External Domain with Micro Cloud Foundry - cloud-foundry

I know this is a much asked question in regards to Cloud Foundry in general with disappointing responses as of current, and even though I get the idea it is not possible with an instance of Micro Cloud Foundry, I want to ask just to make sure. Is it possible to configure an external domain on an instance of Micro Cloud Foundry without tunneling from a cloudfoundry subdomain?

This isn't possible with a stock Micro Cloud Foundry VM. However, you could SSH into the VM and modify the necessary files so it will respond to a domain of your choice. Look here for pointers: http://support.cloudfoundry.com/entries/20404628-how-does-url-addressing-work


Private service to service communication for Google Cloud Run

I'd like to have my Google Cloud Run services privately communicate with one another over non-HTTP and/or without having to add bearer authentication in my code.
I'm aware of this documentation from Google which describes how you can do authenticated access between services, although it's obviously only for HTTP.
I think I have a general idea of what's necessary:
Create a custom VPC for my project
Enable the Serverless VPC Connector
What I'm not totally clear on is:
Is any of this necessary? Can Cloud Run services within the same project already see each other?
How do services address one another after this?
Do I gain the ability to use simpler by-convention DNS names? For example, could I have each service in Cloud Run manifest on my VPC as a single first level DNS name like apione and apitwo rather than a larger DNS name that I'd then have to hint in through my deployments?
If not, is there any kind of mechanism for services to discover names?
If I put my managed Cloud SQL postgres database on this network, can I control its DNS name?
Finally, are there any other gotchas I might want to be aware of? You can assume my use case is very simple, two or more long lived services on Cloud Run, doing non-HTTP TCP/UDP communications.
I also found a potentially related Google Cloud Run feature request that is worth upvoting if this isn't currently possible.
Cloud Run services are only reachable through HTTP request. you can't use other network protocol (SSH to log into instances for example, or TCP/UDP communication).
However, Cloud Run can initiate these kind of connection to external services (for instance Compute Engine instances deployed in your VPC, thanks to the serverless VPC Connector).
the serverless VPC connector allow you to make a bridge between the Google Cloud managed environment (where live the Cloud Run (and Cloud Functions/App Engine) instances) and the VPC of your project where you have your own instances (Compute Engine, GKE node pools,...)
Thus you can have a Cloud Run service that reach a Kubernetes pods on GKE through a TCP connection, if it's your requirement.
About service discovery, it's not yet the case but Google work actively on that and Ahmet (Google Cloud Dev Advocate on Cloud Run) has released recently a tool for that. But nothing really build in.

Migrate from Dedicated Server to Google Cloud Platform. Is that possible?

My dedicated server will expire soon. I just consider whether to renew it or migrate to Google cloud platform.
There are several points needs to consider:
Currently I am using Google Cloud Storage API to host static large files for my website. That will be fine.
My website also contain dynamic contents, such as PHP. Will Google supports to host such contents?
My website also use WordPress and MySQL database. Will Google support to host such contents?
My server is also host mailboxes and mail forwarders. Will Google support to host these?
My server is also host several add-on domains via cPanel. Will Google support to host these?
To the best, is it possible to use cPanel on Google cloud platform as I am familiar with cPanel.
Yes, you can migrate a dedicated server to Google Compute Engine. It is possible to run cPanel on a GCE instance. From your question, it sounds like you are used to a managed service where they have configured the server for you. GCE is not managed, so you will have to do much more systems administration to set it up and operate the server.
It is not easy to run email on a GCE instance because outbound port 25 is blocked by default.

Cloudfoundry Multi VM

I am pretty new to cloudfoundry. I am still trying to understand how exactly it works.
Say if I have three VMs. VM 1 is running on server A.
VM 2 and 3 are running on server B.
If I wanted to use a single CloudFoundry Instance on those three, would it work?
And if not, how could I use Cloudfoundry on multiple servers or at least multiple VMs? I know I can use BOSH to set them up, but do I still have to manage each instance seperately?
Thank you:
BOSH will deploy VMs for you, you typically don't deploy Cloud Foundry onto existing VMs. BOSH supports deploying to several infrastructures. The core supported infrastructures include AWS, vSphere, OpenStack, and vCloud Air/vCloud Director. There are also community-provided "Cloud Provider Interfaces" for IBM SoftLayer, Azure, Google Compute Engine, and more.
Cloud Foundry is meant to be run as a distributed service, i.e. on multiple VMs. Typically those VMs will be on multiple different hosts, hardware racks, servers, datacenters, what have you. And BOSH is designed to facilitate deploying and managing distributed services like Cloud Foundry. So no, you do not need to manage individual VMs separately.
You can read more about BOSH and Deploying Cloud Foundry.

Ideal Virtual Machine configuration for Micro Cloud Foundry

Could you please suggest an ideal VM configuration for using micro cloud foundry. I understand that the configuration could depend on a lot of parameters but I am looking for something that allows smooth operations without making the guest or host machine too slow in terms of performance.
When you download Micro Cloud, It already comes in a configured VM. You can review the VM configurations but there is no need for you to manually create a new VM.
The "micro.vmx" is the VM.
Here is the link to the docs about Micro Cloud for more information:

What is the CloudFoundry infrastructure?

Does anyone have any idea if CloudFoundry is based on IaaS and datacenters from VMware, or is it based on 3rd party IaaS providers such AWS EC2??
Cloud Foundry is a open source Platform as a Service. It's entirely written with Ruby and the components are very loose couple. You can download Cloud Foundry source code from https://github.com/cloudfoundry/vcap. Cloud Foundry is a PaaS which comes on top of the IaaS layer. Now your IaaS layer can be anything (i.e. vmware vSphere, Amazon EC2, Cloudstack and etc.)
cloudfoundry.com is a hosted Cloud Foundry PaaS environment by vmware. Since this service is being given by vmware, IaaS is vmware as well. It provides a free 2 Gig storage to any user who registers. After registration, users can deploy their apps which would then become a subdomain of cloudfoundry.com (i.e. myCompanyName.cloudfoundry.com). This service is currently in Beta right now.
You can find more information on the following websites:
CloudFoundry.com runs on VMware's own Vsphere infrastructure and servers:
CF, though, is open source, and other providers offer their own service.