How to hide the keyboard that pops up in RubyMotion? - rubymotion

How does one hide the virtual keyboard that pops up in a text field?
The button that hides it does not seem to appear and in my case, the next screen that loads (which does not have a text field) will still have the keyboard in the loaded position.
Using the following allows the keyboard to return:
def textFieldShouldReturn textField
However, it still remains open upon the next screen.

it should be true instead of 'YES' and don't forget to set the textfield delegate
def textFieldShouldReturn textField


Show preview of image in form

I want to achieve the following in a django form, for a models.ImageField:
do not show the standard <input type="file"> button ("choose file" button)
show a preview of the current image, for already populated models
for empty (new) models, show a custom button
clicking on the image preview or the custom button will open a file dialog to select the image from the user's file system
selecting a new image replaces the custom button or the old image preview with the preview of the new image
This seems to me like a normal workflow to select images in a form, but I do not seem to find any fully working solution. All I can find involves hacking around several parts:
styling the label and hiding the standard "choose file" button:
use a widget instead of the standard for forms.FileField.
I have tried to use:
class ImagePreviewWidget(Widget):
def render(self, name, value, attrs=None):
return mark_safe('<img src="/media/%s" width="100px"/>' % escape(value))
For the widget, and I am using this in the form like this:
class DesignCampaignForm(ModelForm):
brand_logo = FileField(widget=ImagePreviewWidget)
This is properly showing the preview of the existing image, but I am unable to click on it to select another file, and even if I was that would not update the preview.
Is there an already available solution for this simple use case?
I haven't been able to find a complete solution, so I have done the following:
use a widget to render a modified ClearableFileInput, rendering an image and an <input> element
style the <input> in the element with CSS, to hide it
make sure that clicking in the image triggers the hidden <input> element, wrapping the <img> in a <label> and using the for attribute
add some javascript to replace the image preview whenever the selection in the <input> element changes
whenever the selection is cleared, show the original preview
A gist can be found here.
In my final solution (not yet in the gist), I have added a button for when the image is not yet selected.
edit: Gist only works for Django before version 1.11.x.
class ClearableFileInput has since been gutted and changed

Checkbox menu items in wxPython

I Have a subclass of wx.Frame in which I have constructed a fully functioning editor with a menu and multiline text input. I next need to create a checkbox menu item inside a menu created with this code:
self.menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
self.menuBar.Append(self.viewMenu, "&View")
Using this code:
self.HideToolbarMenuItem = self.viewMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, "Hide Toolbar", self.HideToolbarHelp, kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK)
How do I add event handling to it or get it's value (True or False)? I am not interested yet in how to hide the toolbar.
EDIT: The menu does show the checkbox, and it can be selected
Use self.HideToolbarMenuItem.IsChecked() and a normal event handler. Example:
def OnBoxChecked(self, event):
if self.HideToolbarMenuItem.IsChecked():
self.statusbar.SetStatusText('Not Checked')

MFC CDateTimeCtrl show none

I put a CDateTimeCtrl on a dialog, and defined its property of "Show None" on.
It makes the checkbox near the date, checked.
I want the dialog's default value to be this checkbox unchecked.
How can I handle this property and set its value?
CDateTimeCtrl* dt = NULL;
GetDlgItem(DATE_TIME_CTRL, dt);

QT - multi-select

I would like to create a search-type text field in QT that can contain both standard text as well as what I would call "tags"... basically additional search terms that are individually highlighted and separated. I envision this looking like the multi-select in "Chosen" (Javascript library).
I have been unable to find anything similar through searching. It also seems that the standard QT text box types are not designed to have "sub-widgets".
It appears that QTextEdit supports HTML... that might be a possiblity... but the docs are not very clear to me as what is supported in terms of CSS (which I think would be required to get the desired formatting).
Its funny... I got to the bottom of this submission page and realized I have to tag this (this is my first SO question)... This tag-adder box is almost exactly what I want!
There is no ready-to-use soultion that I know.
If I were to try implementing it, I would definitely use widget with layout, in which there are two types of child widgets: LineEdits (borderless to look like actual part of bigger widget) and buttons - code managing line edit changes would simply add new buttons before or after and if necesary splited linedit into tw with button between. This way is not interfering with qt programers intentions on how to use widgets and how to make them all fit together in one style.
If you want you can use custom widgets instead of buttons to provide remove icon.
As I wrote in my comment - if i have a bit more time I will try to make something like that myself.
Here is a very simple implementation of putting buttons in a QLineEdit as a user types, written in Python:
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
class Entry(QLineEdit):
def __init__(self):
self.buttons = []
self.backupText = ''
self.layout = QHBoxLayout()
marginz = QLabel(' ')
margin = marginz.width()
self.layout.setContentsMargins(margin, margin, margin, margin)
def on_change(self):
if self.text()[-1] == ' ' and not self.text().endswith(' '):
if len(self.text()) > len(self.backupText):
self.setText(self.text() + ' ')
self.layout.insertWidget(self.layout.count()-1, self.buttons[-1])
del self.buttons[-1]
self.backupText = self.text()
app = QApplication([])
window = QMainWindow()
'QPushButton {border: 1px solid gray; background: lightgray; color: black;}')
entry = Entry()
It creates a QHBoxLayout and adds a button to it for each word you type, and takes the button away when you get rid of the word.
If you want to put a close button inside of each of the sub-widgets, you can make a custom widget for that too.
As j_kubik's comment stated, systems with wide-margin buttons would cause the tag buttons to overlap the text a user is currently typing. I have modified the code to enforce the margins of the buttons inserted (with stylesheets), added an extra space for each space the user types, and set the QHBoxLayout's contentsMargins to be the same width as a space (""). Now the buttons will not overlap the text inserted.

How do I change the template of the Mailchimp Wordpress widget?

I want to change how the form looks like and the labels on the fields of the form.
Login in as Admin and then, under the Plugins area in the sidebar, click Editor. There's a dropdown menu labeled "Select plugin to edit". Click that and select "MailChimp" and then click the "Select" button. The sidebar widget form is called mailchimp/mailchimp_widget.php
The form's code begins right after the first PHP block.
You can also edit the code directly by looking in the wordpress/wp-content/plugins/mailchimp/ directory. The translations are in the po sub-directory.
The trick with this template is that the fields are loaded from elsewhere. In order to change the label, you have to set the option of the fields in the PHP code. Each field is looped through and printed out automatically.
For example to change the "Email Address" label to read "Email" add the following code at the end of the first PHP block:
$mv[0]['name'] = 'Email';
This assumes that the first field that will be printed out is the Email Address field. You can do a var_dump to see what other options are available.
If you want to make more drastic changes to the form, remember that when the widget is updated, you'll have to make the changes again and merge them with the updated version.