How to structure worker thread logic for IOCP - c++

I'm creating a client program that communicates with a device connected to my PC via LAN.
A typical communication between my program and the device is as follows:
Program -> Device 1616000D 08 02 00 00 00 21 11 A1 00 01 22 08 00 // Sender sends data (a specific command to the device) to Receiver
Program <- Device 16160002 80 00 // Receiver sends ACK to sender
Program <- Device 16160005 08 20 00 00 00 // Receiver sends command response to sender
Program -> Device 16160002 80 00 // Sender sends ACK to receiver
The last hex number of the first byte sequence indicates the size of data to follow (D = 13 bytes).
My send routine looks like:
bool TcpConnection::SendCommand(const Command& rCommand, const std::vector<BYTE>& rvecCommandOptions)
std::vector<BYTE> vecCommandData;
m_commandBuilder.BuildCommand(rCommand, rvecCommandOptions, vecCommandData);
if (vecCommandData.empty())
return false;
PerIoData *pPerIoData = new PerIoData;
if (!pPerIoData)
return false;
SecureZeroMemory(&(pPerIoData->m_overlapped), sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));
pPerIoData->m_socket = m_socket.Get();
pPerIoData->m_overlapped.hEvent = WSACreateEvent();
pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer.assign(vecCommandData.begin(), vecCommandData.end());
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.buf = (CHAR*)(&(pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer[0]));
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.len = pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer.size();
pPerIoData->m_dwFlags = 0;
pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesSent = 0;
pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesToSend = pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.len;
pPerIoData->m_operationType = OP_TYPE_SEND;
if (!m_socket.Send(pPerIoData))
return false;
return true;
And my worker thread routine looks like:
DWORD WINAPI TcpConnection::WorkerThread(LPVOID lpParameter)
HANDLE hCompletionPort = (HANDLE)lpParameter;
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransferred;
ULONG ulCompletionKey;
PerIoData *pPerIoData;
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesReceived;
DWORD dwNumberOfBytesSent;
DWORD dwFlags;
while (GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hCompletionPort, &dwNumberOfBytesTransferred, &ulCompletionKey, (LPOVERLAPPED*)&pPerIoData, INFINITE))
if (!pPerIoData)
if ((dwNumberOfBytesTransferred == 0) && ((pPerIoData->m_operationType == OP_TYPE_SEND) || (pPerIoData->m_operationType == OP_TYPE_RECEIVE)))
delete pPerIoData;
if (pPerIoData->m_operationType == OP_TYPE_SEND)
pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesSent += dwNumberOfBytesTransferred;
if (pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesSent < pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesToSend)
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.buf = (CHAR*)(&(pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer[pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesSent]));
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.len = (pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesToSend - pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesSent);
if (WSASend(pPerIoData->m_socket, &(pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf), 1, &dwNumberOfBytesTransferred, 0, &(pPerIoData->m_overlapped), NULL) == 0)
if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING)
else if (pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesSent == pPerIoData->m_dwNumberOfBytesToSend)
delete pPerIoData;
// Q1. Do I create a new instance of PerIoData here before calling WSARecv() or reuse pPerIoData?
// QA. If I did do "PerIoData pPerIoData = new PerIoData" here, how do I handle if this momory allocation request has failed? Should I simply "continue" or "return -1"?
// QB. Or is this a wrong place to do this memory allocation to achive the typical communication between my program and the device?
SecureZeroMemory(&(pPerIoData->m_overlapped), sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED));
pPerIoData->m_overlapped.hEvent = WSACreateEvent();
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.buf = (CHAR*)(&(pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer[0]));
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.len = pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer.size();
pPerIoData->m_operationType = OP_TYPE_RECEIVE;
if (WSARecv(pPerIoData->m_socket, &(pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf), 1, &dwNumberOfBytesReceived, &(pPerIoData->m_dwFlags), &(pPerIoData->m_overlapped), NULL) == 0)
if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING)
else if (pPerIoData->m_operationType == OP_TYPE_RECEIVE)
if ((pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer[0] == 0x16) && (pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer[1] == 0x16))
// Q2. Do I need to do SecureZeroMemory(&(pPerIoData->m_overlapped), sizeof(WSAOVERLAPPED)); here?
// Q3. Or do I new PerIoData?
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.buf = (CHAR*)(&(pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer[0]));
pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf.len = pPerIoData->m_vecBuffer.size();
pPerIoData->m_operationType = OP_TYPE_RECEIVE;
// QC. At this point two syn bytes (0x16) are received. I now need to receive two more bytes of data (000D = 13 bytes) to find out the size of the actual command response data.
// If I clear my m_vecBuffer here and try to resize its size to two, I get this debug assertion: "vector iterators incompatible" at runtime. Do you know how I can fix this problem?
if (WSARecv(pPerIoData->m_socket, &(pPerIoData->m_wsaBuf), 1, &dwNumberOfBytesReceived, &(pPerIoData->m_dwFlags), &(pPerIoData->m_overlapped), NULL) == 0)
if (WSAGetLastError() == WSA_IO_PENDING)
// QD. I'm not sure how to structure this if clause for when m_operationType is OP_TYPE_RECEIVE. I mean how do I distinguish one receive operation for getting two syn bytes from another for getting data size?
// One way I can think of doing is to create more receive operation types such as OP_TYPE_RECEIVE_DATA_SIZE or OP_TYPE_RECEIVE_DATA? So you can have something like below.
// Is this how you would do it?
//else if (pPerIoData->m_operationType == OP_TYPE_RECEIVE_DATA_SIZE)
// Call WSARecv() again to get command response data
return 0;
Please see my questions in the code above.
Many thanks

As the name of your PerIoData type refers to, you need one data structure per incomplete I/O request. A PerIoData structure should persist from the time you initiate asynchronous I/O with WSASend or WSARecv until the time that you retrieve that request's completion packet off of the I/O completion port using GetQueuedCompletionStatus.
You should always reinitialize your OVERLAPPED structures when you're about to start a new request.
You can re-use the PerIoData structure as long as the I/O request has completed. Given that you've retrieved pPerIoData off the I/O completion port, you may reuse it for subsequent requests. Just make sure that you've reset any applicable fields in that structure so that it is in a state that is appropriate for a new I/O request.
EDIT to answer follow-up questions:
A. I would continue because you want to continue processing I/O events even though you couldn't initiate an additional request. If you don't continue then you won't be able to handle any more I/O completions. Before you continue you might want to call an error handler of some sort.
B. I don't think there's necessarily a "right" or "wrong" place to allocate, but keep in mind that when you allocate your PerIoData there, what you effectively end up doing is repeated allocations and deletes of the same data structure over and over in a loop. When I write code using I/O completion ports, I allocate a pool of my PerIoData equivalent up front and re-use them.
C. I don't have enough context to know the answer. Show your code that does this and the line where the assertion hits and I might be able to help.
D. You could break up your operation type into finer-grained components as you suggested, such as a OP_TYPE_RECEIVE_DATA_SIZE operation. As a warning, reading a couple of bytes on each WSARecv call won't perform as well as you'd like. Winsock calls are expensive; it's a lot of overhead to make a request for a couple of bytes. I'd suggest that you read a larger block of data into your PerIoData buffer in one WSARecv. Then pull your sizing information out of that buffer, then start copying your data out of that buffer. If there's more data arriving than can fit in the buffer, then you can make additional WSARecv calls until you've read the rest in.


Serial WriteFile returns before completion

I've been working on a program which dialog with an external device via a serial RS422 bus. The goal is to send commands to the device, which send an answer back.
So far, the code for sending a message look like this:
OVERLAPPED osWrite = {0};
void init()
// Create this write operation's OVERLAPPED structure's hEvent.
osWrite.hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (osWrite.hEvent == NULL)
// error creating overlapped event handle
std::cout << "Error osWrite.hEvent" << std::endl; // Error in communications; report it.
std::cout << "Invalid port com handle" << GetLastError() << std::endl;
if (GetCommTimeouts(*hPort, &commTimeout)) {
commTimeout.ReadIntervalTimeout = 10;
commTimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 10;
commTimeout.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
commTimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 10;
commTimeout.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 10;
} else
if (!SetCommTimeouts(*hPort, &commTimeout)) {
std::cout << "Error comm timeout" << std::endl;
DCB dcb;
if (!GetCommState(*hPort, &dcb)) {
std::cout << "Invalid port com settings" << std::endl;
dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200;
dcb.ByteSize = 8;
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
SetCommMask(*hPort, EV_RXCHAR);
SetCommState(*hPort, &dcb);
DWORD serial_send(HANDLE *hPort, char *msg, int length) {
DWORD dwWritten;
DWORD dwRes;
BOOL fRes;
PurgeComm(*hPort, PURGE_TXCLEAR);
// Issue write.
if (!WriteFile(*hPort, msg, length, &dwWritten, &osWrite)) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
// WriteFile failed, but isn't delayed. Report error and abort.
fRes = FALSE;
} else {
fRes = FALSE;
while (!fRes) {
// Write is pending.
dwRes = WaitForSingleObject(osWrite.hEvent, INFINITE);
switch (dwRes) {
// OVERLAPPED structure's event has been signaled.
if (!GetOverlappedResult(*hPort, &osWrite, &dwWritten, FALSE))
fRes = FALSE;
// Write operation completed successfully.
fRes = TRUE;
// An error has occurred in WaitForSingleObject.
// This usually indicates a problem with the
// OVERLAPPED structure's event handle.
fRes = FALSE;
} else {
// WriteFile completed immediately.
fRes = TRUE;
return dwWritten;
The last function can't return until the write operation is successful. The init() function load without error.
I've used a lot of code from here :
Each message is 210 bytes long, and the serial port is running at 115200 bit/s, meaning that I should send a message every ~18.2ms. (210 bytes * 10 bits / 115200)
However, when I measure the time elapsed between 2 messages, I sometimes get a duration much inferior than the expected 18ms (it can go down to 11ms).
Is this a normal behavior for an asynchronous WriteFile + WaitForSingleObject?
What happens if I send another message just after 11ms, will it corrupt the previous message, or does it gets buffered?
I used std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() and std::chrono::duration<double, std::milli>(end - start).count() to get the duration of the frame, is it really accurate?
Since Windows is not a real-time OS and is a multi-process & multi-thread OS, time accuracy should not be guaranteed.
If the system is lightly loaded, most of it will work as intended, but not always.
Conversely, the completion of WriteFile() may be notified earlier than it actually is, depending on the hardware and device driver stack configuration.
For example, it may be considered that the process is completed at the time when the data is completely stored in the buffer of the device driver or when the last data is written to the FIFO buffer of the interface chip.
It is better to think that WriteFile() may be completed even if not all the data actually reaches the other party.
It is considered the same as writing file data to the hard disk. Completion of writing to a file on disk is done in the system buffer, and should be written to the actual media at a different time.
If the next serial_send() function is called before all the WriteFile data of the previous time has reached the other party due to bad conditions, there is a possibility that some of the previous transmission data will be discarded.
Because PurgeComm(*hPort, PURGE_TXCLEAR); is called at the beginning of the serial_send() function.
It's not as critical as specifying PURGE_TXABORT, but there is still the possibility of data being discarded with PURGE_TXCLEAR.
PurgeComm function
PURGE_TXABORT 0x0001 Terminates all outstanding overlapped write operations and returns immediately, even if the write operations have not been completed.
PURGE_TXCLEAR 0x0004 Clears the output buffer (if the device driver has one).
If a thread uses PurgeComm to flush an output buffer, the deleted characters are not transmitted. To empty the output buffer while ensuring that the contents are transmitted, call the FlushFileBuffers function (a synchronous operation).
The workaround is to simply not call PurgeComm().
If it is a serial port API, it may be possible to wait for the completion of transmission by specifying/detecting EV_TXEMPTY with SetCommMask()/WaitCommEvent(), but this will only be complicated.
SetCommMask function / WaitCommEvent function
EV_TXEMPTY 0x0004 The last character in the output buffer was sent.
Then your usage of WriteFile() + WaitForSingleObject() + GetOverlappedResult() will eventually work similar to calling WriteFile() synchronously.
Asynchronous operation is not always necessary, but it is better to consider in detail based on what kind of behavior your system requires.

Strange IOCP behaviour when communicating with browsers

I'm writing IOCP server for video streaming from desktop client to browser.
Both sides uses WebSocket protocol to unify server's achitecture (and because there is no other way for browsers to perform a full-duplex exchange).
The working thread starts like this:
unsigned int __stdcall WorkerThread(void * param){
int ThreadId = (int)param;
OVERLAPPED *overlapped = nullptr;
IO_Context *ctx = nullptr;
Client *client = nullptr;
DWORD transfered = 0;
while(WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(EventShutdown, 0)){
QCS = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hIOCP, &transfered, (PULONG_PTR)&client, &overlapped, INFINITE);
if( Debug ) printf("No client\n");
ctx = (IO_Context *)overlapped;
if(!QCS || (QCS && !transfered)){
printf("Error %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
switch(auto opcode = client->ProcessCurrentEvent(ctx, transfered)){
// Client owed to receive some data
if((SOCKET_ERROR == client->Recv()) && (WSA_IO_PENDING != WSAGetLastError())) DeleteClient(client);
// Client received all data or the beginning of new message
std::string message;
// Analizing the first byte of WebSocket frame
switch( opcode = message[0] & 0xFF ){
// HTTP_HANDSHAKE is 'G' - from GET HTTP...
message = websocket::handshake(message);
while(!client->SetSend(message)) Sleep(1); // Set outgoing data
if((SOCKET_ERROR == client->Send()) && (WSA_IO_PENDING != WSAGetLastError())) DeleteClient(client);
// Browser sent a closing frame (0x88) - performing clean WebSocket closure
case FIN_CLOSE:{
websocket::frame frame;
frame.masked = false;
if( frame.pl_len == 0 ){
unsigned short reason = 1000;
frame.payload[0] = (reason >> 8) & 0xFF;
frame.payload[1] = reason & 0xFF;
while(!client->SetSend(message)) Sleep(1);
if((SOCKET_ERROR == client->Send()) && (WSA_IO_PENDING != WSAGetLastError())) DeleteClient(client);
shutdown(client->Socket(), SD_SEND);
IO context struct:
struct IO_Context{
OVERLAPPED overlapped;
WSABUF data;
char buffer[IO_BUFFER_LENGTH];
unsigned char opcode;
unsigned long long debt;
std::string message;
debt = 0;
opcode = 0;
data.buf = buffer;
data.len = IO_BUFFER_LENGTH;
overlapped.Offset = overlapped.OffsetHigh = 0;
overlapped.Internal = overlapped.InternalHigh = 0;
overlapped.Pointer = nullptr;
overlapped.hEvent = nullptr;
~IO_Context(){ while(!HasOverlappedIoCompleted(&overlapped)) Sleep(1); }
Client Send function:
int Client::Send(){
int var_buf = O.message.size();
// "O" is IO_Context for Output = (var_buf>IO_BUFFER_LENGTH)?IO_BUFFER_LENGTH:var_buf;
var_buf =;
while(var_buf > 0)[var_buf] = O.message[--var_buf];
return WSASend(connection, &, 1, nullptr, 0, &O.overlapped, nullptr);
When the desktop client disconnects (it uses just closesocket() to do it, no shutdown()) the GetQueuedCompletionStatus returns TRUE and sets transfered to 0 - in this case WSAGetLastError() returns 64 (The specified network name is no longer available), and it has sense - client disconnected (line with if(!QCS || (QCS && !transfered))). But when the browser disconnects, the error codes confuse me... It can be 0, 997 (pending operation), 87 (invalid parameter)... and no codes related to end of connection.
Why do IOCP select this events? How can it select a pending operation? Why the error is 0 when 0 bytes transferred? Also it leads to endless trying to delete an object associated with the overlapped structure, because the destructor calls ~IO_Context(){ while(!HasOverlappedIoCompleted(&overlapped)) Sleep(1); } for secure deleting. In DeleteClient call the socket is closing with closesocket(), but, as you can see, I'm posting a shutdown(client->Socket(), SD_SEND); call before it (in FIN_CLOSE section).
I understand that there are two sides of a connection and closing it on a server side does not mean that an other side will close it too. But I need to create a stabile server, immune to bad and half opened connections. For example, the user of web application can rapidly press F5 to reload page few times (yeah, some dudes do so :) ) - the connection will reopen few times, and the server must not lag or crash due to this actions.
How to handle this "bad" events in IOCP?
you have many wrong code here.
while(WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(EventShutdown, 0)){
QCS = GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hIOCP, &transfered, (PULONG_PTR)&client, &overlapped, INFINITE);
this is not efficient and wrong code for stop WorkerThread. at first you do excess call WaitForSingleObject, use excess EventShutdown and main this anyway fail todo shutdown. if your code wait for packet inside GetQueuedCompletionStatus that you say EventShutdown - not break GetQueuedCompletionStatus call - you continue infinite wait here. correct way for shutdown - PostQueuedCompletionStatus(hIOCP, 0, 0, 0) instead call SetEvent(EventShutdown) and if worked thread view client == 0 - he break loop. and usually you need have multiple WorkerThread (not single). and multiple calls PostQueuedCompletionStatus(hIOCP, 0, 0, 0) - exactly count of working threads. also you need synchronize this calls with io - do this only after all io already complete and no new io packets will be queued to iocp. so "null packets" must be the last queued to port
if(!QCS || (QCS && !transfered)){
printf("Error %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
if !QCS - the value in client not initialized, you simply can not use it and call DeleteClient(client); is wrong under this condition
when object (client) used from several thread - who must delete it ? what be if one thread delete object, when another still use it ? correct solution will be if you use reference counting on such object (client). and based on your code - you have single client per hIOCP ? because you retriever pointer for client as completion key for hIOCP which is single for all I/O operation on sockets bind to the hIOCP. all this is wrong design.
you need store pointer to client in IO_Context. and add reference to client in IO_Context and release client in IO_Context destructor.
class IO_Context : public OVERLAPPED {
Client *client;
ULONG opcode;
// ...
IO_Context(Client *client, ULONG opcode) : client(client), opcode(opcode) {
~IO_Context() {
void OnIoComplete(ULONG transfered) {
OnIoComplete(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Internal), transfered);
void OnIoComplete(ULONG error, ULONG transfered) {
client->OnIoComplete(opcode, error, transfered);
delete this;
void CheckIoError(ULONG error) {
switch(error) {
OnIoComplete(error, 0);
then are you have single IO_Context ? if yes, this is fatal error. the IO_Context must be unique for every I/O operation.
if (IO_Context* ctx = new IO_Context(client, op))
ctx->CheckIoError(WSAxxx(ctx) == 0 ? NOERROR : WSAGetLastError());
and from worked threads
ULONG WINAPI WorkerThread(void * param)
OVERLAPPED *overlapped;
ULONG transfered;
while(GetQueuedCompletionStatus(hIOCP, &transfered, &key, &overlapped, INFINITE)) {
switch (key){
case '_io_':
case 'stop':
// ...
return 0;
default: __debugbreak();
return GetLastError();
the code like while(!HasOverlappedIoCompleted(&overlapped)) Sleep(1); is always wrong. absolute and always. never write such code.
ctx = (IO_Context *)overlapped; despite in your concrete case this give correct result, not nice and can be break if you change definition of IO_Context. you can use CONTAINING_RECORD(overlapped, IO_Context, overlapped) if you use struct IO_Context{
OVERLAPPED overlapped; } but better use class IO_Context : public OVERLAPPED and static_cast<IO_Context*>(overlapped)
now about Why do IOCP select this events? How to handle this "bad" events in IOCP?
the IOCP nothing select. he simply signaling when I/O complete. all. which specific wsa errors you got on different network operation absolute independent from use IOCP or any other completion mechanism.
on graceful disconnect is normal when error code is 0 and 0 bytes transferred in recv operation. you need permanent have recv request active after connection done, and if recv complete with 0 bytes transferred this mean that disconnect happens

Windws C++ Intermittent Socket Disconnect

I've got a server that uses a two thread system to manage between 100 and 200 concurrent connections. It uses TCP sockets, as packet delivery guarantee is important (it's a communication system where missed remote API calls could FUBAR a client).
I've implemented a custom protocol layer to separate incoming bytes into packets and dispatch them properly (the library is included below). I realize the issues of using MSG_PEEK, but to my knowledge, it is the only system that will fulfill the needs of the library implementation. I am open to suggestions, especially if it could be part of the problem.
Basically, the problem is that, randomly, the server will drop the client's socket due to a lack of incoming packets for more than 20 seconds, despite the client successfully sending a keepalive packet every 4. I can verify that the server itself didn't go offline and that the connection of the users (including myself) experiencing the problem is stable.
The library for sending/receiving is here:
short ncsocket::send(wstring command, wstring data) {
wstringstream ss;
int datalen = ((int)command.length() * 2) + ((int)data.length() * 2) + 12;
ss << zero_pad_int(datalen) << L"|" << command << L"|" << data;
int tosend = datalen;
short __rc = 0;
int res = ::send(this->sock, (const char*)ss.str().c_str(), datalen, NULL);
if (res != SOCKET_ERROR)
tosend -= res;
return FALSE;
} while (tosend != 0 && __rc < 10);
if (tosend == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
short ncsocket::recv(netcommand& nc) {
vector<wchar_t> buffer(BUFFER_SIZE);
int recvd = ::recv(this->sock, (char*), BUFFER_SIZE, MSG_PEEK);
if (recvd > 0) {
if (recvd > 8) {
wchar_t* lenstr = new wchar_t[4];
memcpy(lenstr,, 8);
int fulllen = _wtoi(lenstr);
delete lenstr;
if (fulllen > 0) {
if (recvd >= fulllen) {
buffer.resize(fulllen / 2);
recvd = ::recv(this->sock, (char*), fulllen, NULL);
if (recvd >= fulllen) {
buffer.resize(buffer.size() + 2);
vector<wstring> data = parsewstring(L"|",, 2);
if (data.size() == 3) {
nc.command = data[1];
nc.payload = data[2];
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
else {
::recv(this->sock, (char*), BUFFER_SIZE, NULL);
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
This is the code for determining if too much time has passed:
if ((int)difftime(time(0), regusrs[i].last_recvd) > SERVER_TIMEOUT) {
regusrs[i].is_valid = FALSE;
send_to_all(L"removeuser", regusrs[i].server_user_id);
wstringstream log_entry;
log_entry << regusrs[i].firstname << L" " << regusrs[i].lastname << L" (suid:" << regusrs[i].server_user_id << L",p:" << regusrs[i].parent << L",pid:" << regusrs[i].parentid << L") was disconnected due to idle";
write_to_log_file(server_log, log_entry.str());
The "regusrs[i]" is using the currently iterated member of a vector I use to story socket descriptors and user information. The 'is_valid' check is there to tell if the associated user is an actual user - this is done to prevent the system from having to deallocate the member of the vector - it just returns it to the pool of available slots. No thread access/out-of-range issues that way.
Anyway, I started to wonder if it was the server itself was the problem. I'm testing on another server currently, but I wanted to see if another set of eyes could stop something out of place or cue me in on a concept with sockets and extended keepalives that I'm not aware of.
Thanks in advance!
I think I see what you're doing with MSG_PEEK, where you wait until it looks like you have enough data to read a full packet. However, I would be suspicious of this. (It's hard to determine the dynamic behaviour of your system just by looking at this small part of the source and not the whole thing.)
To avoid use of MSG_PEEK, follow these two principles:
When you get a notification that data is ready (I assume you're using select), then read all the waiting data from recv(). You may use more than one recv() call, so you can handle the incoming data in pieces.
If you read only a partial packet (length or payload), then save it somewhere for the next time you get a read notification. Put the packets and payloads back together yourself, don't leave them in the socket buffer.
As an aside, the use of new/memcpy/wtoi/delete is woefully inefficient. You don't need to allocate memory at all, you can use a local variable. And then you don't even need the memcpy at all, just a cast.
I presume you already assume that your packets can be no longer than 999 bytes in length.

C++ Get Handle of Open Sockets of a Program

How is it possible to get the Socket ID (Handle) of the created sockets of a program?
I know I can get all the open sockets in all programs by GetTcpTable() but it has two problems:
It shows all programs sockets
It doesn't return ID (Handle) of sockets
As Remy said, its not trivial. You have to call OpenProcess with PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE for each process in the system. You might also need PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION and PROCESS_VM_READ, but I've never needed it (I've seen other code that uses it).
For each process, you access the donor process's handle table with NtQuerySystemInformation (with an information class of SystemHandleInformation). Finally, you call DuplicateHandle to make the process's handle your handle, too.
You will have to filter the handle types when enumerating the donor process's handle table. For each handle you have duplicated, call NtQueryObject with ObjectTypeInformation. If the type is a socket, you keep it open and put it in your list. Otherwise, close it and go on.
To perform the compare, the code looks similar to below. The type is returned as a UNICODE_STRING:
// info was returned from NtQueryObject, ObjectTypeInformation
wstring type( pObjectTypeInfo->Name.Buffer, pObjectTypeInfo->Name.Length );
if( 0 != wcscmp( L"Socket", type.c_str() ) ) { /* Not a Socket */ }
If there is no Socket type (I don't recall), you should try to get the name associated with the handle (its still a UNICODE_STRING), and look for \\Device\\Tcp. This time, you would use the same handle, but call NtQueryObject with ObjectNameInformation:
// info was returned from NtQueryObject, ObjectNameInformation
wstring name( pObjectNameInfo->Name.Buffer, pObjectNameInfo->Name.Length );
if( name.substr(0, 11) == "\\Device\\Tcp" ) ) { /* It's a TCP Socket */ }
Myself an another fellow did similar a few years ago. Instead of Sockets, we used Mutexes and Events to crash privileged Antivirus components from their userland UI program (which was sharing handles with the privileged component for IPC). See Old Dogs and New Tricks: Do You Know Where Your Handles Are?.
Ok, thanks to everyone that tried to solve my problem
After a lot of works I get how to handle it myself, this is how i tried to get the specified socket :
At the first I looked in to program's disassembly and find out the calls to WS2_32 Send function.
As the picture show there is a call to Socket send function at 0x467781 and the Socket handle saved to the stack in the EDX register
Now what i need to do is to Hook my code in to that function.
void GetSocket(int Flag,int DataSize, char* Data, SOCKET Socket)
sSocket = Socket;
sFlag = Flag;
sDataSize = DataSize;
sData = Data;
SendPacket(sSocket,Data,DataSize); //Send packets manually
__declspec(naked) void MyFunc()
PUSH EDX // Socket
PUSH ECX // Buffer
PUSH EAX // Buffer Size
PUSH 0 // Flag
CALL GetSocket
MOV EAX, sDataSize
MOV ECX, sData
MOV EDX, sWowSocket
JMP [JumpAddress] // JumpAddress = 0x467787 (After that CALL)
And now i all have to do is to change that CALL (in 0x467781) to a JMP to our function(MyFunc) and it can be done with the following function :
*(DWORD*) (0x467781 + 0x01) = (DWORD)MyFunc- (0x467781 + 0x05);
Now I'm done,I can easily see each packet that it sends to server and change them if necessary and also send my custom packets whit its Socket :)

Is poll() an edge triggered function?

I am responsible for a server that exports data over a TCP connection. With each data record that the server transmits, it requires the client to send a short "\n" acknowledgement message back. I have a customer who claims that the acknowledgement that he sends is not read from the web server. The following is code that I am using for I/O on the socket:
bool can_send = true;
char tx_buff[1024];
char rx_buff[1024];
struct pollfd poll_descriptor;
int rcd;
poll_descriptor.fd = socket_handle; = POLLIN | POLLOUT;
poll_descriptor.revents = 0;
while(!should_quit && is_connected)
// if we know that data can be written, we need to do this before we poll the OS for
// events. This will prevent the 100 msec latency that would otherwise occur
while(can_send && !should_quit && !write_buffer.empty())
uint4 tx_len = write_buffer.copy(tx_buff, sizeof(tx_buff));
rcd = ::send(
if(rcd == -1 && errno != EINTR)
throw SocketException("socket write failure");
if(rcd > 0)
on_low_level_write(tx_buff, rcd);
if(rcd < tx_len)
can_send = false;
// we will use poll for up to 100 msec to determine whether the socket can be read or
// written
if(!can_send) = POLLIN | POLLOUT;
else = POLLIN;
poll(&poll_descriptor, 1, 100);
// check to see if an error has occurred
if((poll_descriptor.revents & POLLERR) != 0 ||
(poll_descriptor.revents & POLLHUP) != 0 ||
(poll_descriptor.revents & POLLNVAL) != 0)
throw SocketException("socket hung up or socket error");
// check to see if anything can be written
if((poll_descriptor.revents & POLLOUT) != 0)
can_send = true;
// check to see if anything can be read
if((poll_descriptor.revents & POLLIN) != 0)
ssize_t bytes_read;
ssize_t total_bytes_read = 0;
int bytes_remaining = 0;
bytes_read = ::recv(
if(bytes_read > 0)
total_bytes_read += bytes_read;
else if(bytes_read == -1)
throw SocketException("read failure");
while(bytes_remaining != 0);
// recv() will return 0 if the socket has been closed
if(total_bytes_read > 0)
is_connected = false;
I have written this code based upon the assumption that poll() is a level triggered function and will unblock immediately as long as there is data to be read from the socket. Everything that I have read seems to back up this assumption. Is there a reason that I may have missed that would cause the above code to miss a read event?
It is not edge triggered. It is always level triggered. I will have to read your code to answer your actual question though. But that answers the question in the title. :-)
I can see no clear reason in your code why you might be seeing the behavior you are seeing. But the scope of your question is a lot larger than the code you're presenting, and I cannot pretend that this is a complete problem diagnosis.
It is level triggered. POLLIN fires if there is data in the socket receive buffer when you poll, and POLLOUT fires if there is room in the socket send buffer (which there almost always is).
Based on your own assessment of the problem (that is, you are blocked on poll when you expect to be able to read the acknowledgement), then you will eventually get a timeout.
If the customer's machine is more than 50ms away from your server, then you will always timeout on the connection before receiving the acknowledgement, since you only wait 100ms. This is because it will take a minimum of 50ms for the data to reach the customer, and a minimum of 50ms for the acknowledgement to return.