Using webservice in Chrome extension for accessing user information - web-services

I want to make an extension for Chrome that customers have to enter their username and password. Then after that they can view their account information by the extension instead of log in to website.
But firstly I'm beginner in developing Chrome extension then after I read some articles about it, now I don't know Where I can start?
Secondly my big problem is using web service in my extension because I have to get customer user/pass and send them to my web service (.net) to get information.
I appreciate you if you give me your ideas/sample code/tutorial/...

But firstly I'm beginner in developing Chrome extension then after I read some articles about it, now I don't know Where I can start?
Start from hello worlds, of course. I would recommend refreshing your knowledge of HTML/CSS and Javascript, as Chrome extensions are essentially local web pages.
But before you dive into new technology, think if you really need to do this as a Chrome extension. Maybe a simple set of webpages will be a better (and cross-browser) choice? Do you really need chrome.* API? Maybe you can share some additional details, like why did you decide to go with Chrome extension in the first place.


Google Home API for going to a URL and login

I am a very new developer who can write basic HTML (yes I know it's English), and is looking for a solution to a problem that I basically invented.
I recently bought a product called Doorbird, a very cool and well engineered IP Doorbell. The reason I bought it, is because it has an App, and integrates with IP phones and support video, and has a few bells and whistles, if you're not familiar with this product, I highly recommend looking at it.
The "problem" is that it does not integrate with Google Home, or Amazon Echo. However, it does have an API that allows you to go to the URL, login and unlock the door. I was looking into creating my own action that would have the Google Home login to the Doorbell and go to the unlock URL.
My issue is, I have no experience with this, but I pick things up very quickly, and believe in myself!
I already looked at the site from Google, and have signed up. It looked simple, but upon further investigation looks very complicated.
If anyone would be able to point me in the right direction I would be greatly appreciative.
Thanks in advance,
-Jack G
You need them to publish their REST api so that you can call the 'action' to unlock directly vs. having to go to a login page. You would probably set up oauth to have your server talk to theirs or use web headers. Ask their tech support if they support direct REST api using a security model.

Recording Audio on the browser

I have basic website I developed in Django and SQL lite.
I want to add this feature to it.
A user should be able to click a button and record a message that is no longer than 10 seconds and save it.
It can be saved on server as an audio file or can be saved on the database if that is more efficient and possible.
Can you please let me know if Django already has any component or plugin or something that I can use?
If it doesn't exist, what are my best options. If I need to write from the scratch, can you point me to any tutorials/blogs, etc?
Thanks for your time
As far as I know there's no such plugin for django. But it's not mainly django's work to do this. You can record audio via javascript using Web Audio API, or by using one of several projects (see this answer). Also if you have to support older browsers I think that your best bet is to use flash for this purpose (but some mobile browsers don't support it). So the best thing is to use some sort of fallback mode with html5&javascript implementation for browsers that support Audio API and use flash for others.

Beginning Webservice with Joomla

I am new to joomla 2.5. I need to design application which is to be used by STB(SET TOP BOX) or TV Application. Is it possible to use below features with Joomla 2.5 ?
Authenticate users where credentials are passed from STB or TV via POST method.
Calling Webservices after authentication, custom string format needs to be return instead of JSON or XML.
Is it possible to host file with encryption from developed administrator component ?
Any Ideas? Any good beginners book for Joomla 2.5 ?
yes if you previously download the login page and grab the token, which is a dynamic security feature
no problem there, just make sure you end your controller method with
so the template won't be output.
I can't figure out what you mean. Encrypted files will not be accepted on the Joomla Extension Directory, but you can use them in custom components.
Beginners books: really depends on your php and overall development experience. The reference and plenty of guides are on (section developers), but check here first for any questions, there are plenty of answers on Joomla!

user browse web site history data

I would like to list user connect web site link,get all history data
where can i got those data.
Well, since I'm new I'll just have to post as broad an answer as I can for your vague question.
If your goal is to get a users recent browsing history, you should just be able to look up the places where all of the mainstream browsers store their history data. I highly doubt the devs would put such insensitive information under encryption, so this shouldn't be too hard. Browsers that you should take in to consideration include Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Netscape Navigator, and all of the other Mozilla spinoffs, such as Sea Monkey.
If your goal is to establish a connection to a web server, and then download a list of data provided by the server, there is a lot of setup involved. First, you need a server. You can use something like Apache, and use the HTTP protocol for all data transmission, or if you're feeling brave, you could whip up a server of your own design. Second, you need a way to connect to this server. Since it appears you're using visual C++, WinSock would be the way to do this. There are plenty of tutorials online for WinSock, just Google away.
I hope this helps you, and best of luck to your endeavor.
As your question is tagged "C++", I assume that your program works on local computer.
Each browser has its own format of "history storage". You will have to work on different formats if you are targeting the major browsers, e.g. Firefox, Chrome, IE, etc.
For example, Firefox and Chrome stores its history in a SQLite database, while IE stores in a binary file named "index.dat".
Here are some places to start:
Firefox :
IE :

developing browser extension for content filtering

I'm developing an application for content filtering. i'll use it as web service but my problem is that i hadn't developed any extension for firefox or ie before. i read some about firefox extensions and now i know a little about it.
firstly can i use web service in a firefox/ie extension? if yes, can you give me a link of tutorial or sth like that?
all suggestions are welcome.
The question is too broad. Yes, you can call a web service using XMLHttpRequest, for example.