R regular expression: http matching - regex

I'm having problems using regular expression to match http links. I have a pattern that i would like to extract from a websites source code. The source code has 200+ lines with lots of HTML gibberish like </html><body... useless links useless images'
The http links that I need fall under this pattern:
<a href"http:www.google.com/....1,1">
<a href"http:www.google.com/....2,2">
<a href"http:www.google.com/....3,3">
I just want to get the http links, and the unique pattern to them is the ending. Please help, I've been stuck for hours experimenting with gusb, regxpr and grep.

Regular expressions are difficult to match to a generic URL (URL Matching), however if you are always looking to match that exact pattern you can try this
This will search for http:www.google.com followed by anything and ending with the same two numbers on each side of the comma, which is what it appears you want from the pattern you displayed.


301 redierction, matching urls through regex. Matching dashes

I'm trying to match urls for a migration, however I can't seem to have a regex which matches it.
I've tried different expressions and using regex checkers to determine where exactly it's broken, but it's not clear to me
This is my regex
I'm trying to match these kinds of urls (hundreds)
And remap them to something like this
I thought that I could match the dash section using the wildcard, but it seems to not be working and none of the generators are giving me a clear warning. I've tried https://regexr.com/ and https://www.regextester.com/
If I understand the problem right, here we might just want to have a simple expression and capture our desired URL components, according to which we would find our redirect rules, and we can likely start with:
and if necessary, we would be adding/reducing our constraints, and I'm guessing that no validation might be required.
Demo 1
Demo 2

How can I use regular expression to match urls starting with https and ending with #?

Very much a newb with regex and having a hard time figuring this one out. I have an HTML document and I want to clear out a ton of URLs that are inside of it. All of the URLs begin with https:// and they all end with a pound sign #.
Any help would be extremely appreciative. Using sublime text for my editor in case that is needed.
A basic way to do it:
\b //word start
[^\s#]+ //followed by anything but whitespace and '#'
If you truly want to clear everything in between the url from https:// [...] # then you can use:
But you may want to be more specific in terms of what you are filtering out. If this is from a database query you should be ok since you can assume the URL will be the content of the field(s) returned the you will be running the regex through a code loop of some kind.
BTW you can hone your scripts using something like http://regexpal.com/

How to match plain text URL in a markdown?

I'm currently trying to match all plain text links in a markdown text.
Example of the markdown text:
Dude, look at this url http://www.google.com .. it's a great search engine
I would like it to be converted into
Dude, look at this url <http://www.google.com> .. it's a great search engine
So in short, processing url should become <url>, but processing existing <url> shouldnt become <<url>>. Also, the link in the markdown can be in the form of (url), so we'll have to avoid matching the normal brackets too.
So my working regex for matching the plain text url in java is :
with [^(\\<|\\(] and [^(\\>|\\)] to avoid matching the wrapping brackets.
But here lies one problem where i also do not want to match this kind of url :
[1]: http://slashdot.org
So, if the markdown text is
Dude, look at this url http://www.google.com .. it's a great search engine
[1]: http://slashdot.org
I want only http://www.google.com to be matched, but not the http://slashdot.org.
I wonder what's the pattern to meet this criteria ?
What you have here is a parsing problem. Regexes are fine, but just using regexes here will make it a mess (supposing you achieve it). After you fix this problem, you'll probably find yourself facing other ones, like URL in code (between ` or in lines starting with tabs or four spaces) that you don't want to replace.
A solution would be to split into lines and then
detect patterns (for example ^\[\d+\]:\s+)
apply your replacements (for example this URL to link change) only on lines which doesn't follow an incompatible pattern
That's the logic I use in this small pseudo-markdown parser that you can test here.
Note that there's always the solution to use an existing proved markdown parser, there are many of them.

JMeter Proxy exclusion patterns still being recorded

I am using JMeter to record traffic in my browser. In my URL Patterns to Exclude are:
Which looks like they should block these patterns (I've even tested it with a regex tester here)
Yet, I still see plenty of these files get pulled up. In a related forum someone had a similar issue, but his was caused by having additional url parameters afterwards (eg www.website.com/image.jpg?asdf=thisdoesntmatch). However this doesn't seem to be the case here. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
As already mentioned in the question comments it is probably a problem with the trailing characters. The pattern matcher is executed against the complete url including parameters.
So an URL http://example.com/layout.css?id=123 is not matched against the pattern .*\.css The JMeter HTTP Request Sample seperates the Path and the Parameters so it might be not obvious when you look at the URL.
Solution:Change the pattern to support trailing characters .*\.css.*
.* Any character
\. Matching the . (dot) character
css The character sequence css
.* Any character
Maybe you can do the oposite: leave blank the URL Patterns to exclude and negate those patterns in the URL Patterns to Include box:

How to use regex to replace text between tags in Notepad++

I have a code like this:
<pre><code>Some HTML code</code></pre>
I need to escape the HTML between the <pre><code></code></pre> tags. I have lots of tags, so I thought - why not let regex do it for me. The problem is I don't know how. I've seen lots of examples using Google and Stackoverflow, but nothing I could use. Can someone here help me?
<pre><code>Some HTML code</code></pre>
<pre><code>Some <a href="http">HTML</a> code</code></pre>
Or just a regex so I can replace anything between the <pre><code> and </code></pre> tags one by one. I'm almost certain that this can be done.
This regex will match the parts of the anchor tag
you need to put back:
See a live demo, which shows it matching correctly and also shows the various parts being captured as groups which we'll refer to in the replacement string (see below).
Use the regex above with the following replacement:
<pre><code>\1<a href="\2">\3</a>\4</pre></code>
The \1, \2 etc are the captured groups in the regex that put back what we're keeping from the match.
A regular expression to return "the thing between <pre><code> and </code></pre>" could be
This uses lookaround expressions to delimit the "thing that gets matched". Typically using regex in situations with nested tags is fraught with danger and you are much better off using "real tools" made specifically for the job of parsing xml, html etc. I am a huge fan of Beautiful Soup (Python) myself. Not familiar with Notepad++, so not sure if its dialect of regex matches this expression exactly.