Reload googlemaps after user clicks a link in Django - django

I am doing a project in Django and i want to have some google maps displayed in my site. So, i installed django-easy-maps and successfully used it in a sample template. So, i am ready with my maps.
The interface i want to implement is this
I want to display the maps where the Hellow World! container is and with different links on the sidebar i want to refresh the map being displayed on user click without reloading the page.
I did some researching and it seems Ajax is the solution...
Can anybody tell me how i might achieve this (with or without Ajax ) ?
Sorry for sounding like a noob but i am fairly new to this.

The basic steps are:
Create a view for the Google Maps section to the right. This view does not return a full HTML page but only the HTML for that section (which contains your Google Maps map).
When the user clicks on a link on the left, use JavaScript to perform an ajax call to request that page. In short this means: attach an event handler to the onclick event of those links and in code you can perform an ajax call .Many people use a JavaScript library for this purpose, such as jQuery (which has $.ajax()).
You can then use JavaScript to put the received HTML inside the container on the right (using $.html()).


Possible to use page on external site as content for MailChimp?

We've got a WordPress site and I've built a page that pulls from different sections of our site which I'd like to use as the content for a bi-weekly MailChimp newsletter. Is there anyway to automate pulling in a div on our site into the body of a MailChimp template?
All the tools I've found pull in the page as "an article" and just put an image and headline into the message body, rather than the full page verbatim.
Not adverse to doing some coding, but not sure how to start.
Thanks for any suggestions.
I can think of two different routes you might be able to try. The first is to generate an RSS feed for the content you're talking about and then use an RSS Campaign to send the email. Depending on how you have this data stored on your site, WordPress might already be generating an RSS feed for you for that content.
The second option involves more coding. If you create a template with an editable section you can then pass in the content of that section via the API. This is probably harder, since the campaign content APIs are pretty convoluted in v2.0. v3.0 should make that easier, but it's still in beta.

How to enter text into a web page form field with WxWebView

I'm using wxWebView (with chromium) to load a web page.
This page contains a number of form fields, and I'd like to be able to automatically fill some of those fields in the same way as a normal browser can.
How can I do this with wxWebView as I can't see any methods for interacting with a web page after it has loaded.
I managed to find a solution to this in the end.
wxWebView has a "RunScript" method, which can run arbitrary javascript. With this, you can do pretty much anything you'd need.

How to prevent Django pages from refreshing after submit?

I am using the Django template system. What I want is, when I submit a form, or click to an url link, page does not refreshes, but loads with the data returning from the server. Is it possible?
I recommend a combination of jQuery (easy, powerful, popular javascript library) and dajax/dajaxice ( Dajax is very easy to set up and use, and jQuery is also easy to set up and use. Dajax is strictly for AJAX communications through Django. jQuery is perfect for taking a simple site and making it more fluid, intuitive, and user-friendly.
You need JavaScript to do that. What you are looking for is called AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Essentially, it means you use JavaScript to send a request to the server as soon as the link/button is clicked. The server returns some data to your Script, which then can be used to manipulate the HTML page, e.g. by inserting the responded data into the DOM. Since you do everything with JavaScript, no reloading of the whole page is required.
To start, read the AJAX tutorial. There are certain JavaScript libraries that make these things more simple for you (e.g. jQuery), but you really should understand how this stuff works first, since else you might get into trubble while trying to debug it.

Sharing to social pages with django

In my django application I have different content across the site. Now I would like to add "Share this to... (Facebook,Twitter,Buzz)" link on each page. But instead of redirecting to a social app page I would like to open popup with (if needed) logging/adding possibility. How to get started ? What steps/operations I need to perform and what ready made applications can I use ? I have already created a twitter app and facebook app and have all the keys.
I mean something like links here (left-side).
Sharethis: works well in every instance I've used it.
If you want only specific 'share buttons' or with default style justy type " social_name 'share button' " and you will get the js to include on your site (here are the 3 you mentioned in post):
If you already have the app written to behave like mashable, one approach is to put the login dialog (if it's needed) in a jQuery dialog.

Plone-like search box in Django?

Plone has a beautiful search box with a "Google suggest" like functionality for its site. It even indexes uploaded documents like PDFs. Does anyone know of a module that can provide this kind of functionality in a Django site?
Plone implements it's LiveSearch feature by maintaining a separate metadata table of indexed attributes (fields such as last modified, creator, title are copied from the content objects into this table). Content objects then send ObjectAdded/ObjectModified/ObjectRemoved events, and an event subscriber listens for these events and is responsible for updating the metadata table (in Django events are named signals). Then there is a Browser View exposed at a fixed URL that searches the metadata and returns the appropriate LiveSearch HTML, and finally each HTML page is sent the appropriate JavaScript to handle the autocomplete AJAX functionality to query this view and slot the resulting HTML results into the DOM.
If you want your LiveSearch to query multiple Models/Content Types, you are likely going to need to send your own events and have a subscriber handle them appropriately. This isn't necessary for a smaller data sets or lower traffic sites, where the performance penalty for doing multiple queries for a single search isn't a concern (or you only want to search a single content type) and you can just do several queries from your View.
As for the JavaScript side, you can roll-your-own or use an existing JavaScript library. This is usually called autocomplete in the JS library. There is YUI autocomplete and Scriptaculous autocomplete for starters, and likely lots more JavaScript autocomplete implementations out there. Plone uses KSS for it's JavaScript library, the KSS livesearch plugin is a good place to start if looking for example code to pluck from.
And a tutorial on using KSS with Django:
KSS is quite nice since it cleanly separates behaviour from content on the client side (without needing to write JavaScript), but Scriptaculous is conceptually a little simpler and has somewhat better documentation (