Why c++ is not used in L2/L3/L4 development projects [closed] - c++

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have been involved in numerous c++ projects mainly in the application domain pertaining to VOIP protocols. Now I have to move to L3 , L2 protocol development projects where I found 'C' is preferred language of choice for the L2/L3/L4 developers.
Now I am wondering expect device firmware related applications, why protocols are developed using stone age era language. Why ppl dont take the benefits of OOPS techniques? Will it be prudent if I try to convince them to switch to c++. Most of the developers working in the team are C experts and not comfortable with C++.

There are several reasons for continuing using C.
There are existing C projects. Who will pay for converting them into C++?
C++ compiler (of a good quality) is not available on every platform.
Psychological reason. When you pass and return objects by value, temp objects are created left and right. This is not ok for small systems. People do not really understand that passing and returning references completely solves this problem. There are other similar issues.
And finally. What is wrong with C? It works! (Do not fix what is not broken).
It is possible to write the same performant code on C++ as on C, but this requires better understanding, training, code control discipline. Common percetion is that these flaws are unavoidable.

If you think of C as simply a "stone-age language," then I think you misunderstand why people continue to use it. I like and use both C and C++. I like them both for different reasons, and for different kinds of problems.
The C language presents a model of the computer that is both (mostly) complete and very easy to understand, with very few surprises. C++ presents a very complex model, and requires the programmer to understand a lot of nuance to avoid nasty surprises. The C++ compiler does a lot of stuff automatically (calling constructors, destructors, stack unwinding, etc.). This is usually nice, but sometimes it interferes with tracking down bugs. In general, I find that it's very easy to shoot yourself in the foot with both C and C++, but I find the resulting foot-surgery is much easier to do in C, simply because it's a simpler language model.
The C model of a computer is about as close to assembly as you can while still being reasonably portable. The language does almost nothing automatically, and lets you do all kinds of crazy memory manipulations. This allows for unsafe programming, but it also allows for very optimized programming in an environment with very few surprises. It's very easy to tell exactly what a line of code does in C. That is not true in C++, where the compiler can create and destroy temporary objects for you. I've had C++ code where it took profiling to reveal that automatic destructors were eating a ton of cycles. This never happens in C, where a line of code has very few surprises. This is less of an issue today than it was in the past; C++ compilers have gotten a lot better at optimizing many of their temporaries away. It can still be an issue, though, and especially in an embedded environment where memory (including stack space) is often tight.
Finally, code written in C++ often compiles slowly. The culprits are usually templates, but eliminating templates often makes your C++ code look a lot like C. And, I really cannot overstate how much this can affect productivity. It kills productivity when your debug-fix-recompile-test cycle is limited by the compilation time. Yes, I know and love pre-compiled headers, but they only do so much.
Don't get the impression that I'm anti-C++ here. I like and use the language. It's nice to have classes, smart pointers, std::vector, std::string, etc. But there's a reason that C is alive and kicking.
For a different perspective, and one that is firmly anti-C++, you should at least skim over Linus Torvald's perspective on C++. His arguments are worth thinking about, even if you disagree with them.


Comparative advantages between C vs C++ for new projects [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
For each new low-level program or library I write on POSIX systems, I always have to start out with the initial decision: do I write it in vanilla C, or do I go with C++? I like to think that each time I'm making a relatively informed decision, but I wonder if there's something I'm missing.
This isn't a which is better question, but rather, what aspects of each are better? Presumably, each has compelling strengths. In which cases should I chose the one instead of the other?
For example, below are some of the points I consider. What else am I missing?
Favoring C
Compatibility: Virtually every language and framework has some mechanism for interfacing with code written in C.
Simplicity: Debugging template code makes you age faster
Popularity: Think of all your favorite applications, servers, interpreters, and other tools. Chances are most of them are written in C, even though C++ was available when they started. All the cool kids use C.
Favoring C++
The STL: You certainly could implement your own RB-tree, quicksort algorithm, or double-linked list. But it probably won't be as good.
Templates: Sure, it's a pre-processor function masquerading as a language feature, but it sure is convenient.
Classes: C++ isn't exactly smalltalk, but at least it's not fancy assembly language either.
Compatibility: You can still use C in a C++ project.
I think you're making it more complicated than it really is. Which language are you better at in expressing your idea? If neither, and if you're a beginner at both, use C; otherwise if you're good at both pick what you feel like. Otherwise it doesn't matter nearly as much as just starting.
Alice: Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?
The Cat: That depends a good deal on where you want to get to
Alice: I don't much care where.
The Cat: Then it doesn't much matter which way you go.
Alice: so long as I get somewhere.
The Cat: Oh, you're sure to do that, if only you walk long enough.
C++ simply has many more features than C. That makes it a more complex language. But the benefit of using these features is that you will have to write (and maintian) less code.
You're not required to use templates, stl, exceptions, function overloads, or whatever C++ feature. But if your problem needs just one of these features, your program will be more readable if you do it in C++, rather than emulating the missing functionality in C.
You forgot to mention that in C++ there are destructors that are called automatically, so when used correctly (RAII) you don't need to worry about resource deallocation. Another good feature are exceptions that could make the error handling easier and more maintainable.
For myself, there is only two reasons to use C. First is if you need the code to be extremely portable (going to be used as a library in different languages and/or operating systems), and second if you need raw speed, which usually isn't a big deal as C++ typically performs only slightly slower than c (not including OO features).
I really enjoy the OO features of C++, which if used properly can make life a lot easier when developing applications.
It sounds like you favor C over C++. I do too. However, ease of use is the most important factor in programming. C++ has better string support and more libraries, so for non-trivial projects, such as database access and stuff like that, go with C++. If you are aiming to be cross platform and maybe want to work on a lower level, use C. Besides, they're both the same anyway.
C++ is better in almost every way: safer, more efficient, works better in large projects... The only exception is that you can't use it when you interface with other languages. But in that case you still use C++ and add a small C layer for the interfacing part.
C has some advantages above C++ in the early phase of a project, it's simpler, easier and requires less design decisions. However, as the project grows so do the advantages of C++ and Object Oriented Code, which are essentially: Encapsulation, Abstraction and Information Hiding. The drawback is usually slightly slower code unless you break encapsulation.
Yes, it's possible to write like C++ in C, too, but it is far more complex and a hell to maintain.
When I have a choice, I go with a subset of C++.
compatibility - not a problem, you can use extern "C" for linking with C libraries
simplicity - avoid templates, overloading operators, and other C++ feature that obfuscate code
You still get the advantages of classes and RAII.

Object-oriented programming [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I am developing a project in C++. I realised that my program is not OO.
I have a main.cpp, and several headers for different purposes. Each header is basically a collection of related functions with some global variables to retain data. I also have a windowing.h for managing windows. This contains the winMain() and winProc(). It calls the functions that resides in my main.cpp when events happen (like clicking a button) or when it needs information (like 'how big to make this window?'). These functions are declared in a seperate .h file included into windowing.h.
Is it worth changing this to be OO? Is it worth the work. Is there any better way I can construct the program without too many changes?
All feedback welcome, thankyou for taking the time to read this.
No, I think if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Any windowing system is inherently OO to a degree. You have a handle to a window managed by the OS, and you can perform certain operations on it. Whether you use window->resize() or resize(window) is immaterial. There is clearly no value in such syntactic rearrangement.
However, as the application grows, you will likely find that many windows are mostly similar and subtly different. The best implementation is boilerplate basic functionality with special functions attached. And the way to do that is with a base class and polymorphism.
So, if you can refactor the program to be more elegant with OO, go for it. If it grows into the OO paradigm with natural evolution, follow best practices and let it be so. But don't just try to be buzzword-compliant.
Two things you need to think about: cost/benefit analysis and opportunity cost.
What is the cost of changing your code to be OO? What is the benefit? If the latter outweighs the former, then I'd tend towards changing it.
Costs include traditional costs such as time spent, money spent and so on. Benefits include a cleaner implementation, leading to easier maintenance in future. Whatever other costs and benefits there are depend really upon your own situation.
But one thing often overlooked is the opportunity cost. This is a cost that should be factored in to your analysis. It's an economic term meaning foregone opportunities.
In other words, if you do convert your code, your cost includes your inability to do something else with that time.
Classic example. If you do the conversion and a customer decides to not buy your software because you're not adding the feature they want, that lost sales opportunity is a cost.
It depends on what you want to accomplish with the project. If not using the OO features of C++ works for you and there are no good reasons to change, then keep going the way you're going. If, on the other hand, you would like to learn more about OOP and you have the time to apply to it, refactoring it to be more OO style will provide you with a great learning opportunity.
I would follow the best practices for working with whatever window manager you are using. Most use an OO style, which you'll automatically inherit (!) as you follow its usage patterns.

Does it feel anytime that c++ sometimes reduces problem solving time and increases syntactic, semantic rigor? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
C++ introduces OOPS, templates and variety of other concepts. But sometimes I am stuck in unmanageable storm of calling convention incompatibilities between methods, convoluted casting between distantly connected classes and struggling with code that forces me think in the level of byte-alignment.
I am very tempted to go back to plain old-C language that is low level enough and simple enough that I can spend much of my time solving a problem at hand, than having to figure out the conceptual implementation and nuances of using C++.
What is your take on such an issue. Using C-language as the first class citizen in my code-base and coating it at the end with a C++ primer make for a better way to manage a conceptual code-base ??
sometimes I am stuck in unmanageable storm of calling convention incompatibilities between methods, convoluted casting between distantly connected classes and struggling with code that forces me think in the level of byte-alignment.
It sounds like you might be doing something wrong. I don't know what sorts of projects you work on, but I've rarely had to deal with any of those things--certainly never in over 99.9% of the code I've written--and I've written a bit of C++ code (though not nearly as much as others here on StackOverflow).
What is your take on such an issue.
You should consider getting a good book on C++ (like one of the introductory books or any of the best practices books listed in The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List) and really learn C++ if you want to use C++.
I often feel the way you do. C++ compilers are incredibly bitchy about insignificant details and, if you considered them an object, they have appalling encapsulation, and they give horrendously bad error messages. Sometimes, programming C++ feels like fighting against the Standard.
However, I'd never, ever ditch it for C. If you're considering it, you fail C++. Yes, templates and their syntax and some of their semantics can be a bitch, but the power they offer is unparalleled. The things offered like automatic memory management and the power of the STL just can't be matched by C.
In addition, nobody is forcing you to use templates. You could write a whole C++ program using nothing but the pre-provided templates. You could never use polymorphism, or templates, or encapsulation, or object-orientation as a whole, and yes, sometimes none of those solutions are appropriate. But it's plain stupid not to give yourself the option.
And if you're casting classes in C++ (frequently), it sounds to me like whoever wrote the original code flat out didn't know what they were doing. Same for byte alignment.
I've never had to worry about byte alignment unless I was writing binary files.
Casting distantly related classes to each other is bad design.
I've never worried about calling conventions unless I was writing interrupt routines.
If you forced to frequently "cast distantly connected classes" and "think in the level of byte-alignment" - there is something wrong with the architecture of the project. Language is not the problem here.
C++ is heavy. You probably should not use all the features it provides. KISS principle, you know.
You can always pretend that C++ is just "C with classes" and exploit templates and other "hard" stuff only when it will provide reasonable improvement in some areas (like code simplicity, as a matter of fact).
I recently switched back from C++ to C and took a liking in C99. But it certainly depends on what you are doing. For a library of reasonable size, C99 with its advantages over C89, is good enough, and as somebody else said you can easily provide a C++ wrapper, if necessary. C++, I only would go for a big project that has large amount of code reuse (internal or external) with templates.
Things from C++ I missed in C89 have nothing to do with objects or so, but are simple things as declaration of variables inside the for and a well defined inline feature. C99 has that plus variable length arguments for macros, so I am happy with it.
You are not alone. These are all well-known flaws in C++, a language which forces developers to attend incompatible conventions, to struggle to overcome a convoluted caste system, and to take their code in for byte-realignment every 3,000 lines. Definitely switch back to C.

Should I reject C++ because it's becoming a juggernaut? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have tried to keep up with C++ since they introduced 1998 ANSI/ISO C++. I absorbed the new concepts and tried to understand them. I learned about exception handling, templates, and namespaces. I've read about the new cast mechanisms and worked with the STL library.
All of these concepts required a lot of energy. But now I am somewhat worried about the future of C++ when having a look at the new C++0x standard.
Things are getting more and more complicated. This language is becoming a monster.
I'm not sure that I want to keep up with the language anymore, since I don't do my day-to-day hacking in C++ anyway. I mostly use interpreted or bytecode languages.
So why should I bother to learn this difficult, yet exceptionally powerful, language? I can do 95% of my business with Python et al. With the remaining 5%, I can deal with plain old C++ or C without hassle.
What do you think?
Everyone uses a subset of C++. For almost all application programming in C++, whether server or client side, that subset is manageable. In my opinion, the only folks that need to stay on top of absolutely every nuance of the language are the library writers -- people implementing Boost, STL, Loki, etc.
But I would absolutely use the language that fits the task. If Python is more readable and more maintainable than C++ for your job, and you don't need what C++ offers, then certainly stick with Python.
Hear what Bruce Eckel { author of the two of the so-called best C++ books } commented on C++ a few weeks ago:
That said, I hardly ever use C++
anymore. When I do, it's either
examining legacy code, or to write
performance-critical sections,
typically as small as possible to be
called from other code (my preferred
approach is to quickly write an app in
Python, then profile it and if
necessary improve performance by
calling small portions of C++ using
Python's ctypes library).
Because I was on the C++ Standards
Committee, I saw these decisions being
made. They were all extremely
carefully considered, far more so than
many of the decisions made in Java.
However, as people have rightly
pointed out, the resulting language
was complicated and painful to use and
full of weird rules that I forget as
soon as I'm away from it for a little
while -- and I figured out those rules
from first principles while I wrote
books, not just by memorizing them.
Additionally, you should read this thread and Danny Kalev's predictions on C++.
However, the growing complexity of C++ will create pressure towards splitting the language into quasi-official dialects. We can already see this trend today; it will probably intensify in the future.
You should take a look at this discussion, too:
C++ - Anyone else feel like C++ is getting too complicated?
First, many features of C++0x are to make the language easier to use. More readable template compile errors, more consistent initialization syntax, support for threading, which would otherwise have to rely on platform-specific libraries and so on.
So if you do use C++, I feel learning the important parts of C++0x should be a manageable task. Remember that you don't need to learn all the new features to use the language. Some features are primarily added as an aid for library implementers, for example allowing the STL to be implemented more efficiently, but which shouldn't really affect the end-users usage of the language. And some are only really necessary in very rare cases. Ignore those parts of the language.
One of their stated goals with C++0x is to avoid it becoming harder to use.
But apart from that, do you need C++? If you do your coding in other languages, why bother keeping up with C++?
You're not forced to use every feature a language provides. I don't use setjmp/longjmp in C despite it being there. I also don't use every aspect of the Java collections.
If you think the new features will make your code delivery better (faster or higher quality or both), then use them. Otherwise ignore them.
It's useful to know at a high level what they all are, if only to get you through job interviews, but half the stuff they add to languages are unnecessary in my opinion.
I never even got around to using C++ templates before switching to Java, but I knew what they were for.
It's not always about learning the latest and greatest. Software (at least at your job) is about delivery of product. That can be done in COBOL or FORTRAN if you're proficient enough at it.
No one, except maybe Bjarne and Herb Sutter, know all of C++. As you've said it's an incredibly huge language. Expecting to be able to take the entire standard + the specific implementation details of your specific compiler or compilers is truthfully unrealistic.
But you don't need to know everything in order to use C++. Instead only learn the subset of C++ that is valuable to you and your projects. It doesn't hurt to keep expanding your knowledge but unless you're writing a C++ compiler, there's no reason to know the whole thing. Even if you accomplish it, all of the people you work with won't.
So why should I bother to learn this
difficult, yet exceptionally powerful,
language? I can do 95% of my business
with python et al. With the remaining
5%, I can deal with plain old C++ or C
without hassle.
Well, for the most part you answer your own question. There is no need for you to keep up with the bleeding edge of C++ at this time.
However, the language will keep marching on. In a few years, some of the concepts you consider a bleeding-edge waste of time today will be in common use. Someday you may find during your 5% of using "plain-old C++" that some example code or code you're collaborating on uses a construct you're not familiar with. At that point, you'll need to hit the net and brush up on the new "current" C++.
Is that going to be a problem? Of course not. You're a programmer. You keep abreast of the latest programming concepts in the context of your 95% language, which also changes over time. You will likely already be quite familiar with the concepts and need only familiarize yourself with its C++ syntax when the time comes that you must use them.
Personally I hope to continue keeping up with C++, even if my career moves more toward Java or another next-gen language. Why? I would like to say because it interests me the most and because I love the complexity and expressiveness of it all. More likely, though, is just because it was my first professional language; I consider it my "native tongue".
If it does not interest you, and does not concern your job or future job, don't bother. What's wrong with that? Nothing.
Good answers.
Computer makers compete for buyers, software competes for your disk space, and languages compete for users. They do this by trying to snag each other's features.
I'm wondering how long before we see Fortran come out with lambda expressions :-)
I am hard-pressed to find a single instance where C++0x has been made more complex than C++98. There are two things which really are complex:
the Memory Model
but the first one has been removed again (thankfully; standardizing unimplemented features has never worked out in C++, witness throw specifications, extern templates, auto_ptr, ...), and the second isn't really something that a modern programming language can escape. It's been externally induced by Intel & Co helpfully breaking your programs to make them run faster.
The rest is just fixing annoyances that every C++ programmer has been frequently hitting in the last decades.
As a side note: I find it ­... amusing ... to see how languages such as C# get packed with a database query language (LINQ) and C++ is objurgated as being bloated.
You don't need to know every standard that comes out by heart. It does help to know about the big picture though. The 5% that you do code in may have you reinvent the occasional wheel. Depending on how much time, importance that 5% has (think Pareto) you need to take a call.
Also, any particular reason (like legacy code dependency) why you can't move that 5% to python?
First try attending a course on c++0x and make your firm pay for that :)
Our brains can fit amazing amounts of junk-knowledge. Instead of cursing and having programmer-wtf-moments we should first learn from program users and listen to other people's opinions/knowhows. Knowledge transfers much faster that way.
My suggestion would be to learn the new keywords of c++0x ( && FTW) but not bother trying to learn the entire lib. Use python for w/e you want, possibly C# for apps, then use C++(0x) when you need to do something powerful. and ask stackoverflow & google about the new container when prototyping.
You dont need to use a select few language,

Is C++ a "waste of time"? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I ran into this supposed interview of Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++.
Stroustrup: Well, it's been long enough, now, and I believe most people have figured out for themselves that C++ is a waste of time but, I must say, it's taken them a lot longer than I thought it would...
Interviewer: Yes, but C++ is basically a sound language.
Stroustrup: You really believe that, don't you? Have you ever sat down and worked on a C++ project? Here's what happens: First, I've put in enough pitfalls to make sure that only the most trivial projects will work first time. Take operator overloading. At the end of the project, almost every module has it, usually, because guys feel they really should do it, as it was in their training course. The same operator then means something totally different in every module. Try pulling that lot together, when you have a hundred or so modules. And as for data hiding, God, I sometimes can't help laughing when I hear about the problems companies have making their modules talk to each other.
Is this a hoax? Do any of these points seem true for any of the veteran C++ programmers out there?
You just have to check the Stroustrup's website (the FAQ part) to find that it's wrong - a well known hoax as Judah Himango already pointed :
Did you really give an interview to IEEE?
in which you confessed that C++ was
deliberately created as an awful
language for writing unmaintainable
code to increase programmers'
salaries? Of course not. Read the
real IEEE interview.
It's a well-known hoax.
And no, learning C++ isn't a waste of your time, something that's been discussed on StackOverflow many times.
As mentioned, this is a well-known hoax.
But it does provoke some interesting points. These days C++ is a waste of time, except for when you can't afford to waste time. Less opaquely: C++ is a waste of development time, except for when you can't afford to waste execution time.
From the article titled "The Real Stroustrup Interview" in IEEE Computer Magazine Vol. 31 Issue 6 pp.110-114 (June 1998):
For the past few months, a hoax interview between Stroustrup and Computer has been making the rounds in cyberspace. While we regret the incident, it offers us a welcome opportunity to have the father of C++ share his insights on Standard C++ and software development in general. We can also attest to his continued sense of proportion and humor—he suggests that the fictitious interview would have been a much funnier parody had he written it himself.
As others mentioned, this Interview is hoax.
Well, I am one of the persons who hate C++ and normally doesnt use it, but learning it was definitely not a waste of time. At least now I know why I hate C++ and I understand why other persons use this language and think it is good.
If you want to learn this language to know about its concepts, its benefits and its drawbacks, to be able to read code written in it, and in general to be able to "talk about" it, it is never a waste of time. Same for any other programming language. It will increase your expierience. For example, C++ shows one common way of OOP - a way I dont like, but a way many other people use.
But if you want to learn it because "the people say that it is the best" (as I sometimes read), then it is really a waste of time. Same for any other programming language.
Programmers that feel attracted to higher level languages that take care of memory management and other tasks for them, could feel that C++ is a waste of time.
It certainly is if you can achieve the same goal with another language in less time and with less bug fixing and don't mind the downsides as efficiency.
But I don't regret having learned and spent so many hours coding in C/C++ for it's such a beautiful language and allows you to produce things that not many other languages can.
I mean, don't you want to use the language with which operating systems and compilers are written? that's not a waste of time at all from my perspective.
C++ is far from being a waste of your time. You'll understand valuable concepts that will help you understand many other concepts in different programming languages. I.E.: VTABLE.
There is not a single framework which uses all language features of C++. This introduces a huge inconsistency to the language's ecosystem.
QT is one of the few APIs which I would call a framework (or API for a lot of things):
But it defines own string, own array, ...
What's the point of a "standard" library when no one can use it in a portable and compatible way (from the aspect of interaction with other APIs)?
I know, there is boost, but what is boost compared to an API such as QT? Nothing.
Look at Java: The is the standard Java API, and every "foreign" API uses it, it's all perfectly compatible.
C++ (and Java) probably the best language to learn to understand concepts of OOP.
I remember learning it in college benefited me a lot.
Stroustrup is not that stupid to say that! It is definitely a hoax!