Can't get Ember.js to render properties from objects in controller - ember.js

Total Noob question here. My apologies for the simplicity, and I've skimmed hundreds of Ember-tagged posts here looking for an answer. But it appears to be too primitive for anyone to have bothered asking before...
I'm starting from scratch with Ember. I did Andy Matthews' EmberTweets tutorial, which worked fine. I'm trying to use that as a basis for my first Ember app, which is painfully simple; but I'm stuck on the most basic of steps. I appear to have a functioning controller, and am seemingly adding new objects to it successfully. But I cannot for the life of me get my view to render the properties of those objects. The basic view renders out, but not the data from the controller, which I'm just trying to access with a simple #each. I get no errors in any browser console.
Fiddle is here.
I've tried adding objects to the controller in three different ways in my example, to see if that helps. I can successfully access from the console the properties of the objects by inspecting the content array, or with something like FilterMenus.MenusController.content.objectAt(2).get('menu_name'). Apparently, the data is right where it's supposed to be.
But still nothing appears in my template when I try to render out any of the properties, such as: {{menu_name}}. What am I doing wrong, please?

As stated in the other answers, you have to declare your app as a global variable (by omitting the var).
Besides that, you are not calling this._super() inside your FilterMenus.menusController's init method. This is required to setup the Ember.ArrayController correctly, so modifying the content will work.
Besides these two issues, your code looks fine. Here's a working fiddle:

It seems like Ember's big problem with your code is that your Application is defined as a var so it can't be accessed from the template. Removing the var keyword helped.
For some reason though, that wasn't quite enough and I had to add a
this.set('content', []);
as the first line of your init function to get it to work. I've never had to do this before so I'm not sure if it's jsFiddle doing something. If anyone has some light to shed on this, I'd be keen to hear it.

Try the following:
Remove "var" from FilterMenus declaration:
FilterMenus = Em.Application.create();
Change the implementation of menusController.addMenu to be:
addMenu: function(menu) {
This got me the two menu names to show up after "Select Country" and the explanatory paragraph:
Ember didn't seem to know what this.pushObject(menu); was. Pushing directly to the controller's content array will always work, though.


Need to read Ember component property as array of model

I passed the result of'something') to a component so I could create a dropdown control. Everything works great but I'd like to find the object I selected by reading this property.
Everything I read says its bad practice to inject the store into these components and since I already have the data in the property I thought it would be easy to read. However it's in an Ember model array that doesn't seem to be so easy to open because the array is deep down the stack.
I started heading down something like this.get('myprop').content... but I wondered if this was the correct way to do this. It seems I should be able to open them as the model they should be.
Any suggestions would be helpful.
it turns out the best way I could find to select my model was the 'peek' function. Not exactly what I wanted to do but it works.
Some of the comments below my initial question also work, but nobody ever actually added an answer so this is my answer. :-)

Ember no method save on this.get('store').save()

Feel like I'm asking too much Ember questions lately, trust me I'm really trying by myself before every question and hopefully I'll get the whole picture going 'cause as of right now it's been two steps forward, one backwards.
This JSBIN ilustrates what I'm doing. It won't run since I can't load the localadapter_storage library, maybe there's a way to load it into jsbin but if that's so I don't know how to do it.
The problem I have is as follows:
I have the hability to create new posts and to edit old ones. When editing old ones I can't save the changes via this.get('store').save(); (have tried commit() also) since it says Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'save' The save for the new posts is working properly.
I've compared the issue with other working examples of ember using the local adapter and I've tried to step by step ember.js and ember-data.js but I'm really not that versed yet. According to the error it's like it doesn't know where to apply the .save().
it should be You don't need to access the store when you're saving, so in your case it would be something like, this.get('controller.model').save();

Ember: Cannot read property 'enterStates' of undefined and textfield update

I have the following problem with ember.
I have a table with a set of datas. I have an event that returns me the current element of the table. Then it opens another view by transitioning into a new state and writes the selected table data in a textfield.
click: function(e) {
var element = $("td");
App.tee = element.text().trim();
var router;
router = this.get('');
As you can see I have some other routes in my router as well.
The last two routes(home and profile) are part of a nav-tab. They work perfectly beside I click on the table. Then i get the following error when i click on a tab: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'enterStates' of undefined
Ok i give it another try to explain what i wanted to do.
What i want to do is to create a table with some data (for example persons).
When i click on a specific person in the table the corresponding table-data should be shown in the textfields that appear below. Whenever i click on another person the textfields below should change to the informations of the current clicked person in the table. When i click "New" Button a more detailed Tabview appears on the right side with some additional informations. I was playing around with ember and so far i just implemented some of the views and the routing. Im stucked as i have tried to implement the event that updates the textfield below the table. It updates once but after it has transitioned into the new state(newRoute) nothing happens. I know the code is very raw, but it is just a test to understand how this works in ember.
Ok the solution was easier than i thought. The problem was not the state changing. It was more a problem of how to access the data and how to effect the change of binded data. I realised too late that i needed to understand how the variable access works in Ember and what exactly the App.initialize() method does. So App.initialize() initializes all Controller classes in the router. If you want to access any variables within a controller you have to get the access over the router like
{{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="App.router.tableController.person"}}
Secondly i wasnt familiar with the usage of the set and get methods in Ember and the difference between extend and create. I wondered before where ember instantiates my object.
So my problem had nothing to do with states it was just a totally misunderstanding of the ember framework. Im a noob thats all.
Ok, this is the first shot of the answer.
I think the main issue is just a typo gotoHome instead of goToHome in the template.
By the way I get rid of some deprecation warnings by using <button {{action }}></button> instead of Ember.Button.
There is some other warnings when I click on the table, because you are referencing some properties which don't exist.
here is the corresponding fiddle:
Since I don't understand how it should work exactly, I'm not sure of the overall behavior. I let you explain me the flow (by editing the question please).
Any other comment is welcome :)

Why is my {{#each}} not working?

Why is the Ember Snippet i have linked not working? I am setting up a simple ArrayController and fill it with contents upon initialization. Then i want to display the contents of this controller with the help of {{#each}}, but this is not working.
In tutorials i have read through, the following structure is always used:
{{#each AppNamespace.myModelController}}
But to make my example work i had to use:
{{#each AppNamespace.myModelController.content}}
Could you have a look at the provided fiddle and tell me what is wrong with it? I assume that i must have done something wrong since i have seen this pattern so often in tutorials.
Note: I am a Javascript beginner coming from Java Server Development. So it maybe easy JS basics that i am struggling with.
I would have posted the complete code here, but the formatting was not working properly.
Link to my JS Fiddle showing my problem
Add a call to this._super() inside your init method.
Also, not directly related to your question, but it looks like you would benefit from reading #6 here:
Tried your fiddle with instead of 1.0 pre it is working fine in both the cases.
I'm starting to look at Ember myself and I'm concerned about the process you're using.
As far as I'm aware you shouldn't really be retrieving data directly from the controller like that. The pattern you use should be based upon models, controllers, views and the router. is a resource which I have found useful while learning about Ember.
Based upon that example, this would be my take on a small ember test application:
Hopefully that will be of some use to you as a starting point.
If you pass 1 argument to the #each helper it needs to be a Ember.Array compatible object-- in your first example you pass the controller when your data is in the content property.. your second example works because you pass the content property.. and there is nothing wrong with doing it that way if you feel like it.
There is however an alternate syntax for the #each helper which you may see more often, it uses element naming {{#each model in myModelController}} ... {{/each}}. When you do it this way Ember takes care of looking for the content property for you because it's the default rendering context for the view.
Assuming you're using the latest version from Github you'll find it takes care of looking for content in both cases so the point becomes moot once that is released as stable.

Troubleshooting Routes and States with Ember.js

I should start by saying that I'm a complete Ember.js noob (and MVC JavaScript Framework noob in general).
I'm trying to figure out how the Router and StateManager work together. I've cobbled together an example from various places on the interwebs, you can view it here:
So everything on first load seems like it's working. But there are pieces of the function that don't seem to be behaving properly. I want the CSS classes that I attach via the action links to actually be a part of the application state, but I have something messed up somewhere.
You can duplicate the problem by clicking "webcam" or "screensharing". The link will highlight. When I reload the page, the state is correct, but the highlight is lost. I'm doing something incorrectly, but I don't know how to fix it.
If I try to move the actions into the StateManager, then the router.get("applicationController") reference is lost.
I also can't do something like sManager.send("goHome"); - problems occur.
Some remarks after reading your code:
Is there a reason why you did split your code between a Router & a StateManager? In the current canonical form, your states should be classes of Ember.State, located inside the router.
The connectOutlet method should be called from the connectOutlets state's hook, not the enter one.
The event handlers in the router get the router instance in first parameter, not a state (cf. goHome, viewWebcam & viewScreen)