Free Amazon AWS/RDS Instance - amazon-web-services

I have hosted a server app on AWS and RDS for relational DB. Though I opted for free account, RDS is being charged at $0.0025 per hour amounting to $18 a month.
I read some documentation but still not able to figure this out. Is this the way it is or is there a way to get free RDS account for testing purpose?

I've just started setting this up and I realized quickly that it was allowing me to make selections that couldn't possibly be free. When setting up your free teir instance, look on the left hand side of the screen for
Your current selection is eligible for the free tier.
Once you select something like "Multi-AZ Deployment" or use any DB Instance Class other than "db.t2.micro" it will slyly change the left column display:
The following selections disqualify the instance from being eligible for the free tier:
Multi-AZ Deployment
Just be careful in your selections and usage to maintain the free teir.

What type of database are you running ? The free tier only applies to SQL Server Micro DB Instance:
750 hours of Amazon RDS for SQL Server Micro DB Instance usage
(running SQL Server Express Edition in a single Availability Zone)
There is also a 60 day free trial for MySQL and Oracle:

Your simplest option is to install the database on your instance.
Alternatively you could look at using a hosted MySQL service provided like, or, both have limited but free options.

As of October 1st 2012, AWS free usage tier now includes Amazon RDS.
The free tier applies to Single-AZ deployments of MySQL, Oracle “Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL)” licensing model and SQL Server Express Edition.
See this link from Amazon for more details:

you should use t1.micro. It is at the bottom of the options.

The important thing is not to choose RDS Aurora.
If you choose MySql or Postgres, the webpage will show template Free Tier.
When select it, all default configs will be good for free tier.
Some screenshots:

I recently provisioned an AWS RDS instance. I thought I was within my free tier limit and I kept being charged for "Amazon Relational Database Service Provisioned Storage". It was always a few cents.
I had taken between 15 and 20 GB of storage when I set it up.
I contacted support and they told me that, in order to be within the RDS free tier, I have to take no more than 9Gb storage when provisioning the instance. But after the backup is made, it will use up an additional 9Gb, so the total storage should be no more than 20Gb.
So now, when I provisioned a new instance of 9 GB, I am within the limits of the free tier.
Also always check if in the region of choice they have free tier resources.


AWS RDS free tier: Is free usage reset every month?

I'm using AWS RDS by free tier.
I created a database in January, and created another databse in February.
Today morning, I got a message that I was charged 12 dollars for overusage.
I checked my AWS cost management, and found out that the cost for March so far is $0.
I know that the free tier gives me 750 hours.
But does it mean that I can use 750 hours every month?
If so, can I use one database for free every month because 750/24 = 31?
And did I get charged because I am activating two databases?
From the AWS documentation:
750 hours of Amazon RDS Single-AZ db.t2.micro Instance usage running MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle BYOL or SQL Server (running SQL Server Express Edition) – enough hours to run a DB Instance continuously each month
so if you run two instances, that will be a total of 1500 hours of usage, so you will be charged extra. But you can run one instance for free each month. Note that the RDS instance is part of the 12 months free tier in AWS. That means that this offer only holds for 12 months after creation of your AWS account.
I created an AWS account and use it for several years now. Now, I was experimenting with the RDS instance (free tier) and this started to change me.
So, I believe that the free tier is only free within 12 months of the AWS account creation.
CHECK DAILY THE AWS ACCOUNT, I had another mistake earlier that cost me $300 for that.

AWS Lightsail MySql Database

I have taken a AWS Lightsail Unix Instance for one of my pilot project, I wanted to explore AWS ecosystem and thought this would be a easy playground to start with. The plan I opted was a USD 5 per month, which gives 1 GB Memory, 1 Core Processor, 40 GB SSD Disk and 2 TB Transfer.
After subscribing I created a LAMP instance and a Plesk Instance, assigned static IPs to both instances and setup connections from my PC to transfer files using PuTTY; also setup access to Plesk and phpMyAdmin to start work.
In the first month itself, I am seeing a huge bill of USD 985 for using AWS RDS, details in bill are as below:
Amazon Relational Database Service for MySQL Community Edition
$1.080 per RDS db.r4.xlarge Multi-AZ instance hour (or partial hour) running MySQL
My question is - When I created LAMP, does it create a AWS RDB service automatically, I have hardly used MySql for anything. It seems AWS Lightsail is throwing hidden charges without notifying customers about actuals.
No, creating a LAMP stack on Lightsail does not create an RDS instance on your behalf. With the LAMP stack on Lightsail, the MySQL database is installed on that instance alongside PHP and Apache - there is no charge beyond the $5.00 / month (in your case) as long as you don't go over the data transfer limit.
I can't say why you're getting charged for RDS, but it's not because you fired up Lightsail instances.
Thank you folks!
I tried to go through several docs AWS provides on pricing. There is no indication that AWS RDB services automatically starts on LAMP installation. I wanted to take second opinion before raising a complaint with them. I have opened a case, and they have confirmed to revert the charges, however there is no clarity how AWS RDS service has started. At present I have removed all DB snapshots and backups.

RDS console showing monthly estimated charges for Free Tier Limit in AWS

Why is RDS console on Amazon Web Services showing an estimated monthly charge if I start creating a RDS instance. I am using a free tier account and is well within free tier limit.
This is what my console is showing:
This is within the free tier limits, which I found here.
Why does this happen, and will it actually charge me anything?
The Amazon RDS console has no visibility into any other services you have (or will) consume during the month. It is simply showing an estimate of the costs for running the database.
The benefits of the free usage tier will be calculated separately, based upon actual usage.
So, if that's the only RDS instance you run during the month and it qualifies for the free tier, you will not be charged.

Is Amazon Web Services autoscaling in terms of price?

I would just like to know if I understand Amazon Web Services correctly. If I have an EC2 instance using the free tier, if my bandwidth or storage goes above the free tier limit, do I only pay per hour whilst it is going above the limit? Do I have to organise an upgrade or does it do it automatically? In other words, do you only pay for what you use?
The AWS Free-Tier is only available to new customers and for 12 months following your AWS sign-up date. If your usage gets exceeds the free-tier you will be paying standard, pay-as-you-go service rates. There is no need of upgradations of account.
Amazon Pricing
Hope it helps :-)

AWS: can i use all the 18 free tier eligible products at the same time

Based on the information posted in aws website at, AWS Free Tier is designed to enable you to get hands-on experience with AWS at no charge for 12 months after you sign up.
After creating your AWS account you can use any of the 18 products and services, listed below, for free within certain usage limits. I have create one EC2 instance and i also want to create Orace RDS at the same time.
The thing that is confusing me is , whether i could use only one of the 18 products or one from each product at the same time?
I created a thread at aws forum and get important information i thing i should share.
You can use any of the 18 products and services offered under free tier at the same time. For example, you can use EC2, RDS and S3 at the same time as long as you stay within the usage limits. Note that if you don't use the full benefits provided by the free tier in a given month, they don't roll over to the next month. To maximize your benefit from the free tier, be sure to spend time with AWS each month, investigating the services that you're curious about.
If you exceed the usage limits of the free tier, use a service that does not provide free tier benefits, or continue to use AWS after you are no longer eligible for the free tier, you are charged at the standard billing rates for your AWS usage.
You can use all of them, each has its own free-tier limits.