Force to link against unused shared library - c++

Moved from gcc 4.5 to gcc 4.6, and now it does not link against libraries that are not used at compile time (i.e. if no symbols are imported from them).
However the purpose of those libraries is that they execute static constructors and thus make themselves available to the app at runtime (register their symbols).
Is there a way to force gcc to link with all libraries listed via -l?

It looks like you need either -Wl,--no-as-needed to totally disable it. Or, --no-as-needed -lfoo --as-needed to disable "as-needed" just for libfoo.


Why do clang++ and gcc/g++ produce differently linked executables

When compiling and linking with g++ and clang++ there is an expectation that the resulting executable will be linked equal with respect to their linkage.
However in certain cases it appears that clang++ executables are linked to more libraries than g++ despite the same arguments passed in.
This can cause functional differences especially with respect to dynamically linked libraries that have automatic execution on load and unload.
Why does this happen?
It turns out gcc has a feature enabled by default in ubuntu --as-needed which causes gcc to effectively ignore any library for which none of it's symbols are referenced in the chain of linked items
This can be disabled in gcc with --no-as-needed flag. Or alternatively you can issue -Wl,--as-needed as the first option to clang++ to behave the way gcc does.

Why does gcc want me to link to libgcc_ext.10.5.dylib?

I've built GCC 4.9.2 on Mac OS X from source statically (using --disable-shared), for C language only (not C++), with the static version of libgcc (libgcc.a). Of course, since I only built the static version of libgcc, there's no such thing as libgcc*.dylib. GCC has built and installed libgcc.a (as expected) and that's all fine. Now when I invoke this newly-built copy of GCC using the following command (using a simple hello, world! example):
gcc -v test.c -o test
it shows these compiler flags as default:
-no_compact_unwind -lSystem -lgcc_ext.10.5 -lgcc -lSystem
No, no no! I don't want you to try to link to a shared version of libgcc! Don't you remember I told you that at the configuration step? And if I use the -static-libgcc option, I get this:
-no_compact_unwind -lgcc_eh -lgcc -lSystem
libgcc_eh? HUH? When was that built during GCC compilation? Oh right, it wasn't, hence why it can't find libgcc_eh.a.
What's going on here? I specifically told GCC I didn't want shared libraries, so why is it trying to link to them by default? I can, of course, remedy all this by using -nodefaultlibs and specifying -lgcc and -lSystem manually, but why should I have to do that?
Furthermore, the GCC documentation has this to say:
On systems that provide libgcc as a shared library, these options force the use of either the shared or static version, respectively. If no shared version of libgcc was built when the compiler was configured, these options have no effect.
So, based on this, I take it that if I did not specifically ask GCC to build a shared version of libgcc, it should not assume I would want to link to anything but a static version. But, for some reason, it does anyway. I haven't been able to find a configure option that would prevent this, nor an option that lets me specify which "default libs" get linked to by default. It seems GCC is forcing me to link to a shared version of libgcc that isn't there unless I suppress this using -nodefaultlibs. This seems backwards.
I figured out how to fix this. I had to edit /gcc/config/darwin.h in GCC's source and comment out where the macro REAL_LIBGCC_SPEC is defined. By leaving this macro undefined, it ensures GCC will only pass the -lgcc and -lSystem library flags during linking, which is what I wanted.
The GCC docs for the compilation driver explain what this and other macros do:
Another C string constant that tells the GCC driver program how and when to place a reference to libgcc.a into the linker command line. This constant is placed both before and after the value of LIB_SPEC.
If this macro is not defined, the GCC driver provides a default that passes the string -lgcc to the linker.
By default, if ENABLE_SHARED_LIBGCC is defined, the LIBGCC_SPEC is not directly used by the driver program but is instead modified to refer to different versions of libgcc.a depending on the values of the command line flags -static, -shared, -static-libgcc, and -shared-libgcc. On targets where these modifications are inappropriate, define REAL_LIBGCC_SPEC instead. REAL_LIBGCC_SPEC tells the driver how to place a reference to libgcc on the link command line, but, unlike LIBGCC_SPEC, it is used unmodified.

Static and Dynamic/Shared Linking with MinGW

I want to start with a simple linking usage to explain my problem. Lets assume that there is a library z which could be compiled to shared library libz.dll(D:/libs/z/shared/libz.dll) or to static library libz.a (D:/libs/z/static/libz.a).
Let I want to link against it, then I do this:
gcc -o main.exe main.o -LD:/libs/z/static -lz
According to this documentation, gcc would search for libz.a, which is
archive files whose members are object files
I also can do the following:
gcc -o main.exe main.o -LD:/libs/z/shared -lz
It is not mentioned in the documentation above that -l flag will search for lib<name>.so.
What will happen if I libz.a and libz.dll will be in the same directory? How the library will be linked with a program? Why I need the flags -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic if -l searches both for shared and static libraries?
Why some developers provide .a files with .dll files for the same modules, if I compile a shared library distribution?
For example, Qt provides .dll files in bin directory with .a files in lib directory. Is it the same library, but built like shared and static, respectively? Or .a files are some kind of dummy libraries which provide linking with shared libraries, where there are real library implementations?
Another example is OpenGL library on Windows. Why every compiler must provide the static OpenGL lib like libopengl32.a in MingW?
What are files with .dll.a and .la extensions used for?
P.S. There are a lot of questions here, but I think each one depends on the previous one and there is no need to split them into several questions.
Please, have a look at ld and WIN32 (cygwin/mingw). Especially, the direct linking to a dll section for more information on the behavior of -l flag on Windows ports of LD. Extract:
For instance, when ld is called with the argument -lxxx it will attempt to find, in the first directory of its search path,
cygxxx.dll (*)
before moving on to the next directory in the search path.
(*) Actually, this is not cygxxx.dll but in fact is <prefix>xxx.dll, where <prefix> is set by the ld option -dll-search-prefix=<prefix>. In the case of cygwin, the standard gcc spec file includes -dll-search-prefix=cyg, so in effect we actually search for cygxxx.dll.
NOTE: If you have ever built Boost with MinGW, you probably recall that the naming of Boost libraries exactly obeys the pattern described in the link above.
In the past there were issues in MinGW with direct linking to *.dll, so it was advised to create a static library lib*.a with exported symbols from *.dll and link against it instead. The link to this MinGW wiki page is now dead, so I assume that it should be fine to link directly against *.dll now. Furthermore, I did it myself several times with the latest MinGW-w64 distribution, and had no issues, yet.
You need link flags -Wl,-Bstatic and -Wl,-Bdynamic because sometimes you want to force static linking, for example, when the dynamic library with the same name is also present in a search path:
gcc object1.o object2.o -lMyLib2 -Wl,-Bstatic -lMyLib1 -Wl,-Bdynamic -o output
The above snippet guarantees that the default linking priority of -l flag is overridden for MyLib1, i.e. even if MyLib1.dll is present in the search path, LD will choose libMyLib1.a to link against. Notice that for MyLib2 LD will again prefer the dynamic version.
NOTE: If MyLib2 depends on MyLib1, then MyLib1 is dynamically linked too, regardless of -Wl,-Bstatic (i.e. it is ignored in this case). To prevent this you would have to link MyLib2 statically too.

how to do static linking of libwinpthread-1.dll in mingw?

I use mingw from here:
And I've sucessfully managed to link statically libstdc++-6.dll and libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll by using -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ parameters, but I cannot find a command for doing the same with libwinpthread-1.dll.
If your toolchain includes the static winpthreads, adding the option
Will pull in static versions of all libraries it can.
Alternatively, you can remove libwinpthread.dll.a and the DLL itself from the toolchain directories. This might mess up programs linking with libstdc++ and libgcc DLLs though, so be careful.
A third option is to use -Wl,-Bdynamic and -Wl,-Bstatic to select which version you want linked in (which is what -static internally does when ld is called). An example:
gcc -o someexec someobject.o -Wl,-Bdynamic -lsomelibIwantshared -Wl,-Bstatic -lsomelibIwantstatic
If you run your link command with -v added, you should see these options appearing in the ld/collect2 invocation when you use -static-libgcc and -static-libstdc++.
Try this:
-static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -lpthread -Wl,-Bdynamic
Notice the -lstdc++ before -lpthread. It worked for me.
Make sure to add this to the very end of your g++ command line.
You should probably check command line options documentation for GCC.
These's no '-static-something' command, only standard libraries (libgcc and libstdc++) can be set to static linking with one command. For other libraries, you first switch to static linking with "-static" and then list the libraries to include with separate commands, ie "-lpthread".
To statically link winpthread even if threading isn't used in the program, pass the -Bstatic and --whole-archive parameters to the linker:
g++ -o hello.exe hello.cpp -Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive -lwinpthread -Wl,--no-whole-archive
Note the following:
The "whole archive" option should be disabled immediately afterwards.
You don't need to do this hack if your program actually uses symbols from the library (i.e. you use <thread> from C++11), in which case the library won't get dropped when you statically link it.
This hack is intended for MinGW-w64, to fix the libwinpthread-1.dll dependencies.
For anyone working in CMake, this solution is readily implemented in your CMakeLists.txt file as follows...
Apparently, CMake does some weird stuff with how the -Wl compiler flags are handled, making the -Wl,-Bstatic -lstdc++ -lwinpthread -Wl,-Bdynamic solution not work, with only two other options seemingly left: the bad compiler flag -static and the ugly compiler flag -Wl,--whole-archive.
Meanwhile, the good option that actually works in CMake, yet seems rather undocumented, is to directly use the linker flags. Hence, in CMake, this seems to be the best way to statically link to all the mingw-w64 C++ dependencies:
target_link_libraries (MyVeryAwesomeApp -static gcc stdc++ winpthread -dynamic)
It should be noted that even if there isn't a library explicitly following -dynamic, it should still be applied in order to ensure that the standard, implicitly linked libraries get linked correctly.
I circumvented this problem by using win32 variant of the mingw toolchain instead of the posix variant. With the win32 variant, -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ is sufficient for an independent build.
If you are using toolchains from MSys2 (tested with gcc version 12) ,the only way to use winpthread statically is standard -static (forces all library to be static) or simply delete/rename the libwinpthread.dll.a && libpthread.dll.a imp libs.
Other methods like "Bstatic", "-l:libwinpthread.a" will no longer work (due to dependency hell, especially in CMake). The one with whole archive still works but it overrides the program properties.
You may also want static link libgcc and libstdc++ if the dependency comes from them.
Just link with -l:libwinpthread.a
Just add -static to your CFLAGS.
For example: ./configure CFLAGS="-static".
This will link all static libraries to your executable file.

What is the deal with undefined symbols in a shared library or dylib?

I have a Makefile for linux that I am porting over to Darwin. The makefile takes a bunch of .o files and links them together into a .so shared object. Okay, so I figured (am I wrong about this?) that the best analog for this in Darwin is the dylib. So I changed the -shared flag to -dynamiclib.
Now the code that I am linking together into the dylib depends on lots of external libraries. When I try to build the dylib, I get errors saying there are undefined references. But the Linux Makefile does not specify any of the -lwhatever or -L/path/whatever options in the build step that creates the .so file. Hm? Is this because when you create an ELF .so file, by default it leaves external references unresolved, and then when the shared library is loaded, it recursively loads shared libraries which are depended on by the shared library you are loading? Wouldn't it be the case that if the shared library depends on a .a or .o file, you would HAVE to statically link them into the shared library, otherwise you could not link at runtime? How can you get away with having undefined references in a library that is loaded at runtime, unless the references are also to dynamically loadable libraries?
Anyway so if I specify
-undefined suppress -flat_namespace
it doesn't require me to add those -l and -L options when creating the shared library. But I still don't understand how this can work ultimately.
This thread also discusses this issue. I think the key point is that in order to get the Linux-like linking behavior, you need to specify the "-undefined dynamic_lookup" flag. By default, the Darwin linker throws an error if there are any undefined references in a dynamic library. You can also use -U to set this behavior on a per-symbol basis. See 'man ld' for reference.
Use libtool.
libtool -dynamic -multiply_defined suppress -install_name `basename ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtutils.dylib` -o ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtutils.dylib ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtd.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbttrie.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtkey.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtunit.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtutilities.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtopts.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtxcode.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtprops.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtxml.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbttake3.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbttake5.a ../../../../rlp/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libbtac.a -lstdc++.6 -lgcc_s.10.4 ../../../../build_system/lib/universal-darwin9-gcc40/libgcc.a -lSystem -lSystemStubs`