How to create django models Dynamically - django

My django application need to collect user data(name age country etc) based on his email domain( 'gmail' as in wist to create a new table every time i encounter a new email domain.
Can this be done in django ?

This is a bad idea. Your tables would all have the same structure. All of your data should be stored in a single table, with a domain column to keep the data separate. Why would you want a different table for each domain? Whatever reason you have, there's a better way to do it.
This idea goes against everything in the design of the relational database, and the Django ORM on top of it.


Archive data after every year

I have lots of models in my project like Advertisements, UserDetails etc. Currently I have to delete the entire database every year so as to not create any conflicts between this year data and previous year data.
I want to implement a feature that can allow me to switch between different years. What can be the best way to implement this?
I think you could switch schemas in PostgreSQL. It's not completely straightforward. There are several ways to do that you can look into. The way I did it was to use a default search path for the Django database user account (e.g. user2018, user2019, etc) that only included the schema I wanted to use. I can't check the exact settings right now because my office network is down. You can also do it in or in each individual model using db_table according to what I've read, although both those solutions seem more convoluted that using the search path.
You would have to shutdown, change the database username in (or change the search path in PostgreSQL, change the schema over to a new one, and then run migrate to create the tables again. If you have reference data in any of the tables then schema-to-schema copies are easy to do.
Try searching for change django database schema postgresql to see what options there are for specifying the schema.

Need guidance with creating Django based dashboard

I'm a beginner at Django, and as a practice project I would like to create a webpage with a dashboard to track investments in a particular p2p platform. They do not have a nice dashboard (but provide excel file with all data). As I see it, main steps that I need to do in this project are as follow:
Create login so that users would have account where they upload their excel files.
Make it possible to import excel file to a database
Manipulate/calculate data for it to be later used in dashboard
Create dashboard.
Host webpage.
After some struggle I have implemented point no. 2, and will deal with 1 and 5 later. But number 3 is my biggest issue now.
I'm completely unsure what I need to do, and google did not help. I need to calculate data before I can make dashboard from it. Union two of the tables, and then join them together with a third table, creating some additional needed calculated fields. Do I create a view in the database and somehow fetch this data to Django? Or do I need to create some rules so that new table would be created at the time of the import? I think having table instead of a view would have better performance. Or maybe I'm doing it completely wrong, and should take completely different approach for this kind of task? Also, is SQLite a good database for a task (I'm using it, because it was a default in Django)?
I assume for vizualization part I will need to do it with some JavaScript library, such as D3? Which then would use data from step 3.
For part 3 there is 2 way, either do these stuff and save the result in your database or you can do it when you need it using django model features like annotation, aggregation and etc.
Option 1 requires to add a table for you calculation which is Models in django.
Option 2 requires to create a doing the annotations in a view or model managers and then using them in views.
Django docs: Aggregation
Which is the best is depended on how big your data is, how complicated the calculation is and how often you need them.
And for database; SQLite is just a database for development use not the production and surly not with a lot of data and a lot of calculations. The recommended database for django is postgresql which is pretty good at handling millions and even billions of data and doing heavy calculation.
And for vizualization you should handle it on the template side which is basically HTML, CSS and JS.

How to know where database has changed

I have a project that looks like a simple shopping site that sells different kinds of products. For example, I have 4 models: Brand, Product, Consignment. Consignment is linked to Product, and Product is linked to Brand. To reduce count of queries to databases, I want to save current state of these models(or at least some of them). I want to do it, because I show a sidebar with brands and products. So every time when user opens some page, it will execute the query to database to get those brands and products.
But when admin add some new product or brand, I want to handle database changing and resave it. How to implement it?
Your answer is by using Cache. Cache is a method to store your objects in memory/other app like redis temporarily so that you do not need send queries to database. You can read the full description here.
Or, you can use this third party library that helps you to cache Django ORM Model. Here are the example.
After doing an update to the model, you need to clear or invalidate the cache.

manipulating Django database directly

I was wondering this could produce any problem if I directly add rows or remove some from a model table. I thought maybe Django records the number of rows in all tables? or this could mess up the auto-generated id's?
I don't think it matters but I'm using MySql.
No, it's not a problem because Django does the same that you do "directly" to the database, it execute SQL statements, and the auto generated id is handled by the database server (MySql server in this case), no matter where that SQL queries comes from, whatever it is Mysql Client or Django.
Since you can have Django work on a pre-existing database (one that wasn't created by Django), I don't think you will have problems if you access/write the tables of your own app (you might want to avoid modifying Django's internal tables like auth, permission, content_type etc until you are familiar with them)
When you create a model through Django, Django doesn't store the count or anything (unless your app does), so it's okay if you create the model with Django on the SQL database, and then have another app write/read from that same SQL table
If you use Django signals, those will not be triggered by modifying the SQL table directly through the DB, so you might want to pay attention to side effects like that.
Your RDBMS handles it's own auto generated IDs and referential integrity, counts etc, so you don't have to worry about messing it up.

Warehousing records from a flat item table: Django Signals or PostgreSQL Triggers?

I have a Django website with a PostgreSQL database. There is a Django app and model for a 'flat' item table with many records being inserted regularly, up to millions of inserts per month. I would like to use these records to automatically populate a star schema of fact and dimension tables (initially also modeled in the Django, in order to efficiently do complex queries on the records, and present data from them on the Django site.
Two main options keep coming up:
1) PostgreSQL Triggers: Configure the database directly to insert the appropriate rows into fact and dimensional tables, based on creation or update of a record, possibly using Python/PL-pgsql and row-level after triggers. Pros: Works with inputs outside Django; might be expected to be more efficient. Cons: Splits business logic to another location; triggering inserts may not be expected by other input sources.
2) Django Signals: Use the Signals feature to do the inserts upon creation or update of a record, with the built-in signal django.db.models.signals.post_save. Pros: easier to build and maintain. Cons: Have to repeat some code or stay inside the Django site/app environment to support new input sources.
Am I correct in thinking that Django's built-in signals are the way to go for maintaining the fact table and the dimension tables? Or is there some other, significant option that is being missed?
I ended up using Django Signals. With a flat table "item_record" containing fields "item" and "description", the code in looks like this:
from django.db.models.signals import post_save
def create_item_record_history(instance, created, **kwargs):
if created:
post_save.connect(create_item_record_history, sender=ItemRecord)
It is running well for my purposes. Although it's just creating an annotated flat table (new field "created_at"), the same method could be used to build out a star schema.