Url mismatch, django template link - django

I've got a prob with a link in the sidebar of my django site, in the template it's like that:
while in the urls.py:
url(r'^(?P<user_id>\d+)/profile/$', 'auth.views.show_profile', name='profile')
When i access it from the main page with url: e.g /1001/profile/ it loads fine but when I try to access it from another subpage with url: e.g /1001/forms/profile/ i get the error: The current URL, /1001/forms/profile/, didn't match any of these. How can i fix this?

It is because "profile" is a relative URL, and a relative URL is appended to the current URL - the resulting address is not valid across the whole site. Seems like you should use an absolute URL in your case.
At the template you can try something like:
To get request available in templates you have to add django.core.context_processors.request to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS. I'm not sure if it is added by default.

You must have to add your second subpage url in urls like you did for /1001/profile/
url(r'^(?P<user_id>\d+)/form/profile/$', 'auth.views.show_profile', name='profile_form')
and also correct your code as #Paulo mentioned or you can also do it through reverse url.


django url concatenation. I don't want to concatenate

when I do something in 'profile' page,
the url is concatenated to the next of 'profile'.
but I want to link to just 'signout'. not 'profile/signout'
this is my urls.py.
when ever I do something in 'profile'page,
the href link is concatenated to 'profile'url.
this is href source.
since this href source is header.html,
this page is included another pages.
and in the other pages, it works well.
only in profile page, the href url is concatenated to 'profile/1' url.
how can I fix it?
Yes, a URL not starting with a slash or a scheme is a relative URL. href="foo" is equivalent to href="./foo", i.e. it refers to the path foo relative to the current path. If you want the top-level path, you want href="/foo".
In Django you're supposed to use the {% url %} template tag to generate URLs, you don't hardcode them. Django will take care to generate the correct URL; especially if you move the app around to other environments, the URL may require a prefix or such, so you should never hardcode the URL.


I am very new to Django and I'm nearing the end of the django girls tutorial. I have added "#login_required" above my post_detail in views (view for clicking on a specific post) and added a login.html template. So when I click on a post title I get redirected to my login page (so far, so good) and the url is: (trying this on my computer atm.)
Then I type in my admin name/password and automatically get redirected to and of course get a "Page not found (404)" (since I have no url/view/template for that). I thought "Dang, I just wanted to be redirected to /post/11/"!
Looked around on stack overflow and found this question:
Signing in leads to "/accounts/profile/" in Django (sounds about right)
and got the answer
Change the value of LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL in your settings.py.
So I looked up LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL in the Django documentation:
Default: '/accounts/profile/'
The URL where requests are redirected after login when the contrib.auth.login view gets no next parameter.
This is used by the login_required() decorator, for example.
This setting also accepts named URL patterns which can be used to reduce configuration duplication since you don’t have to define the URL in two places (settings and URLconf).
Deprecated since version 1.8: The setting may also be a dotted Python path to a view function. Support for this will be removed in Django 1.10.
But doesn't my contrib.auth.login get a next parameter? (looking at my url that say "?next=/post/11/" at the end) Please help me out here, I'm lost for what the problem could be here :(
You can view the page at:
And the source code at:
So I now know that the LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL is the thing that's deciding where I end up next, which must mean that it ignores the next-parameter in the url. I googled further on the problem and found this question which was very similar to my problem, i.e.
Documentation states that I need to use the "next" parameter and context processors. I have the {{next}} in my template, but I'm confused on how to actually pass the "/gallery/(username)". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(I don't even have the {{next}} in my template, where/how should I add it?)
The preferred answer to that question seemed to be:
Django's login view django.contrib.auth.views.login accepts a dictionary named extra_context. The values in the dictionary are directly passed to the template. So you can use that to set the next parameter. Once that is done, you can set a hidden field with name next and value {{ next }} so that it gets rendered in the template.
But I'm not sure how to interpret this. While writing this edit I got an answer on this post (by kacperd) and will read it through now)
The problem is that contrib.auth.login doesn't get the next parameter.
When you try to get the login_required view without credentials your request is redirect to login view, and the template you created is rendered. The next parameter is present in this view, but when you perform the login action which is submitting the form, you are not including next in your request so contrib.auth.login doesn't get it and redirects to default page.
The solution to your problem is to include the next param and pass it forward. You can do this by modifying your login template. Simply add ?next={{ request.GET.next }} to form action attribute.
<form method="post" action="{% url 'django.contrib.auth.views.login' %}?next={{ request.GET.next }}">

Django: Why can I reverse a URL in the template but not in a view?

There's some weird stuff happing with the URL reversal code in django 1.4.
I have a view called settings.views.app_view. I have viewed the page by typing in the URL manually to verify that the basic URL pattern is working.
url(r'^app/$', 'settings.views.app_view', name='settings_app_view'),
I have reversed the URL in a template and it works.
{% url settings_app_view %}
So, the URL pattern works, and I can call get the URL in a template, click the link and view the correct page.
So why can't I get the URL in a view using reverse()? All the code is clearly there, and not only that, it's clearly configured and working correctly as I've seen the page and reversed the URL in a template.
I have to be missing something small; does anyone know what it is?
ViewDoesNotExist at /settings/app/
Exception Value: Could not import settings.views.app_view. View does not exist in module settings.views.
# The highlighted code
url = reverse("settings_app_view")
Where exactly in your code does reverse() get executed? If reverse() gets executed during importing the python file, you can get a recursive import. Unfortunately a recursive import can have different results: AttributeError can happen on modules that should have this attribute....
See: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/urlresolvers/#reverse-lazy

django url tag problem

I have problem with url tag. I want to redirect to a function that is in for eg
project_name.forum.views.function. Here is how i try to create url
{% url forum.views.function %}
it gives me this error:
Caught ViewDoesNotExist while rendering: Tried forum in module project_name.forum.views. Error was: 'module' object has no attribute 'forum'
I added this url in urls.py(I can access it directly) What am I doing wrong?
The url tag is used to reference named urls. E.g.
Then you use {% url babystats_user_babies %} (the url pattern name, not the view name)
It sounds more like an incorrectly set up URL conf. You get that error when you specify a view that doesn't exist.
The url tag failing gives you a failure to reverse url with params... message.
What does your URL conf look like? Does project_name.forum.views.forum exist?
I mean, I find it odd you can visit the page at all, but that's the first place I'd look.
I have seen this error before with django url reversing stemming from the urlconf being set up with a root like projectname.app.views.view instead of app.views.view, so it chokes on the reverse without the name of the project.
Another common issue would be that the url takes an extra parameter that can be blank, and it needs you to pass an empty string or whatnot.

View referenced by two urls and url tag

I am using url tag in my template for a view, that is used by two different urls. I am getting the wrong url in one place. Is there any way to force django to retrieve different url? Why it doesn't notify my, that such conflict occured and it doesn't know what to do (since python zen says, that is should refuse temptation to guess).
Code in template:
{% url djangoldap.views.FilterEntriesResponse Entry=entry.path as filter_url %}
Code in urls:
{'filter_template': 'filter_entries.html',
'results_template': 'filter_results.html'}),
{'filter_template': 'search_entries.html',
'results_template': 'search_results.html'}),
As you can see, those two urls use the same view, but with different templates. How I can force django to retrieve former url, rather than latter?
Name your URLs by adding another item to the tuple:
{'filter_template': 'search_entries.html',
'results_template': 'search_results.html'},
'sensibleprefix-choose_entries') # <-- this is the name
Then you can use the name in the URL tag.