Trying to access QGLWidget from entire application - c++

What I am basically trying to do is to create one instance of a QGLWidget (or rather a derived class of QGLWidget), add it to a QMainWindow, and then access the QGLWidget's rendering context from anywhere in my QTCreator program to be able to call naked OpenGL anywhere I chose to.
Things I have tried:
1) Creating a subclass of QGLWidget called OGLWidget and making that into a singleton, and then trying to subclass the singleton class "OGLWidget". I thought this would give me access to the same rendering context that the OGLWidget singleton was using but it didn't work.
2) using the constructor QGLWidget(QWidget * parent, QGLWidget * shared, Qt::WindowFlags). For this one I tried casting the singleton object to a QGLWidget and then sticking it in this constructor when I was subclassing QGLWidget in another class called "Display". I tried calling makeCurrent before each classes openGl calls but only the original singleton would draw. I also checked isSharing and that returned true.

First of all, although signals\slots are a powerful and awesome feature of Qt I would never use them in my rendering routines because of the added overhead and render order problems; especially the latter. Besides, it's not necessary to do it the way you propose.
Thus, your idea of scattering the rendering routines all over your project is a very bad idea in my opinion.
What I do in my own project is the following:
My derived QGLWidget owns a Renderer class that's implemented as a Singleton. It contains all of the OpenGl calls in a few functions. I've created a system where everything that's drawable derives from the same base class. When I want to render, I build a render queue which I implemented as a priority_queue with custom sort function. When It's time for rendering a frame I just keep poppin' and rendering until the queue is empty.
Doing this with an event driven render system, while maintaining correct render order would probably drive you insane.
For completeness, my (simplified) QGLWidget definition:
#include <QtOpenGL/QGLWidget>
#include "global.h"
#include "renderer.h"
* Derivation of QGLWidget.
class Engine : public QGLWidget
Renderer* renderer;
private slots:
void renderTimeout(); // my render-loop is timer based
void onTap(QMouseEvent* qme);
void onMove(QMouseEvent* qme);
void initializeGL();
void resizeGL(int w, int h);
/* for debugging I use QPainter for drawing overlays,
* so I can't use PaintGL */
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* qme);
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* qme);
Engine( QWidget* parent = 0 );
void tapOccurred(QMouseEvent* qme);
void moveOccurred(QMouseEvent* qme);

Why don't you just use what Qt has been designed for: use signals and slots? Maybe your problem is more complicated than what I get from it at first glance, but it seems to me that if you add slots to your QGLWidget and connect them to signals anywhere in your application, you accomplish exactly what you want. Connecting them can for example be done in the QMainWindow. This slot can then make a call to an implementation of paintGL() or paintEvent() to update the area in QGLWidget. Like this:
class MyQGLWidget : public QGLWidget {
// constructors and destructor...
void paintGL(); // <-- implement this in any way you want if you use OpenGL
void paintEvent(); // <-- or implement this one if you prefer using QPainter
public slots:
void updateMyWindow();
void MyQGLWidget::updateMyWindow() {
// Change some data here in any way you like
// ...


C++ Qt Signals and Slots

I have difficulty connecting to SLOTs defined in a different class. I have 2 classes - Computations and MainWindow. MainWindow is supposed to handle the GUI part of the program only and Computations handles the calculations. I am creating a calculator.
Basically, I want to understand how I can connect to SLOTs in the Computations Class from the MainWindow Class.
I guess you already checked the Qt Signals & Slots page. To implement what you want you need to have an instance of your class in the other one.
So for example in your MainWindow class, you can include the Computations class and create a member variable of it:
#include "computations.h"
class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
Computations *_computation;
and then in the constructor of MainWindow after initializing the _computation object (_computation = new Computations();) you do the connections like this (works for Qt5):
QObject::connect(_computation, &Computations::somethingHappened, this, &MainWindow::doSomeGuiStuff);
QObject::connect(this, &MainWindow::guiThingHappened, _computation, &Computations::doSomeComputation);
depending on which way it should go.
I hope this helps.
This is another version how to use, I think can be easier to understand for beginners
You need define signal and slots in your classes.
Add to header of your class, for example signals to MainWindow, slots to Computations
public slots:
void something();
void something_happend();
Then, in anywhere, where you want use it, in your example in mainwindow.cpp, you need to connect signal and slot. Do this by QObject::connect :
void something_happend();
public slots:
void something_happend();
Computations *c = new Computations(this);
If you want to pass some arguments, SIGNAL and SLOT that you want to connect need have same types of arguments:
public slots:
void something(int c);
void something_happend(int c);
Such connections belong at a level where both the UI and the controller (computation object) are available. Thus, either in the body of main, or in a class that composes that various elements of the application at a high level (such a class usually shouldn't derive from QApplication, though).
It is almost always too tight of a coupling if the UI class knows of the existence of the computation object, or is somehow tied to its details. I usually design the UI to have an interface composed of signals and slots of as generic a nature as practicable, and then tie it to one or more controller objects via signal/slot connections. I also leverage the property system to expose UI-relevant properties in a generic manner, often using viewmodel objects to interface a UI-agnostic controller to a concrete kind of a UI.
In your case, I'd suggest that neither MainWindow know of Computations, nor vice versa:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
Computations comp;
MainWindow ui;
QObject::connect(&comp, ..., &ui, ...);
/* more connections here */;
return app.exec();
For more concrete examples, see answer #1 or answer #2.
you need slots and signals because those work together, like this:
your file.h
public slots:
void start();
void levelChanged(int level);
void MainBoard::start()
isStarted = true;
emit levelChanged(1);
now you need to link a button
startButton = new QPushButton(tr("&Start"));
connect(startButton, &QPushButton::clicked, board, &MainBoard::start);

Use variable declared in MainWindow Qt

I have the following problem in Qt, I'm trying to make a chess-game and I'm encountering some problems:
In the class mainwindow I have the following function:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent)
scene = new ChessBoard;
QGraphicsView *view = new QGraphicsView(scene);
I have a variable scene, scene is an object of the class ChessBoard.
In the whole class mainwindow I can use the scene-variable to use functions declared in ChessBoard.
However, I have another class called game.
In game I have this function
void game::setStartBord() {
It simply needs to launch scene->setInitialPositions();
However, I don't have access to the 'scene-variable' there. I tried to inherit the ChessBoard and MainWindow class, tried to make scene global, but none really were a good solution.
How would I do that?
Full code is visibly here:
You can use signal and slot technique. Connect your game class object to scene object.
connect(game, &Game::mySignal, scene, &ChessBoard::setInitialPositions);
Define in your Game-Class the signal.
class Game .. {
void mySignal();
Then define setInitialPositions in your ChessBorard class in public slots.
class ChessBoard {
public slots:
<datatype> setInitialPositions();
Then use
emit mySignal(); from Game class
to execute setIntialPositions() in your ChessBoad class.
You need to design your code that you have access to both objects at some point. Mostly this is MainWindow because you intialize classes upon program start.
If your code does not depend on the intialized class.
You can simply do a new ChessBoard object in Game class
ChessBoard myObject;

QML OpenGL plugin not redrawing at 60Hz

The Situation
My company has a QML-based application which displays some content using a custom OpenGL-based render plugin (MyGame). This plugin has a few critical needs:
To be able to effect changes in the renderer in response to QML-based signals.
(e.g. change the position of an object rendered by the game)
To only process these changes at a specific spot in MyGame's redraw loop.
(This is very important; MyGame is very sensitive about when changes are allowed.)
To have the plugin redraw at 60Hz (at least).
The Problem
The code we have right now honors (1) and (2), but fails (3); the plugin does not get visually updated consistently. (The updates are erratic, at an estimated 5-10Hz.) I believe that the plugin we have created—based on QQuickFramebufferObject—is not taking proper advantage of how Qt/QML intended the scene graph to be updated.
How can I re-structure my plugin so that I get all three of the above?
The Code
The plugin creates a QQuickFramebufferObject (MyPlugin) and a QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer (MyRenderer).
When MyRenderer::render() is called it calls MyGame::Redraw() itself, and then calls update().
MyGame::Redraw() does what it needs to, and at the right spot where changes can be accepted, emits a timeToMakeChanges QML signal on MyPlugin.
QML listens for the onTimeToMakeChanges signal and invokes methods on the plugin that affect MyGame.
To workaround the problem of low-frequency visual updates, I've found that if I overlay a QML Canvas over my plugin and redraw the canvas frequently using a Timer, my plugin starts to get visually updated at what appears to be around 60Hz. Clearly this is a gross hack.
Following is a summary of the code setup. Please forgive missing/incorrect code; I'm trying to distill thousands of lines of glue code down to the essentials for this question.
#include <QOpenGLFramebufferObject>
#include <QQuickFramebufferObject>
class MyPlugin : public QQuickFramebufferObject {
virtual ~MyPlugin();
virtual QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer* createRenderer() const;
void timeToMakeChanges();
public slots:
void makeChanges(QVariant inValue);
void HandleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow *inWindow);
MyGame* GetGame() { ... }
#include "MyPlugin.h"
#include <MyGame.h>
// ******************************************************************
class MyRenderer:
public QObject,
public QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer,
protected QOpenGLFunctions
virtual void render();
static void RequestGameChanges();
void MyRenderer::render() {
if ( !m_Initialized ) {
QOpenGLFramebufferObject *theFbo = this->framebufferObject();
InitializeGl( theFbo ); // Not shown
m_MyGame = &MyGame::Create();
m_Initialized = true;
// Tell QML that we want to render again as soon as possible
// This gets invoked in the middle of m_MyGame->Redraw()
void MyRenderer::RequestGameChanges() {
emit m_PluginItem->timeToMakeChanges();
// ******************************************************************
MyPlugin::MyPlugin() {
this, SIGNAL(windowChanged(QQuickWindow*)),
this, SLOT(HandleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow*))
void MyPlugin::HandleWindowChanged(QQuickWindow *inWindow) {
void MyPlugin::makeChanges(QVariant inValue) {
MyGame *theGame = GetGame();
// Send the requested changes to theGame
QQuickFramebufferObject::Renderer* MyPlugin::createRenderer() const {
m_Renderer = new MyRenderer( *this );
import MyPlugin 1.0
Window {
MyPlugin {
property var queuedUpChanges: ([])
onSomeOtherSignal: queueUpChangesToMake();
onTimeToMakeChanges: makeChanges( queuedUpChanges );
Canvas { id:hack }
Timer {
interval:10; running:true; repeat:true
onTriggered: hack.changeWhatYouShow();
Bonus Points
The main question is "How do I modify my code so that I get 60Hz updates?" However, as seen in the QML, the setup above requires me to queue up all changes in QML so that they are able to be applied during the right spot in the MyGame::Render().
Ideally, I'd prefer to write QML without timeToMakeChanges, like:
MyPlugin {
onSomeOtherSignal: makeChanges( ... );
If there's a way to accomplish this (other than queuing up the changes in C++ instead)—perhaps something related to synchronize() I'd love to know about it.
I'd make a timer in QML that calls the makeChanges regularly. But store all the state in MyPlugin. Then, in Renderer::synchronize(), copy from MyPlugin to MyRenderer, so it can be used by the MyGame.
(although, I wouldn't do any gamelogic-related calculations in QML ever in the first place)

Qt reimplement function

I need to subclass qt class and reimplement the virtual function.
Say that i have the QLCDNumber class and I want to reimplement the function that set the position of the number when resize the LCD number screen, how to achieve that?
I read that by inhert a class from QLCDNumber and reimplement the function,
but where to get that function code so that I can edit what needed in that function? I read the documentation but it explains the function uses and not show its code. Example image:
I mentioned the QLCDNumber class as example, I need to know the prosses of reimplemnt a virtual Qt class function.
For this particular problem you can use this type of approach where you can create an object which inherits QWidget and implement the paintEvent() of the class like this:
class MyWidget : public QWidget
explicit MyWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe);
public slots:
and in the paintEvent()
void MyWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *pe)
QPainter *painter = new QPainter(this);
// draw what you want here using painter
// and consider your different layouts

Rendering QImage on QGLWidget of QML plugin

I'm trying to write a QML plugin that reads frames from a video (using a custom widget to do that task, NOT QtMultimedia/Phonon), and each frame is converted to a QImage RGB888, and then displayed on a QGLWidget (for performance reasons). Right now nothing is draw to the screen and the screen stays white all the time.
It's important to state that I already have all of this working without QGLWidget, so I know the issue is setting up and drawing on QGLWidget.
The plugin is being registered with:
so Video is the main class of the plugin. On it's constructor we have:
Video::Video(QDeclarativeItem* parent)
: QDeclarativeItem(parent), d_ptr(new VideoPrivate(this))
setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemHasNoContents, false);
QDeclarativeView* view = new QDeclarativeView;
view->setViewport(&d->canvas()); // canvas() returns a reference to my custom OpenGL Widget
Before I jump to the canvas object, let me say that I overloaded Video::paint() so it calls canvas.paint() while passing QImage as parameter, I don't know if this is the right way to do it so I would like some advice on this:
void Video::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
// I know for sure at this point "d->image()" is valid, but I'm hiding the code for clarity
d->canvas().paint(painter, option, d->image());
The canvas object is declared as GLWidget canvas; and the header of this class is defined as:
class GLWidget : public QGLWidget
explicit GLWidget(QWidget* parent = NULL);
void paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QImage* image);
Seems pretty simple. Now, the implementation of QGLWidget is the following:
GLWidget::GLWidget(QWidget* parent)
: QGLWidget(QGLFormat(QGL::SampleBuffers), parent)
// Should I do something here?
// Maybe setAutoFillBackground(false); ???
And finally:
void GLWidget::paint(QPainter* painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QImage* image)
// I ignore painter because it comes from Video, so I create a new one:
QPainter gl_painter(this);
// Perform drawing as Qt::KeepAspectRatio
gl_painter.fillRect(QRectF(QPoint(0, 0), QSize(this->width(), this->height())), Qt::black);
QImage scaled_img = image->scaled(QSize(this->width(), this->height()), _ar, Qt::FastTransformation);
gl_painter.drawImage(qRound(this->width()/2) - qRound(scaled_img.size().width()/2),
qRound(this->height()/2) - qRound(scaled_img.size().height()/2),
What am I missing?
I originally asked this question on Qt Forum but got no replies.
Solved. The problem was that I was trying to create a new GL context within my plugin when I should be retrieving the GL context from the application that loaded it.
This code was very helpful to understand how to accomplish that.
By the way, I discovered that the stuff was being draw inside view. It's just that I needed to execute view->show(), but that created another window which was not what I was looking for. The link I shared above has the answer.
I think that you have to draw on your glwidget using the opengl functions.
One possible way is to override your paintGL() method in GLWidget
and then draw your image with glDrawPixels().
glDrawPixels(buffer.width(), buffer.height(), GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buffer.bits());
Where buffer is a QImage object that needs to be converted using QGLWidget::converrtToGLFormat() static method.
Look at this source for reference: