django on apache - admin page links are VISIBLE but not CLICKABLE - django

I have just deployed a django site, and upon changing the value my DEBUG variable to 'False' causes my admin page links to change from active links to simple text.
An attempt to go directly to what I know should be the URL causes a 'TemplateDoesNotExist'.
I am sure it's not a permissions issue with Apache, I feel it is something to do with my admin configuration though I have no idea what.

I figured it out. Here is a reference for anyone else who might find themselves with this problem.
I was using what must be a deprecated method of defining my Admin models - I put them all in, instead of creating a separate file for each application.
When learning django, there are plenty of tutorials floating around that recommend or give examples that use this method. Apparently this is no longer a good idea (at least not as of Django 1.4). It could probably be wrangled into working with some template hacking, but it is is probably cleaner and definitely simpler to just follow the latest conventions and create the file.
I thought I was saving time by just cramming it all into one file "for now" but without some of the magical debug-only template loading, this solution failed.
Hope this saves someone some frustration!

I know this question's been already solved.
But in my case, coming from django 1.7 to a server that runs django 1.6, I had to add
to my
Well, I had added this line to the end of and django admin was all characters !
Moving it to top up the file, above definition of urlpatterns, fixed the issue.
Hope this helps :)


Is there an equivalent of 'list_editable' for FileFields in django?

I'm making a website with django where you can basically upload a file to the django admin and download it whenever you need to view it. Very simple (making it for my dad which wants to organize his excel files for his work).
This is the problem, I hard coded the download path to the file I uploaded, which makes me have to modify the path every time I upload a new file with the same name (since django adds a random string of digits and characters every time you upload a file with the same name as before). What i'm currently doing is really inefficient, and would like to change that as soon as possible.
My idea is to make the FileField name editable in the django admin. I've come across this:
list_editable = ['asd'].
I thought that might work and so I tried it. The results were interesting. I immediately saw a 'Save' button on the bottom of the admin site, which wasn't there before. But I still couldn't edit the FileField. I've searched this on multiple forums, the django documentation and more forums, only to not find anything useful.
This is a picture of how the admin page looks when I added the list_editable to my FileField.
So, I decided to look for an equivalent to see if that works. Again, I searched on multiple forums, but still found nothing.
Any type of answer or recommendation is very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!!

django: is it possible to use the views that the admin panel uses?

Just learning django here, going through their website's tutorial.
When they take you through their admin panel, it's like, wow, all I have to do is define a model and django will give me a cool web page like this?
But that doesn't seem to be the case--it seems as if all that cool automatic functionality is only inside the admin panel. It seems that, if you want to have a cool add/change form, for instance, a form that looks and acts like the one in the admin panel, you're going to have to do all the layout and cool features by hand.
Am I wrong about this? Is there some way to make something that looks and works exactly like the admin's "change record" panel, but at your own url?
You are right, but I guess your expectations might be wrong.
Django's automatic admin site is one of the things that makes it very powerful. For example if you're building a large site, normally you'd also have to spend a lot of time to create a admin site, I mean A LOT! So Django provides a useful admin site automatically and it does a good job, which is great.
On the other hand your actual site is always going to be different so Django doesn't provide you the similar "automatic" ways as you expect. But it provides you the same building blocks, like ModelForms, ClassBasesView etc.. And of course, you have to put them together. But it's so much easier and faster to build sites with those blocks then doing it by yourself.
That being said, if you really like how admin site is looking and behaving then you can copy and use them on your main site, which will still require you to do some work.
(Couldn't comment, lacking reps)

django-tinymce modern theme

I'm having issues getting the modern theme to work with django-tinymce. Both the simple and the advanced themes render correctly, but when I switch to the modern theme nothing renders and I get a 404 error for /static/tiny_mce/themes/modern/editor_template.js in the console
I am attempting to do all of this in the django admin. The error is coming from /static/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js which is interesting because I don't have anything installed in that directory. I'm using /static/js/tinymce as my TINYMCE_JS_ROOT in When switching between simple and advanced theme, everything works correctly.
I've tried to copy a version of editor_template.js in the exact location it's looking, but I still get the 404. It's like it wipes out /static/tiny_mce if it exists and replaces it with something, but I can't figure out how/where it's getting that from.
I'm using an install of TinyMCE 4.1.3 from and django 1.6.5
I've been struggling with TinyMCE recently, as well. I'm using TinyMCE v4 and Django 1.6. I went down the django-tinymce/django-flatpages-tinymce route because I had these working on another project. Some how it wasn't working for this new project. I did some research and decided to just go straight TinyMCE, no Django applications (eg, no django-tinymce or django-flatpages-tinymce).
This method cuts down on all configuration in Django, and it can be completely handled within the tinymce.init call. I found this much easier than dealing with Django's settings files, overriding models, etc. Just simply find the template you want TinyMCE to spice up and add the init call there.
The example here for full featured example really helped me:
This use the modern theme...
I simply added this to whichever change_form.html template for whatever model I was needing the rich editor. For instance for flatpages:
Or custom model in app:
I know this is exactly an answer to your question, but I think it's worth thinking about and might help you ultimately get what you need.
Also, I should note, it looks like only modern theme is available for TinyMCE v4:

How to display multi-word app names properly (i.e. with spaces) in Django admin?

I'm struggling to find a way to get multi-word app names to display properly in Django admin.
I've tried CamelCasing, hyphens and underscores, but in each case the app name just displays in admin exactly as it's named in the project. I've searched around for the answer but oddly can't seem to find one.
I'm sure I must be missing something obvious...
unfortunately, afik, django doesn't really support the notion of "verbose names" for apps. The admin just does app_name.title(). So to get want you want, some more trickery is needed. Haven't tried (never needed this) but this solution may just work.
I know this thread is super old but it was the first one I came across when searching for this. There is a way to use verbose_name as you can find in the answer here:
Can you give a django app a verbose name for use through the admin

Best way to fix django admin preview of flatpage attached to multiple sites

I have flatpage attached to multiple sites. Its admin preview chooses
arbitrary site, which is quite obvious after debugging up to lines 35-36 of
What would be the best way of fixing this problem?
I see that the shortcut() function takes a request object, so I could just extract host from there, but I prefer to not patch the live server.
I haven't looked at catching admin url yet, so maybe someone can suggest some nice solution?
In my opinion, this could be considered a bug in Django, and at least a partial fix would be to check if the current SITE_ID is one of the sites related to the object, and if so use that one instead of an arbitrary one. You could file a ticket with a patch.
To fix it without patching Django, you might look into overriding the admin edit-form template for the flatpages model so that you can put the URL you want into that link instead of the default one that goes to the shortcut view. I haven't looked into it enough to know how clean that would be.
Another option might be to monkeypatch the Flatpage model with a get_absolute_url method that actually returns a complete absolute url, including the domain, based on Site.objects.get_current().domain.