In a framework template engine let's say we have files for header,body,footer and body itself contains banner.tpl.php, content.tpl.php and so on. Do browsers cache these inner files?
If answer is negative what is the benefit of that? Do we can cache server side? Or it doesn't at all relate to caching?
Your php header files are only known by the server which will not send them 'as is' to the browser. The browser will have an html version of them with all variables placeholder replaced by their actual values. So the answer is no.
The benefit of templates is to separate the presentation from the process of computing what it will contain, it is not related to caching imho. Except for persistent servers (java, not php) which can cache (depending on the template engine) the content of template files, reuse them across queries and users.
I'm writing a blog application. All the pages (lists of posts, detail of the post) are really static, I can predict when the must be update (for example when I write a new post or a comment is added). I could use #cache_page to cache entire views.
The only problem is that in every page I have some data collected from Twitter that I want to update every 5 minutes.
Django offers template caching, per-view caching and the low level cache framework. With the low level framework I can avoid calculating most of what must be displayed on the page (like caching Post queries, comments, tags...).
What is the best approach to my problem? How to aggressively cache almost everything for a view / template but a few parts?
I want to avoid using iframes.
You can not exclude certain parts of a Django template for the cache not should this work in any other template engine I know of.
My advice would be to use JavaScript to asynchronously load you're ever changing content. It should be particularly easy with Twitter as the already offer a great API.
It that doesn't suit you, you can always use Django template caching, to cache only parts of your template.
One option might be to set up Varnish on the server. I'm not familiar with Varnish myself, but as I understand it you can use Edge Side Includes to cache only certain fragments of a page.
Obviously it may not suit your use case, but it sounds like a possibility.
I am currently involved in a Django project and I am definitely using Twiter bootstrap for the layout.
Though not actually precise, my question is quite simple: Bootstrap allows me to choose which styles/JS I want to download separately -- forms, tables, responsive, styles for buttons, navigation, etc -- and also together in a single "all-inclusive" file.... and I am not using all the resources at once on the same page.
Additional to that, we have the Django template system, which allows me to build one template over another, so I can basically add the more general stuff to my base template and, as I need in subtemplates, include the other static files.
So, to sum up everything: Is it worth it, to have those styles separated? I think that in terms of organization maybe it is not so clean, because I will have to import and handle more CSS files, but on the other hand I won't be loading unnecessary stuff.
What are the trade-offs of this choice?
Thank you for your time.
Is it worth it, to have those styles separated
No it is not. If you look around, e.g. visitmix, you'll see that the overhead of requestig new files make the difference neglible.
Server you static from a cookie-less domain and you'll users will only have to hit your servers twice: once for CSS and once for JavaScript.
With the new KnockoutJS native DOM-enabled templating life's gonna be easy.
But sometimes pages contains millions of them, and all templates are static or just i18n'zed. So it would be great to retrieve templates from server via separate HTTP calls, so the browser will be able to cache them as static files.
It will give a great reduce in traffic and whole server load! Pages will be light and contain only changed data. Templates stored in CDN. It's a dream!
It was possible with jQuery.tmpl and require.js. But how to do it with knockout itself?
It would be perfect to load templates by name on demand, like an php __autoload() for templates, but at least it would be great to somehow include templates as remote html files to the page, and parse them for knockout.
Do you know how to do it?
There are several ways to accomplish loading templates from external files.
In my opinion, the best option is to use the Knockout External Template Engine available here.
If you want some more basic ideas, I had a post from last year that describes some thoughts on the topic here.
I'm trying to put a workable plan together for a charity that could really make good use of a forum and a wiki, but a crucial part of its operations happen in parts of the world where dial-up connection dominates and probably will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
This site was recommended as one that behaves well even on a dial-up connection, so I thought I'd ask for some help here!
The site I want to hook this on to is using Drupal. Anyone out there with experiences like this who could maybe help?
Behaving well on dial-up involves sitting down and optimizing your HTML, CSS, and images to be as small as possible, and then ensuring that your server is sending sane HTTP headers for caching. Make sure your CSS stylesheet is external, and shared across all pages. If dial-up is a major issue, you'll want to stick to a single stylesheet if possible. Avoid JavaScript, because those computers usually don't have the processing power for it either. If you must use JavaScript, jQuery is extremely small and very fast and highly recommended, but I suspect that for most content-oriented websites, it won't be necessary.
To be honest, if you produce valid XHTML/HTML5, valid CSS, and you follow all of the usual best practices for standards-based web design (no table layouts, semantic markup, etc), dial-up really won't be an issue. It'll just work.
To tweak the maximum performance out of your site you might want to install this and use it on your site when you are done with the initial development- ySlow - this will analyse your pages and highlight all the areas you can improve. It's really a great tool for optimising site download speeds.
You should be able to accomplish this, but to be honest you are going to loose a lot in the way of user experience by creating a dial-up friendly site. It basically means you have to do the following to optimize for the experience:
Keep JS to a minimum
Make sure the JS is minified.
Reduce large image requirements w/ CSS and some optimal planning of layout
Make sure caching is enabled in the headers so that new files only get downloaded when nessisary.
If you do all this, you should have a site that is acceptable on dialup.
There are already some hints on how to keep page sizes and load times down.
To complement this, you could use a software that simulates limited bandwith. This helps you test the speed of your site on dialup.
There are several available (just google "simulate dialup").
Sloppy e.g. seems quite usable.
You could also do what Google does for Gmail, i.e. provide 2 versions of your view, one for slow connections that uses plain old HTML, and one for faster connections. You could make the default one the slow one, but provide a link to enable the faster one.
Gmail also has a built-in mechanism that detects when you load the page whether it's going fast or not and will automatically revert to the plain HTML view if it's too slow, which is another fancier alternative.
Your main goal should be minimum page size (keep only HTML in pages, all styling information should be externalized in css files for caching, same for JavaScript in js files) and minimum round trips to server (full requests and post backs). Contrary to popular belief a JS heavy site could work like a charm if you perform a lot of heavy duty client side and keep the server roundtrips clean with the minimum amount of data needed (think JQuery and AJAX here with small partial renderings).
P.S. If u'r using .NET throw ViewState away.
What are the best practices for dealing with binaries in domain model? I frequently must associate images and other files with business objects and the simple byte[] is not adequate even for the simplest of cases.
The files:
Does not have a fixed size and can be quite large thus:
Have to be streamed or buffered, preferably in asynchronous manner;
Must be cached both on server and client to avoid redundant transfer;
On unreliable connections the data transfer can be easily interrupted and has to be
resumed - therefore the transfer could start not from the beginning of file but from arbitrary position.
Are handled differently than the rest of the data:
In web applications are not part of the page content but are downloaded by browser separately;
Might be a black box that is handled by third-party software;
For performance reasons might not even be stored in the database.
How do we go about expressing such files in domain model (or more specifically, in model classes)? If the rest of the model is transferred via DTOs and WCF web services and persisted with NHibernate in the database, but the files not necessarily so, how to make the file handling transparent, part of the overall transaction where applicable yet support all that is necessary for them to be consumed not only in web applications, but also in ordinary desktop applications.
For WPF and ASP.NET the file object must expose some form of Url property that can be data-bound to WPF controls or used in IMG or HTML tags. Uploading a file is a lot more complicated. Preferably, proper presentation and content practices such as MVVM must be maintained there.
I am really lost here as I am not satisfied with any of my previous solutions. What would you advice?
You have to be careful not to try and shoehorn too much functionality into a single class here, your wording sounds a bit like you want a single "File" object that will do everything, this is not a good idea.
You will need to have a concept of a File representation that can be passed around everywhere as you have identified - but this needs to be little more than an identifier and possibly a name - it is then up to individual components to decide how they treat this, for example the HTML page may use a File json object and infer that jsFile.Id needs to be retrieved using ftp://xxx/uploads/{id} or something, while in order to display additional associated information a WCF service might receive the file id and look up info in a database.
It probably makes sense to have a FileAttributesDTO class or some such just to distinguish it from when you are dealing with the physical file. You need to consider seperation of concerns and nail down as many use cases as you can before you proceed really. For example will you really need additional information or would a simple wrapper around an FTP service get you all you need.