Tcl/Tk GUI interface for C++ library - c++

I have a C++ library that we're using to override some functions for testing. However, we just have it set up to prompt from the command line.
I'm looking to create a GUI for it to use as the prompt rather than command line.
I've been looking into Tcl/Tk, but I'm not quite sure if it can do what I'd like. Is it possible to use the Tcl/Tk wrapper to stylize my library functions?
Can I just include Tcl/Tk in my C++ code somehow, so that I call those functions right inside my library?

Probably easiest to wrap your C++ functions with swig and call them from Tcl, see this intro, then you can use Tk to create a GUI for your input parameters and/or displaying your results.

The two mechanisms to consider for this are SWIG and critcl in C++ mode. The former is probably easier to get going with as you already have the C++ code, and the latter produces more natural (more “Tcl-ish”) language embeddings.
Once you've got your library connected up, the first thing to do is probably to write a little test suite (using tcltest, a standard package supplied with Tcl) so that you know that things are working. (That saves a lot of heartache and hair-tearing later on!) If your code is working fine, you'll probably have a good enough test suite within a day or two. Then hook it up to your GUI (Tk is indeed good for that), which can be written safe in the knowledge that it's using a business logic layer that's working fine. I encourage you to avoid putting any GUI code in your C++ code if you can; it's far better to produce a clean interface without entanglements. (OK, it's not always possible to avoid, especially if you're doing heavy visualization, but it's a lot more work…)


build and run c++ within c++ -- c++ scripts (instead of lua)

Currently, I embed lua in my c++ code.
I wonder if the same is possible with c++. That way I can pass objects and use libraries within the script. to do this, I think I would need the following from the master c++ code:
execute the running of the script
compile the script
run the script
the script passes pointer to it's data objects
the script is done and the program uses the data objects.
is this possible? small example?
For me it is useful as I ran science calculation that I don't want to stop but i want to add functionality on the fly. I also see this being useful for servers in c++ that don't want to shut down but want to make a change.
You may choose to use some kind of C++ interpreter but they can't do every thing. C++ is one of the hardest to implement(if not that hardest) languages. Just think about macros, templates and every other thing that make C++ as powerful as we know they are really hard to parse and understand and beside all of that we have optimization that create such fast and thin codes for us, so how an interpreter can be such powerful and understand all of this? Even best known compilers may fail to understand all of the standard or at least have errors for understanding complicated C++ codes. In one of my projects that heavily use templates using MSVC 2010, it take about 10 minutes to compile the code! So interpreters usually simplify their task and only support a subset of full C++, so if you are cool with this use some interpreter. I never used one of them but I heard cint is good.
The other option is you have a free compiler like g++ and actually compile your code into some kind of shared library and then load it dynamically and call some functions from it based on some kind of configuration.

Using scripting language in C++

My question is a little bit stupid but I decided to ask advanced programmers like some of you. So I want to make a "dynamic" C++ program. My idea is to compile it and after compilation (maybe with scripting language like python) to change some how the code of the program. I know you will tell me that after the compilation I can not change the code but is there a way of doing that. Thank you!
You could design a modular architecture using plugins in external libraries. For example you could use the Command Pattern. That way you can dynamically load code that was generated after you main program. You would have to fix an interface though. Functions like GetProcAddress in the Windows api might be a good point to start.
For dynamic coding and rapid prototyping I recommend to have a look at Lua. The engine is very small and easy to integrate in your c++ program.
The only way to do that in C++ is to unload the DLL with the code to be
modified, modify the sources, invoke the compiler to regenerate the DLL,
and reload the DLL. It's very, very heavy weight, and it only works if
the compiler is present on the machines where the code is to be run.
(Usually the case under Unix, rarely the case with Windows.)
Interpreted languages like Python are considerably more dynamic; Python
has a built-in function to execute a string as Python code, for example.
If you need dynamically modifiable code, I'd suggest embedding Python in
your application, and using it for the dynamic parts.
Personally I have never played with re-compiling C++ during runtime, and I do not intend too. However I have been doing a lot of embedding of scripting languages lately.
Someone else mentioned the obvious first choice for embedding: Lua. Lua is a pretty popular language to embed and you will find a bunch of documentation about how to do it. Integrating it into the C++ will allow you to define behavior at runtime like you want.
What I am using is a wonderful langauge called Squirrel. It is a lot like Lua but with native object(class) support and C++-like syntax. I have managed to embed it into a C++ application, and through using the sqrat binding library both languages can share information easily.
I have squirrel building and initializing my UI. As a result, 0 compiling is required in order to craft and structure my UI for my game. I intend to take this a step further and use this gameplay-side in order to create similar behavior you are looking for(changing behavior at runtime through dynamic code usage)
I recommend Checking out squirrel here:
I plan on writing tutorials on how to embed squirrel and install the binding library, but I have not started on them yet. If I can remember, I will edit this post in the future (could be a few months) once I have completed them. In the meantime give it a shot yourself. You may find it to your liking.

replace c++ with go + swig

I recently asked this question and got some very interesting input. However there's a mistake in my question: I assumed cgo could also be used to access c++ code but that's not possible. Instead you need to use SWIG.
The go faq says "The cgo program provides the mechanism for a “foreign function interface” to allow safe calling of C libraries from Go code. SWIG extends this capability to C++ libraries. "
my question:
Is it possible to access high-level c++ frameworks such as QT with SWIG + Go and get productive? I'd like to use Go as a "scripting language" to utilize c++ libraries.
Have you any experience with go and swig? Are there pitfalls I have to be aware of?
Update/Answer: I've asked this over IRC too and I think the question is solved:
SWIG is a rather clean way of interfacing c++ code from other languages. Sadly matching the types of c++ to something like go can be very complex and in most cases you have to specify the mapping yourself. That means that SWIG is a good way to leverage an existing codebase to reuse already written algorithms. However mapping a library like Qt to go will take you ages. Mind it's surely possible but you don't want to do it.
Those of you that came here for gui programming with go might want try go-gtk or the go version of wxWidgets.
Is it possible? Yes.
Can it be done in a reasonably short period of time? No.
If you go back and look at other projects that have taken large frameworks and tried to put an abstraction layer on it, you'll find most are "incomplete". You can probably make a fairly good start and get some initial wrappers in place, but generally even the work to get the simple cases solved takes time when there is a lot of underlying code to wrap, even with automated tools (which help, but are never a complete solution). And then... you get to the nasty remaining 10% that will take you forever (ok, a really really long time at least). And then think about how it's a changing target in the first place. Qt, for example, is about to release the next major rewrite.
Generally, it's safest to stick to the framework language that the framework was designed for. Though many have language extensions within the project itself. For example, for Qt you should check out QML, which provides (among many other things) a javascript binding to Qt. Sort of. But it might meet your "scripting" requirement.
A relevant update on this issue: it is now possible to interact with C++ using cgo with this CL, which is merged for Go 1.2. It is limited, however, to C-like functions calls, and classes, methods and C++ goodies are not supported (yet, I hope).

Testing a C++ library with Python

I have a library built from C++ code (compiled with gcc), and I would like to quickly test some of its exported classes (basically, instantiating a class then calling its methods to check the output).
While I could do that in C/C++ with a main file that links to the library in question and build my tests, but I think it would be much easier if it was possible to simply call Python from the command line and call the methods from there.
I know I can use CDLL from ctypes to load C-style libraries, but is there a similar functionality for C++ libraries and objects?
EDIT : Ideally, I do not want to modify the C++ code, I would need to use it as-is.
Honestly C++ is a bit messy. You could do something like create a pure C function which wraps the C++ functionality (which you then call from python) but at that point you might as well write your tests in C++. Unfortunately the only tool out there for this (that I know of) is SWIG.
It's sad that it's called the "simplified" wrapper and interface generator, because there's nothing simple about it. If you have VERY primitive data types in your signatures (like, JUST ints or maybe char*) it'll be a pretty quick job. Otherwise you have to tell swig how to marshal your data types between languages, and that gets REALLY ugly very quickly. Furthermore, after short time you realize you have to learn the CPython API in order to write your marshalling code.
And by that point you may as well write your own CPython wrapper without involving SWIG. You suddenly realize you've spent a good month learning a new API and feel horribly frustrated. If you're going to be doing this a lot, it's definitely worth your time. However if this is a one-time thing, just write your tests in C / C++.
(I'm speaking from experience here)
I agree with Chris answer. However, I want to point out that Cython supports C++ (with some limitations).

Implementing scripts in c++ app

I want to move various parts of my app into simple scripts, to allow people that do not have a strong knowledge of c++ to be able to edit and implement various features.
Because it's a real time app, I need to have some kind of multitasking for these scripts. Ideally I want it so that the c++ app calls a script function which then continues running (under the c++ thread) until either a pause point (Wait(x)), or it returns. In the case of it waiting the state needs to be saved ready for the script to be restarted the next time the app loops after the duration has expired.
The scripts also need to be able to call c++ class methods, ideally using the c++ classes rather than plain wrapper functions around c++ classes.
I don't want to spend a massive amount of time implementing this, so using an existing scripting language is preferred to writing my own. I heard that Python and Lua can be integrated into a c++ app, but I do not know how to do this to achieve my goals.
The scripts must be able to call c++ functions
The scripts must be able to "pause" when certain functions are called (eg. Wait), and be restarted again by the c++ thread
Needs to be fast -- this is for a real time app and there could potentially be a lot of scripts running.
I can probably roll the multitasking code fairly easily, provided the scripts can be saved and restarted (possibly by a different thread to the original).
You can use either Lua or Python. Lua is more "lightweight" than python. It's got a smaller memory footprint than python does and in our experience was easier to integrate (people's mileage on this point might vary). It can support a bunch of scripts running simultaneously. Lua, at least, supports stopping/starting threads in the manner you desire.
Boost.python is nice, but in my (limited) experience, it was difficult for us to get compiling for our different environments and was pretty heavyweight. It has (in my opinion) the disadvantage of requiring Boost. For some, that might not be a problem, but if you don't need Boost (or are not using it), you are introducing a ton of code to get Boost.python working. YMMV.
We have built Lua into apps on multiple platforms (win32, Xbox360 and PS3). I believe that it will work on x64. The suggestion to use Luabind is good. We wound up writing our own interface between the two and while not too complicated, having that glue code will save you a lot of time and perhaps aggravation.
With either solution though, debugging can be a pain. We currently have no good solution for debugging Lua scripts that are embedded into our app. Since we haven't used python in our apps I can't speak to what tools might be available there, but a couple of years ago the landscape was roughly the same -- poor debugging. Having scripting to extend functionality is nice, but bugs in the scripts can cause problems and might be difficult to locate.
The Lua code itself is kind of messy to work with if you need to make changes there. We have seen bugs in the Lua codebase itself that were hard to track down. I suspect that Boost::Python might have similar problems.
And with any scripting language, it's not necessarily a solution for "non-programmers" to extend functionality. It might seem like it, but you will likely wind up spending a fair amount of time either debugging scripts or even perhaps Lua.
That all said, we've been very happy with Lua and have shipped it in two games. We currently have no plans to move away from the language. All in all, we've found it better than other alternatives that were available a couple of years ago. Python (and IronPython) are other choices, but based on experience, they seem more heavy handed than Lua. I'd love to hear about other experiences there though.
I can highly recommend that you take a look at Luabind. It makes it very simple to integrate Lua in your C++ code and vice versa. It is also possible to expose whole C++ classes to be used in Lua.
Your best bet is to embed either lua ( or python ( Both are used in the game industry and both access extern "C" functions relatively easily with lua having an edge here (because data types are easier to translate between lua and C). Interfacing to C++ objects will be a bit more work on your end, but you can look up how to do this on Google, or on lua or python discussion forums.
I hope that helps!
You can definitely do what you want with Python. Here are the docs on embedding Python into an application. I'm pretty sure Lua would work too, I'm just less familiar with it.
You're describing cooperative multi-tasking, where the script needs to call a Break or Wait function periodically. Perhaps a better solution would be to run the scripting language in its own thread, and then use mutexes or lock-free queues for the interfaces between the scripting language and the rest of your program. That way a buggy script that doesn't call Break() often enough can't accidentally freeze your program.
Take a look at the Boost.Python library. It looks like it should be fairly straightforward to do what you want.
Take a look at SWIG. I've used it to interface with Python, but it supports many other languages.
One more vote for Lua. It's small, it's fast, it doesnt consume much memory (for games your best bet is to allocate big buffer at the initialization and re-direct all Lua memory allocations there). We used tolua to generate bindings, but there are other options, most of them much smaller/easier to use (IMO) than boost.python.
As for debugging Lua (if you go that route), I have been using DeCoda, and it has not been bad. It pretends to be an IDE, but sorta fails at that, but you can attach The debugging process to visual studio, and go down the call stack at break points. Very handy for Tracking down that bug.
You can also embed C/C++ scripts using Ch. I've been using it for a game project I'm working on, and it does well. Nice blend of power and adaptability.