mousePressEvent called only from certain areas in scene - c++

I have an application which draws lines based on different data from cars. I want my application to be able to select the lines drawn, and then make the corresponding item selected in a list on the left as well. The problem is that the mousePressEvent is only called when I press the mousebutton in the leftmost quarter of the scene. When it is called the curveSelected() function works as well, but I can't figure out why I can't invoke the mousePressEvent from the other areas on the scene.
First of all I have a mousePressEvent.
void DrawingScene:::mousePressEvent ( QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent * event ){
bool leftbutton = (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton);
qDebug() << "leftbutton";
emit leftButtonPress(event->scenePos());
Later connected:
connect(d_scene, SIGNAL(leftButtonPress(QPointF)), this, SLOT(curveSelected(QPointF)));
leftButtonPress is the signal emitted. Then I have the function which selects the item in the list. This method seems to work just fine. The problem exists without this function as well.
void CurveDrawer::curveSelected(QPointF pos){
QMapIterator<QPair<unitID, QString>, carData*> it(dataMap);
QPainterPath curPath = it.value()->pathItem->path();
for (int i = 0; i < list->count(); ++i) {
QListWidgetItem* curItem = list->item(i);
if(curItem == it.value()->listItem){
qDebug() << "curveSelected";
Anyone experienced something similar, or may see some obvious mistakes in my code?
How can i achieve that the mousePressEvent is called every time I click inside the scene? This is basically what I want it to do. Now it is only called when I click in certain area.
I tried to implement it with void DrawGraphicsView;;mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) now, and the same problem existed there. The event just got invoked from certain areas in the scene.
The strange thing for me is that when a certain place in the scene is in the left of the viewport it is not possible to invoke the mousepressEvent, but when I scroll the same place to the right in the viewport, then it is suddenly possible to invoke the mousepressEvent. Does this make the problem clearer?


Closing Popup and setting button label

I'm writing a C++ wxWidgets calculator application. I want to compress trigonometric function buttons into a single one to save on space, using what's basically a split button. If you left click on it, the current option is used. If you right click, a popup menu is opened, which contains all the buttons; when you click on one of them, it is used and the big button changes.
I've been suggested to use wxComboBox and other stuff for this job, but I preferred using wxPopupTransientWindow because this way I can display the buttons in a grid, making everything - in my opinion - neater.
Problem is, when I choose an option from the menu, the main button's ID changes (because when I reopen the menu the previously clicked button is light up as its ID and the big button's ID match), but the label does not. Furthermore, the popup is supposed to close itself when you left click on one of the buttons, but it does not.
This is the code for the custom button in the popup which is supposed to do all that stuff:
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent();
This is the code for the custom button in the main frame which opens up the popup (temporary setup just to test if the whole thing is working):
void ikeButton::rightClick(wxMouseEvent& evt) // CREA PANNELLO ESTENSIONE
if (flags & EXPANDABLE)
std::vector<expandMenuInfo> buttons;
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"sin", 3001));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"cos", 3002));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"tan", 3003));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arcsin", 3004));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arccos", 3005));
buttons.push_back(expandMenuInfo(L"arctan", 3006));
wxPoint p = this->GetScreenPosition();
size_t sz = this->GetSize().GetHeight() / 1.15;
expandMenu* menu = new expandMenu(this, buttons, sz, wxPoint(
p.x, p.y + this->GetSize().GetHeight() + 2));
menu->GetPosition().x - ((menu->GetSize().GetWidth() - this->GetSize().GetWidth()) / 2),
Let me know if I need to show more code.
This is probably a terrible way of doing this, but this is basically the first "serious" application I'm creating using the wxWidgets framework. Any help is appreciated.
when I choose an option from the menu, the main button's ID changes
(because when I reopen the menu the previously clicked button is light
up as its ID and the big button's ID match), but the label does not.
If you're creating the popup menu like in your previous post, you had a popup window with a panel as its child and the buttons were then children of the panel layed out with a sizer.
If that's still the case, this->GetParent() and should be the panel, this->GetParent()->GetParent() should be the popup. So this->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent() should be the trig function button (assuming you created the popup with the trig function button as the parent).
So I think the line wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent(); should be changed to wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetParent()->GetParent()->GetParent();.
Or slightly shorter wxWindow* mBtn = this->GetGrandParent()->GetParent();;
the popup is supposed to close itself when you left click on one of
the buttons, but it does not.
It looks like wxPopupTransientWindow has a special Dismiss method that is supposed to be used to close it.
So I think the line this->GetParent()->Close(true); should be changed to this->GetGrandParent()->Dismiss(); (Assuming as above that the buttons in the popup are children pf a panel).
Alternately, if you want a solution that will work regardless of the parentage of the controls in the popup window, you could have a utility function to find the popup ancestor which would look something like this:
wxPopupTransientWindow* FindPopup(wxWindow* w)
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = NULL;
while ( w != NULL )
popup = wxDynamicCast(w, wxPopupTransientWindow);
if ( popup )
w = w->GetParent();
return popup;
This uses the wxDynamicCast function which is slightly different from the c++ dynamic_cast expression. wxDynamicCast uses wxWidgets' RTTI system to check if the given pointer can be converted to the given type.
Then the mouseReleased method could use this utility function something like this:
void expandButton::mouseReleased(wxMouseEvent& evt)
if (pressed) {
pressed = false;
wxPopupTransientWindow* popup = FindPopup(this);
if (popup ) {
wxWindow* mBtn = popup->GetParent();
I'm not sure why you're setting trig function button to have a new id, but I assume you have a reason.
To make the SetLabel method work in your custom button class, I think the easist thing is to call the SetLabel() method in the button's constructor. This will store the string passed to the constructor in the button's internal label member.
Based on other questions, I think the ikeButton constructor looks something like this:
ikeButton::ikeButton(wxFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, wxString text,...
this->text = text;
To store the label, you would need to change the line this->text = text; to
And when you draw the button, I think the method you use looks like this:
void ikeButton::render(wxDC& dc)
dc.DrawText(text, ...);
You would need to change, the line dc.DrawText(text, ...); to
dc.DrawText(GetLabel(), ...);
Likewise, any other references to the button's text member should be changed to GetLabel() instead.
Finally, when you set the label in the expandButton::mouseReleased method, it might be a good idea to call button's Refresh() method to force the button to redraw itself. I added that my suggestion for the mouseReleased method above.

Qt5: How to solve this trouble. Custom QWidget with custom paintEvent() vs. QWidget move() function

first post here, I also need it to help others.
I'm just new at QT/c++, but with years of hobby making programming things, I'm progressing relatively fast.
I'm trying to learn it by making a game, so on, I made, besides other things, a custom sprite class that inherits from QWidget.
I reimplemented, as a common practice, the paintEvent function, using some tricks, qpixmap/qpainter, json files, spritesheets, codehelpers made by my self, to succefully play an animation with stances like idle/walking/attacking.
All went perfect until I tried to move it while walking by the function move(int x, int y) from QWidget.
The problem, I think, is that every time I call "move" function it updates/refresh/repaint the QWidget by calling paintEvent function again, chopping my animation, generating several issues, etc. etc.
I can't to figure out how to move it without repainting or waiting the animation to finish, or what I'm missing. It seems there are no other ways to move a QWidget.
I belive the problem is in another event function that's being called by a emitted signal, probably moveEvent, but I reimplemented it keeping it empty and the result was the same.
Do you have any idea? Should I remake it all in another way to skip this trouble? Or is it as simple as I can't see the coin opposite to me?
Ask for code if needed.
Thank you so much, Luna.
customsprite::customsprite(QWidget *parent, QString spriteName) : QWidget(parent)
// qpm is a QPixmap
qpm_idle.load(":/Assets/sprites/" + spriteName + ".png");
qpm_walk.load(":/Assets/sprites/" + spriteName + "_walk.png");
// here goes a custom class to load json files for each sprite sheet
// the json contains x,y,h,w info to draw the animation
//some int,bools,qstrings
// fps is QTimer
//the paintEvent:
void customsprite::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *){
QPainter qp(this);
QRect targetR(xMove,0,spriteW,spriteH);
QRect sourceR(jhV[status].getFrameX(jhV[status].namesV[spriteFg]),0,spriteW*sizeDivisor,spriteH*sizeDivisor);
// things abouts consulting jsonhelper info
switch (status){ // status is to know if should draw idle or walk animation
case 0:
case 1:
xMove = xMove + 1;
targetR = QRect(xMove,0,spriteW,spriteH);
// all this works fine
if(!reversingAnimation && shouldAnimate){ // simple bool options
spriteFg++; // an int counter refering to which frame should be drawed
if(spriteFg == jhV[status].getSSSize()){ // this consults the json files by a custom jsonhelper, it works fine
reversingAnimation = true;
spriteFg = jhV[status].getSSSize() - 1;
}else if(!reversible){
spriteFg = 0;
if(animateOnce == true){
shouldAnimate = false;
//here goes a similar the above code to to handle the animation playing in reverse, nothing important
Then in my generic QMainWindow I add an instance of my customsprite class, set its parent as QMainWindow, it appears, play the animation.
The problem is when I try to use:
//cs is customsprite
It moves, but interrumping the animation several times.
I have tried also putting it with a "isWalking" bool filter inside the paintEvent, but it's the same.
The "xMove" thing there, is a trick used to succefully and smoothly move the animation, but it need to increase the width of the QWidget to being seen.
Not a good solution.

Disable auto-selecting items in QListWidget on click+drag

I've spent better half of today trying to resolve seemingly trivial QListWidget behavior customization: when used presses mouse left button and moves mouse cursor, the content of ListWidget is scrolled and selection is moved to another item that happens to appear under mouse cursor. I am alright with scrolling, but I want to avoid selecting all consequtive items because this causes timely operation in my program. Finally I would like to keep list content scrolling on mouse press and move, but select items only by clicking directly on them.
Drag-n-drop is disabled for this list (which is default behavior) and it should be; I've tried to disable it explicitly: no changes whatsoever.
I have read all available docs on Qt related classes like QListWidget, QListWidgetItem, QListView, you name it! Tried to make sense of source code for these widgets; dug up StackOverflow and Google... but sadly no result :(
Here is all relevant code for my QListWidget: single selection, nothing fancy:
QListWidget* categoryListWidget;
categoryListWidget = new QListWidget();
categoryListWidget->move(offsetX, offsetY);
new QListWidgetItem(tr("1 - Sample Category 1"), categoryListWidget);
new QListWidgetItem(tr("2 - Sample Category 2"), categoryListWidget);
new QListWidgetItem(tr("3 - Sample Category 3 with a very long name"), categoryListWidget);
new QListWidgetItem(tr("4 - Sample Category 4"), categoryListWidget);
C++/Qt 5.5 if that's somehow relevant, both Win and Mac platforms share similar behavior.
For the sake of whoever stumbles upon the same question, here is my solution: subclass QListWidget and make child class ignore mouseMove events when leftButton is pressed.
class QtListWidget: public QListWidget
{ // QListWidget clone that suppresses item selection on mouse click+drag
bool mousePressed;
QtListWidget():QListWidget(), mousePressed(false) {}
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event);
void QtListWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event){
// qDebug() << "QtListWidget::mousePressEvent";
if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
mousePressed = true;
void QtListWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event){
// qDebug() << "QtListWidget::mouseMoveEvent";
if(!mousePressed) // disable click+drag
void QtListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event){
// qDebug() << "QtListWidget::mouseReleaseEvent";
if(event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)
mousePressed = false;
Usage is trivial, for as many List Widgets as you need:
QtListWidget* categoryListWidget;
// all original code above would still work as expected
Want it done right? then do it yourself! :)
Your solution killed scrolling for me. I am using QListView. Here's another way:
In the constructor of the QListView's parent:
connect(ui->listView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(on_listview_clicked(QModelIndex)));
In the connected slot:
on_listview_clicked(const QModelIndex &index)
if (index.isValid())
ui->listView->selectionModel->select(index, QItemSelectionModel::Toggle | QItemSelectionModel::Rows);
So, it only selects on a click.

How to plot with QwtPlot from Qt slot?

Good time of day! I have a question you'll maybe find silly and obvious, but i've already broke my head trying to solve this.
I want to plot some curve by pressing a QPushButton. I wrote the slot and connected it to the corresponding signal of this button. But when I click on it, nothing happens on the plot, although this function executes, and it can be viewed on the debugger and qDebug() output.
On the other hand, if you call this function directly, and not as a slot, it works perfectly. The only difference is the calling method: as a slot in first case and as a method in the second case.
Some code examples:
void MainWindow::buttonClick()
qDebug() << "Enter";
XRDDataReader *xrdr = new XRDDataReader();
ui->plot->plotXRD(xrdr->xValues(), xrdr->yValues());
qDebug() << "Quit";
void Plotter::plotXRD(QVector<double> x, QVector<double> y)
QwtPlotCurve *curve = new QwtPlotCurve();
( QwtPlotItem::RenderAntialiased, true );
curve->setPen(Qt::black, 2);
As long as autoreplotting is not enabled, you have to call replot to make changes happen.

How to get the released button inside MouseReleaseEvent in Qt

In MouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e), is there a way to know which button was released without using a new variable ? I mean something like in the MousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) with e.buttons().
I tried e.buttons() in the releaseEvent it's not working (which is logical).
e is already a variable. Just use:
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) // Left button...
// Do something related to the left button
else if (e->button() == Qt::RightButton) // Right button...
// Do something related to the right button
else if (e->button() == Qt::MidButton) // Middle button...
// Do something related to the middle button
A switch statement also works. I prefer the series of if -- else if because they make it easier to handle evente modifiers, i.e., e->modifiers() in order to check for alt or control clicks. The series of if's is short enough not to create any burden on the program.
EDIT: Note that you should use the button() function, not its plural buttons() version. See the explanation in #Merlin069 answer.
The problem in the posted code is this: -
if(e->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
As the Qt documentation states for the release event: -
... For mouse release events this excludes the button that caused the event.
The buttons() function will return the current state of the buttons, so since this is a release event, the code will return false, as it's no longer pressed.
However, the documentation for the button() function states:-
Returns the button that caused the event.
So you can use the button() function here.