Sharepoint List, users only view their own Items - list

I'm using Sharepoint 2010 and I have a list where I want users to only be able to see their own list items. I have already gone into the advanced list settings and set Item-level permissions so they could only read their own items, but it doesn't work.
The users are set to contribute permissions.
Thanks for the help!

So I figured it out. There was nothing wrong with what I had, but under the server administration panel, all users had full read audit, or something like that so they had full read of the content no matter what the rest of the permissions where.

This should be done by Item-level Permissions
See this blog post for further details,


AWS Quicksight - Enabling User Comments

How would functionality for user comments on a dashboard be built? For example, if an issue is flagged I would like to let the user comment if they have further details/explanation of the issue. I would also like to save the comments and pull them historically.
Have seen this in a QS dash before, but I can't find any documentation on how you would go about building the framework for this.
QuickSight doesn't appear to support this functionality within QuickSight. Likely what you saw was QuickSight dashboard embedded into a page that happened to have a separate, unrelated user comment box. If you do find something where someone is commenting directly on a QuickSight dashboard, I would be thrilled to see it!!

How can I disable editing of a list item in a SharePoint List?

So i have a list on Sharepoint.
The point of the list is that only administrators can edit the documents and upload them. The rest of the users are going to be able to see the document exmpl. Title ( Ok so i hid couple of columns and made it so that only the name of the file is shown, but not the link to the document).
The issue is that users can select the item and edit them (I don't wnat that), they can also download them (not exceptable either).
Any idea how to solve this?
Things to check:
What are the users permissions? You mentioned that they can edit documents so they might have contribute permissions. Check the permissions by going to the Ribbon > Library tab > Library Permissions. Users need to have at least Contribute/Edit permissions to be able to edit documents in SharePoint.
Who are the members of the Contribute group? Is "Everyone" added there? If so, every user will be able to edit documents.
Is the library inheriting permissions from the site? One possible solution (not great) is to break the library inheritance and grant users/SharePoint group with Read-Only/View permission.
Is there any custom permission level granting the users ability to Edit documents? -> "https://yoursite/_layouts/15/role.aspx" will show you what permission level you have on that Site Collection.
Useful MS Article - Edit and manage permissions for a SharePoint list or library

Filter variables not showing for users

I have a simple filter available for all users which displays some variables in the tasklist.
It works for me and another account (both have all the rights as admin) but it doesn't work for my users.
They can see the filters and they work, but the variables are not displayed.
Is there an authorization or something that I am forgetting ?
I'm using 7.6.0 if that is of any help.
Ok so I needed to add the READ_INSTANCE permission in the Process Definition Authorizations to my users' group, and now it works. Hope this may help someone !

Managing Facebook Timeline with API

I've seen plenty of documentation for how to add items to a user's timeline, but nothing on how to edit/remove existing items.
As far as I can tell there is nothing in place to edit/hide/feature an activity other than doing it manually by the user. I suspect that timeline management isn't allowed, much like the ability to manage friends, but figured I'd ask in case anybody had tried with any success.
This is correct, there's no API that allows removal of content from a profile/timeline (except for posts made by an app, which can be removed by the same app)

Django: How to get the permissions of a list of users

So in my application, users can assign basic privs to other users who don't have privs and also make take them away. However, anybody who has these basic privs may not grant or revoke admin privs. So, in my template where I iterate over the list of site_users (for site_user in site_users), how do I get the privs of site_user?
I can only seem to find the privs of the person logged in.
It appears others don't have any idea either. So, in my view I am iterating over the users returned and creating a new dict with all the info I need.
Thanks! :)