Django URL Aliases - django

I'm new to Django and I have a BIG problem. I don't like the "url pattern" philosophy of Django.
I don't want my pages to look like
I want
and of course I will have more than one type of object.
Is there an elegant way to achieve this with Django (not using hard-coded urls)?

Ever wondered that, if what you want to do seems so hard to acheive, you're doing it wrong? What is so wrong with /foo/name-of-foo/ ?
I'm trying to imagine your use-case and wondering if you need 'human' URLs for only a handful of pages. If so, it would work to go with the /foo/slug-for-foo/ approach but then use the django.contrib.redirects app to support hand-written URLs that redirect to the saner, more RESTful ones?

It is possible. You'll have to create one catch-all URL pattern, for which you'll create a view that will search all possible object types, find the matching one, and process and return that. Usually, this is a bad idea.


issues with url in multiple languages

I am using the concept of multiple languages in my project, and everything works fine.
But i am having some queries about my url.
When i am using this url, then it display the data in spanish form.
But if i am using this url, then it does not display data in spanish.
The difference between two url is "?" , so can anybody suggest me some way with which I can accomplish my task without this "?"
It's not possible to post variables without the ? in your URL. (more informations here)
If you want to manage it without the GET-Parameter (?lang) you need to rewrite the middleware I've posted to you. Also you need to modify your
All you then may achieve is or if you're familiar with subdomaining.

How can I write a regex to match everything but a char?

I've switched in my wordpress blog from urls like this:
To shorter urls like this
Wordpress has a search engine who works like this
/blog/search/?s=how to build a website
And search for the s params.
I'm trying to use .htaccess Redirectmatch to redirect all the old urls to the search url with the title of the post as the s params.
So if the user serf to
should be redirect to
/blog/search/?s=how to build a website
I've coded this
Redirectmatch blog/\d+/\d+/\d+/(.+)$1
But this regex grap the whole string after the last / within the - symbol inside it.
In this way if a user serf to
Will be redirected to
while I want the user redireced to
/blog/search/?s=how to build a website
How can I write the regex to do this?
Yes guys, I know that this kind of urls are ugly :) But I just would know how to do it, because behind this there are some technical issues I'm trying to solve..
Please don't do this. I know it can seem tempting to go for short URLs; after all, you get things like TinyURL and such. Isn't it better to have /blog/?p=123 than /blog/2012/01/01/how-to-build-a-website?
No. It's not.
The reason is because when someone posts a link to your blog article, the longer URL means something. It tells the person how old the article is. It gives the title. It helps people find your article; after all, the URL is given a lot of weight by Google when indexing your site.
URLs used to be built for computers. Something like /blog/?p=123 is perfect for computers; it's easy to parse, it doesn't require any extra database lookups. You can write two articles named "How to Build a Website" and the blog engine doesn't have to make sure it adds a -2 on the second one. It maps easily to the actual structure of files on the server, without making up structure in the URL.
But we've realized since that URLs can be built for humans, too. The URL /blog/2012/01/01/how-to-build-a-website has a form that can be easily understood by humans. Sure, it's a bit longer to type, but all the bits you're typing are easier, and most URLs are copy'n'pasted anyway or just clicked on. It's more work for the computer, sure, but it's worth it. It makes the Internet friendlier.
So I'm sorry, but I won't help you. :)

django dynamic number of named groups in url

I would like to develop a web service with dynamic urls.
A common url pattern with named groups would be something like this:
(r'^articles/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\d{2})/$', 'news.views.month_archive')
For my purpose I need a little more dynamic, because I don't know the number of groups from the beginning.
E.g. possible urls could be:
I could use something like this:
(r'^(?P<cat1>)/(?P<cat2>)/$', 'module.views.function')
(r'^(?P<cat1>)/(?P<cat2>)/(?P<cat3>)/$', 'module.views.function')
(r'^(?P<cat1>)/(?P<cat2>)/(?P<cat3>)/(?P<cat4>)/$', 'module.views.function')
and so on. Is there a smarter way to do this? Thanks in advance!
Wait if you only have 1 article then you want it to be article/post/, otherwise you want it to be articles/post/?
Since URLs are just regular expressions you could do something like
(r'^articles?/post/$', 'some_view')
the ? tests either 0 or 1 of s.
But fundamentally your URLs don't seem to make sense, when you write articles/post/comments, it sounds like you want to post comments on all articles? Same with article/post/, what does that mean? Which article are you trying to post (you only have one and at most one)?
Typically URLs look like articles/5/post/comments, which would mean "I want to post comments on article with a pk of 5".
Sorry if my answer didn't help. I guess I didn't really understand your question.

django internalization in urls? how to make urls like this: "en/articles" and "pt/artigos"...?

I would need to make urls based on language.
If I had the language english and subcategory named "articles" then the url might be like this:
If the language were portuguese and subcategory already translated is "artigos" then the url will be:
How can I do it?
I must use the or some monkeypatches?
This features is already existing in the yet-to-be released version 1.4. You can read about it in the release note.
If your really need this feature, and no existing app feets your needs, you can still try to apply the corresponding patch yourself.
Django LocaleURL is a piece of middleware that does exactly this. The documentation can be found in the source, or online.
Edit: I read over the fact that you want to translate the url itself... I'm not aware of any piece of code that provides this. Perhaps you could extend the LocalURL middleware to take care of the translations for you. Say you have a regex match like (?P<articles>\w+), you could in the middleware determine which view you want to use. Something like the following mapping perhaps?
if article_slug in ['articles', 'artigos', 'article']:
article(request) # Call the article view
I've been using transurlvania with great success, it does exactly what you need and more, however i see that in the next Django release django-i18nurls will be included in django core so perhaps it would be better to learn that

How to pass language information from page to page?

If I have a multilingual site, what is the best way to pass information about language?
Right now the language is saved in cookies. That's convenient except that might be not good for search optimization, if search bots don't use cookies.
The other option would be specifying language in address, like, but then you probably need to add ?lang=xx to every link on the page.
Is there a right way?
Better way is to maintain this info in session,
The other option would be specifying
language in address, like, but then you
probably need to add ?lang=xx to every
link on the page.
Is there a right way?
I would have created filter than parse each request and fetches the lang param and process accordingly.
Moreover I would recommend you to use following url pattern, and get the lang from filter
If you want all the content crawlable then you'd have to pass it in the URL. Either as a parameter or maybe have separate sites/subdomains
I would use Wikepedia's approach: Different URLs for different languages. for english for Spanish