::Mat vImage_;
cv::Vec3f vec_;
for(int i = 0; i < vHeight_; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < vWidth_; j++)
vec_ = cv::Vec3f((*src_)[0]/255.0, (*src_)[1]/255.0, (*src_)[2]/255.0);//Please note that OpenCV store pixels as BGR.<cv::Vec3f>(vHeight_-1-i, j) = vec_;
if(! ) // Check for invalid input
printf("failed to read image by OpenCV.");
cv::namedWindow( windowName_, CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
cv::imshow( windowName_, vImage_); // Show the image.
The current version allows the cv::Mat::at function to handle 3 dimensions. So for a Mat object m,<uchar>(0,0,0) should work.
uchar * value =; //Pointer to the first pixel data ,it's return array in all values
int r = 2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < img2.cols* (img2.rows * img2.channels()); i++)
if (r > 2) r = 0;
if (r == 0) value[i] = 0;
if (r == 1)value[i] = 0;
if (r == 2)value[i] = 255;
const double pi = boost::math::constants::pi<double>();
cv::Mat distance2ellipse(cv::Mat image, cv::RotatedRect ellipse){
float distance = 2.0f;
float angle = ellipse.angle;
cv::Point ellipse_center =;
float major_axis = ellipse.size.width/2;
float minor_axis = ellipse.size.height/2;
cv::Point pixel;
float a,b,c,d;
for(int x = 0; x < image.cols; x++)
for(int y = 0; y < image.rows; y++)
auto u = cos(angle*pi/180)*(x-ellipse_center.x) + sin(angle*pi/180)*(y-ellipse_center.y);
auto v = -sin(angle*pi/180)*(x-ellipse_center.x) + cos(angle*pi/180)*(y-ellipse_center.y);
distance = (u/major_axis)*(u/major_axis) + (v/minor_axis)*(v/minor_axis);
{<cv::Vec3b>(y,x)[1] = 255;
return image;

How to access image Data from a RGB image (3channel image) in opencv

I am trying to take the imageData of image in this where w= width of image and h = height of image
for (int i = x; i < x+h; i++) //height of frame pixels
for (int j = y; j < y+w; j++)//width of frame pixels
int pos = i * w * Channels + j; //channels is 3 as rgb
// if any data exists
if (data->imageData[pos]>0) //Taking data (here is the problem how to take)
xPos += j;
yPos += i;
jeff7 gives you a link to a very old version of OpenCV. OpenCV 2.0 has a new C++ wrapper that is much better than the C++ wrapper mentioned in the link. I recommend that you read the C++ reference of OpenCV for information on how to access individual pixels.
Another thing to note is: you should have the outer loop being the loop in y-direction (vertical) and the inner loop be the loop in x-direction. OpenCV is in C/C++ and it stores the values in row major.
See good explanation here on multiple methods for accessing pixels in an IplImage in OpenCV.
From the code you've posted your problem lies in your position variable, you'd want something like int pos = i*w*Channels + j*Channels, then you can access the RGB pixels at
unsigned char r = data->imageData[pos];
unsigned char g = data->imageData[pos+1];
unsigned char b = data->imageData[pos+2];
(assuming RGB, but on some platforms I think it can be stored BGR).
uchar* colorImgPtr;
for(int i=0; i<colorImg->width; i++){
for(int j=0; j<colorImg->height; j++){
colorImgPtr = (uchar *)(colorImg->imageData) + (j*colorImg->widthStep + i-colorImg->nChannels)
for(int channel = 0; channel < colorImg->nChannels; channel++){
//colorImgPtr[channel] here you have each value for each pixel for each channel
There are quite a few methods to do this (the link provided by jeff7 is very useful).
My preferred method to access image data is the cvPtr2D method. You'll want something like:
for(int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
for(int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
uchar* ptr = cvPtr2D(img, y, x, NULL);
// blue channel can now be accessed with ptr[0]
// green channel can now be accessed with ptr[1]
// red channel can now be accessed with ptr[2]
(img is an IplImage* in the above code)
Not sure if this is the most efficient way of doing this etc. but I find it the easiest and simplest way of doing it.
You can find documentation for this method here.