Developing C++ applications to run on embedded Linux setup - c++

I am required to write a C++ application to run on an embedded Linux setup (DMP Vortex86DX processor). The vendor provides a minimal linux installation image that can be installed to the board and contains appropriate hardware drivers. My question is motivated by the answer to my previous question about writing Linux software on a particular kernel to run on a different kernel . I don't really know where to start when it comes to writing the software with regards to ensuring compatibility.
My instinctive approach would be to install the same versions of g++ on the embedded device and on my desktop development machine, write the application on the dev maching, copy to the board and compile it there. This seems madness though and I find it hard to believe that this is how embedded software is developed. With regards to the answer to my previous question, is there a way I can simply build on my desktop but use the version of glibc that exists on the embedded device - if so how can enforce linkage to a specific version? Or is it possible to build everything statically so that the application doesn't link to anything dynamically (I doubt this is possible).
I am a total novice to embedded development, and foresee months of frustration unless I can get hold of some good advice or resources. Any pointers or suggestion of where to start will be very gratefully received no matter how simple or trivial they seem - I really am starting at the very bottom with regards to embedded stuff.

OK, given the fact that the Vortex86SX/DX/MX claims to be x86 compatible, a small set of compiler switches should enable you to compile code for your target machine: -m32 to ensure 32bit code, and no -march switch targeting a specific CPU.
Then you'll need to link your code. As long as you don't use anything fancy, but simple established glibc functions, I'd expect the ABI to be the same on your development machine and the embedded system. In other words, you compile against your host libraries, copy the binary to the embedded system, and it should simply run using the libraries available there.
If X-Linux were to use some other libc, like uclibc or similar, then you'd need a cross compiler on your host. I have little experience with Ubuntu in that regard, but I know that the sys-devel/crossdev package for Gentoo linux makes generation of cross-compilers very easy. This can be both for different architectures (not needed in your case) and different libraries (like e.g. uclibc).
I'd say simply give copying the binaries a try, and report back if you encounter any problems there.


Development in Cygwin C++

For a few years I was writing programs in Visual Studio for Windows and with GCC (Code Blocks) for Linux. Most of my libs compiled seamlessly as they worked both in Windows and Linux. However at the moment I am a bit confused, as I have to create an app using Cygwin. I don't really understand if I am still in UNIX/Linux environment, just running app on Windows by some "emulation", or I am rather on Windows just having access to some Linux/Unix functionality. From what I understood from the FAQ's and documentation it looks like I just should behave like in Linux environment.
All explanations I found in internet usually are very general and don't explain the detailed differences from programmers viewpoint.
Short question: Can I just write programs like I did for Linux without any major changes when using Cygwin?
A lot of code written for Linux will compile in Cygwin with very few problems, which can mainly be fixed by messing with preprocessor definitions.
However, any code written for linux which:
Uses a Linux driver
Directly accesses the kernel
Relies on any code which does either of these two things (and doesn't have a Windows counterpart)
will quite definitely not work, regardless of how much you modify the code.
Much as it tries to, Cygwin cannot fully emulate (yes it is an emulator, of sorts) everything a POSIX system can normally do. Cygwin is not windows, just a conversion layer from its own machine language.
For more information, read cygwin's wikia
Can I just write programs like I did for Linux without any major
changes when using Cygwin?
The platforms are not identical, so you can not realistically expect to write the program in Linux, and then POOF expect it to build and work under Cygwin. But if you don't use things not available under Windows, then you won't need major changes. And you can write non-trivial programs, which will build and work on both, perhaps needing a few #ifdefs in places.
From your question I take it you want to work on Linux, but write programs for running under Cygwin. In that case you must also build and test it in the Cygwin environment all the time, so:
Use version control, commit often. I recommend a DVCS like git or mercurial which have separate commit and push, it will allow you to do commits more freely.
Whenever you commit/push, do checkout/pull and build on the Cygwin host. You can do this manually or automatically (by simple custom script polling the version control, or by Jenkins or something).
When ever your code stops building or working under Cygwin, fix it before continuing with new code.
If Cygwin is not absolute requirement, then I would look into using Qt SDK. It can be used for non-Qt projects too, the MinGW toolchain on Windows is very similar to gcc on Linux. And if you're willing to use Qt, then it has all sorts of platform-independent features for things you might want to do, such as discover locations of standard directories for saving files, use threads, print things, have GUI...

Switching from DOS to Linux on embedded system

I was recently tasked with performing a feasibility study based around switching from using DOS to Linux for use as an OS to run our industrial control software (developed internally). In a nutshell I have been restricted to using Ubuntu 8.04 (with a vendor supplied kernel upgrade providing drivers for the hardware on the board). As this is no longer supported I am unable to update or install software meaning that I am stuck using gcc version 4.2. I want to be able to use C++ and preferably boost libraries but currently this seems like I will not be able to do so.
Basically I am asking how do companies/professionals go about using Linux as a development environment? Is what I described above a common occurrence? Do you simply pick a version and a compiler and stick with it throughout the product lifetime to ensure that the development environment doesn't change too much or can you freely upgrade the kernel, compiler etc. as you go along? Is it common to be constrained by what a particular vendor can provide. Would anyone be prepared to give their opinion as to whether ubuntu 8.04 is a suitable choice of OS for development of industrial control software?
I am not a linux expert at all, but my research and experimentation so far is leading me to conclusion that I should abandon the linux approach and use DOS. Our company has no linux knowledge and is very small and for personal career reasons I have no interest in learning redundant technology like DOS.
I realise this is not exactly a yes/no type question but any responses will be gratefully received.
GCC 4.2 has no C++11 support but the C++03 support should be good and you should be able to find a version of Boost that can deal with that quite easily.
Ultimately, Linux has many upsides you won't find in DOS- for example, no segmentation, virtual memory, and such things that will make it easier and faster to develop software, not to mention additional libraries you might need, as absolutely nobody whatsoever will support DOS today.
With linux-based systems there's not much reason to stick with fixed OS+toolchain version, because backwards compatibility is a very serious issue in Unix-world. Sometimes it is good to target certain fixed system, but frankly these are rather rare, and even then the development can be done on up-to-date systems as long as testing is done on the target macine/platform.
Basically you could just upgrade to for example Ubuntu 12.04 LTS(long term support) for development and stick with it, it is very unlikely that there would be any sorts of uncompatibility problems on the target platform/machine.
Libraries and such tend to change between Linux distros, new versions of linux distros, and other *nix OSes.
I once worked on a C++ application that had to run on both Windows and RHEL. I was the 'Linux guy' on the team, so I got to deal with coaxing all the open-source linux libraries we were using to build and work on Windows (using cygwin), and getting the latest changes made by the devs working on Windows to work on Linux.
Midway through development, we upgraded to a newer version of RHEL. It was not a fun experience. Library versions had changed, some had been removed in favor of other 'equivalent' libs, etc. Shaking out all of the problems caused by changing gcc versions took a little while too (granted, the newer gcc version was a bit less forgiving and exposed some stuff in our code that probably wasn't quite right anyway).
A couple of days before a big demo, management informed us that the app needed to run on Solaris as well. That was not a trivial task -- Solaris is NOT Linux. They hinted about wanting it to run on IRIX at one point. Glad that didn't happen.
I would recommend that you pick a specific version of a Linux distro, gcc, etc. and stick with it throughout development. Upgrading that stuff can happen later, when the software is in maintenance. RHEL offers long-term support, at a cost. You might also consider the newly released Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

How to select processor(MIPS R2000) in g++?

What is the command for selecting processor(MIPS R2000) in g++? Thanks
You'll probably need a cross-compilation environment for your target platform. You might find an existing one or you may need to build your own cross-compiler using the gcc toolchain. There's no single way to do this - it will depend on the specifics of the target architecture. Specifically, is there already an operating system (e.g. Linux, BSD, etc.) running on your target system? What kind of userland does it use - your build chain will need the relevant C and C++ library as well as any other libraries you need to build and run your software. Or are you coding straight against the metal? In this case, you'll want to find existing bootstrap code for getting the system into a sensible state for running your code - rolling your own will not be easy.
Generally, you're probably best off finding an existing developer community centred around the platform in question and asking for advice there. They may have step-by-step instructions for getting started.
Note that the CPU alone is only part of the picture - for example, the ARM architecture is very popular, but compiling code for Android devices (Linux kernel with Android userland), iOS devices (xnu kernel with BSD- and OSX-derived iOS userland), a Nintendo DS or a Playstation Vita (probably no multitasking OS at all) will be extremely different, even though they all use ARM chips, in many cases even the same instruction set generation.

C++ Portability between Windows and Linux

I have a question about writing programs to be portable between windows and linux.
Recently I have realized that if you write a program that uses any sort of external library, if that library doesn't have a linux version (or a windows version when developing in linux) then you're screwed.
Here then is my question: if I write a program in linux that links to lol.a and then I want to compile and run it on windows without recompiling lol.a into lol.lib, can something like MinGW or Cygwin do this? Link to .a files on a Windows platform to result in an .exe file that can Windows can run?
you will have to recompile all libraries for different operating systems. The binary formats for libraries vary from operating system to operating system. More importantly, even if you aren't using libraries, you need to recompile for the simple reason that the different operating systems have different syscall conventions. The only way to get around this is with a virtualizer.
In particular, CygWin cannot run linux programs. at all. CygWin provides only a posix compatibility layer between your program and the Windows kernel.
The situation is a bit less bleak on linux. Wine can run some native windows code (without the need to recompile anything, including your original code). But Wine also has limitations. It is not a complete Windows API, and anything that the library code requires to run must be available on Wine, or else it won't work either. For many, simple apps, this isn't a major problem, but many newer Windows API's, some dark corners of older ones that don't see much use, and in particular, anything that is hardware specific, probably won't be available.
If you intend to run on multiple platforms, it is urgent that you first verify that the libraries you intend to use are also cross platform, or that there are reasonable equivalents for all of the operating systems you wish to use.
No, Cygwin provides (partial) source portability for *ix programs. Of course, there are higher level toolkits that also provide source portability, like QT and GTK. Either way, you still have to recompile the program and library. For binary portability, you'd need essentially the opposite of wine, a program that understood ELF and mapped Linux system and library calls to Windows ones. As far as I know, that doesn't exist.
No. You have to build it separately for Windows or Linux.
There are couple of suggestions given your situation:
Develop the entire code for Windows, compile and run it.
On Linux, use the WINE emulator
If you choose to develop the code in Linux, look into Windows SFU
If possible post us what kind of s/w you are trying to develop -- 3rd party libraries like boost [] have a whole host of functionality that is platform independent. You definitely want to check out the options that boost gives you. Also check out other open source sites like github etc.
Don't get into the habit of using platform specific libraries. I know they make life easier at times, but that is more than compensated when you need the code on a different platform.

Desktop Development Environment that Compiles to Linux, Mac OS, and Windows

is there any development environments that allow you to have one code base that can compile to Linux, Mac OS, and Windows versions without much tweaking? I know this is like asking for where the Holy Grail is burred, but maybe such a thing exists. Thanks.
This is achieved through a number of mechanisms, the most prominent being build systems and specific versions of code for certain systems. What you do is write your code such that, if it requires an operating system API, it calls a specific function. By example, I might use MyThreadFunction(). Now, when I build under Linux I get a linux specific version of this MyThreadFunction() that calls pthread_create() whereas the windows version calls CreateThread(). The appropriate includes are also included in these specific platform-files.
The other thing to do is to use libraries that provide consistent interfaces across platforms. wxWidgets is one such platform for writing desktop apps, as is Qt and GTK+ for that matter. Any libraries you use it is worth trying to find a cross-platform implementation. Someone will undoubtedly mention Boost at some point here. The other system I know if is the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) that provides a whole array of things to allow httpd to run on Windows/Linux/Mac.
This way, your core code-base is platform-agnostic - your build system includes the system specific bits and your code base links them together.
Now, can you do this from one desktop? I know you can compile for Windows from Linux and so probably for Mac OS X from Linux, but I doubt if you can do it from Windows-Linux. In any case, you need to test what you've built on each platform so my advice would be to run virtual machines (see vmware/virtualbox).
Finally, editors/environments: use whatever suits you. I use either Eclipse/GVim on Linux and Visual Studio on Windows - VS is my "Windows build system".
Maybe something like CodeBlocks?
Qt is a good library/API/framework for doing this in C++, and Qt Creator is a very pleasant IDE for it.
I've heard this is possible. Your compiler would need to support this. The only one that I know that does is GCC but it obviously requires a special configuration. I, however, have never used this feature. I've only seen that it exists.
What you are looking for is called "Cross Compiling"