CakePHP/Jenkins/Phing - Run all unit tests - unit-testing

I'm in the middle of my first ever stab at setting up Jenkins to build and run unit tests /code coverage with my CakePHP project. So far I have successfully got Jenkins fetching and building automatically from my BitBucket repository - a small victory in itself.
Next thing I want to happen is for the unit tests to run and code coverage reports to be populated.
Here is my build.xml, which is being executed in Jenkins with the (only) build command phing -f $WORKSPACE/build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="Consumer Love" default="phpunit">
<target name="phpunit">
<exec command="cake test app --coverage-clover logs/reports/clover.xml"></exec>
I think the issue is that when you run cake test app it asks for a prompt of which specific tests you want to run, I have been unable to figure out a method to run all of my CakePHP app unit tests.

The solution was to create a custom CakePHP Test suite which adds specific files/directories to be tested, then run that suite with the command cake test app AllTests.
For example, here is my Test/Case/AllTests.php:
* Custom test suite to execute all tests
class AllTestsTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite {
public static function suite() {
$path = APP . 'Test' . DS . 'Case' . DS;
$suite = new CakeTestSuite('All tests');
$suite->addTestDirectory($path . 'Model' . DS);
return $suite;
This testsuite simply adds the Models directory to the testing environment, so all my model tests now get executed. As you can see it can be extended to run more/all tests as seen fit.

Try cake test app all. I can't confirm this makes the difference just now, but I've pulled this out of a phing build file where I'm doing the same thing as you so it should be good.


MarkLogic unit test not running any tests

I thought it would be a good idea to set up MarkLogic unit testing, so I've been following the unit-test-project as best as I can. Everything seems to work, but no unit tests are being performed. I've copied the four unit tests to src/test/ml-modules/root/suites/My Tests and the one module to src/main/ml-modules/root/. Everything deploys correctly. But running the unit tests gives me:
$ gradle mlUnitTest
> Task :mlUnitTest
Constructing DatabaseClient that will connect to port: 8021
Run teardown scripts: true
Run suite teardown scripts: true
Run code coverage: false
Running all suites...
Done running all suites; time: 1791ms
0 tests completed, 0 failed
The unit testing UI loads in a browser, but it also displays no tests.
This is my build.gradle file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "com.marklogic:marklogic-unit-test-client:1.0.0"
classpath "com.marklogic:ml-gradle:4.1.0"
plugins { id "" version "4.1.0" }
repositories {
dependencies {
mlBundle "com.marklogic:marklogic-unit-test-modules:1.0.0"
I'm using MarkLogic 10, on 64 bit Linux, ml-gradle 4.0
Ah. It looks like the test suites are expected under the project directory in
I had put suites under root and missed the second test directory.

phpunit tests returning no assertions and all errors

I am new to unit testing (and would really like to learn). I tried pulling down this repository ( and have been trying to run their unit tests they already have set up. I have it to the point where phpunit is running but when I run
phpunit tests
from the root directory I get:
Tests: 1411, Assertions: 0, Errors: 1411
I have tried running
phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml
but then I get the error:
Class "JohnKary\PHPUnit\Listener\SpeedTrapListener" does not exist
They have something in their documentation about running:
php phpunit.phar -c tests/phpunit.xml
but I get the error
Could not open input file: phpunit.phar
which is because of the way I have phpunit set up I'm sure...
Any suggestions on how to further trouble shoot this?
It appears you have configured to be used as a test listener in your phpunit.xml but have not (properly) installed this extension.
And if your PHP cannot find phpunit.phar then you are either not pointing it to the correct path or you have not downloaded / installed the PHPUnit PHAR, maybe because you chose to install PHPUnit via Composer. In that case the correct path would be vendor/bin/phpunit, of course.

launch one jasmine test with grunt and karma?

I have a big web project with many javascript Jasmine unit tests.
In that web project, i use grunt, karma and jasmine.
Is there any way to launch only one test javascript with grunt with a command line ?
Launching all tests is long, so how to do that without modify my gruntfile.js or my karma-unit.conf.js ??
I tried the following command, but it is more a hack than a real solution :
karma run -- --grep=filteredtestexpr
I am not sure of the best way to specify which test to run from the command line. But it seems like your problem can be solved with the following two pointers:
Change the name of a test from it to iit and karma will run only that test (actually all iit tests).
Change describe to ddescribe to run the entire describe block.
Also, use xit and xdescribe to explicitly exclude tests.

PhantomJS Ghostdriver and Nose --with-id

I am working with Selenium tests in python using Nose as a test runner. I run my tests like so
nosetests -a level=gold --with-id --with-xunit
Once tests are done, I usually run
nosetests --failed
So far we have run tests using FireFox and Chrome webdrivers with no issues. It is not uncommon for one or two tests to fail (as our website is undergoes frequent builds, which causes tests to briefly fail), and only these tests are retried.
When I use PhantomJS's Ghostdriver, behavior is similar to Chrome/FF as one or two tests fail. But when I run nosetests --failed ALL tests are rerun, not just the failed ones.
webdriver setup a such:
self.driver = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path='C:\\SeleniumTests\\phantomjs.exe')
nosetest.xml on the first pass with phantomjs outputs
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><testsuite name="nosetests" tests="37" errors="1" failures="0" skip="0">
but on the second pass all 37 tests are rerun.
Is this a known issue with Ghostdriver? Or is there some something I am missing?

Tests fail with 'mvn test' on grails project converted from 2.2.4 to 2.4.3

I have successfully converted two projects from grails 2.2.4 to 2.4.3. I can run the tests, and run-app both from the grails command line, and within ggts.
Then, I converted it to a maven project, by using create-pom to get an initial pom.xml file. After getting the dependencies right, I can again run the tests and the app from the command line and ggts. But I am getting errors on my unit tests (not spock tests) using 'mvn test'.
The errors look like this:
at grails.test.runtime.GrailsApplicationTestPlugin.createParentContext(GrailsApplicationTestPlugin.groovy:143)
at grails.test.runtime.GrailsApplicationTestPlugin.initGrailsApplication(GrailsApplicationTestPlugin.groovy:96)
at grails.test.runtime.GrailsApplicationTestPlugin.onTestEvent(GrailsApplicationTestPlugin.groovy:327)
at grails.test.runtime.TestRuntime.deliverEvent(TestRuntime.groovy:295)
It feels like some kind of setup , or dependency issue.