c++ const-ness of member functions for a C wrapper - c++

i have an object that, at its most basic level, looks like this:
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
class x_link {
display_ = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
Display* display_ptr() const
return display_;
Display* display_;
i was wondering how "const" x_link::display_ptr() should be in a case like this.
this older question, Should member functions be “const” if they affect logical state, but not bitwise state?, gives me the impression that since my method doesn't (itself) impact either the logical or bitwise state of the object, const is the way to go.
but at the same time, providing the Display* allows users to break the object (for example, by calling XCloseDisplay() themselves), which would be a very non-const thing to do.
any thoughts?

This class looks like a simple wrapper class whose purpose is primarily to wrap a C interface. In that case I advise you to not complicate your program by using const at all.
I reserve the use of const for clear cut cases where an object or function is read-only.
Const is one of the many C++ features that often trick programmers into making their programs unnecessarily complicated.


C++ Get/Set accessors - how do I avoid typing repetitive code?

I'm writing a pretty large library, and I find myself writing almost identical accessors all the time. I already have several dozen accessors such as the one below.
Question: How can I declare/implement accessors to save typing all this repetitive code? (No #defines please; I'm looking for C++ constructs.)
Update: Yes, I do need accessor functions, because I need to take pointers to these accessors for something called Property Descriptors, which enable huge savings in my GUI code (non-library).
.h file
bool _visible;
bool GetVisible() const { return _visible; }
void SetVisible (bool value);
// Repeat for Get/SetFlashing, Get/SetColor, Get/SetLineWidth, etc.
.cpp file
void Element::SetVisible (bool value)
_visible = value;
this->InvalidateSelf(); // Call method in base class
// ...
// A bit more code here, identical in 90% of my setters.
// ...
// Repeat for Get/SetFlashing, Get/SetColor, Get/SetLineWidth, etc.
I find myself writing almost identical accessors all the time. I already have several dozen accessors such as the one below.
This is a sure design smell that you are writing accessors "for the sake of it". Do you really need them all? Do you really need a low-level public "get" and "set" operation for each one? It's unlikely.
After all, if all you're doing is writing a getter and a setter for each private data member, and each one has the same logic, you may as well have just made the data members public.
Rather your class should have meaningful and semantic operations that, in the course of their duties, may or may not make use of private data members. You will find that each of these meaningful operations is quite different from the rest, and so your problem with repetitive code is vanquished.
As n.m. said:
Easy: avoid accessors. Program your classes to do something, rather than have something.
Even for those operations which have nothing more to them, like controlling visibility, you should have a bool isVisible() const, and a void show(), and a void hide(). You'll find that when you start coding like this it will promote a move away from boilerplate "for the sake of it" getters & setters.
Whilst I think Lightness Races in Orbit makes a very good point, there is also a few ways that can be used to implement "repeating code", which can be applied, assuming we do indeed have a class that have "many things that are similar that need to be controlled individually, so kind of continuing on this, say we have a couple of methods like this:
void Element::Show()
visible = true;
// More code goes here.
void Element::Hide()
visible = false;
// More code goes here.
Now, to my view, this breaks the DRY (Do not Repeat Yourself) principle, so we should probably do something like this:
void Element::UpdateProperty(bool &property, bool newValue)
property = value;
// More code goes here.
Now, we can implement Show and Hide, Flash, Unflash, Shaded etc by doing this, avoiding repetition inside each function.
void Element::Show()
UpdateProperty(visible, true);
If the type isn't always bool, e.g. there is a position, we can do:
template<typename T>void Element::UpdateProperty(T &property, T newValue)
property = value;
// More code goes here.
and the MoveTo becomes:
void Element::MoveTo(Point p)
UpdateProperty(position, p);
Edit based on previously undisclosed information added to question:
Obviously the above technique can equally be applied to any form of function that does this sort of work:
void Element::SetVisible(bool value)
UpdateProperty(visible, value);
will work just as well as for Show described above. It doesn't mean you can get away from declaring the functions, but it reduces the need for code inside the function.
I agree with Lightness. You should design your classes for the task at hand, and if you need so many getters and setters, you may be doing something wrong.
That said, most good IDEs allow you to generate simple getters and setters, and some might even allow you to customize them. You might save the repetitive code as a template and select the code fragment whenever needed.
You may also use a customizable editor like emacs and Vim (with Ultisnips) and create some custom helping functions to make your job easy. The task is ripe for automation.
The only time you should ever write a get/set set of functions in any language is if it does something other than just read or write to a simple variable; don't bother wrapping up access to data if all you're doing is make it harder for people to read. If that's what you're doing, stop doing anything.
If you ever do want a set of get/set functions, don't call them get and set -- use assignment and type casting (and do it cleverly). That way you can make your code more readable instead of less.
This is very inelegant:
class get_set {
int value;
int get() { return value; }
void set(int v) { value = v; }
This is a bit better
class get_set_2 {
value_type value;
bool needs_updating;
operator value_type const & () {
if (needs_updating) update(); // details to be found elsewhere
return value;
get_set_2& operator = (value_type t) {
update(t); // details to be found elsewhere
return *this;
If you're not doing the second pattern, don't do anything.
I'm a tad late again, but I wanted to answer because I don't totally agree with some other here, and think there's additional points to lay out.
It's difficult to say for sure if your access methods are code smells without seeing a larger codebase, or have more information about intent. Everyone here is right about one thing: access method are generally to be avoided unless they do some 'significant work', or they expose data for the purpose of generic-ism (particularly in libraries).
So, we can go ahead and call methods like the idiomatic data() from STL containers, 'trivial access method'.
Why not use trivial access methods?
First, as others have noted, this can lead to an over-exposure of implementation details. At it's best such exposure makes for tedious code, and at it's worse it can lead to obfuscation of ownership semantics, resource leaks, or fatal exceptions. Exposure is fundamentally opposite of object orientation, because each object ought to manage its own data, and operations.
Secondly, code tends to become long, hard to test, and hard to maintain, as you have noted.
When to use trivial access methods?
Usually when their intent is specific, and non-trivial. For example, the STL containers data() function exists to intentionally expose implementation details for the purposes of genericism for the standard library.
Procedural style-structs
Breaking away from directly object-oriented styles, as implementation sometimes does; you may want to consider a simple struct (or class if you prefer) which acts as a data carrier; that is, they have all, or mostly, public properties. I would advise using a struct only for simple holders. This is opposed to a class ought to be used to establish some invariant in the constructor. In addition to private methods, static methods are a good way to illustrate invariants in a class. For example, a validation method. The invariant establishment on public data is also very good for immutable data.
An example:
// just holds some fields
struct simple_point {
int x, y;
// holds from fields, but asserts invariant that coordinates
// must be in [0, 10].
class small_point {
int x, y;
small_point() noexcept : x{}, y{} {}
small_point(int u, int v)
if (!small_point::valid(u) || !small_point::valid(u)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("small_point: Invalid coordinate.");
x = u;
y = v;
static valid(int v) noexcept { return 0 <= v && v <= 10; }

Using a function or class in c++ for a simple task?

I want to write a utility in my program which can convert a string to int. I know that I could use atoi or strtol for it but I need some error handling on it. Which is the better way to do it? Should I create a simple global function, maybe only in a specific namespace, or create a class that have a member which can do it for me?
For eg.:
namespace utility{
int ConvertStrToInt(std::string* str, int& convertednum)
//do the conversion and error handling
return convertednum;
class Utility{
static int ConvertStrToInt(std::string* str, int& convertednum)
{//do the conversion and error handling here}
Sorry if the question sounds a bit silly but I am in a team with 2 other guy and we think about this very differently. 1 says the class is for everything and make classes for everything, and I think that for such a simple problem a simple function is a good solution.
So which is the more efficient? When should I use a simple function and when is the point from where class is the good solution?
Thx for everyone!
The class Utility as you have written it down above somehow contradicts the idea behind object oriented programming, as the method neither uses nor depends on any members of the class. Classes should rather be objects that have certain properties and methods on these properties.
If it is useful to have state in your conversion, use a class. Preferably, a functor so you can pass an instance around as a callable entity. If there is no state, then use a function.
As an aside, your signature and return type should probably look like this:
int ConvertStrToInt(const std::string& str);
Edit concerning this particular example, the C++ standard library provides this functionality already, so you don't need to re-implement it.
namespace is the usual way to go about this.
The function in the class should be declared static anyway, and having a class just so you can group functions together isn't good practice.
Neither. Go for a function object (sometimes called a Functor).
struct str_to_int {
int operator()(const std::string& s) const { return 23; }
Why? This gives you the ability to add state if you need it. It works
with all standard algorithm facilities and every modern C++
library. You can make it a template function without your users every
noticing it.
Now you can do things like:
std::vector<std::string> strings;
std::vector<int> integers;
std::transform(begin(strings), end(strings),
std::back_inserter(integers), str_to_int());
Or someday turn your definition into:
struct str_to_int {
int operator()(const std::string& s) const { return 23; }
// ha
int operator()(const std::wstring& s) const { return 42; }
// haha!
int operator()(const char* x) const { return 42; }
and the above code will continue to work without a problem. This wont be the case for a free function.
Random Remark: Why would you pass a pointer to a string for
something like that?
I would normally just use a function. Putting it into a class is just
noise (or pseudo-OO, since the class doesn't have any real behavior on
its own).
There is one exception: functional template arguments to the STL are
generally more efficient if you use a class with an operator()(),
rather than a function. (If you use a functional object, the actual
function being called is a compile time constant, and can easily be
inlined. If you use a function, the template argument is the type of
the function, not the function itself, and inlining is less likely.)
Even in this case, however, I'd start with the function, and add the
functional object type if needed.

Bad practice to use function pointers to members of a class T as parameters in functions of a template class<T>?

First off, sorry for the title. I couldn't really condense what I'm trying to ask into one phrase :(
I was reading this post, and it somehow got me thinking on function pointers. Specifically, I was wondering why it's "bad" (or, at least, rarely seen) to pass class member functions as function parameters, and then use that pointer on an existing object within that function.
Let's assume I have a template class "Container", which stores a single variable of type T and provides a method to get a const reference to this variable.
template<class T>
class Container {
Container(T anObject) {
m_data = anObject;
const T& getData() const {
return m_data;
T m_data;
Now, I would like to be able to execute member functions of T on m_data, but I don't want to make getData() non-const because that would enable all kinds of other mischief with the returned reference. My solution is to add a new public function, modifyData(...), to Container, which takes a function pointer to a member function of T as a parameter and executes it on m_data; like so:
// ...
void modifyData( void(typename T::*funcptr)(void) ) {
// ...
As-is, this will crash and burn if T is a pointer. For testing, I just created a specialized template for Container<T*> to address this, but I'm sure there would be a more elegant way.
A very construed example shows that this seems to work as intended:
// example class to be used with Container
class Data {
Data() {m_count = 0; }
void incrementCount() { m_count++; }
int getCount() const { return m_count; }
int m_count;
// ... in main.cpp:
Data dat;
Container<Data*> DCont(dat);
std::cout << cl.getData()->getCount() << std::endl; // outputs 0
std::cout << cl.getData()->getCount() << std::endl; // outputs 1
// compiler catches this:
// DCont.modifyData<SomeOtherClass>(&Data::incrementCount);
// this probably does something bad:
// DCont.modifyData<SomeOtherClass>(&SomeOtherClass::someFunc);
Now, instinctively this just seems like a horribly twisted way of doing things, and I've never seen code that works like this. But my question is, is there a performance/security reason why something like this is bad, or is it something that's just considered bad practice? If it's "just" bad practice, then why is that?
Obvious limitations that I could think of are that something like
// DCont.modifyData(&SomeOtherClass::someFunc);
will probably crash at runtime, but I think that could be addressed by checking the type of U against T in incrementData(). Also, as it is, modifyData only accepts void (*)() functions, but this could probably be addressed with variadic templates.
This example is obviously very construed and not implemented so well, but I think (hope?) it's good enough to explain what I'm talking about.
EDIT: There seems to be some confusion as to what the question is. Basically, this is the scenario I'm talking about: You have a bunch of classes from some library that you're trying to store in the container, and another function that generates certain containers; Now, you want the user to be able to call existing member functions on the objects within these containers, but not to modify the actual objects (like when returning a non-const reference with the getter). An actual implementation would probably use some sort of variadic template to be useful, but I need to think that through some more before posting example code.
In short, I'd like to limit a user's access to container members to only member functions of that member. Is there an easier way of doing this, or does this way not work in the way I was intending?
I don't have any problem with your architecture - I don't see it as bad practice. To me it seems quite a laborious way to protect data and doesn't really help you much in that the user can use any void function to modify the contained data which isn;t really a contract on what can and can't be changed.
I think the reason this construct is so rarely seen is that your requirement and goals of the container class are unusual.

What is the best way to deal with a library that has not marked any functions const?

I am trying to implement the use of a C++ library within my project that has not used const modifiers on its access functions. Up until now I have been using const in all of my code but this new library is causing two main problems:
Functions where the arguments are passed as const references cannot use the argument's access functions if these arguments are of a type defined by the library.
Classes with member objects of types defined by the library cannot use the access functions of these objects within a const function.
What is the best way to overcome this issue? The easiest solution would be to simply remove all use of const from my code but that would be quite frustrating to do.
Additional info: In this case I do have access to the source code and can see that the access functions do not modify anything. I omitted this information as I was interested in the more general case as well. For my scenario, const_cast appears to be the way to go
PS The library writer is not evil! It is more a bit of rough and ready code that he has kindly open sourced. I could ditch the library and use something more professional as others have noted. However, for this small time-constrained project, the simplicity of the interface to this library has made it the best choice.
How easy is it to tell whether the functions in the library actually modify anything or not?
If it's easy to tell, and they don't, then you can const_cast your const pointer/reference to non-const and call the library function. You might want to throw a wrapper around the library classes to do this for you, which is tedious and verbose but gets that code out of your classes. This wrapper could perhaps be a subclass that adds some const accessors, depending whether the way you use the library class allows that to work.
If it's hard to tell, or they do modify things, then you need to use non-const instances and references to the library classes in your code. mutable can help with those of type (2), but for those of type (1) you just need to pass non-const arguments around.
For an example of why it might be hard, consider that the library author might have written something like this:
struct Foo {
size_t times_accessed;
int value;
int get() {
return value;
Now, if you const_cast a const instance of Foo and call get(), you have undefined behavior[*]. So you have to be sure that get really doesn't modify the object it's called on. You could mitigate this a bit, by making sure that you never create any const instances of Foo, even though you do take const references to non-const instances. That way, when you const_cast and call get you at least don't cause UB. It might make your code confusing, that fields keep changing on objects that your functions claim not to modify.
[*] Why is it undefined behavior? It has to be, in order that the language can guarantee that the value of a const object never changes in a valid program. This guarantee allows the compiler to do useful things. For example it can put static const objects in read-only data sections, and it can optimize code using known values. It also means that a const integer object with a visible initializer is a compile-time constant, which the standard makes use of to let you use it as the size of an array, or a template argument. If it wasn't UB to modify a const object, then const objects wouldn't be constant, and these things wouldn't be possible:
#include <iostream>
struct Foo {
int a;
Foo(int a) : a(a) {}
void nobody_knows_what_this_does1(const int *p); // defined in another TU
void nobody_knows_what_this_does2(const int *p); // defined in another TU
int main() {
const Foo f(1);
Foo g(1);
int x;
if (std::cin >> x) {
std::cout << (x / f.a); // Optimization opportunity!
std::cout << (x / g.a); // Cannot optimize!
Because f is a const object, and hence f.a is a const object, the optimizer knows that f.a has value 1 when it's used at the end of the function. It could, if it chose, optimize away the division. It doesn't know the same thing about g.a: g is not a const object, a pointer to it has been passed into unknown code, so its value might have changed. So if you're the author of nobody_knows_what_this_does1 or nobody_knows_what_this_does2, and you're thinking of const_casting p and using it to modify its referand, then you can only do it if you somehow know that the referand is non-const. Which normally you don't, so normally you don't use const_cast.
I think you have the following options:
If you are sure the library is working as it should if it was using the const specifier, you could use const_cast<> to remove the const-ness of your objects when dealing with the library
Alternatively, you could make non-const copies of your const objects and pass those to the library, then update the changes to the non-const parts on your original objects
Search for another library that is const-correct
remove all const from your code (not recommended)
Another option is to copy your object into a modifiable temp and pitch it. This is probably the safest thing to do if you're in the circumstance where your class offers a copy constructor and it's not too expensive. This has been my preferred method when it's available, as I know it's 100% safe. Silly example:
int getInfoFromString(String& str); //what?? why isn't str const :(
So I do
String temp(str);
int stuffINeed = getInfoFromString(temp);
If the library's interface is not big, you can create a wrapper, where you would adjust your code to expected types, by either casting or making a copy of parameters, which are passed to library's functions.
But do not degrade your code in order to use the library.
Another suggestion: Are you familiar with the mutable keyword? If you use it correctly, it might actually accomplish exactly what you're trying to do, with exactly one word added to your code. This keyword can evoke religious opinion at the level of goto because it's probably used as a kludge for every hundred times that it's used because it really is the best design option. In your case, it's debatable which it is but I think it fits the spirit: your annoying library object is something that can be fake-modified without breaking the semantic const-ness of your methods, so go ahead.
class Outer {
mutable Inner inner;
public void foo() const {
inner.nonConstMethod(); //compiles because inner is mutable

When do I need anonymous class in C++?

There's a feature called anonymous class in C++. It's similar with anonymous struct in C. I think this feature is invented because of some needs, but I can't figure out what that is.
Can I have some example which really needs anonymous class?
The feature is there because struct and class are the same thing - anything you can do with one, you can do with the other. It serves exactly the same purpose as an anonymous struct in C; when you want to group some stuff together and declare one or more instances of it, but don't need to refer to that type by name.
It's less commonly used in C++, partly because C++ designs tend to be more type-oriented, and partly because you can't declare constructors or destructors for anonymous classes.
It is not really needed in a strict sense and never was. I.e. you could always assign a name, for example anonymous1, anonymous2 etc. But keeping track of more names than necessary is always a hassle.
Where it is helpfull is at any place where one wants to group data without giving a name to that group. I could come up with a several examples:
class foo {
class {
void validate( int x ) { m_x = x; }
bool valid() { return m_exists; }
int m_x;
bool m_exists;
} maybe_x;
In this case the int and the bool logically belong together, so it makes sense to group them. However for this concrete example it probably makes sense to create an actual optional type or use one of the available ones, because this pattern is most likely used at other places as well. In other cases this pattern of grouping might be so special, that it deserves to stay in that class only.
I really do assume though, that anonymous classes are rarely used (I have only used them a couple of times in my live probably). Often when one want's to group data, this is not class or scope specific but also a grouping which also makes sense at other places.
Maybe it was sometimes helpful to make nested functions like:
void foo() {
class {
void operator()(){
} bar;
But now we have lambdas and anonymous classes are left only for compatibility reasons.
The use of anonymous classes is for preserving compatibility with existing C code.
In some C code, the use of typedef in conjunction with anonymous structures is prevalent.
There is an example of anonymous structs that can be used with Qt 5's Signal/Slot system with ANY class and without the QObject derivative requirement:
void WorkspaceWidget::wwShowEvent()
//Show event: query a reload of the saved state and geometry
gcmessage("wwShowEvent "+ this->title());
struct{void* t; void operator()(){ static_cast<WorkspaceWidget*>(t)->wwReloadWindowState(); }}f;
QObject::connect( &reloadStateTimer, &QTimer::timeout, f);
void WorkspaceWidget::wwReloadWindowState()
gcmessage( dynamic_cast<QObject*>(this)->metaObject()->className());
Basically, I need to connect a timer signal to a non-QObject derived class, but want to pass mt "this" properly.
QObject::connect can be connected to ordinary function in Qt 5, so this anonymous class is actually a functor that keeps the this pointer in itself, still passing the slot connection.
Also you can do things with auto in anonymous (vs2015)
struct {
auto* operator->() {return this;}
//do other functions
} mystruct;