Getting posts insight data from Facebook API / FQL - facebook-graph-api

The Facebook insights dashboard has a grid that shows all recent posts along with reach/engagement/virality metrics. How can one pull this type of post data from Facebook's graph API or FQL?


Tagged products from Instagram Graph API

I've tagged products in my Instagram posts. Can I receive them somehow with the Graph API?

How do I use the Instagram Graph API to schedule posts in the future?

I have scoured the docs and there is nothing that directly references a way to schedule instagram posts from the Graph API. With the Facebook API you can schedule a post by passing the scheduled_publish_time param, but the instagram API doesn't appear to have that option anywhere.
There are news posts from facebook saying "Instagram graph API now allows scheduled posts". Does this mean there is an actual facility in the graph API to schedule posts? Or is it just that instagram will allow you to implement your own automated scheduling logic and they won't get upset (because they used to)?
Looking for any information on how to schedule instagram image posts! (Hoping to avoid writing my own monolith)

Problems when trying to get Instagram stories through the Graph API

Problems when trying to get Instagram stories through the Graph API
Getting Insights Data
To get insights data for an individual media object, send a GET request to the /media/insights edge and include the metric parameter with one or more of the metric values you want returned. Please note the following limitations:
Insights data is not available for media objects within album carousels (children).
Stories insights are only available for 24 hours, even if the stories are archived or highlighted. If you want to get the latest insights for a story before it expires, set up a Webhook for the Instagram topic and subscribe to the story_insights field.
For the insights data Things i tried
Subscribed the App with the POST call from Graph Explorer api
How do I Subscribe to the story_insights field of the media object??
Story Metrics

How to get all the posts that a page is tagged in using Graph API

Since FQL is deprecated from 2.1 onwards.Is there any way to get all the posts that a page is tagged in using Graph API.
tried {page_id}/tagged but it shows only the page's posts not the posts that a page was tagged.
I want to query the posts using graph API by a user on their own wall that tags the there any way to do that?
isn't this a functionality of the Public Feed API which Accessing it is restricted to a limited set of media publishers and usage requires prior approval by Facebook. Applications to the API are not open at this time.

Fetch 'top stories' by facebook api

It seems now Facebook API does not get the 'top stories' even the setting of my Facebook account is top stories. Indeed, it shows the 'recent stories'; so I want to ask is there anyway I can get the top stories (in the same order we see in our news feed) instead of recent stories by graph api or FQL?