regex in Django - regex

Help me please to fix
People suggested this way, but it does't work for me.....
(r'^/user/(?P<username>)/subject/([\w|\W]+)/$', subject),
{% for subject in subjects %}
<li>{{ }} {{ del_form.delete }}</li>
{% endfor %}
Request URL:

You have an error in your regular expression. You should use a regex builder if you are new to this: (Perl) (Python)
I think you want something like this:
But you might want to change the '.+' to something more restrictive:
Note also that you probably don't want that leading slash - due to the way Django feeds the initial URL to the URL dispatcher.


how to stop django template code from escaping

Is there any way to completely turn off django auto_escaping when rendering a template within the view code (for an email for example):
from django.template import Context, Template
subject_template_string = "Hi {{ }}"
subject_template = Template(subject)
context = Context({'customer':MyCustomerModel.objects.get(pk=1)})
subject = subject_template.render(context)
If is something like "Jack & Jill" - the subject looks like "Hi Jack &\amp; Jill" (without the backslash!)
is there something like
subject = subject_template.render(context, autoescape=False)
edit: The actual templates are created by the client in the database, I'm hoping to avoid having to say add |safe to all templates where this might happen...
Disabling it globally is usually a bad idea since you can easily forget it. I would recommend using the templatetag to disable it for that portion of your template instead.
Something like this:
{% autoescape off %}
This will not be auto-escaped: {{ data }}.
Nor this: {{ other_data }}
{% autoescape on %}
Auto-escaping applies again: {{ name }}
{% endautoescape %}
{% endautoescape %}
How about using mark_safe:
Explicitly mark a string as safe for (HTML) output purposes. The
returned object can be used everywhere a string or unicode object is
It marks a string as safe, so, you should take out and pass to the template:
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
customer = MyCustomerModel.objects.get(pk=1)
context = Context({'customer_name': mark_safe(})
subject = subject_template.render(context)
Though, control what is safe or not is better to do inside the template itself, that's why using autoescape should be preffered.
Use Django's autoescape tag:
{% autoescape off %}
{{ body }}
{% endautoescape %}
for more info, check out the docs here.
This is untested, but based on source code review it looks like the context object can take autoescape as a key.
context = Context({'customer':MyCustomerModel.objects.get(pk=1), 'autoescape': False})
subject = subject_template.render(context)
That said, that's a pretty sweeping change. If you know what values the templates might be looking for, it's probably better to use mark_safe on those values and pass in the predefined options. That would have the added benefit of not risking the possibility of the client template calling a method with side effects on the customer. The first time someone writes a template and puts in {{ customer.delete }}, you have a problem.
Just came back to answer my own question with a simple solution, and there were already 4 answers.. thanks.
This is what I've gone with:
subject_template = Template(u'{%% autoescape off %%}%s{%% endautoescape %%}' % email.subject)

Django - How to convert URL template syntax to Django 1.5?

I was able to convert most {% url %} template syntaxes to Django 1.5.
But I'm not able to convert this kind of old url's to Django 1.5:
{% url monthly_archive date|date:'Y' date|date:'m' %}
This does not work:
{% url "monthly_archive date|date:'Y'" date|date:'m' %}
Any ideas?
Best Regards,
Why would you put the close quote there, after the first parameter? That makes no sense. It should go after the URL name, so that the thing quoted is just "monthly_archive".

Django templates - split string to array

I have a model field, which stores a list of URLs (yeah, I know, that's wrong way) as url1\nurl2\nurl3<...>. I need to split the field into an array in my template, so I created the custom filter:
def split(value, arg):
return value.split(arg)
I use it this way:
{% with game.screenshots|split:"\n" as screens %}
{% for screen in screens %}
{{ screen }}<br>
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
but as I can see, split doesn't want to work: I get output like url1 url2 url3 (with linebreaks if I look at the source). Why?
Django intentionally leaves out many types of templatetags to discourage you from doing too much processing in the template. (Unfortunately, people usually just add these types of templatetags themselves.)
This is a perfect example of something that should be in your model not your template.
class Game(models.Model):
def screenshots_as_list(self):
return self.screenshots.split('\n')
Then, in your template, you just do:
{% for screen in game.screenshots_as_list %}
{{ screen }}<br>
{% endfor %}
Much more clear and much easier to work with.
Functionality already exists with linkebreaksbr:
{{ value|linebreaksbr }}
Hm, I have partly solved this problem. I changed my filter to:
def split(value, arg):
return value.split('\n')
Why it didn't work with the original code?
I wanted to split a list of words to get a word count, and it turns out there is a filter for that:
{{ value|wordcount }}
Apart from whether your original solution was the right approach, I guess the original code did not work because the meaning of the \n is not the same in Python code as it is in HTML: In Python code it means the escaped newline character, in HTML it is just the two separate characters \ and n.
So passing as input parameter \n from the HTML template to the Python code is equivalent to splitting on the Python string \\n: a literal \ followed by a n.

Using date in the Django url templatetag

I am trying to build a date-based URL with Django's url template tag. I have a datetime object that I can display like so:
{{block|date:"F j Y"}}
However, when I use nearly the same syntax with the url templatetag, like so:
{% url meeting block|date:"Y" %}
I get an error -- it appears that the only thing passed to url is an empty string:
... Reverse for 'meeting' with arguments '(u'',)' and arguments ...
What might I be doing wrong?
The url tag is a bit strange, and is very picky about its arguments. In particular, I don't think it evaluates any filters in its arguments.
You could try this:
{% with block|date:"Y" as blockyear %}{% url meeting blockyear %}{% endwith %}

how to write url link in views

I want to write url link in views, and then return to template.
for platform in platform_list:
if (fail_case.platform==platform):
html_front = "<a href=/home/%s/%s/%s>" % (build, run, fail_case.testResult_id)
html_back = "</a>"
brray.append(html_front + "X" + html_back)
below is the result(WIN7):
i want to let X be a link, but how can i write it in
I strongly advise against sending HTML from views. Templates are better suited to do this.
It looks like X is not a "link" as your template is escaping HTML characters. Look up the documentation on how to avoid this. This documentation link shows one way to achieve this. Inside your template you can use the autoescape tag. Something like this:
{% autoescape off %}
{{ template_variable }}
{% autoescape %}