How to integrate missing packages in COCOS2d Android 1 - cocos2d-android

I was using COCOS2d android in my project and now i need to replace COCOS2d-android with The latest cocos2d. When i replace this jar it shows some package cannot be resolved errors in the below packages
import org.cocos2d.protocols.CCTouchDelegateProtocol;
import org.cocos2d.sound.SoundEngine;
Is their any latest COCOS2d android jar available with these files or is there any way to integreate these packages.
A question could arise why would i want to do this??
How can i override ccTouchbegan in cocos2d-android( removal of overlaying sprites)


Sitecore Glass.Mapper.Sc vs Glass.Mapper.Sc.Core

Hi Fellow Sitecoryians ,
I'm in the process of upgrading a website sitting on Sitecore 7.1 rev140130 webforms to Sitecore 8.2rev160729 MVC-5 / Webforms hybrid. I require to keep the old content running. Because this is just an upgrade of the backend. But plan to start developing in MVC for all new components etc. I will phase out the old web forms as content pages change. This requirement is pushed on me by the business.
The old site used Glass Mapper to generate and map content from sitecore. Using the old Glass.Mapper.Sc.CasteWindsor v3.2.1.21 via t4 scripts in TDS.
I looked over the Glass homepage. Where is states that Glass.Mapper.Sc is all that you require now. But there are conflicting tutorials out there stating you need to install the MVC-4 or MVC-5. I figured I would ignore them for now and stick to the Glass suggested install.
Trouble is that the old Model properties are tagged with attributes like
[SitecoreId] & [SitecoreInfo(SitecoreInfoType.Language)]
Which don't seem to be in the Glass.Mapper.Sc library. The only reference I can find of these attributes in the available nugets packages. Is the Glass.Mapper.Sc.Core package.
I tried to install that package in the models project. Just to see this :
Start package installation to project [project].Logic.Models
Installation failed. Rolling back...
Error: Unable to resolve dependencies. 'Glass.Mapper.Sc.Core' is not > compatible with 'Glass.Mapper.Sc constraint: Glass.Mapper.Sc.Core (≥ >'.
Installation finished.
I feel like I might be making a mistake if I down-grade the Glass.Mapper.Sc so I can install the Core library. I might be shooting myself in the foot later on. Because I still have to install WFFM and Social Connection Module being replace with the internal sc8 social components..
My understanding was that the new Glass.Mapper.Sc package should cover all my needs.
So should I down grade and try and use the older version with the Core libraries?
Or should I refactor the models to use a new attribute system. What ever that may be?
(Keep in mind there are around 50+ models in the project. So it's not something that I would like to have to do .. )
Glass Mapper was significantly changed in version 4 and the biggest change was the removal and reliance on Castle Windsor. A list of the changes were listed in the release blog post.
The Nuget package/installer has also been changed so there is now only a single Nuget package instead of the several which you previously had to install. To support this, the Nuget installer checks for the presence of Sitecore.Kernel.dll and System.Web.Mvc:
To make things simpler V4 uses a Powershell script to decided which references to add to your project, it checks both the Sitecore.Kernel version and the System.Web.Mvc version and then installs the appropriate Glass.Mapper.Sc and Glass.Mapper.Sc.Mvc assembly.
My suggestion would be to remove the old V3 assemblies and Nuget references, make sure the above 2 DLLs are correctly referenced in your project(s) and then install Glass V4 Nuget to those projects again.
The SitecoreId and SitecoreInfo attributes are still in the Glass.Mapper.Sc library, the Core library has been removed/refactored. I don't believe this namespace has changed since V3 but make sure you are using the file and the using Glass.Mapper.Sc.Configuration.Attributes namespace is correct in that file.

Build Modules Unity5

Currently building a game in Unity 5. I want to build for PC instead of WebBrowser now but Unity is currently saying "No Standalone Module loaded".
I know you need to tick modules when installing Unity but I want to be able to do it without uninstalling and reinstalling unity.
Is there anyway to do this?
The download Assistance only give the opportunity to install the 64-bits version of Unity, not the 32-bits.
So the only option right now seems to use torrent download.
If you are a 32-bits user then it would be better for you to download the desired module and install it in 32-bit folder.

The import cannot be resolved

Following a Livecard tutorial, I realized that eclipse keeps throwing the following error: "import cannot be resolved". The solution I found online was to set the project to compile with the Glass GDK by changing the build target to Glass Development Kit Sneak Peak version 15.
I dont have a Glass Development kit sneak peek under Android 4.0.3. I downloaded the ADT bundle from However, I have a Glass Development kit preview under the android 4.2.2, version 19.
Could that be the problem as to why timelineManager is not being identified or imported?
I can't move forward until I figure this out.. =(
Here is a screenshot of the error:
Yes, TimelineManager was removed with XE16 with no immediate replacement. If you're planning on creating a GDK based app going forward - don't try to use the old GDK.
If you really need to insert a static card, you may wish to evaluate the Mirror API to see if it meets your needs.

Cocosmotion cloned from github repository does not work

I cloned cocosmotion repository from github, but I can't get it to work. I am almost totally new to mac os, xcode and iOS development, so there can be things that I am missing right now).
I have XCode 4.5 installed, downloaded cocos2d and installed it's template so that now I can create cocos2d projects from templates. Also I bought RubyMotion and RubyMine with it;s support, but demo project from github does not compile with the following error:
/Users/DarkDeny/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p327/bin/ruby -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /Users/DarkDeny/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p327/bin/rake simulator
Build ./build/iPhoneSimulator-6.0-Development
Build vendor/cocos2d-iphone
ERROR! Building vendor project vendor/cocos2d-iphone' failed to create at least one.a' library.
Process finished with exit code 1
I tried to compare cocos2d which I downloaded by myself from it's site, found that resources are missing, after adding them to cocos2d folder structure. I got XCode compiling cocos2d within cocosmotion-master folder to compile successfully, but rubymotion project still reports the same error from above.
What am I missing? What could be the root cause of the problem?
It is better to start from scratch and use cocoapods with RubyMotion. This will definitely work as I was able to check. cocosmotion repo from github is deprecated since there is a pod of cocos2d from its' creators.

Cocos2D Help: How to update cocos2d from 1.0.1 to 2.0 rc1 properly?

I had cocos2D version 1.0.1 and I installed cocos2D latest version 2.0 rc1 with help from this website:
Now when I go inside cocos2d/cocos2d.m I see the version as follows:
static NSString *version = #"cocos2d v1.0.1";
Does this mean that my version is still 1.0.1 and not 2.0 rc1?
Another thing I want to ask is that I am trying to learn Box2d from raywenderlich's blog:
When I create a new box2d project and erase all coded to start from scratch, I followed the tutorial and tried to code but then it shows errors that the methods and classes are not recognised. Such as when I make a new b2World object the constructor is not recognised. Is this because of the conflict of cocos2d versions?
How to upgrade cocos2d in an existing project. The most crucial step is to delete all cocos2d files before copying the new version over, otherwise you may end up with a mix of old and new files.
Keep in mind that Box2D has also been upgraded to v2.2 I believe whereas cocos2d v1.0 ships with Box2D v2.1. There were some changes to the Box2D API as well. Those are easy to fix if you look at the Box2D template projects and consult the Box2D API reference.