Hot to create subtask to multiple issue in Redmine? - redmine

I am using Redmine 1.4 and I would like to add to a set of issues the same subtask to all of them.
For example, I have 10 new bugs, I would like to add the subtask "Check issue" and the subtask "Fix the issue" to all of them.
Is there any plugin or technique that helps me to do that?

You can use Bulk Edit to close multiple Issues.
Select all issues you want to change the status from issues list (Check box)
Select edit from AJAX menu and you can choose the status & update multiple records at once
For more details you can visit...


iCloud/CloudKit Dashboard Issues with Telemetry, Logs, Usage Display, Subscriptions, Notifications

Bad things happening on iCloud/Cloudkit Dashboard for my app's container right now. Below is a summary of the issues I am having:
Issue 1: Login to the Cloudkit Dashboard. Select container. Select Production>Telemetry. Error Popup: "Unable to Load Telemetry Data. Please file a Radar and include the current URL"
Issue 2: Select Logs from top Dropdown. Select Historical. Tap Search Logs. Error: "Error Loading Logs. The Logs could not be queried. Please try again later."
Issue 3: Select Usage from top Dropdown. There is absolutely no usage in Monthly or Daily (which is inaccurate)
Issue 4: Select Data from top Dropdown. Select Subscriptions. Hit Fetch Subscriptions button. "There are no subscriptions in this database" displays (which is inaccurate).
Issue 5: Change notifications are not being sent for subscriptions that, when queried for within the app, DO exist.
Are these problems just something that I am experiencing, or are other people having similar issues with iCloud/Cloudkit? Is this related to the new UI? Is there anything I can try to do to debug or fix these issues or is this something that is simply out of my control?
This sounds to me like something unique to your account, or potentially a temporary degradation of service on Apple's part.
I would contact Developer Technical Support and see if they can help.
There is an all new design for the dfashboard. Try it again and see if your issue was the transformation to this new design.

Insert the records into table when edit link is clicked Apex

I have a report with an edit link. The Edit link is Id. This report retrieves records from different databases.
My requirement is to insert those records into my database when the edit link is clicked. Please find the image below.
I need to insert these two records into my database table on clicking on the edit link.
How do I perform this in APEX?
Well, I would rather have another dedicated column on this report that does the required action than use an Edit link which is primarily used to drill down to a record in detail.
You can follow this article to achieve the desired action by creating a button on a report which performs DML action. Just make sure to accommodate the necessary changes to meet your needs.
Here is another perspective on solving this problem

Set Sharepoint task due date based on workflow status

I'm new to SharePoint but most of it seems pretty straight forward but I've hit a problem and haven't been able to find a way around it so far.
I'm trying to set/enforce Service Level Agreements (SLA's) for different departments based on the department the task is assigned to. I was going to do this based on the workflow status that generates the task but am open to any other suggestions.
My workflow for requesting funds for an approved project goes through several stages (Project management validation, Finance Admin validation; Finance manager validation, Fixed assets authorization) and each one has a slightly different SLA. For this reason, I cant just add an arbitrary value to the start date for the calculated column associated to the task.
Any suggestions?
The option I'd go with here is to use If/Then blocks in my workflow code based on the current stage. Something like this:
If Stage = Project Management Validation Then
Set DueDate to Today+5
Else If Stage = Finance Admin Validation Then
Set DueDate to Today+3
Hope this helps!

Django Awaiting Appoval

If you want user to submit say articles to your website but you want to approve these articles before they are added to a list of articles, how would you go about doing so?
The only method I can think of is to have 2 databases; one for 'awaiting approval' and another for 'approved and ready to be displayed'. However, my issue is whether there is a fast method to go about transferring the information between the two databases? I only know about doing this manually.
Or is there already a Django module that handles this?
Thank You for any help.
As jordi has said, add an extra field, but you might also want to write a custom manager for your table that selects posts according to status.
See the Django docs: where they set up a manager that filters on sex="M" to only return Male people. This makes your code neater, and means as long as you go through the right manager you'll not have to keep remembering to test for state="Approved" all the time.
If you want to get more complex, the thing you are doing is called "Workflow" and there are django and python packages that implement this - but it gets very complex very quickly...
Just add a column to the database table called status
1 = waiting
2 = approved
3 = denied

Redmine - how to add an activity in the DDL

Wow.I cant believe how raw redmine setup is.
Anyway..I wanted to update a ticket in a project and there is a activity drop down list. I cant save unless I specify an activity. There is none. How do I populate a list of activities from the UI?
Time tracking activities: The content of the drop-down are in the global setting, relevant redmine guide link.
By the way, if you don't enter anything for spent time and the related comment in the Log time section, you don't have to select an activity.