Opening a carbon c++ program from a custom url on OSx - c++

I have been able to set the plist for my project to open the project with a given url. However, I can't get it to pass params to the application (custom urls are built based on the user)
Is there a way to pass the params as command line arguments?
the scheme is essentially
I need to be able to get the user id in the application.
Is there a way to do this? I know with cocoa you can create an app delegate to handle this but I need a carbon way to do it.
Thanks in advance!

Install an Apple Event handler to recognize URLs (both the suite and the event name have the same four-character code, 'GURL').
The event's direct object is a URL string. I would expect that string to contain the entire original URL, including any parameters that were encoded into it (e.g. if your custom scheme was xyz://some/data?param1=abc&param2=def, you should receive all of that).
Another important step is to register as a handler for that URL type in your Info.plist file. Read up on CFBundleURLTypes for more.


How to add custom parameter to Camel's Spring web service component

My application uses versions 2.19.0 of camel-core and camel-spring-ws. I need it to send a response message to a Client's service using Camel's SpringWebserviceComponent.
It's all pretty standard apart from the client's url, it contains a parameter at the end with no value e.g.
I have never seen a URL like this before but the client states that the parameter on the end (after the question mark and with no value) maps to a controller in their application.
When I try to feed this into my application, I get a org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException.
I've looked through the source code of the SpringWebserviceComponent and line 129 of org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultComponent (of which SpringWebServiceComponent extends) validates the URL parameters and throws the ResolveEndpointFailedException if any of the parameters are not valid parameters for the Spring web service component, as listed here: Ofcourse, protocol+web_service is not a valid parameter for the SpringWebserviceComponent and so the exception is thrown.
This validation is only conducted if the SpringWebServiceEndpoint's isLenientProperties() method returns false, which it is hard-coded to do.
Can anyone suggest any other ways to make the SpringWebServiceComponent accept this url including its non-standard parameter?
Sorry this is not support out of the box, you can try to extend the spring-ws component and override some of the methods that setup the endpoint and whatnot, and then add your hack for this "invalid" url that your client uses.

How set short month names using ember-moment

I need to change short month in moment.
But I can't do it.
I have try to set
localeOutputPath: 'assets/moment-locales'
And call
In this case i have ember-mirage error
Your Ember app tried to GET '/assets/moment-locales/ru.js?_=1490191145335',
but there was no route defined to handle this request. Define a route that
matches this path in your mirage/config.js file
Is it simple way to set short months name for moment?
I assume you are using ember-moment addon; and already have configured config/environment.js with
moment: {
// This will output _all_ locale scripts to assets/moment-locales
localeOutputPath: 'assets/moment-locales'
as you have mentioned.
provides a way to dynamically load moment ru locale on the fly when needed. This means instead of including the related locale to your application's javascript file you prefer to load relevant locale upon some user request in your application. Generally it is best to perform such loading operation within a router's hook methods such as beforeModel or model.
In order to get short month names from moment; you need to first import ES6 moment module via
import moment from 'moment';
and access the short month names with
As far as I can see; there is a problem with the way you are requesting the locale so you are getting the error you have mentioned. I believe a working code is a better explanation from pure text; hence I have created the following git repository to illustrate how you can change the locale dynamically in a route and how you can display short names retrieved from moment. Please take a look at it by cloning and running in your localhost.
In the application at this repository, application.hbs contains links to 5 sub-routes; each displaying short names of months in different languages. The code that does the trick of dynamically loading the relevant locale is in routes/locale-route.js file's model hook method. If locale is already loaded (note that English is included by default with moment) it simply returns the short names of the months via switching to target locale (moment.locale(localeToLoad);). Otherwise, it performs a remote call to the server and waits for the response (by using a promise) to return the name of months. All routes for 5 different languages extend from this base route. Once, a locale is loaded from the server; you no longer need to load it again once more and the locale-route already handles it as I explained. I hope that helps.
After reading your comment; I updated the source code to include ember-cli-mirage. Mirage is a client-side mock server to develop, test and prototype your application. Once you include it as a dependency it starts intercepting your remote call requests. Hence, in your case mirage intercepts requests for demanding related locale. What you need to do is passing through mirage for locales. In order to do that, you need to add following
to mirage/config.js so that mirage will not interfere with demanding moment-locales at the runtime. Please see related file under the git repository I have provided. This will solve your problem for sure.

change or add data to Sidekiq Web UI

I'm using sidekiq Pro and usually monitor my workers' process on their Web UI. Whenever there's an Error, the task is moved to Retries tab where the queue name and an error messsage are displayed. The thing is I would like to add data to this message (specifically class name and line number), but i havent found information about this anywhere. Is it possible to edit/configure the Web UI display? If that's so, how?
Is it possible to edit/configure the Web UI display? If that's so,
Yes, it is possible. One way to achieve additional monitoring information is building a custom UI page. You gonna need to define a module containing request handling logics and register that module as a Sidekiq web page:
module WebAddition
def self.registered(app)
app.get('/desired_path') do
# you can define #instance_variables for passing into template
# Sidekiq uses erb for its templates so you should do it aswell
# here we instruct Sidekiq to take our UI extension onboard
Sidekiq::Web.register WebAddition
# in case you want to provide localization, it's achieved here
Sidekiq::Web.locales << File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/web/locales")
# the name of your tab (at the left hand) gonna be translated
# using the provided locale file (if any).
# right hand of the equation should be equal to the path you specified
# in registered() method
Sidekiq::Web.tabs['disappeared_jobs'] = 'desired_path'
Another option (although strongly not recommended) could be to monkeypatch Sidekiq UI code itself. Take a look at Sidekiq WebApplication class, change the methods you're intrested in and update according *.erb files located in web/views folder.

In Django, how can I tell my project to read/write in distinct log directories at runtime?

I am working on a django project that, along with having a database for its models and relations, writes to a log directory called activity_logs outside of the project directory to keep track of formatted user activities, one file for each user. This is an alternative file-structure-based solution to having a database table carry this information along, because this offloads some storage from the DB and is relatively easy to format and express such activities. Perhaps some of you may recommend storing this kind of data in the database, which is fine, but I still believe there is question from all of this that I need help answering.
This django project has multiple apps that have an extensive test suite, one for each app. Additionally, there is a file that encapsulates the logging functionality (writing/reading activities to/from log files), and so both the test cases within the test suites as well as the view functions (and various other utility functions) all utilize these logging functions in order to store these user activities and retrieve them based on model relationships to emulate a user notification system. Since the logging module takes care of this logging, it needs to know where to write to, and so we have a directory structure called activity_logs to which it writes user log files, creating one for a new user and deleting one for a user removed from the database. One of the newest changes we would like to make in this project is to create a separate logging directory for testing this logging functionality, something like test_activity_logs, so that it would never be confused when writing to the test directory for test users or the regular activity log directory for real users.
My problem is this: at runtime, how can I tell the system, at whichever startpoint of execution (whether it be from a view function call through the django test Client object, a test case, an actual HTTPrequest made via a URL, etc.), when to look inside the activity_logs or the test_activity_logs directory? It solely depends on whether I am generating new information for a real user or a test user, but a User is a User in our system, and I'm facing some trouble trying to tell these functions that call some logging functions to write to the test log directory vs. the regular one. For example, one approach I am trying is to pass a keyword argument (kwarg) to the logging functions so that they can be made aware of which directory to read/write to/from, like so:
self.assertTrue(activity_has_been_logged(ACTIVITY_ACCOUNT_CREATED, user.get_profile(), use_test_activity_log_directory=True) == True)
the kwarg called use_test_activity_log_directory=True will tell the logging function called activity_has_been_logged to read the test activity log directory. Unfortunately, apart from being a little inflexible (but tolerable), this doesn't solve the situation where the django test client object sends a GET or POST request via a URL to a view function that writes activities to log files:
response =, post) #Can't write to test_log_directory if by default it writes to regular directory!
How do I let the client pass on this kwarg to those view functions? I think that it should totally be possible to do this, but I'm not sure if fiddling with these kwargs is the best way, or maybe create a global variable in the project settings file, but maybe that might cause some trouble with race conditions with a shared mutable variable.
Your help would be great. Thanks in advance!
So I just solved this problem. The logging file hosting all logging functionality is really the only place that needs to know where to look (either test_activity_logs or activity_logs), since all other components will invoke functions from the logging module to write/read to/from these directories. I gave an additional field to the model class of the UserProfile class called is_test that is a boolean field to determine whether to look in the test_activity_logs if is_test=True, or activity_logs if is_test=False. That way, the logging module needs only to check the input parameter of type UserProfile and its new field to determine where to perform its logging functionalities. Problem solved!
Check out daemontools if you're on a *nix box or launchd on OS X. Both can make sure your Django instance stays running in whatever mode you prefer (daemontools has a few more options for that) and can isolate a directory for logging stdout/stderr.
You can set environment variables for each instance to help other log files and temporary files know where to be created, which you then get from os.environment or simply use the current working directory as a base if using daemontools.
The directory is automatically created for you using daemontools.

retrieving 'pre windows 2000 logon' name from LDAPMessage object in win32api C++

I've been asked to look at windows service which retrieves data from an Active Directory tree using the win32 LDAP API and outputs JSON data to a text file. It works fine but I need to modify it so that the i get the 'pre windows 2000' login name. The service is written in c++.
The service already successfully retrieves various other attribute strings using:
PTSTR *pszValues=ldap_get_values(pLdap,pEntry,szAttribute);
if (_tcscmp(szAttribute,TEXT("uUsnChanged"))==0) // uSNChanged is an example of an attribute
pItemInfo->uUsnChanged=_tcstoui64(pszValues[0],NULL,10); // pItemInfo is a struct defined elsewhere to hold the results for any given entry
i looked on to see if there is an attribute for 'pre windows 2000' login or something similar in the hope that I could just add this as another 'szAttribute' (to replace "uUsnChanged" in this example) and had no luck. Looking at the API i have been unable to come up with a way of getting this information.
i found the attribute 'sAMAccountName' which i thought would provide the information needed but it only gives me the name part of the DOMAIN/name format. Typical, it's the other part i want!
does anyone have any ideas on how to get the 'pre windows 2000' string from 'pEntry'?
#JPBlanc We are getting the correct nETBIOSName attribute now when running it on the test server. The app works on the assumption that there is a maximum of one nETBIOSName attribute per DC. It finds it by doing the following:
gets the default host using ldap_init(NULL,0)
get the 'configuration naming context' using ldap_search_s(pLdap,NULL,LDAP_SCOPE_BASE,NULL,pszAttrs,FALSE,&pResults); passing in the connection handle as the first parameter
retrieves the 'configurationNamingContext' attribute using ldap_get_values(pLdap,pEntry,TEXT("configurationNamingContext"));
concatenates "CN=Partitions," to the beggining of the string giving something like "CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=com,DC=au"
it then performs a search using ldap_search_s(pLdap,szPartitionNC,LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,TEXT("(nETBIOSName=*)"),pszAttrs,FALSE,&pResults);
then it loops through the results looking for anything with a 'nETBIOSName' attribute and once it finds one it breaks out of the loop and returns the value.
Do you know if this is sufficient to work in any AD configuration?
Be careful, the Domain part of the 'pre windows 2000 domain' can be completly different from the user Principal Name (user#domain) use to logon onto Active-Directory. the DOMAIN is the Primary Domain Controleur name or the Netbios domain name. DOMAIN is created during domain creation, by default it's part of the DNS name, but it can be completly changed during domain creation.
You can find it with nETBIOSName attribute :
ldifde -f netbios.ldf -d "CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=your-DNS-Name" -r "(netbiosname=*)"
A best filter would be
SAM-Account-Name Attribute (sAMAccountName)