DTrace - How do I correctly retrieve initial parameters in the return probe - dtrace

I'm trying to read the initial arguments that was passed into the function in my return probe. Unlike the entry probe, the argument variables(arg0,arg1,...) in the return probe do not contain the initial parameters, and I'm not sure how I would be able to retrieve those values.
Also, I would like to avoid storing the values in global variables because of the concurrency issues.

You can save the parameters in thread-local storage, e.g.
self->arg0 = arg0;
self->arg1 = arg1;
* Avoid the race in which dtrace(1) attaches to the victim during
* the window between the two probes.
self->trace = 1;
printf("arg0 = 0x%x, arg1 = 0x%x\n", self->arg0, self->arg1);
/* Deallocate the thread-local storage. */
self->arg0 = 0;
self->arg1 = 0;

As rmh answered - using local variables is the way to do it. Otherwise, dtrace would have to save the values for you on entry - and it doesnt know anything about the incoming arguments or your expectations, and would have to garbage collect. (Technically, it does know whats going to happen - eventually - but that would add complex overhead vs the local variables approach which is mapped to a simple set of virtual D instructions).


How to allocate memory in a DriverKit system extension and map it to another process?

I have allocated memory in my application and passed its pointer and size to IOConnectCallStructMethod. Using IOMemoryDescriptor::CreateMapping I have then mapped this memory to the DriverKit system extension process, and it is possible to write to this mapped memory location and read the data from my application.
I would now like to do something similar for memory that is allocated in the system extension, and then map it to the application that is using the system extension. I would like to create a set of memory buffers in the system extension, and then write to it from the application and then signal to the system extension with IOConnectCallScalarMethod that a given buffer should be sent to the USB device, using IOUSBHostPipe::AsyncIO. When the CompleteAsyncIO callback then comes as a result of the sending completing, I would notify back to the application that it is now possible to copy data to the first buffer that was sent. The mechanism for this could probably be done using IOConnectCallAsyncStructMethod, and the OSAction object that is created in the system extension. What I don't understand is how to map memory allocated in the system extension to the application.
This is what IOUserClient::CopyClientMemoryForType in DriverKit is for, which gets invoked when your user process calls IOConnectMapMemory64 from IOKit.framework. The kext equivalent, incidentally, is IOUserClient::clientMemoryForType and essentially works exactly the same.
To make it work, you need to override the CopyClientMemoryForType virtual function in your user client subclass.
In the class definition in .iig:
virtual kern_return_t CopyClientMemoryForType(
uint64_t type, uint64_t *options, IOMemoryDescriptor **memory) override;
In the implementation .cpp, something along these lines:
kern_return_t IMPL(MyUserClient, CopyClientMemoryForType) //(uint64_t type, uint64_t *options, IOMemoryDescriptor **memory)
kern_return_t res;
if (type == 0)
IOBufferMemoryDescriptor* buffer = nullptr;
res = IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::Create(kIOMemoryDirectionInOut, 128 /* capacity */, 8 /* alignment */, &buffer);
if (res != kIOReturnSuccess)
os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "MyUserClient::CopyClientMemoryForType(): IOBufferMemoryDescriptor::Create failed: 0x%x", res);
*memory = buffer; // returned with refcount 1
res = this->CopyClientMemoryForType(type, options, memory, SUPERDISPATCH);
return res;
In user space, you would call:
mach_vm_address_t address = 0;
mach_vm_size_t size = 0;
IOReturn res = IOConnectMapMemory64(connection, 0 /*memoryType*/, mach_task_self(), &address, &size, kIOMapAnywhere);
Some notes on this:
The value in the type parameter comes from the memoryType parameter to the IOConnectMapMemory64 call that caused this function to be called. Your driver therefore can have some kind of numbering convention; in the simplest case you can treat it similarly to the selector in external methods.
memory is effectively an output parameter and this is where you're expected to return the memory descriptor you want to map into user space when your function returns kIOReturnSuccess. The function has copy semantics, i.e. the caller expects to take ownership of the memory descriptor, i.e. it will eventually drop the reference count by 1 when it is no longer needed. The returned memory descriptor need not be an IOBufferMemoryDescriptor as I've used in the example, it can also be a PCI BAR or whatever.
The kIOMapAnywhere option in the IOConnectMapMemory64 call is important and normally what you want: if you don't specify this, the atAddress parameter becomes an in-out parameter, and the caller is expected to select a location in the address space where the driver memory should be mapped. Normally you don't care where this is, and indeed specifying an explicit location can be dangerous if there's already something mapped there.
If user space must not write to the mapped memory, set the options parameter to CopyClientMemoryForType accordingly: *options = kIOUserClientMemoryReadOnly;
To destroy the mapping, the user space process must call IOConnectUnmapMemory64().

How to access array of objects inside member function in C++?

I'm writing an Object Oriented version of FCFS scheduling algorithm, and I've hit a problem. I need to know if there's any way to access an array of objects inside the member function definition, without passing it as a parameter explicitly.
I've tried using "this-pointer", but since the calculation of finish time of current process requires the finish time of the previous, "this" won't work. Or at least I think it won't. I have no idea how to access "previous" object using "this"
void Process :: scheduleProcess(int pid) {
if(pid == 0) finishTime = burstTime;
else finishTime = burstTime +
turnAroundTime = finishTime - arrivalTime;
waitingTime = turnAroundTime - burstTime;
I can obviously send the array of objects as a parameter and use it directly. I just want to know if there's a better way to do this:
This is the part that's calling the aforementioned function:
for(int clockTime = 0; clockTime <= maxArrivalTime(process);
clockTime++) {
// If clockTime occurs in arrivalTime, return pid of that
int pid = arrivalTimeOf(clockTime, process);
if(pid >= 0) {
} else continue;
Since I'm calling scheduleProcess() using process[pid], which is a vector of objects, I should be able to manipulate the variables pertaining to process[pid] object. How do I access process[pid-1] in the function itself? (Without passing process vector as an argument)
Since scheduleProcess is a member of Process, it only knows what the Process object knows. The previous process is unknown at this level. There are ways that use Undefined Behavior and make more assumptions about your code to get around this, but these should be avoided.
One portable solution to avoid all that is to simply pass in the previous process's finish time as a parameter, since you know this value at the point of the call to scheduleProcess. Where there is not a previous process (the first entry in the array), this finish time would be 0.

BerkeleyDB Db->get not working when using custom comparison function

In a C++ program I am trying to set a custom comparison function for a Berkeley DB, using the Db::set_bt_function member function (the DB is opened as a BTREE type). My code works fine when I'm not changing the comparison function; I can put and get keys/values using Db::put and Db::get.
To try the set_bt_function method, I defined my own "lexicographic comparison" as follows:
int compkeys(Db *db, const Dbt *dbt1, const Dbt *dbt2, size_t *locp) {
size_t s = dbt1->get_size() > dbt2->get_size() ? dbt2->get_size() : dbt1->get_size();
int c = std::memcmp(dbt1->get_data(), dbt2->get_data(), s);
if(c != 0) return c;
if(dbt1->get_size() < dbt2->get_size()) return -1;
if(dbt1->get_size() > dbt2->get_size()) return 1;
return 0;
So this should lead to exactly the same behavior as my reference code, when the comparison function isn't changed, since by default Berkeley DB uses lexicographical order.
Yet, when using this comparison function, Db::get doesn't work anymore. It returns -30999 (DB_BUFFER_SMALL).
Here is what I am doing to get the value associated with a given key:
Db* _dbm = ... /* DB is open */
std::vector<char> mykey;
... /* mykey is set to some content */
Dbt db_key((void*)(mykey.data()), uint32_t(mykey.size()));
Dbt db_data;
int status = _dbm->get(NULL, &db_key, &db_data, 0);
... /* check status, do something with db_data */
Any idea why this code works when I'm not setting the comparison function, and doesn't when I am?
Note: if I access key/values using a cursor (Dbc::get) I don't have this issue.
The DB_BUFFER_SMALL error in this case is complaining about your db_key Dbt. You need to call db_key.set_ulen(uint32_t(mykey.size())) to tell BDB how much space you've allocated to hold the keys that come out of the database.
Things get a little weirder when you're using a custom comparison function. You can have data in the key that's not part of the compare - and not in the key that you passed in to get(). For this reason, BDB returns the key it found in the database in your db_key.
When setting the ulen, make it large enough to hold any key that can come back from the database. You may find that it's saner to just keep a char array on the stack to deal with this key in/out behavior.

Google V8: access local variables in C++

Does someone know how I could look up local variables in a nested function call from C++?
Consider the following example:
// e.g. a global variable in the browser
var global = "global_value";
function foo(){
var global = "local_value";
myCppFunction("global", global);
My question now is how in the implementation of myCppFunction I could access the function local variable "global" (NOT value, this would be given by the 2nd parameter) from 'foo'?
Handle<Value> MyCppFunction(const Arguments& args){
Local<String> varName = args[0]->ToString();
Local<String> varValue = args[1]->ToString(); // this holds "local_value"
// how to access the variable "global" in the scope of 'foo' ?
I managed to find it out by myself. See the example below for how to find the value on the stack (and also replace it - here by the example of a string variable).
Two remarks beforehand:
I have not tested this for undesired behavior except from my very use cases where I use this in my master thesis - there (may) be dragons.
I don't know exactly why in my tests sfl.FindJavaScriptFrame(0) yields the desired stack frame - but, as it works independently of the calling depth, I suspect the stack frame indexed by 0 to always be the immediate caller's frame (in my case I know that I want exactly that).
And the code:
// Prepare identification of the variable,assuming varName as in the question
// More convenient conversions would be appreciated, at least by me
Local<String> varName = args[0]->ToString();
std::string varStr = *String::AsciiValue(varName);
// I'm using 'namespace i = internal;' (within v8-namespace)
i::Vector<const char> tmpVar(varStr.data(), varStr.length());
i::Handle<i::String> varIStr = i::Isolate::Current()->factory()->NewStringFromAscii(tmpVar, i::TENURED);
// Now hunt down the stack frame of interest, be sure to consider my remarks above
i::StackFrameLocator sfl;
// Comment from the code: The caller must guarantee that such a frame exists.
i::JavaScriptFrame* jsf = sfl.FindJavaScriptFrame(0);
// create some replacement
i::Vector<const char> tmp("there you go", 12);
i::Handle<i::String> insert = i::Isolate::Current()->factory()->NewStringFromAscii(tmp, i::TENURED);
i::Object* insertObj = insert->ToObjectChecked();
// by the help of JavaScriptFrame::Print I came up with this:
i::Object* fun = jsf->function();
if (fun->IsJSFunction()){
i::Handle<i::ScopeInfo> scope_info(i::ScopeInfo::Empty());
i::Handle<i::SharedFunctionInfo> shared((i::JSFunction::cast(fun))->shared());
scope_info = i::Handle<i::ScopeInfo>(shared->scope_info());
i::Object* script_obj = shared->script();
if (script_obj->IsScript()) {
int stack_locals_count = scope_info->StackLocalCount();
for (int i = 0; i < stack_locals_count; i++) {
if (scope_info->StackLocalName(i)->Equals(*varIStr)){
// replace the value on the stack

Lua RPC and userdata

I'm currently using luarpc in my program to make interprocess communication. The problem now is that due to my tolua++ binding which stores class instances as userdata im unable to use any of those functions cause luarpc cant handle userdata. My question now is if would be possible (and how) to transmit userdata if you know that its always only a pointer (4 Bytes) and has a metatable attached for call and indexing operations.
You can't.
It doesn't matter if the userdata is a pointer or an object. The reason you can't arbitrarily RPC through them is because the data is not stored in Lua. And therefore LuaRPC cannot transmit it properly.
A pointer into your address space is absolutely worthless for some other process; even moreso if it's running on another machine. You have to actually transmit the data itself to make the RPC work. LuaRPC can do this transmission, but only for data that it can understand. And the only data it understands is data stored in Lua.
Ok i got it working now. What i did is for userdata args/returns i send the actual ptr + metatable name(typename) to the client. the client then attaches a metatable with an __index method that creates a new helper with the typename and appends a helper with the field you want to access. when you then call or read a field from that userdata the client sends the data for calling a field of the typetable and the userdata to the server.
#ifndef RPC_SERVER
int len = msg.read<int>();
char* s = new char[len];
s[len] = '\0';
Write Variable:
const char* s = lua_tostring(L,-1);
int len = lua_strlen(L,-1);
userdata indexing:
ASSERT(lua_isuserdata(L,1) && isMetatableType(L,1,"rpc.userdata"));
if(lua_type(L,2) != LUA_TSTRING)
return luaL_error( L, "can't index a handle with a non-string" );
const char* s = lua_tostring(L,2);
if(strlen(s) > MAX_PATH - 1)
return luaL_error(L,"string to long");
int stack = lua_gettop(L);
const char* name = lua_tostring(L,-1);
if(strlen(name) > MAX_PATH - 1)
return luaL_error(L,"string to long");
lua_pop(L,1); // remove name
Transport* t = reinterpret_cast<Transport*>(lua_touserdata(L,-1));
Helper* h = Helper::create(L,t,name);
return 1;
well i more or less rewrote the complete rpc library to work with named pipes and windows but i think the code should give anyone enough information to implement it.
this allows code like:
local remote = rpc.remoteobj:getinstance()
on the clientside. it currently doesnt allow to add new fields but well this is all i need for now :D