Ember-data polymorphic associations - ember.js

Has anybody come up with an answer for polymorphic associations and ember-data?
We would need some way of being able to query the type at the other end of the relationship from what I can tell.
Anybody any thoughts on this?

With the latest ember-data build you can now use polymorphic associations:
You need to configure your Models to make it polymorphic:
/* polymorphic hasMany */
App.User = DS.Model.extend({
messages: DS.hasMany(App.Message, {polymorphic: true})
App.Message = DS.Model.extend({
created_at: DS.attr('date'),
user: DS.belongsTo(App.User)
App.Post = App.Message.extend({
title: DS.attr('string')
/* polymorphic belongsTo */
App.Comment = App.Message.extend({
body: DS.attr('string'),
message: DS.belongsTo(App.Message, {polymorphic: true})
You also need to configure alias properties on your RESTAdapter
DS.RESTAdapter.configure('App.Post' {
alias: 'post'
DS.RESTAdapter.configure('App.Comment' {
alias: 'comment'
The result expected from your server should be like this:
user: {
id: 3,
// For a polymorphic hasMany
messages: [
{id: 1, type: "post"},
{id: 1, type: "comment"}
comment: {
id: 1,
// For a polymorphic belongsTo
message_id: 1,
message_type: "post"
More information in this github thread

So I have something. It's not finished, or entirely clean, but it works. Basically, I use a mixin to bypass the Ember associations entirely. I'm sure that this could be rolled into the adapter or the store, but for now this works.
Polymorphic models come through the the JSON with an itemId and itemType:
App.Follow = DS.Model.extend
user: DS.belongsTo('App.User')
itemId: DS.attr("number")
itemType: DS.attr("string")
I add a mixin to the models that are associated with it :
App.Hashtag = DS.Model.extend App.Polymorphicable,
name: DS.attr("string")
#polymorphicFilter(App.Follow, "Hashtag")
).property('changeCount') #changeCount gives us something to bind to
followers: (->
The mixin implements three methods, one that updates the changeCount, one that returns the model's type and the polymorphicFilter method that filters a model by itemType and id:
App.Polymorphicable = Ember.Mixin.create
changeCount: 1
polymorphicFilter: (model, itemType)->
App.store.filter model,
(data) =>
if data.get('itemId')
#get('id') is data.get('itemId').toString() and data.get('itemType') is itemType
The controller layer is protected from all this jankyness, except for having to call updatePolymorphicRelationship to make sure the bindings fire:
App.HashtagController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
user: #get('currentUserController.content')
itemId: #get('id')
itemType: #get('content').itemType()
#this provides a way to bind and update. Could be refactored into a didSave()
#callback on the polymorphic model.
That's what I have so far. I'm trying to keep things in the model layer as it's just one step removed from the adapter layer. If it looks like Ember Data is not going to look at polymorphics at all in future, then it would make sense to pull this all up to a higher level, but for now, this works and leaves my controllers (relatively) clean.

Polymorphic associations are now supported in ember data


Ember.js get compound data for each item

I'm trying to build the following view with Ember.js:
Users: (x in total)
* User 1: y Posts
* User 2: z Posts
I've created a itemController that is responsible for getting the number of posts of each user.
App.IndexItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
postCount: function() {
var posts = this.get('content').get('posts');
return posts.get('length');
Full code on jsbin.
Somehow I always get 0 posts for each user, I guess that is because the relationship is not resolved correctly at this.get('content').get('posts'). What would be the right way to do this? Or am I going a completely wrong way?
Bonus question: What can I pass to the property() and should I pass something to it?
You need to set the dependent keys of your computed property, in your case content.posts.length. So the postCount knows when need to be updated.
App.IndexItemController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
postCount: function() {
var posts = this.get('content').get('posts');
return posts.get('length');
Now your computed property is correct, but no data is loaded, this happen because there isn't posts associated with your users, no in the user -> post direction. So you need to add it in the fixture:
App.User.FIXTURES = [
id: 1,
name: 'Jon',
nick: 'Jonny',
posts: [1]
id: 2,
name: 'Foo',
nick: 'Bar',
posts: [2]
After this an error is raised Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: You looked up the 'posts' relationship on '<App.User:ember280:1>' but some of the associated records were not loaded. Either make sure they are all loaded together with the parent record, or specify that the relationship is async (`DS.hasMany({ async: true })`).
Ember data identified that you have an async relationship, and warns you to setup the property with async: true
App.User = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
nick: DS.attr('string'),
posts: DS.hasMany('post', { async: true })
This your updated jsbin

performing rollback on model with hasMany relation

I have models defined as :
App.Answer = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
layoutName: DS.attr('string')
App.Question = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
answers: DS.hasMany('answer', {async: true})
I have a component that allows for deleting and adding answers to question model. The component comes with apply and cancel button and when the user clicks on cancel, I wanted all the changes(adds/deletes of answers) to be reverted. Currently rollback doesn't do the trick, I event tried model.reload() when using rest adapter and that didn't work for me either. Any idea how I can go about doing a rollback in this situation?
When using the rest adapter, I pretty much fall to the issue pointed here : EmberJS cancel (rollback) object with HasMany
Thanks, Dee
Since I couldn't perform rollback the intended way, I performed these steps:
1) get all the answers back from the server
2) remove answer association from the question
3) manually add answer association to the question model from data received from server
This seems to be working well BUT sadly I am getting this one error that I cannot shake off.
Here is a jsbin of updated progress: http://jsbin.com/uWUmUgE/2/
Here you can create new answer and then append it to question and do rollback too. BUT, if you follow these steps, you will see the issue I am facing:
1) delete an answer
2) add an answer
3) perform rollback
4) add an answer
It throws this error:
Error: Attempted to handle event didSetProperty on while in state root.deleted.uncommitted. Called with {name: position, oldValue: 1, originalValue: 1, value: 2}.
I will super appreciate any help you can provide.
One simple workaround was to just hide the answers on delete. I modified the model a bit like:
App.Answer = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
layoutName: DS.attr('string'),
markToDelete: DS.attr('boolean', {default: false})
And my rollback function had this logic:
answers.forEach(function (answer) {
//newly created answer models that has not persisted in DB
} else {
I'm not sure of your scope but for this relationship (I'm actually rolling back the belongsTo here but I'm curious if this helps in any way)
App.Appointment = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
customer: DS.belongsTo('customer', {async: true})
App.Customer = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
appointments: DS.hasMany('appointment', {async: true})
I'm able to rollback both the appointment and it's hasMany customer model like so (from within my route)
App.AppointmentRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
actions: {
willTransition: function(transition) {
var context = this.get('context');
var dirty =context.get('isDirty');
var dirtyCustomer=context.get('customer.isDirty');
var message = "foo";
if ((dirty || dirtyCustomer) && confirm(message)) {
context.rollback();return true;

Ember Data: How do I know if a relationship was changed?

I'm writing a custom data adapter (doesn't talk to webserver) and I need to know whether hasMany relationship was changed or not to persist relationship data.
App.Note = DS.Model.extend({
content: attr('string'),
createdAt: attr('date'),
tags: DS.hasMany('tag', { async: true })
App.Tag = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
notes: DS.hasMany('note')
I need to implement adapter's updateRecord:
updateRecord: function(store, type, record) {
// record.changedAttributes() returns changed attributes but not relationships
In my case list of tags attached to note may change (via note.get('tags').addObject(..) / removeObject(..)) so I need to get a diff. What's the best way to do that? I can remove all tags in a database and insert new tags but that's not efficient at all

ember.js sideloaded models not working

I'm having to override a route to do some custom loading of models like this:
App.EventsIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params) ->
origin = LJ.origin().join(',')
location = [LJ.stripQuery(params.loc2), params.loc1].join(',')
h = $.param(origin: origin, location: location)
$.getJSON "#{LJ.CONFIG.api.url}/events?#{h}"
The JSON returned includes sideloaded models, but they aren't being loaded by ember. I'm guessing I need to do something to get them loaded but I don't know what. I'd appreciate any help on this.
Here's an example of the returned JSON.
Here's the model definition:
App.Event = DS.Model.extend
acts: DS.hasMany('App.Act')
ageLimit: DS.attr('string')
centsAdvance: DS.attr('number')
centsDoor: DS.attr('number')
currency: DS.attr('string')
description: DS.attr('string')
endsAt: DS.attr('number')
priceAdvance: DS.attr('string')
priceDoor: DS.attr('string')
repeats: DS.attr('string')
repeatsUntil: DS.attr('string')
startsAt: DS.attr('number')
title: DS.attr('string')
url: DS.attr('string')
venue: DS.belongsTo('App.Venue')
venueSection: DS.attr('string')
IMO this has nothing to do with your route but with your model. Make sure that you declare it like that (they have to be present of course)
App.Event = DS.Model.extend({
venue: DS.belongsTo('App.Venue'),
acts: DS.hasMany('App.Act'),
// go on with the model
I found it helpful to include a {{ log event }} into the template to dig into the controller and the model and make sure it really does not get loaded
P.s: You do return the ajax response in the route, do you not?
The link of the example JSON you are returning doesn't work, could you please provide a working sample?
You are going around Ember-data for your ajax call, which would mean you will need to handle deserializing it in a more manual manner. If you want ember to do that for you, you need to call into the store, like:
App.EventsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function() {
// other code here if necessary
return this.store.find('event', params._id);
Also, whenever I am not getting my related objects (venues in your case) loaded into the store, it is because the JSON isn't in the format Ember is expecting, which would look like this:
Events: [{ Id: 1, Venues: [1], ... }],
Venues: [{ Id: 1, ... }]
Events: [{ Id: 1, Venue: { Id: 1, ... }, ... }],
Maybe this helps?

How to use Ember-Data associations in conjunction with an ArrayProxy

I am trying to migrated my app to using Ember-Data as it's persistence mechanism. One thing that strikes me is that I'm not sure if it's still possible to use an arrayProxy for aggregate properties of a hasMany association. In my previous iteration I didn't have any explicit associations, just controllers tied together by specific properties. Now I'd like to take advantage of the association functionality in ember-data, but I am getting errors when I trie to bind the content of my array proxy to the "children" property of the DS.Model. My code is below and there is a jsfiddle here: http://jsfiddle.net/sohara/7p6gb/22/
The error I get is:
Uncaught TypeError: Object App.recipeController.content.ingredients has no method 'addArrayObserver'
I would like to be able to retain a controller layer, even if the data associations are controlleed at the model level. It'd also (ideally) like the child objects to be embedded in the json representation of the parent object in order to avoid multiple server requests.
window.App = Ember.Application.create();
App.store = DS.Store.create({
revision: 3,
adapter: DS.fixtureAdapter
App.Ingredient = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
price: DS.attr('string')
App.Recipe = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
ingredients: DS.hasMany('App.Ingredient', {embedded: true} )
App.Recipe.FIXTURES = [
{id: 1, name: 'Pizza', ingredients: [{id: 1, name: 'tomato sauce', price: 2, recipeId: 1}]}
App.recipeController = Ember.Object.create({
content: App.store.find(App.Recipe, 1)
App.ingredientsController = Ember.ArrayProxy.create({
content: 'App.recipeController.content.ingredients',
totalWeigth: function() {
var price = 0;
items = this.get('content');
items.forEach(function(item) {
weight += price;
In App.ingredientsController you need to have contentBinding: 'App.recipeController.content.ingredients', instead of content: ...