Flush queued GPIB responses - c++

Architecture ->GBIP from external interface is connected to target ( linux) system via gpib bus.
Inside Linux box , there is ethernet cable from GPIB to motherboard.
The PIC_GPIB card on external interface is IEEE 488.2
I am sending a query from external interface to linux box.
Few scenarios
1) If I send a query which does not expect a response back , then next query send will work.
2) If I send a query which expect response back , and when I have received the response and read it and then fire next query it works fine.
3) BUT if I send a query from external interface and got response back and I ignore to read the response , then Next query fails.
I am requesting help for scenario 3.
The coding is done on linux side and its a socket programming , which uses linux inbuilt function from unistd.h for read and write.
My investigation : I have found there is a internal memory on gbib card on external interface which stores the value of previous response until we have the read. Generally I use IEEE string utility software to write commands that goes to linux box and read reposne via read button .
Could someone please direct me how to clean input buffer or memory which stores value so that write from external command contiunues without bothering to read it.
My code on linux side has been developed in C++ and socket programming. I have used in bulit write and read function to write and read to the gpib and to json server.
Sample code is shown below
bool GpibClass::ReadWriteFromGPIB()
bool check = true;
int n = 0;
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
fd_set read_set;
struct timeval lTimeOut;
// Reset the read mask for the select
FD_SET(mGpibFd, &read_set);
FD_SET(mdiffFd, &read_set);
// Set Timeout to check the status of the connection
// when no data is being received
lTimeOut.tv_usec = 0;
cout << "Entered into this function" << endl;
// Look for sockets with available data
if (-1 == select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_set, NULL, NULL, &lTimeOut))
cout << "Select failed" << endl;
// We don't know the cause of select's failure.
// Close everything and start from scratch:
CloseConnection(mdifferntServer); // this is different server
check = false;
// Check if data is available from GPIB server,
// and if any read and push it to gpib
if(true == check)
cout << "Check data from GPIB after select" << endl;
if (FD_ISSET(mGpibFd, &read_set))
n = read(mGpibFd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
cout << "Read from GPIB" << n << " bytes" << endl;
if(0 < n)
// write it to different server and check if we get response from it
// Something failed on socket read - most likely
// connection dropped. Close socket and retry later
check = false;
// Check if data is available from different server,
// and if any read and push it to gpib
if(true == check)
cout << "Check data from diff server after select" << endl;
if (FD_ISSET(mdiffFd, &read_set))
n = read(mdiffFd, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);
cout << "Read from diff servewr " << n << " bytes" << endl;
if (0 < n)
// Append, just in case - makes sure data is sent.
// Extra cr/lf shouldn't cause any problem if the json
// server has already added them
strcpy(buffer + n, "\r\n");
write(mGpibFd, buffer, n + 2);
std::cout <<" the buffer sixze = " << buffer << std::endl;
// Something failed on socket read - most likely
// connection dropped. Close socket and retry later
check = false;
return check;

You should ordinarily be reading responses after any operation which could generate them.
If you fail to do that, an easy solution would be to read responses in a loop until you have drained the queue to empty.
You can reset the instrument (probably *RST), but you would probably loose other state as well. You will have to check it's documentation to see if there is a command to reset only the response queue. Checking the documentation is always a good idea, because the number of instruments which precisely comply with the spec is dwarfed by the number which augment or omit parts in unique ways.


Using FTDI D2xx and Thorlabs APT communication protocol results in delays on Linux

I am trying to communicate with the Thorlabs TDC001 controllers (apt - dc servo controller) by using the FTDI D2xx driver on Linux. However, when I send writing commands, large delays occur (1-2 seconds) until the command is actually executed on TDC001.
In particular, this can be observed when the connected linear stage is moving and a new position command is sent. It takes 1-2 seconds until the stage actually changes its direction. Also, if I request DCSTATUSUPDATE (which gives position and velocity) and then read out the queue of FTDI, I do not get the right data. Only if I wait 1 second between requesting and reading, I get the (correct) data, but for the past. I added the C++ code for this case.
I need live-data and faster execution of writing commands for closed-loop control.
I'm not sure if the problem is on the side of Thorlabs or FTDI. Everything works, except for the large delays. There are other commands, e.g. MOVE_STOP, which respond immediately. Also, if I send a new position command right after finishing homing, it is executed immediately.
Whenever I ask for FT_GetStatus, there is nothing else in the Tx or Rx queue except the 20 bytes in Rx for DCSTATUSUPDATE.
The references for D2XX and APT communication protocol can be found here:
FTDI Programmer's Guide
Thorlabs APT Communication Protocol
The initialization function:
bool CommunicationFunctions::initializeKeyHandle(string serialnumber){
* This function initializes the TDC motor controller and finds its corresponding keyhandle.
keyHandle = NULL;
// To open the device, the vendor and product ID must be set correctly
ftStatus = FT_SetVIDPID(0x403,0xfaf0);
//Open device:
const char* tmp = serialnumber.c_str();
int numAttempts=0;
while (keyHandle ==0){
ftStatus = FT_OpenEx(const_cast<char*>(tmp),FT_OPEN_BY_SERIAL_NUMBER, &keyHandle);
if (numAttempts++>20){
cerr << "Device Could Not Be Opened";
return false;
// Set baud rate to 115200
ftStatus = FT_SetBaudRate(keyHandle,115200);
// 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
ftStatus = FT_SetDataCharacteristics(keyHandle, FT_BITS_8, FT_STOP_BITS_1, FT_PARITY_NONE);
// Pre purge dwell 50ms.
// Purge the device.
ftStatus = FT_Purge(keyHandle, FT_PURGE_RX | FT_PURGE_TX);
// Post purge dwell 50ms.
// Reset device.
ftStatus = FT_ResetDevice(keyHandle);
// Set flow control to RTS/CTS.
ftStatus = FT_SetFlowControl(keyHandle, FT_FLOW_RTS_CTS, 0, 0);
// Set RTS.
ftStatus = FT_SetRts(keyHandle);
return true;
How I read out my data:
bool CommunicationFunctions::read_tdc(int32_t* position, uint16_t* velocity){
uint8_t *RxBuffer = new uint8_t[256]();
DWORD RxBytes;
DWORD BytesReceived = 0;
// Manually request status update:
uint8_t req_statusupdate[6] = {0x90,0x04,0x01,0x00,0x50,0x01};
ftStatus = FT_Write(keyHandle, req_statusupdate, (DWORD)6, &written);
if(ftStatus != FT_OK){
cerr << "Command could not be transmitted: Request status update" << endl;
return false;
// sleep(1); //**this sleep() would lead to right result, but I don't want this delay**
// Get number of bytes in queue of TDC001
// Check if there are bytes in queue before reading them, otherwise do
// not read anything in
if(ftStatus != FT_OK){
cerr << "Read device failed!" << endl;
return false;
// Check if enough bytes are received, i.e. if signal is right
if(!(BytesReceived >= 6)){
cerr << "Error in bytes received" << endl;
return false;
// Look for correct message in RxBuffer and read out velocity and position
// Delete receive buffer
delete[] RxBuffer;
RxBuffer = NULL;
return true;
If I use read_tdc function after homing and during movement to absolute position, I just get "Homing completed" message in the first attempt. When I try read_tdc again, I get an old value (probably the one from before). I don't understand what happens here. Why does this old data even remain in the queue (latency is 10 ms). Can anybody help me to get faster responses and reactions?

How to read data from the serial port in QT?

I am creating a script in QT for reading the format packages (AA), (BB), etc from serial port. I open the serial port, but when I go to check inside the QByteArray values, comes back that I could not read any value.
This is my code
QSerialPort *serialPort = new QSerialPort();
serialPort->setBaudRate(QSerialPort::Baud9600, QSerialPort::AllDirections);
if (serialPort->isOpen()) {
qDebug() << "Serial port is open...";
QByteArray datas = serialPort->readAll();
if (datas.size() == 0) {
qDebug() << "Arrived data: 0";
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < datas.size(); i++){
if (datas.at(i)) {
qDebug() << datas[i];
} else {
qDebug() << "OPEN ERROR: " << serialPort->errorString();
qDebug() << "...serial port is closed!";
return 0;
You called readAll() immediately after open(). It probably took the computer a few nanoseconds to get from one to the other.
At 9600 baud, each byte of data takes slightly more than one millisecond to transfer. It would be absolutely impossible for any data to have arrived in that short an interval, so that's why you got no data.
Serial ports don't begin buffering incoming data until you open them (how could they, what baud rate and other settings would be used for receiving and buffering when no program has the port open?)
Use either a blocking read function of some sort (such as readLine()) or an event loop that reacts to data when it arrives.

Windws C++ Intermittent Socket Disconnect

I've got a server that uses a two thread system to manage between 100 and 200 concurrent connections. It uses TCP sockets, as packet delivery guarantee is important (it's a communication system where missed remote API calls could FUBAR a client).
I've implemented a custom protocol layer to separate incoming bytes into packets and dispatch them properly (the library is included below). I realize the issues of using MSG_PEEK, but to my knowledge, it is the only system that will fulfill the needs of the library implementation. I am open to suggestions, especially if it could be part of the problem.
Basically, the problem is that, randomly, the server will drop the client's socket due to a lack of incoming packets for more than 20 seconds, despite the client successfully sending a keepalive packet every 4. I can verify that the server itself didn't go offline and that the connection of the users (including myself) experiencing the problem is stable.
The library for sending/receiving is here:
short ncsocket::send(wstring command, wstring data) {
wstringstream ss;
int datalen = ((int)command.length() * 2) + ((int)data.length() * 2) + 12;
ss << zero_pad_int(datalen) << L"|" << command << L"|" << data;
int tosend = datalen;
short __rc = 0;
int res = ::send(this->sock, (const char*)ss.str().c_str(), datalen, NULL);
if (res != SOCKET_ERROR)
tosend -= res;
return FALSE;
} while (tosend != 0 && __rc < 10);
if (tosend == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
short ncsocket::recv(netcommand& nc) {
vector<wchar_t> buffer(BUFFER_SIZE);
int recvd = ::recv(this->sock, (char*)buffer.data(), BUFFER_SIZE, MSG_PEEK);
if (recvd > 0) {
if (recvd > 8) {
wchar_t* lenstr = new wchar_t[4];
memcpy(lenstr, buffer.data(), 8);
int fulllen = _wtoi(lenstr);
delete lenstr;
if (fulllen > 0) {
if (recvd >= fulllen) {
buffer.resize(fulllen / 2);
recvd = ::recv(this->sock, (char*)buffer.data(), fulllen, NULL);
if (recvd >= fulllen) {
buffer.resize(buffer.size() + 2);
vector<wstring> data = parsewstring(L"|", buffer.data(), 2);
if (data.size() == 3) {
nc.command = data[1];
nc.payload = data[2];
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
else {
::recv(this->sock, (char*)buffer.data(), BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
This is the code for determining if too much time has passed:
if ((int)difftime(time(0), regusrs[i].last_recvd) > SERVER_TIMEOUT) {
regusrs[i].is_valid = FALSE;
send_to_all(L"removeuser", regusrs[i].server_user_id);
wstringstream log_entry;
log_entry << regusrs[i].firstname << L" " << regusrs[i].lastname << L" (suid:" << regusrs[i].server_user_id << L",p:" << regusrs[i].parent << L",pid:" << regusrs[i].parentid << L") was disconnected due to idle";
write_to_log_file(server_log, log_entry.str());
The "regusrs[i]" is using the currently iterated member of a vector I use to story socket descriptors and user information. The 'is_valid' check is there to tell if the associated user is an actual user - this is done to prevent the system from having to deallocate the member of the vector - it just returns it to the pool of available slots. No thread access/out-of-range issues that way.
Anyway, I started to wonder if it was the server itself was the problem. I'm testing on another server currently, but I wanted to see if another set of eyes could stop something out of place or cue me in on a concept with sockets and extended keepalives that I'm not aware of.
Thanks in advance!
I think I see what you're doing with MSG_PEEK, where you wait until it looks like you have enough data to read a full packet. However, I would be suspicious of this. (It's hard to determine the dynamic behaviour of your system just by looking at this small part of the source and not the whole thing.)
To avoid use of MSG_PEEK, follow these two principles:
When you get a notification that data is ready (I assume you're using select), then read all the waiting data from recv(). You may use more than one recv() call, so you can handle the incoming data in pieces.
If you read only a partial packet (length or payload), then save it somewhere for the next time you get a read notification. Put the packets and payloads back together yourself, don't leave them in the socket buffer.
As an aside, the use of new/memcpy/wtoi/delete is woefully inefficient. You don't need to allocate memory at all, you can use a local variable. And then you don't even need the memcpy at all, just a cast.
I presume you already assume that your packets can be no longer than 999 bytes in length.

C++/AS3 winsock send() wont write within else if statment

So, I have a server/client application, at a particular point in the code the client needs to log in to the server, so the server requsts a username and password from the client (and then checks it and blah blah blah)
heres my code,
client side (AS3)
function hwndLogKeyboard(evt:KeyboardEvent):void
if (evt.keyCode == 13)
var allow:Boolean = false;
var prompt:String;
socket.writeMultiByte("002", "us-ascii");
while (socket.bytesAvailable == 0)
trace("waiting for bytes to read");
prompt = socket.readMultiByte(2, "us-ascii"); //YOU WERE MISSING ); here originally updated as I was formatting, probably just copy paste error
if (prompt == "UN")//server has prompted for username information, time to send it
socket.writeMultiByte(inputname.text, "us-ascii");
prompt = socket.readMultiByte(2, "us-ascii");
if (prompt == "PW")//server has prompted for password information, time to send it
socket.writeMultiByte(inputpass.text, "us-ascii");
//more code in here that i have commented out until this issue is resolved
and the server side (where im positive the problem is occuring, writtin in C++)
if(testr >= 0)
string dataR = string(buffer);
//data was recived from a client - analize the data to find out what it means
//signals are in the format "xxx" where 'x' is an int between 0-9
if(dataR == "001")
cout << "A new client has connected" << endl;
else if(dataR == "002")//002 is a client attempting to log-on to the server
cout << "Client requesting log-on" << endl;
char recvUsername[16];
const char requestUsername[3] = "UN";
char recvPassword[16];
const char requestPassword[3] = "PW";
send(Client,requestUsername,3,0);//request username from client
recv(Client,recvUsername,16,0);//got username, now time to request password
send(Client,requestPassword,16,0);//request password from client
recv(Client,recvPassword,3,0);//got password, now time to compare them against current records
cout << recvUsername << endl << recPassword << endl;
else if(dataR == "003")
cout << "A client has used chat" << endl;
cout << "error" << endl << testr << endl << WSAGetLastError << endl;
At first I thought it was a time issue, that perhaps the client was reading from the buffer before the server can write to it, becuase AS3 crashes becuase the read buffer is empty!
But, here's the trick, I can move my send(Client,requestUsername,3,0) to inside the if(dataR == "001") block, and it works fine. The data IS avalible for flash to read when it goes looking for it. In fact I can put that send statement almost anywhere in my server after the client's socket is created, and it works, just not where i need it to.
That's why i added the
while (socket.bytesAvailable == 0)
trace("waiting for bytes to read");
in the client, so that it would sit a loop until there was data to read, and if that had been the problem, i would have re-wrote some things to avoid that nasty while loop from having to be there. What I don't understand is that it goes into an infinite loop, flooding me with trace statements. the sever DOESN'T write the data to the socket, but from anywhere else in the code it will. I get no errors, no compiler complaints, it doesn't go out of scope or anything like that, something is just odd here.
help is much appreciated
still having this problem, it works everywhere else in the code except inside the 'else if' block, im completley stumped.

Simplest QT TCP client

I would like to connect to a listening server and transmit some data. I looked at the examples available but they seem to have extra functions that do not seem very helpful to me (i.e. connect, fortune, etc.). This is the code I have so far:
QTcpSocket t;
t.connectToHost("", 9000);
Assuming the server is listening and robust, what do I need to implement to send a data variable with datatype QByteArray?
very simple with QTcpSocket. Begin as you did...
void MainWindow::connectTcp()
QByteArray data; // <-- fill with data
_pSocket = new QTcpSocket( this ); // <-- needs to be a member variable: QTcpSocket * _pSocket;
connect( _pSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readTcpData()) );
_pSocket->connectToHost("", 9000);
if( _pSocket->waitForConnected() ) {
_pSocket->write( data );
void MainWindow::readTcpData()
QByteArray data = pSocket->readAll();
Be aware, though, that for reading from the TcpSocket you may receive the data in more than one transmission, ie. when the server send you the string "123456" you may receive "123" and "456". It is your responsibility to check whether the transmission is complete. Unfortunately, this almost always results in your class being stateful: the class has to remember what transmission it is expecting, whether it has started already and if it's complete. So far, I haven't figured out an elegant way around that.
In my case I was reading xml data, and sometimes I would not get all in one packet.
Here is an elegant solution. WaitForReadyRead could also have a time out in it and
then some extra error checking in case that timeout is reached. In my case I should never
receive an incomplete xml, but if it did happen this would lock the thread up indefinetly
without the timeout:
while(!xml.atEnd()) {
QXmlStreamReader::TokenType t = xml.readNext();
if(xml.error()) {
if(xml.error() == QXmlStreamReader::PrematureEndOfDocumentError) {
cout << "reading extra data" << endl;
cout << "extra data successful" << endl;
} else {