Changing the default compiler in visual studio 2010 - c++

I have the Visual Studio 2010 installed in my system. However, my company has a different central build system and uses the compiler from Visual Studio 6. Is it possible for me to use this compiler for compiling my C++ projects in Visual Studio 2010? If yes, where to configure this?
I checked in the project settings dialog, but couldn't find any option for this. I know how to use the old compiler from the command line and I don't want to do that.

The Daffodil for Visual Studio extension ( allows you to set any installed toolset/compiler under Project settings in VS 2010.


Is there anyway i could run an already coded project with visual studio 2015 on visual studio 2005

So here's my problem, i already have a written code with visual studio c++ 2015. I need to run it on a windows server 2003. So basically i need to run it on visual studio 2005. Is there anyway i can do it? Or should i upgrade the visual studio version?
I encontered the same issue. But you can also compile for your windows server by changing some project settings:
Right-click on your project -> Settings. In the configuration settings, navigate to general. Now, you can change "platform toolset" to "Visual Studio 2015 - Windows XP". After compiling, the resulting exe should run on your windows server fine. At least, this worked for me.

Visual Studio 2013 compile like visual studio 2008

I have C++ VS2008 project and my lovely IDE VS13. How can I work into VS13, but compile and debug project like in would be VS08. When I open VS2008 *.sln files that wrote to me about one-way upgrade, and how you i guess you understand, project after open in vs2013 don't open in vs2008.
For now, I use VS13 like notepad then copy all files text to alt+tab opening VS 2008 IDE and there are run project. And again work in VS13.
Based on Microsoft product lifecycle policies,
Visual Studio 2008's mainstream support ended in April 2013, while Visual Studio 2013 was released in Jan 2014. That means Visual Studio 2013 will not support Visual Studio 2008 bits, so not a surprise if native multi targeting does not show v80.
I don't think you can easily get side by side, as VS2008 is too old, and its C++ project is not even MSBuild script. Once converted to VS2013, there is no way back.
Why cannot you just let VS2008 go? I guess that's why you get so many down votes.
You can't convert the solution to Visual Studio 2013 and still open it in Visual Studio 2008. You can, however, tell Visual Studio 2013 to use the Visual Studio 2008 compiler.
To do that, convert your solution to Visual Studio 2013 (don't forget to keep a copy of the original file, just in case), then open the project properties, go to the General options and select the Visual Studio 2008 platform toolset.

Is it possible to have VS2010 and VS2012 projects concurrently on the same source code

I have a VS2010 library project that I would like to use in a new app in VS2012. Of course when I open VS2012 it wants to update the library project. Is there any way of having two projects - one for VS2010 and one for VS2012?
We have a large product portfolio and not all apps will move to VS2012 at the same time.
Generally, as long as you're running VS2010 SP1, everything will work appropriately opening the project with both versions of VS.
For C++ compatibility specifically:
You can use Visual Studio 2012 to open a C++ project that was created in Visual Studio 2010 SP1. If you want to use the Visual Studio 2012 build environment to build a project that was created in Visual Studio 2010 SP1, you must have both versions of Visual Studio installed on the same computer.
The full list of compatibility information can be found on msdn

what compiler does visual studio 2012 use for C++ and is it compatible/can I use it with codeblocks?

What compiler does visual studio 2012 use for C++ and is it compatible/can I use it with codeblocks?
I want to know because we're required to use Visual Studio 2012 for this school project and I would like to be able to trial some things with codeblocks.
Visual Studio 2012 is using the Microsoft compiler cl.exe. But anyway, you can maintain two projects (one for Visual Studio and one for CodeBlocks) - sharing the same source code.

how to enable c++ support in visual studio 2010?

I want to create a C++ project in Visual studio 2010 but I don't
see any template for a C++ project. All I see is visual c# templates.
Please let me know how to enable c++ support in visual studio 2010.
You likely have Visual Studio installed without the C++ compiler. You have to start the installer and alter the installation so that C++ compiler is installed.
You probably need to reinstall it. During installation there is a choice of languages and features. Probably C++ was not chosen when it was installed on your system.