Structure of arrays and array of structures - performance difference - c++

I have a class like this:
//Array of Structures
class Unit
float v;
float u;
//And similarly many other variables of float type, upto 10-12 of them.
void update()
//And many other equations
I create an array of objects of Unit type. And call update on them.
int NUM_UNITS = 10000;
void ProcessUpdate()
Unit *units = new Unit[NUM_UNITS];
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_UNITS; i++)
In order to speed up things, and possibly autovectorize the loop, I converted AoS to structure of arrays.
//Structure of Arrays:
class Unit
Unit(int NUM_UNITS)
v = new float[NUM_UNITS];
float *v;
float *u;
//Mnay other variables
void update()
for(int i = 0; i < NUM_UNITS; i++)
//Many other equations
When the loop fails to autovectorize, i am getting a very bad performance for structure of arrays. For 50 units, SoA's update is slightly faster than AoS.But then from 100 units onwards, SoA is slower than AoS. At 300 units, SoA is almost twice as worse. At 100K units, SoA is 4x slower than AoS. While cache might be an issue for SoA, i didnt expect the performance difference to be this high. Profiling on cachegrind shows similar number of misses for both approach. Size of a Unit object is 48 bytes. L1 cache is 256K, L2 is 1MB and L3 is 8MB. What am i missing here? Is this really a cache issue?
I am using gcc 4.5.2. Compiler options are -o3 -msse4 -ftree-vectorize.
I did another experiment in SoA. Instead of dynamically allocating the arrays, i allocated "v" and "u" in compile time. When there are 100K units, this gives a performance which is 10x faster than the SoA with dynamically allocated arrays. Whats happening here? Why is there such a performance difference between static and dynamically allocated memory?

Structure of arrays is not cache friendly in this case.
You use both u and v together, but in case of 2 different arrays for them they will not be loaded simultaneously into one cache line and cache misses will cost huge performance penalty.
_mm_prefetch can be used to make AoS representation even faster.

Prefetches are critical to code that spends most of its execution time waiting for data to show up. Modern front side busses have enough bandwidth that prefetches should be safe to do, provided that your program isn't going too far ahead of its current set of loads.
For various reasons, structures and classes can create numerous performance issues in C++, and may require more tweaking to get acceptable levels of performance. When code is large, use object-oriented programming. When data is large (and performance is important), don't.
float v[N];
float u[N];
//And similarly many other variables of float type, up to 10-12 of them.
//Either using an inlined function or just adding this text in main()
v[j] += u[j];
v[j] = v[j] * i[j] * t[j];

Two things you should be aware that can made a huge difference, depending on your CPU:
cache line aliasing
Since you are using SSE4, using a specialized memory allocation function that returns an address that aligned at a 16 byte boundary instead of new may give you a boost, since you or the compiler will be able to use aligned load and stores. I have not noticed much difference in newer CPUs, but using unaligned load and stores on older CPUs may be a little bit slower.
As for cache line aliasing, Intel explicit mentions it on its reference manuals
(search for "IntelĀ® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual"). Intel says it is something you should be aware, specially when using SoA. So, one thing you can try is to pad your arrays so the lower 6 bits of their addresses are different. The idea is to avoid having them fighting for the same cache line.

Certainly, if you don't achieve vectorization, there's not much incentive to make an SoA transformation.
Besides the fairly wide de facto acceptance of __RESTRICT, gcc 4.9 has adopted #pragma GCC ivdep to break assumed aliasing dependencies.
As to use of explicit prefetch, if it is useful, of course you may need more of them with SoA. The primary point might be to accelerate DTLB miss resolution by fetching pages ahead, so your algorithm could become more cache hungry.
I don't think intelligent comments could be made about whatever you call "compile time" allocation without more details, including specifics about your OS. There's no doubt that the tradition of allocating at a high level and re-using the allocation is important.


For-loop variables and cache misses? [duplicate]

What is the difference between "cache unfriendly code" and the "cache friendly" code?
How can I make sure I write cache-efficient code?
On modern computers, only the lowest level memory structures (the registers) can move data around in single clock cycles. However, registers are very expensive and most computer cores have less than a few dozen registers. At the other end of the memory spectrum (DRAM), the memory is very cheap (i.e. literally millions of times cheaper) but takes hundreds of cycles after a request to receive the data. To bridge this gap between super fast and expensive and super slow and cheap are the cache memories, named L1, L2, L3 in decreasing speed and cost. The idea is that most of the executing code will be hitting a small set of variables often, and the rest (a much larger set of variables) infrequently. If the processor can't find the data in L1 cache, then it looks in L2 cache. If not there, then L3 cache, and if not there, main memory. Each of these "misses" is expensive in time.
(The analogy is cache memory is to system memory, as system memory is to hard disk storage. Hard disk storage is super cheap but very slow).
Caching is one of the main methods to reduce the impact of latency. To paraphrase Herb Sutter (cfr. links below): increasing bandwidth is easy, but we can't buy our way out of latency.
Data is always retrieved through the memory hierarchy (smallest == fastest to slowest). A cache hit/miss usually refers to a hit/miss in the highest level of cache in the CPU -- by highest level I mean the largest == slowest. The cache hit rate is crucial for performance since every cache miss results in fetching data from RAM (or worse ...) which takes a lot of time (hundreds of cycles for RAM, tens of millions of cycles for HDD). In comparison, reading data from the (highest level) cache typically takes only a handful of cycles.
In modern computer architectures, the performance bottleneck is leaving the CPU die (e.g. accessing RAM or higher). This will only get worse over time. The increase in processor frequency is currently no longer relevant to increase performance. The problem is memory access. Hardware design efforts in CPUs therefore currently focus heavily on optimizing caches, prefetching, pipelines and concurrency. For instance, modern CPUs spend around 85% of die on caches and up to 99% for storing/moving data!
There is quite a lot to be said on the subject. Here are a few great references about caches, memory hierarchies and proper programming:
Agner Fog's page. In his excellent documents, you can find detailed examples covering languages ranging from assembly to C++.
If you are into videos, I strongly recommend to have a look at Herb Sutter's talk on machine architecture (youtube) (specifically check 12:00 and onwards!).
Slides about memory optimization by Christer Ericson (director of technology # Sony)'s article "What every programmer should know about memory"
Main concepts for cache-friendly code
A very important aspect of cache-friendly code is all about the principle of locality, the goal of which is to place related data close in memory to allow efficient caching. In terms of the CPU cache, it's important to be aware of cache lines to understand how this works: How do cache lines work?
The following particular aspects are of high importance to optimize caching:
Temporal locality: when a given memory location was accessed, it is likely that the same location is accessed again in the near future. Ideally, this information will still be cached at that point.
Spatial locality: this refers to placing related data close to each other. Caching happens on many levels, not just in the CPU. For example, when you read from RAM, typically a larger chunk of memory is fetched than what was specifically asked for because very often the program will require that data soon. HDD caches follow the same line of thought. Specifically for CPU caches, the notion of cache lines is important.
Use appropriate c++ containers
A simple example of cache-friendly versus cache-unfriendly is c++'s std::vector versus std::list. Elements of a std::vector are stored in contiguous memory, and as such accessing them is much more cache-friendly than accessing elements in a std::list, which stores its content all over the place. This is due to spatial locality.
A very nice illustration of this is given by Bjarne Stroustrup in this youtube clip (thanks to #Mohammad Ali Baydoun for the link!).
Don't neglect the cache in data structure and algorithm design
Whenever possible, try to adapt your data structures and order of computations in a way that allows maximum use of the cache. A common technique in this regard is cache blocking ( version), which is of extreme importance in high-performance computing (cfr. for example ATLAS).
Know and exploit the implicit structure of data
Another simple example, which many people in the field sometimes forget is column-major (ex. fortran,matlab) vs. row-major ordering (ex. c,c++) for storing two dimensional arrays. For example, consider the following matrix:
1 2
3 4
In row-major ordering, this is stored in memory as 1 2 3 4; in column-major ordering, this would be stored as 1 3 2 4. It is easy to see that implementations which do not exploit this ordering will quickly run into (easily avoidable!) cache issues. Unfortunately, I see stuff like this very often in my domain (machine learning). #MatteoItalia showed this example in more detail in his answer.
When fetching a certain element of a matrix from memory, elements near it will be fetched as well and stored in a cache line. If the ordering is exploited, this will result in fewer memory accesses (because the next few values which are needed for subsequent computations are already in a cache line).
For simplicity, assume the cache comprises a single cache line which can contain 2 matrix elements and that when a given element is fetched from memory, the next one is too. Say we want to take the sum over all elements in the example 2x2 matrix above (lets call it M):
Exploiting the ordering (e.g. changing column index first in c++):
M[0][0] (memory) + M[0][1] (cached) + M[1][0] (memory) + M[1][1] (cached)
= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
--> 2 cache hits, 2 memory accesses
Not exploiting the ordering (e.g. changing row index first in c++):
M[0][0] (memory) + M[1][0] (memory) + M[0][1] (memory) + M[1][1] (memory)
= 1 + 3 + 2 + 4
--> 0 cache hits, 4 memory accesses
In this simple example, exploiting the ordering approximately doubles execution speed (since memory access requires much more cycles than computing the sums). In practice, the performance difference can be much larger.
Avoid unpredictable branches
Modern architectures feature pipelines and compilers are becoming very good at reordering code to minimize delays due to memory access. When your critical code contains (unpredictable) branches, it is hard or impossible to prefetch data. This will indirectly lead to more cache misses.
This is explained very well here (thanks to #0x90 for the link): Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?
Avoid virtual functions
In the context of c++, virtual methods represent a controversial issue with regard to cache misses (a general consensus exists that they should be avoided when possible in terms of performance). Virtual functions can induce cache misses during look up, but this only happens if the specific function is not called often (otherwise it would likely be cached), so this is regarded as a non-issue by some. For reference about this issue, check out: What is the performance cost of having a virtual method in a C++ class?
Common problems
A common problem in modern architectures with multiprocessor caches is called false sharing. This occurs when each individual processor is attempting to use data in another memory region and attempts to store it in the same cache line. This causes the cache line -- which contains data another processor can use -- to be overwritten again and again. Effectively, different threads make each other wait by inducing cache misses in this situation.
See also (thanks to #Matt for the link): How and when to align to cache line size?
An extreme symptom of poor caching in RAM memory (which is probably not what you mean in this context) is so-called thrashing. This occurs when the process continuously generates page faults (e.g. accesses memory which is not in the current page) which require disk access.
In addition to #Marc Claesen's answer, I think that an instructive classic example of cache-unfriendly code is code that scans a C bidimensional array (e.g. a bitmap image) column-wise instead of row-wise.
Elements that are adjacent in a row are also adjacent in memory, thus accessing them in sequence means accessing them in ascending memory order; this is cache-friendly, since the cache tends to prefetch contiguous blocks of memory.
Instead, accessing such elements column-wise is cache-unfriendly, since elements on the same column are distant in memory from each other (in particular, their distance is equal to the size of the row), so when you use this access pattern you are jumping around in memory, potentially wasting the effort of the cache of retrieving the elements nearby in memory.
And all that it takes to ruin the performance is to go from
// Cache-friendly version - processes pixels which are adjacent in memory
for(unsigned int y=0; y<height; ++y)
for(unsigned int x=0; x<width; ++x)
... image[y][x] ...
// Cache-unfriendly version - jumps around in memory for no good reason
for(unsigned int x=0; x<width; ++x)
for(unsigned int y=0; y<height; ++y)
... image[y][x] ...
This effect can be quite dramatic (several order of magnitudes in speed) in systems with small caches and/or working with big arrays (e.g. 10+ megapixels 24 bpp images on current machines); for this reason, if you have to do many vertical scans, often it's better to rotate the image of 90 degrees first and perform the various analysis later, limiting the cache-unfriendly code just to the rotation.
Optimizing cache usage largely comes down to two factors.
Locality of Reference
The first factor (to which others have already alluded) is locality of reference. Locality of reference really has two dimensions though: space and time.
The spatial dimension also comes down to two things: first, we want to pack our information densely, so more information will fit in that limited memory. This means (for example) that you need a major improvement in computational complexity to justify data structures based on small nodes joined by pointers.
Second, we want information that will be processed together also located together. A typical cache works in "lines", which means when you access some information, other information at nearby addresses will be loaded into the cache with the part we touched. For example, when I touch one byte, the cache might load 128 or 256 bytes near that one. To take advantage of that, you generally want the data arranged to maximize the likelihood that you'll also use that other data that was loaded at the same time.
For just a really trivial example, this can mean that a linear search can be much more competitive with a binary search than you'd expect. Once you've loaded one item from a cache line, using the rest of the data in that cache line is almost free. A binary search becomes noticeably faster only when the data is large enough that the binary search reduces the number of cache lines you access.
The time dimension means that when you do some operations on some data, you want (as much as possible) to do all the operations on that data at once.
Since you've tagged this as C++, I'll point to a classic example of a relatively cache-unfriendly design: std::valarray. valarray overloads most arithmetic operators, so I can (for example) say a = b + c + d; (where a, b, c and d are all valarrays) to do element-wise addition of those arrays.
The problem with this is that it walks through one pair of inputs, puts results in a temporary, walks through another pair of inputs, and so on. With a lot of data, the result from one computation may disappear from the cache before it's used in the next computation, so we end up reading (and writing) the data repeatedly before we get our final result. If each element of the final result will be something like (a[n] + b[n]) * (c[n] + d[n]);, we'd generally prefer to read each a[n], b[n], c[n] and d[n] once, do the computation, write the result, increment n and repeat 'til we're done.2
Line Sharing
The second major factor is avoiding line sharing. To understand this, we probably need to back up and look a little at how caches are organized. The simplest form of cache is direct mapped. This means one address in main memory can only be stored in one specific spot in the cache. If we're using two data items that map to the same spot in the cache, it works badly -- each time we use one data item, the other has to be flushed from the cache to make room for the other. The rest of the cache might be empty, but those items won't use other parts of the cache.
To prevent this, most caches are what are called "set associative". For example, in a 4-way set-associative cache, any item from main memory can be stored at any of 4 different places in the cache. So, when the cache is going to load an item, it looks for the least recently used3 item among those four, flushes it to main memory, and loads the new item in its place.
The problem is probably fairly obvious: for a direct-mapped cache, two operands that happen to map to the same cache location can lead to bad behavior. An N-way set-associative cache increases the number from 2 to N+1. Organizing a cache into more "ways" takes extra circuitry and generally runs slower, so (for example) an 8192-way set associative cache is rarely a good solution either.
Ultimately, this factor is more difficult to control in portable code though. Your control over where your data is placed is usually fairly limited. Worse, the exact mapping from address to cache varies between otherwise similar processors. In some cases, however, it can be worth doing things like allocating a large buffer, and then using only parts of what you allocated to ensure against data sharing the same cache lines (even though you'll probably need to detect the exact processor and act accordingly to do this).
False Sharing
There's another, related item called "false sharing". This arises in a multiprocessor or multicore system, where two (or more) processors/cores have data that's separate, but falls in the same cache line. This forces the two processors/cores to coordinate their access to the data, even though each has its own, separate data item. Especially if the two modify the data in alternation, this can lead to a massive slowdown as the data has to be constantly shuttled between the processors. This can't easily be cured by organizing the cache into more "ways" or anything like that either. The primary way to prevent it is to ensure that two threads rarely (preferably never) modify data that could possibly be in the same cache line (with the same caveats about difficulty of controlling the addresses at which data is allocated).
Those who know C++ well might wonder if this is open to optimization via something like expression templates. I'm pretty sure the answer is that yes, it could be done and if it was, it would probably be a pretty substantial win. I'm not aware of anybody having done so, however, and given how little valarray gets used, I'd be at least a little surprised to see anybody do so either.
In case anybody wonders how valarray (designed specifically for performance) could be this badly wrong, it comes down to one thing: it was really designed for machines like the older Crays, that used fast main memory and no cache. For them, this really was a nearly ideal design.
Yes, I'm simplifying: most caches don't really measure the least recently used item precisely, but they use some heuristic that's intended to be close to that without having to keep a full time-stamp for each access.
Welcome to the world of Data Oriented Design. The basic mantra is to Sort, Eliminate Branches, Batch, Eliminate virtual calls - all steps towards better locality.
Since you tagged the question with C++, here's the obligatory typical C++ Bullshit. Tony Albrecht's Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming is also a great introduction into the subject.
Just piling on: the classic example of cache-unfriendly versus cache-friendly code is the "cache blocking" of matrix multiply.
Naive matrix multiply looks like:
for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
for(j=0;j<N;j++) {
dest[i][j] = 0;
for( k=0;k<N;k++) {
dest[i][j] += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j];
If N is large, e.g. if N * sizeof(elemType) is greater than the cache size, then every single access to src2[k][j] will be a cache miss.
There are many different ways of optimizing this for a cache. Here's a very simple example: instead of reading one item per cache line in the inner loop, use all of the items:
int itemsPerCacheLine = CacheLineSize / sizeof(elemType);
for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
for(j=0;j<N;j += itemsPerCacheLine ) {
for(jj=0;jj<itemsPerCacheLine; jj+) {
dest[i][j+jj] = 0;
for( k=0;k<N;k++) {
for(jj=0;jj<itemsPerCacheLine; jj+) {
dest[i][j+jj] += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j+jj];
If the cache line size is 64 bytes, and we are operating on 32 bit (4 byte) floats, then there are 16 items per cache line. And the number of cache misses via just this simple transformation is reduced approximately 16-fold.
Fancier transformations operate on 2D tiles, optimize for multiple caches (L1, L2, TLB), and so on.
Some results of googling "cache blocking":
A nice video animation of an optimized cache blocking algorithm.
Loop tiling is very closely related:
Processors today work with many levels of cascading memory areas. So the CPU will have a bunch of memory that is on the CPU chip itself. It has very fast access to this memory. There are different levels of cache each one slower access ( and larger ) than the next, until you get to system memory which is not on the CPU and is relatively much slower to access.
Logically, to the CPU's instruction set you just refer to memory addresses in a giant virtual address space. When you access a single memory address the CPU will go fetch it. in the old days it would fetch just that single address. But today the CPU will fetch a bunch of memory around the bit you asked for, and copy it into the cache. It assumes that if you asked for a particular address that is is highly likely that you are going to ask for an address nearby very soon. For example if you were copying a buffer you would read and write from consecutive addresses - one right after the other.
So today when you fetch an address it checks the first level of cache to see if it already read that address into cache, if it doesn't find it, then this is a cache miss and it has to go out to the next level of cache to find it, until it eventually has to go out into main memory.
Cache friendly code tries to keep accesses close together in memory so that you minimize cache misses.
So an example would be imagine you wanted to copy a giant 2 dimensional table. It is organized with reach row in consecutive in memory, and one row follow the next right after.
If you copied the elements one row at a time from left to right - that would be cache friendly. If you decided to copy the table one column at a time, you would copy the exact same amount of memory - but it would be cache unfriendly.
It needs to be clarified that not only data should be cache-friendly, it is just as important for the code. This is in addition to branch predicition, instruction reordering, avoiding actual divisions and other techniques.
Typically the denser the code, the fewer cache lines will be required to store it. This results in more cache lines being available for data.
The code should not call functions all over the place as they typically will require one or more cache lines of their own, resulting in fewer cache lines for data.
A function should begin at a cache line-alignment-friendly address. Though there are (gcc) compiler switches for this be aware that if the the functions are very short it might be wasteful for each one to occupy an entire cache line. For example, if three of the most often used functions fit inside one 64 byte cache line, this is less wasteful than if each one has its own line and results in two cache lines less available for other usage. A typical alignment value could be 32 or 16.
So spend some extra time to make the code dense. Test different constructs, compile and review the generated code size and profile.
As #Marc Claesen mentioned that one of the ways to write cache friendly code is to exploit the structure in which our data is stored. In addition to that another way to write cache friendly code is: change the way our data is stored; then write new code to access the data stored in this new structure.
This makes sense in the case of how database systems linearize the tuples of a table and store them. There are two basic ways to store the tuples of a table i.e. row store and column store. In row store as the name suggests the tuples are stored row wise. Lets suppose a table named Product being stored has 3 attributes i.e. int32_t key, char name[56] and int32_t price, so the total size of a tuple is 64 bytes.
We can simulate a very basic row store query execution in main memory by creating an array of Product structs with size N, where N is the number of rows in table. Such memory layout is also called array of structs. So the struct for Product can be like:
struct Product
int32_t key;
char name[56];
int32_t price'
/* create an array of structs */
Product* table = new Product[N];
/* now load this array of structs, from a file etc. */
Similarly we can simulate a very basic column store query execution in main memory by creating an 3 arrays of size N, one array for each attribute of the Product table. Such memory layout is also called struct of arrays. So the 3 arrays for each attribute of Product can be like:
/* create separate arrays for each attribute */
int32_t* key = new int32_t[N];
char* name = new char[56*N];
int32_t* price = new int32_t[N];
/* now load these arrays, from a file etc. */
Now after loading both the array of structs (Row Layout) and the 3 separate arrays (Column Layout), we have row store and column store on our table Product present in our memory.
Now we move on to the cache friendly code part. Suppose that the workload on our table is such that we have an aggregation query on the price attribute. Such as
For the row store we can convert the above SQL query into
int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
sum = sum + table[i].price;
For the column store we can convert the above SQL query into
int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
sum = sum + price[i];
The code for the column store would be faster than the code for the row layout in this query as it requires only a subset of attributes and in column layout we are doing just that i.e. only accessing the price column.
Suppose that the cache line size is 64 bytes.
In the case of row layout when a cache line is read, the price value of only 1(cacheline_size/product_struct_size = 64/64 = 1) tuple is read, because our struct size of 64 bytes and it fills our whole cache line, so for every tuple a cache miss occurs in case of a row layout.
In the case of column layout when a cache line is read, the price value of 16(cacheline_size/price_int_size = 64/4 = 16) tuples is read, because 16 contiguous price values stored in memory are brought into the cache, so for every sixteenth tuple a cache miss ocurs in case of column layout.
So the column layout will be faster in the case of given query, and is faster in such aggregation queries on a subset of columns of the table. You can try out such experiment for yourself using the data from TPC-H benchmark, and compare the run times for both the layouts. The wikipedia article on column oriented database systems is also good.
So in database systems, if the query workload is known beforehand, we can store our data in layouts which will suit the queries in workload and access data from these layouts. In the case of above example we created a column layout and changed our code to compute sum so that it became cache friendly.
Be aware that caches do not just cache continuous memory. They have multiple lines (at least 4) so discontinous and overlapping memory can often be stored just as efficiently.
What is missing from all the above examples is measured benchmarks. There are many myths about performance. Unless you measure it you do not know. Do not complicate your code unless you have a measured improvement.
Cache-friendly code is code that has been optimized to make efficient use of the CPU cache. This typically involves organizing data in a way that takes advantage of spatial and temporal locality, which refers to the idea that data that is accessed together is likely to be stored together in memory, and that data that is accessed frequently is likely to be accessed again in the near future.
There are several ways to make code cache-friendly, including:
Using contiguous memory layouts: By storing data in contiguous
blocks in memory, you can take advantage of spatial locality and
reduce the number of cache misses.
Using arrays: Arrays are a good choice for data structures when you
need to access data sequentially, as they allow you to take
advantage of temporal locality and keep hot data in the cache.
Using pointers carefully: Pointers can be used to access data that
is not stored contiguously in memory, but they can also lead to
cache misses if they are used excessively. If you need to use
pointers, try to use them in a way that takes advantage of spatial
and temporal locality to minimize cache misses.
Using compiler optimization flags: Most compilers have optimization
flags that can be used to optimize the use of the CPU cache. These
flags can help to minimize the number of cache misses and improve
the overall performance of your code.
It is important to note that the specific techniques that work best for optimizing the use of the CPU cache will depend on the specific requirements and constraints of your system. It may be necessary to experiment with different approaches to find the best solution for your needs.

Double-checking understanding of memory coalescing in CUDA

Suppose I define some arrays which are visible to the GPU:
double* doubleArr = createCUDADouble(fieldLen);
float* floatArr = createCUDAFloat(fieldLen);
char* charArr = createCUDAChar(fieldLen);
Now, I have the following CUDA thread:
void thread(){
int o = getOffset(); // the same for all threads in launch
double d = doubleArr[threadIdx.x + o];
float f = floatArr[threadIdx.x + o];
char c = charArr[threadIdx.x + o];
I'm not quite sure whether I correctly interpret the documentation, and its very critical for my design: Will the memory accesses for double, float and char be nicely coalesced? (Guess: Yes, it will fit into sizeof(type) * blockSize.x / (transaction size) transactions, plus maybe one extra transaction at the upper and lower boundary.)
Yes, for all the cases you have shown, and assuming createCUDAxxxxx translates into some kind of ordinary cudaMalloc type operation, everything should nicely coalesce.
If we have ordinary 1D device arrays allocated via cudaMalloc, in general we should have good coalescing behavior across threads if our load pattern includes an array index of the form:
data_array[some_constant + threadIdx.x];
It really does not matter what data type the array is - it will coalesce nicely.
However, from a performance perspective, global loads (assuming an L1 miss) will occur in a minimum 128-byte granularity. Therefore loading larger sizes per thread (say, int, float, double, float4, etc.) may give slightly better performance. The caches tend to mitigate any difference, if the loads are across a large enough number of warps.
It's pretty easy also to verify this on a particular piece of code with a profiler. There are many ways to do this depending on which profiler you choose, but for example with nvprof you can do:
nvprof --metric gld_efficiency ./my_exe
and it will return an average percentage number that more or less exactly reflects the percentage of optimal coalescing that is occurring on global loads.
This is the presentation I usually cite for additional background info on memory optimization.
I suppose someone will come along and notice that this pattern:
data_array[some_constant + threadIdx.x];
roughly corresponds to the access type shown on slides 40-41 of the above presentation. And aha!! efficiency drops to 50%-80%. That is true, if only a single warp-load is being considered. However, referring to slide 40, we see that the "first" load will require two cachelines to be loaded. After that however, additional loads (moving to the right, for simplicity) will only require one additional/new cacheline per warp-load (assuming the existence of an L1 or L2 cache, and reasonable locality, i.e. lack of thrashing). Therefore, over a reasonably large array (more than just 128 bytes), the average requirement will be one new cacheline per warp, which corresponds to 100% efficiency.

How to demonstrate the impact of instruction cache limitations

My orginial idea was to give an elegant code example, that would demonstrate the impact of instruction cache limitations. I wrote the following piece of code, that creates a large amount of identical functions, using template metaprogramming.
volatile int checksum;
void (*funcs[MAX_FUNCS])(void);
template <unsigned t>
__attribute__ ((noinline)) static void work(void) { ++checksum; }
template <unsigned t>
static void create(void) { funcs[t - 1] = &work<t - 1>; create<t - 1>(); }
template <> void create<0>(void) { }
int main()
for (unsigned range = 1; range <= MAX_FUNCS; range *= 2)
checksum = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < WORKLOAD; ++i)
funcs[i % range]();
return 0;
The outer loop varies the amount of different functions to be called using a jump table. For each loop pass, the time taken to invoke WORKLOAD functions is then measured. Now what are the results? The following chart shows the average run time per function call in relation to the used range. The blue line shows the data measured on a Core i7 machine. The comparative measurement, depicted by the red line, was carried out on a Pentium 4 machine. Yet when it comes to interpreting these lines, I seem to be somehow struggling...
The only jumps of the piecewise constant red curve occur exactly where the total memory consumption for all functions within range exceed the capacity of one cache level on the tested machine, which has no dedicated instruction cache. For very small ranges (below 4 in this case) however, run time still increases with the amount of functions. This may be related to branch prediction efficiency, but since every function call reduces to an unconditional jump in this case, I'm not sure if there should be any branching penalty at all.
The blue curve behaves quite differently. Run time is constant for small ranges and increases logarithmic thereafter. Yet for larger ranges, the curve seems to be approaching a constant asymptote again. How exactly can the qualitative differences of both curves be explained?
I am currently using GCC MinGW Win32 x86 v.4.8.1 with g++ -std=c++11 -ftemplate-depth=65536 and no compiler optimization.
Any help would be appreciated. I am also interested in any idea on how to improve the experiment itself. Thanks in advance!
First, let me say that I really like how you've approached this problem, this is a really neat solution for intentional code bloating. However, there might still be several possible issues with your test -
You also measure the warmup time. you didn't show where you've placed your time checks, but if it's just around the internal loop - then the first time until you reach range/2 you'd still enjoy the warmup of the previous outer iteration. Instead, measure only warm performance - run each internal iteration for several times (add another loop in the middle), and take the timestamp only after 1-2 rounds.
You claim to have measure several cache levels, but your L1 cache is only 32k, which is where your graph ends. Even assuming this counts in terms of "range", each function is ~21 bytes (at least on my gcc 4.8.1), so you'll reach at most 256KB, which is only then scratching the size of your L2.
You didn't specify your CPU model (i7 has at least 4 generations in the market now, Haswell, IvyBridge, SandyBridge and Nehalem). The differences are quite large, for example an additional uop-cache since Sandybrige with complicated storage rules and conditions. Your baseline is also complicating things, if I recall correctly the P4 had a trace cache which might also cause all sorts of performance impacts. You should check an option to disable them if possible.
Don't forget the TLB - even though it probably doesn't play a role here in such a tightly organized code, the number of unique 4k pages should not exceed the ITLB (128 entries), and even before that you may start having collisions if your OS did not spread the physical code pages well enough to avoid ITLB collisions.

What is a "cache-friendly" code?

What is the difference between "cache unfriendly code" and the "cache friendly" code?
How can I make sure I write cache-efficient code?
On modern computers, only the lowest level memory structures (the registers) can move data around in single clock cycles. However, registers are very expensive and most computer cores have less than a few dozen registers. At the other end of the memory spectrum (DRAM), the memory is very cheap (i.e. literally millions of times cheaper) but takes hundreds of cycles after a request to receive the data. To bridge this gap between super fast and expensive and super slow and cheap are the cache memories, named L1, L2, L3 in decreasing speed and cost. The idea is that most of the executing code will be hitting a small set of variables often, and the rest (a much larger set of variables) infrequently. If the processor can't find the data in L1 cache, then it looks in L2 cache. If not there, then L3 cache, and if not there, main memory. Each of these "misses" is expensive in time.
(The analogy is cache memory is to system memory, as system memory is to hard disk storage. Hard disk storage is super cheap but very slow).
Caching is one of the main methods to reduce the impact of latency. To paraphrase Herb Sutter (cfr. links below): increasing bandwidth is easy, but we can't buy our way out of latency.
Data is always retrieved through the memory hierarchy (smallest == fastest to slowest). A cache hit/miss usually refers to a hit/miss in the highest level of cache in the CPU -- by highest level I mean the largest == slowest. The cache hit rate is crucial for performance since every cache miss results in fetching data from RAM (or worse ...) which takes a lot of time (hundreds of cycles for RAM, tens of millions of cycles for HDD). In comparison, reading data from the (highest level) cache typically takes only a handful of cycles.
In modern computer architectures, the performance bottleneck is leaving the CPU die (e.g. accessing RAM or higher). This will only get worse over time. The increase in processor frequency is currently no longer relevant to increase performance. The problem is memory access. Hardware design efforts in CPUs therefore currently focus heavily on optimizing caches, prefetching, pipelines and concurrency. For instance, modern CPUs spend around 85% of die on caches and up to 99% for storing/moving data!
There is quite a lot to be said on the subject. Here are a few great references about caches, memory hierarchies and proper programming:
Agner Fog's page. In his excellent documents, you can find detailed examples covering languages ranging from assembly to C++.
If you are into videos, I strongly recommend to have a look at Herb Sutter's talk on machine architecture (youtube) (specifically check 12:00 and onwards!).
Slides about memory optimization by Christer Ericson (director of technology # Sony)'s article "What every programmer should know about memory"
Main concepts for cache-friendly code
A very important aspect of cache-friendly code is all about the principle of locality, the goal of which is to place related data close in memory to allow efficient caching. In terms of the CPU cache, it's important to be aware of cache lines to understand how this works: How do cache lines work?
The following particular aspects are of high importance to optimize caching:
Temporal locality: when a given memory location was accessed, it is likely that the same location is accessed again in the near future. Ideally, this information will still be cached at that point.
Spatial locality: this refers to placing related data close to each other. Caching happens on many levels, not just in the CPU. For example, when you read from RAM, typically a larger chunk of memory is fetched than what was specifically asked for because very often the program will require that data soon. HDD caches follow the same line of thought. Specifically for CPU caches, the notion of cache lines is important.
Use appropriate c++ containers
A simple example of cache-friendly versus cache-unfriendly is c++'s std::vector versus std::list. Elements of a std::vector are stored in contiguous memory, and as such accessing them is much more cache-friendly than accessing elements in a std::list, which stores its content all over the place. This is due to spatial locality.
A very nice illustration of this is given by Bjarne Stroustrup in this youtube clip (thanks to #Mohammad Ali Baydoun for the link!).
Don't neglect the cache in data structure and algorithm design
Whenever possible, try to adapt your data structures and order of computations in a way that allows maximum use of the cache. A common technique in this regard is cache blocking ( version), which is of extreme importance in high-performance computing (cfr. for example ATLAS).
Know and exploit the implicit structure of data
Another simple example, which many people in the field sometimes forget is column-major (ex. fortran,matlab) vs. row-major ordering (ex. c,c++) for storing two dimensional arrays. For example, consider the following matrix:
1 2
3 4
In row-major ordering, this is stored in memory as 1 2 3 4; in column-major ordering, this would be stored as 1 3 2 4. It is easy to see that implementations which do not exploit this ordering will quickly run into (easily avoidable!) cache issues. Unfortunately, I see stuff like this very often in my domain (machine learning). #MatteoItalia showed this example in more detail in his answer.
When fetching a certain element of a matrix from memory, elements near it will be fetched as well and stored in a cache line. If the ordering is exploited, this will result in fewer memory accesses (because the next few values which are needed for subsequent computations are already in a cache line).
For simplicity, assume the cache comprises a single cache line which can contain 2 matrix elements and that when a given element is fetched from memory, the next one is too. Say we want to take the sum over all elements in the example 2x2 matrix above (lets call it M):
Exploiting the ordering (e.g. changing column index first in c++):
M[0][0] (memory) + M[0][1] (cached) + M[1][0] (memory) + M[1][1] (cached)
= 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
--> 2 cache hits, 2 memory accesses
Not exploiting the ordering (e.g. changing row index first in c++):
M[0][0] (memory) + M[1][0] (memory) + M[0][1] (memory) + M[1][1] (memory)
= 1 + 3 + 2 + 4
--> 0 cache hits, 4 memory accesses
In this simple example, exploiting the ordering approximately doubles execution speed (since memory access requires much more cycles than computing the sums). In practice, the performance difference can be much larger.
Avoid unpredictable branches
Modern architectures feature pipelines and compilers are becoming very good at reordering code to minimize delays due to memory access. When your critical code contains (unpredictable) branches, it is hard or impossible to prefetch data. This will indirectly lead to more cache misses.
This is explained very well here (thanks to #0x90 for the link): Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?
Avoid virtual functions
In the context of c++, virtual methods represent a controversial issue with regard to cache misses (a general consensus exists that they should be avoided when possible in terms of performance). Virtual functions can induce cache misses during look up, but this only happens if the specific function is not called often (otherwise it would likely be cached), so this is regarded as a non-issue by some. For reference about this issue, check out: What is the performance cost of having a virtual method in a C++ class?
Common problems
A common problem in modern architectures with multiprocessor caches is called false sharing. This occurs when each individual processor is attempting to use data in another memory region and attempts to store it in the same cache line. This causes the cache line -- which contains data another processor can use -- to be overwritten again and again. Effectively, different threads make each other wait by inducing cache misses in this situation.
See also (thanks to #Matt for the link): How and when to align to cache line size?
An extreme symptom of poor caching in RAM memory (which is probably not what you mean in this context) is so-called thrashing. This occurs when the process continuously generates page faults (e.g. accesses memory which is not in the current page) which require disk access.
In addition to #Marc Claesen's answer, I think that an instructive classic example of cache-unfriendly code is code that scans a C bidimensional array (e.g. a bitmap image) column-wise instead of row-wise.
Elements that are adjacent in a row are also adjacent in memory, thus accessing them in sequence means accessing them in ascending memory order; this is cache-friendly, since the cache tends to prefetch contiguous blocks of memory.
Instead, accessing such elements column-wise is cache-unfriendly, since elements on the same column are distant in memory from each other (in particular, their distance is equal to the size of the row), so when you use this access pattern you are jumping around in memory, potentially wasting the effort of the cache of retrieving the elements nearby in memory.
And all that it takes to ruin the performance is to go from
// Cache-friendly version - processes pixels which are adjacent in memory
for(unsigned int y=0; y<height; ++y)
for(unsigned int x=0; x<width; ++x)
... image[y][x] ...
// Cache-unfriendly version - jumps around in memory for no good reason
for(unsigned int x=0; x<width; ++x)
for(unsigned int y=0; y<height; ++y)
... image[y][x] ...
This effect can be quite dramatic (several order of magnitudes in speed) in systems with small caches and/or working with big arrays (e.g. 10+ megapixels 24 bpp images on current machines); for this reason, if you have to do many vertical scans, often it's better to rotate the image of 90 degrees first and perform the various analysis later, limiting the cache-unfriendly code just to the rotation.
Optimizing cache usage largely comes down to two factors.
Locality of Reference
The first factor (to which others have already alluded) is locality of reference. Locality of reference really has two dimensions though: space and time.
The spatial dimension also comes down to two things: first, we want to pack our information densely, so more information will fit in that limited memory. This means (for example) that you need a major improvement in computational complexity to justify data structures based on small nodes joined by pointers.
Second, we want information that will be processed together also located together. A typical cache works in "lines", which means when you access some information, other information at nearby addresses will be loaded into the cache with the part we touched. For example, when I touch one byte, the cache might load 128 or 256 bytes near that one. To take advantage of that, you generally want the data arranged to maximize the likelihood that you'll also use that other data that was loaded at the same time.
For just a really trivial example, this can mean that a linear search can be much more competitive with a binary search than you'd expect. Once you've loaded one item from a cache line, using the rest of the data in that cache line is almost free. A binary search becomes noticeably faster only when the data is large enough that the binary search reduces the number of cache lines you access.
The time dimension means that when you do some operations on some data, you want (as much as possible) to do all the operations on that data at once.
Since you've tagged this as C++, I'll point to a classic example of a relatively cache-unfriendly design: std::valarray. valarray overloads most arithmetic operators, so I can (for example) say a = b + c + d; (where a, b, c and d are all valarrays) to do element-wise addition of those arrays.
The problem with this is that it walks through one pair of inputs, puts results in a temporary, walks through another pair of inputs, and so on. With a lot of data, the result from one computation may disappear from the cache before it's used in the next computation, so we end up reading (and writing) the data repeatedly before we get our final result. If each element of the final result will be something like (a[n] + b[n]) * (c[n] + d[n]);, we'd generally prefer to read each a[n], b[n], c[n] and d[n] once, do the computation, write the result, increment n and repeat 'til we're done.2
Line Sharing
The second major factor is avoiding line sharing. To understand this, we probably need to back up and look a little at how caches are organized. The simplest form of cache is direct mapped. This means one address in main memory can only be stored in one specific spot in the cache. If we're using two data items that map to the same spot in the cache, it works badly -- each time we use one data item, the other has to be flushed from the cache to make room for the other. The rest of the cache might be empty, but those items won't use other parts of the cache.
To prevent this, most caches are what are called "set associative". For example, in a 4-way set-associative cache, any item from main memory can be stored at any of 4 different places in the cache. So, when the cache is going to load an item, it looks for the least recently used3 item among those four, flushes it to main memory, and loads the new item in its place.
The problem is probably fairly obvious: for a direct-mapped cache, two operands that happen to map to the same cache location can lead to bad behavior. An N-way set-associative cache increases the number from 2 to N+1. Organizing a cache into more "ways" takes extra circuitry and generally runs slower, so (for example) an 8192-way set associative cache is rarely a good solution either.
Ultimately, this factor is more difficult to control in portable code though. Your control over where your data is placed is usually fairly limited. Worse, the exact mapping from address to cache varies between otherwise similar processors. In some cases, however, it can be worth doing things like allocating a large buffer, and then using only parts of what you allocated to ensure against data sharing the same cache lines (even though you'll probably need to detect the exact processor and act accordingly to do this).
False Sharing
There's another, related item called "false sharing". This arises in a multiprocessor or multicore system, where two (or more) processors/cores have data that's separate, but falls in the same cache line. This forces the two processors/cores to coordinate their access to the data, even though each has its own, separate data item. Especially if the two modify the data in alternation, this can lead to a massive slowdown as the data has to be constantly shuttled between the processors. This can't easily be cured by organizing the cache into more "ways" or anything like that either. The primary way to prevent it is to ensure that two threads rarely (preferably never) modify data that could possibly be in the same cache line (with the same caveats about difficulty of controlling the addresses at which data is allocated).
Those who know C++ well might wonder if this is open to optimization via something like expression templates. I'm pretty sure the answer is that yes, it could be done and if it was, it would probably be a pretty substantial win. I'm not aware of anybody having done so, however, and given how little valarray gets used, I'd be at least a little surprised to see anybody do so either.
In case anybody wonders how valarray (designed specifically for performance) could be this badly wrong, it comes down to one thing: it was really designed for machines like the older Crays, that used fast main memory and no cache. For them, this really was a nearly ideal design.
Yes, I'm simplifying: most caches don't really measure the least recently used item precisely, but they use some heuristic that's intended to be close to that without having to keep a full time-stamp for each access.
Welcome to the world of Data Oriented Design. The basic mantra is to Sort, Eliminate Branches, Batch, Eliminate virtual calls - all steps towards better locality.
Since you tagged the question with C++, here's the obligatory typical C++ Bullshit. Tony Albrecht's Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming is also a great introduction into the subject.
Just piling on: the classic example of cache-unfriendly versus cache-friendly code is the "cache blocking" of matrix multiply.
Naive matrix multiply looks like:
for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
for(j=0;j<N;j++) {
dest[i][j] = 0;
for( k=0;k<N;k++) {
dest[i][j] += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j];
If N is large, e.g. if N * sizeof(elemType) is greater than the cache size, then every single access to src2[k][j] will be a cache miss.
There are many different ways of optimizing this for a cache. Here's a very simple example: instead of reading one item per cache line in the inner loop, use all of the items:
int itemsPerCacheLine = CacheLineSize / sizeof(elemType);
for(i=0;i<N;i++) {
for(j=0;j<N;j += itemsPerCacheLine ) {
for(jj=0;jj<itemsPerCacheLine; jj+) {
dest[i][j+jj] = 0;
for( k=0;k<N;k++) {
for(jj=0;jj<itemsPerCacheLine; jj+) {
dest[i][j+jj] += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j+jj];
If the cache line size is 64 bytes, and we are operating on 32 bit (4 byte) floats, then there are 16 items per cache line. And the number of cache misses via just this simple transformation is reduced approximately 16-fold.
Fancier transformations operate on 2D tiles, optimize for multiple caches (L1, L2, TLB), and so on.
Some results of googling "cache blocking":
A nice video animation of an optimized cache blocking algorithm.
Loop tiling is very closely related:
Processors today work with many levels of cascading memory areas. So the CPU will have a bunch of memory that is on the CPU chip itself. It has very fast access to this memory. There are different levels of cache each one slower access ( and larger ) than the next, until you get to system memory which is not on the CPU and is relatively much slower to access.
Logically, to the CPU's instruction set you just refer to memory addresses in a giant virtual address space. When you access a single memory address the CPU will go fetch it. in the old days it would fetch just that single address. But today the CPU will fetch a bunch of memory around the bit you asked for, and copy it into the cache. It assumes that if you asked for a particular address that is is highly likely that you are going to ask for an address nearby very soon. For example if you were copying a buffer you would read and write from consecutive addresses - one right after the other.
So today when you fetch an address it checks the first level of cache to see if it already read that address into cache, if it doesn't find it, then this is a cache miss and it has to go out to the next level of cache to find it, until it eventually has to go out into main memory.
Cache friendly code tries to keep accesses close together in memory so that you minimize cache misses.
So an example would be imagine you wanted to copy a giant 2 dimensional table. It is organized with reach row in consecutive in memory, and one row follow the next right after.
If you copied the elements one row at a time from left to right - that would be cache friendly. If you decided to copy the table one column at a time, you would copy the exact same amount of memory - but it would be cache unfriendly.
It needs to be clarified that not only data should be cache-friendly, it is just as important for the code. This is in addition to branch predicition, instruction reordering, avoiding actual divisions and other techniques.
Typically the denser the code, the fewer cache lines will be required to store it. This results in more cache lines being available for data.
The code should not call functions all over the place as they typically will require one or more cache lines of their own, resulting in fewer cache lines for data.
A function should begin at a cache line-alignment-friendly address. Though there are (gcc) compiler switches for this be aware that if the the functions are very short it might be wasteful for each one to occupy an entire cache line. For example, if three of the most often used functions fit inside one 64 byte cache line, this is less wasteful than if each one has its own line and results in two cache lines less available for other usage. A typical alignment value could be 32 or 16.
So spend some extra time to make the code dense. Test different constructs, compile and review the generated code size and profile.
As #Marc Claesen mentioned that one of the ways to write cache friendly code is to exploit the structure in which our data is stored. In addition to that another way to write cache friendly code is: change the way our data is stored; then write new code to access the data stored in this new structure.
This makes sense in the case of how database systems linearize the tuples of a table and store them. There are two basic ways to store the tuples of a table i.e. row store and column store. In row store as the name suggests the tuples are stored row wise. Lets suppose a table named Product being stored has 3 attributes i.e. int32_t key, char name[56] and int32_t price, so the total size of a tuple is 64 bytes.
We can simulate a very basic row store query execution in main memory by creating an array of Product structs with size N, where N is the number of rows in table. Such memory layout is also called array of structs. So the struct for Product can be like:
struct Product
int32_t key;
char name[56];
int32_t price'
/* create an array of structs */
Product* table = new Product[N];
/* now load this array of structs, from a file etc. */
Similarly we can simulate a very basic column store query execution in main memory by creating an 3 arrays of size N, one array for each attribute of the Product table. Such memory layout is also called struct of arrays. So the 3 arrays for each attribute of Product can be like:
/* create separate arrays for each attribute */
int32_t* key = new int32_t[N];
char* name = new char[56*N];
int32_t* price = new int32_t[N];
/* now load these arrays, from a file etc. */
Now after loading both the array of structs (Row Layout) and the 3 separate arrays (Column Layout), we have row store and column store on our table Product present in our memory.
Now we move on to the cache friendly code part. Suppose that the workload on our table is such that we have an aggregation query on the price attribute. Such as
For the row store we can convert the above SQL query into
int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
sum = sum + table[i].price;
For the column store we can convert the above SQL query into
int sum = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
sum = sum + price[i];
The code for the column store would be faster than the code for the row layout in this query as it requires only a subset of attributes and in column layout we are doing just that i.e. only accessing the price column.
Suppose that the cache line size is 64 bytes.
In the case of row layout when a cache line is read, the price value of only 1(cacheline_size/product_struct_size = 64/64 = 1) tuple is read, because our struct size of 64 bytes and it fills our whole cache line, so for every tuple a cache miss occurs in case of a row layout.
In the case of column layout when a cache line is read, the price value of 16(cacheline_size/price_int_size = 64/4 = 16) tuples is read, because 16 contiguous price values stored in memory are brought into the cache, so for every sixteenth tuple a cache miss ocurs in case of column layout.
So the column layout will be faster in the case of given query, and is faster in such aggregation queries on a subset of columns of the table. You can try out such experiment for yourself using the data from TPC-H benchmark, and compare the run times for both the layouts. The wikipedia article on column oriented database systems is also good.
So in database systems, if the query workload is known beforehand, we can store our data in layouts which will suit the queries in workload and access data from these layouts. In the case of above example we created a column layout and changed our code to compute sum so that it became cache friendly.
Be aware that caches do not just cache continuous memory. They have multiple lines (at least 4) so discontinous and overlapping memory can often be stored just as efficiently.
What is missing from all the above examples is measured benchmarks. There are many myths about performance. Unless you measure it you do not know. Do not complicate your code unless you have a measured improvement.
Cache-friendly code is code that has been optimized to make efficient use of the CPU cache. This typically involves organizing data in a way that takes advantage of spatial and temporal locality, which refers to the idea that data that is accessed together is likely to be stored together in memory, and that data that is accessed frequently is likely to be accessed again in the near future.
There are several ways to make code cache-friendly, including:
Using contiguous memory layouts: By storing data in contiguous
blocks in memory, you can take advantage of spatial locality and
reduce the number of cache misses.
Using arrays: Arrays are a good choice for data structures when you
need to access data sequentially, as they allow you to take
advantage of temporal locality and keep hot data in the cache.
Using pointers carefully: Pointers can be used to access data that
is not stored contiguously in memory, but they can also lead to
cache misses if they are used excessively. If you need to use
pointers, try to use them in a way that takes advantage of spatial
and temporal locality to minimize cache misses.
Using compiler optimization flags: Most compilers have optimization
flags that can be used to optimize the use of the CPU cache. These
flags can help to minimize the number of cache misses and improve
the overall performance of your code.
It is important to note that the specific techniques that work best for optimizing the use of the CPU cache will depend on the specific requirements and constraints of your system. It may be necessary to experiment with different approaches to find the best solution for your needs.

Will a modern processor (like the i7) follow pointers and prefetch their data while iterating over a list of them?

I want to learn how to write better code that takes advantage of the CPU's cache. Working with contiguous memory seems to be the ideal situation. That being said, I'm curious if there are similar improvements that can be made with non-contiguous memory, but with an array of pointers to follow, like:
struct Position {
int32_t x,y,z;
std::vector<Position*> posPointers;
updatePosition () {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < posPointers.size(); i++) {
Position& nextPos = *posPointers[i];
This is just some rough mock-up code, and for the sake of learning this properly let's just say that all Position structs were created randomly all over the heap.
Can modern, smart, processors such as Intel's i7 look ahead and see that it's going to need X_ptr's data very shortly? Would the following line of code help?
... // for loop
Position& nextPos1 = *posPointers[i];
Position& nextPos2 = *posPointers[i+1];
Position& nextPos3 = *posPointers[i+2];
Position& nextPos4 = *posPointers[i+3];
... // Work on data here
I had read some presentation slides that seemed to indicate code like this would cause the processor to prefetch some data. Is that true? I am aware there are non-standard, platform specific, ways to call prefetching like __builtin_prefetch, but throwing that all over the place just seems like an ugly premature optimization. I am looking for a way I can subconsciously write cache-efficient code.
I know you didn't ask (and probably don't need a sermon on proper treatment of caches, but I thought I'd contribute my two cents anyways. Note that all this only applies in hot code. Remember that premature optimization is the root of all evil.
As has been pointed out in the comments, the best way is to have containers of actual data. Generally speaking, flat data structures are much preferable to "pointer spaghetti", even if you have to duplicate some data and/or pay a price for resizing/moving/defragmenting your data structures.
And as you know, flat data structures (e.g. an array of data) only pay off if you access them linearly and sequentially most of the time.
But this strategy may not always be usable. In lieu of actual linear data, you can use other strategies like employing pool allocators, and iterating over the pools themselves, instead of over the vector holding the pointers. This of course has its own disadvantages and can be a bit more complicated.
I'm sure you know this already, but it bears mentioning again that one of the most effective techniques for getting most out of your cache is having smaller data! In the above code, if you can get away with int16_t instead of int32_t, you should definitely do so. You should pack your many bools and flags and enums into bit-fields, use indexes instead of pointers (specially on 64-bit systems,) use fixed-size hash values in your data structures instead of strings, etc.
Now, about your main question that whether the processor can follow random pointers around and bring the data into cache before they are needed. To a very limited extent, this does happen. As probably you know, modern CPUs employ a lot of tricks to increase their speed (i.e. increase their instruction retire rate.) Tricks like having a store buffer, out-of-order execution, superscalar pipelines, multiple functional units of every kind, branch prediction, etc. Most of the time, these tricks all just help the CPU to keep executing instructions, even if the current instructions have stalled or take too long to finish. For memory loads (which is the slowest thing to do, iff the data is not in the cache,) this means that the CPU should get to the instruction as soon as possible, calculate the address, and request the data from the memory controller. However, the memory controller can have only a very limited number of outstanding requests (usually two these days, but I'm not sure.) This means that even if the CPU did very sophisticated stuff to look ahead into other memory locations (e.g. the elements of your posPointers vector) and deduce that these are the addresses of new data that your code is going to need, it couldn't get very far ahead because the memory controller can have only so many requests pending.
In any case, AFAIK, I don't think that CPUs actually do that yet. Note that this is a hard case, because the addresses of your randomly distributed memory locations are themselves in memory (as opposed to being in a register or calculable from the contents of a register.) And if the CPUs did it, it wouldn't have that much of an effect anyways because of memory interface limitations.
The prefetching technique you mentioned seems valid to me and I've seen it used, but it only yields noticeable effect if your CPU has something to do while waiting for the future data to arrive. Incrementing three integers takes a lot less time than loading 12 bytes from memory (loading one cache line, actually) and therefor it won't mean much for the execution time. But if you had something worthwhile and more heavyweight to overlay on top of the memory prefetches (e.g. calculating a complex function that doesn't require data from memory!) then you could get very nice speedups. You see, the time to go through the above loop is essentially the sum of the time of all the cache misses; and you are getting the coordinate increments and the loop bookkeeping for free. So, you'd have won more if the free stuff were more valuable!
Modern processors have hardware prefetching mechanisms: Intel Hardware prefetcher. They infer stride access patterns to memory and prefetch memory locations that are likely to be accessed in the near future.
However in the case of totally random pointer chasing such techniques can not help. The processor does not know that the program in execution is performing pointer chasing, therefore it can not prefetch accordingly. In such cases hardware mechanisms are detrimental for performance as they would prefetch values that are not likely to be used.
The best that you can do is try to organize you data structures in memory in such a way that accesses to contiguous portions of memory are more likely.