Is there a debugging tool that echos back your HTTP request? - web-services

I swear I saw this once:
A website that just echoes back the request info (headers, url, method, params, etc) of all requests that come in.
Sort of like the opposite of

Found it: httpbin is a webservice for testing http clients.
the response just tells you the request it received.

You could also try Fiddler if you want a desktop application for doing this!


Is it possible to intercept Google Recaptcha answer-response via Wireshark?

I'm using PolarProxy for decrypting HTTPS requests.
When I look at intercepted response from Recaptcha, I see pretty strange payload
enter image description here
It is HTTP2 protocol.
As you can see, cookies are the same, it means we a looking at the same requests, but response in Wireshark is completely different from response in browser. Why?
Does anyone know how to intercept that response from Recaptcha?
I want to do it in C++ (libpcap) in future, but first I want to do it manually.

parameter postman-token couldn't find in SoapUI request

I am getting familiar with both Postman and SoapUI. I already have a doubt. When I make a GET call with from the postman-echo service, I get slightly different responses shown to me in Postman and in SoapUI.
In particular, in Postman I get
"postman-token": "1ef2b330-3a46-4681-a304-d72f020cb194"
This field-value pair is not shown by SoapUI.
Can anyone explain me the apparent difference?
The parameter postman-token being added while you send a request from Postman. So, it's a custom parameter, you cannot expect it to be present with other tools.
If you check Postman doc of General settings They have explained what is that param is for:
This is primarily used to bypass a bug in Chrome. If an XmlHttpRequest
is pending and another request is sent with the same parameters then
Chrome returns the same response for both of them. Sending a random
token avoids this issue. This can also help you distinguish between
request on the server side.
You can disable it from Postman settings. Goto Settings > General > Send Postman Token header.

Where do HTTP request cookies originate?

I have a VB.NET app that sends a POST request to a script on my server that is running Cloudflare. I always get an error when sending the request from the app, however using a Firefox extension to simulate the request works fine. With the use of Fiddler I think I have found the cause of the problem:
When sending the request with the Firefox addon an extra header is attached to the request:
Cookie: __cfduidxxxxxxxxxxxx
This cookie is from Cloudflare, but where does it come from, ie. how can I get this cookie value and send it with my requests from the VB app? I tried copying and pasting the cookie into the app and it worked fine, so this leads me to conclude that I need this cookie, however this value is unique for each user so I cannot simply hardcode it into the app.
Quick side-note: Not sure if this helps, but if I send a GET request from the VB app it works fine without the __cfduid cookie.
Look for a Set-Cookie header coming back from the server on it's response. It will expect to get that value back on subsequent requests in a Cookie: header. This value is usually an opaque string that is classified by a path, although not always.

Is there a web service that spits out the entire request that was sent?

I apologize if this isn't "programming" worthy. I'm wondering if a service exists that when the HTTP service is pinged, it echos back the exact same request you made as the response.
The reason I want this is I want to UnitTest a class I made to build requests and send them over a socket. I realize I could just do a Mock object of some sort, but I think that involves more complexity than just making sure the request being sent was properly built.
Ideally, the web service would send the content back as proper HTTP 1.1 with the request info I sent in the body of the response.
-- edit --
Just a quick reference to the solution. Point your browser to: or
This guy seemed to have the same problem as you web service echo test
Refers to some links you might be interested in
I guess there are some uses for a simple echo, but in any kind of a realistic interaction it's going to be pretty hard to isolate just the piece you are trying to test.
A more general approach would be to use a local proxy server, stands as the man in the middle
between you and all remote sites, and can log urls, responses, content and so on.
If you're developing the server side as well as the client, you definitely ought to run a
local mirror of the server site.

Connecting a desktop application with a website

I made an application using Qt/C++ that reads some values every 5-7 seconds and sends them to a website.
My approach is very simple. I am just reading the values i want to send and then i make an HTTP POST to the website. I also send the username and password to the website.
The problem is that i cannot find out if the request is successful. I mean that if i send the request and server gets it, i will get an HTTP:200 always. For example if the password is not correct, there is no way to know it. It is the way HTTP works.
Now i think i will need some kind of a protocol to take care the communication between the application and the website.
The question is what protocol to use?
If the action performed completes before the response header is sent you have the option of adding a custom status to it. If your website is built on PHP you can call header() to add the custom status of the operation.
header('XAppRequest-Status: complete');
if you can modify the server side script you could do the following
on one end :
You can make the HTTP post request via ajax
and evaluate the result of the ajax request.
On the serve side
On the HTTP request you do your process and if everything goes accordingly you can send data back to the ajax script that called it.
solves your problem .. ?