Real time or In memory database - in-memory-database

Is there any difference between real-time & in-memory DB, or its just same?
Also, kdb+ offers fast time series analysis on real time/ historical data; but is kdb+ a true Time-series database (like Opentsdb)?

Yeah the real-time database is an in-memory database so it is just the same. Kdb is particularly suited for time-series given the data is ordered in temporal order and can cope with high-frequency data.
You can run powerful analytics on top of kdb. I am actually using kdb at the moment for exactly the same purpose of Opentsdb; collect disjoint physical measurements from different systems within FX trading to be used to create time series and for statistical analysis.


Redshift Query Performance to reduce CPU utilisation

I want to take a general Idea of how I can optimise the query performance in redshift Database, I have Huge queries with lots of joins , I do understand using sort and Dist key it can be achieved but is there a method which we can follow in order to get some optimal results.
What to look in a table and how to approach query optimisation in redshift?
What are the necessary steps to look for or approach in order to have a certain plan for optimisation?
Any guidance will help a lot
Having improved many queries on Redshift there are a few things I can point you towards. First let me list a few tools / techniques to make sure you have these in your toolbox.
Ability to read and EXPLAIN plan and find expected costly points
Know where to find the query "actual" execution report
Know the system tables to find join, distribution, and disk io reports
So with those understood let's look at where many queries go sideways on Redshift. I will try to list these out in pareto order but any of these, or combos, can create significant issue.
#1 - Fat in the middle queries. When joining it is possible to expand the number of rows being operated upon many fold. Cross joining is a clear way this can happen but isn't how this usually happens. If the join on conditions create a many to many join pattern the number of rows can expand. When the table sizes are very large and the "multiplication" can make absurd data sizes. The explain plan can show this but not always - use of DISTINCT and GROUP BY can "hide" the true size of the dataset in play. Performing a SELECT COUNT(*) on your join tree can help show how big this is. You may also may need to look a pieces of the join tree if a later join is collapsing the rows (failure of the query optimizer?). Redshift is a columnar database and not well set up for the creation of data - this includes during the execution of query.
#2 - Distribution of large amounts of data. Redshift is a cluster and the node are connected together by ethernet cables and these connections are the slowest part of the cluster. A lot of work is done by the query optimizer to minimize the amount of data that needs to move around the network. However, it doesn't know your data as well as you do and doesn't always do this well. Look at the type of joins you are getting - is distribution needed? how much data is being distributed? Also, group by (and window functions) need to combine rows and therefore may need redistribution to complete. How big are the data sets entering your aggregation steps?
Moving a lot of data around the network will be slow. The difficulty is that it isn't always clear how to reduce this movement. Large join trees like you say you have can do "odd" things when it comes to the resulting distribution of the "joined" data. Joins are performed one at a time and the order these happen can matter. The query optimizer is making a number of decisions about the order of joins and how to organize the resulting data from each join. The choices it makes is based on what it sees in the table metadata so completeness of metadata matters. WHERE conditions can also impact the optimizer's choices. There are just way to many interactions to itemize them out here. Best advice is to look at the performance per step and see if data distribution is a factor. Then work to control how data is distributed in the query's execution. This may mean changing the join trees or even decomposing the query into several with temp table that have distribution set so that data movement is minimized.
#3 Excessive IO traffic - While not as slow as the networks, the disk IO subsystem is often a bottleneck. This shows up in a few ways. Are you reading more data from disk than is needed? (Metadata up to date?) Do you need a redundant WHERE clause to eliminate data? (Redundant WHERE clause is one that isn't needed functionally but is added so Redshift can perform the metadata comparisons that will reduce data read at scan.) Data spill is another way that disk IO can be strained (this goes back to #1). If data needs to spill to disk it can bring the disk IO performance down considerably. Use your metadata and Where clauses well.
Now these 3 areas often team up to kill your performance. Read too many rows from your tables, join all these extra rows together across the network while also making many new rows. This data doesn't fit in memory so now Redshift needs to spill to disk to complete the query. Things slow down real fast in these conditions.
Lastly these factors I've listed are cluster wide "resources" of Redshift. If one query take up a lot of one of these then there is less for other queries running at the same time. What often happens is that the query writers on a cluster follow similar patterns (good or bad) and when their pattern is costly on one axis then many of their queries are costly on the same axis. This shows up as queries that work "ok" when run in isolation but very badly when others are using the cluster. This generally means that many queries are contributing to pushing the cluster "over the edge" on some limited resource. There are system tables that you can look at to see aggregated IO or network traffic to see these effects.
Good queries are:
Don't make a lot of new "rows" during execution (not fat in the middle)
Keep large data sets "on node" and only redistribute data once the data has been pared down significantly
Don't read more data from disk than is necessary and don't spill
The problem is that doing all of these isn't always possible the trick is to not over subscribe the cluster resources you have.

Performant way to handle arrays in Athena/Quicksight

I currently have a large set of json data that I'd like to import into Amazon Athena for visualization in Amazon Quicksight. In each json, there are two fields: one is a comma separated string of ids (orderlist), and the other field is an array of strings(locations). Because Quicksight doesn't support array searching, I'm currently resorting to creating a view where I generate crossjoins across the two string arrays:
select id,
try_CAST(orderid AS bigint) orderid_targeting,
from advertising_json
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(split(orderlist, ',')) as x(orderid)
CROSS JOIN UNNEST(locations) t (location)
With two cross joins, this can explode out the data to 20x-30x the original size.
If I were working on individual queries on Athena, I could use Presto array functions to search through the arrays. Is there a better way to make these fields accessible for filtering on Quicksight?
You have two options: keep doing what you're doing or implement an ETL workflow where you periodically materialise the view, for example using CTAS. The latter has the added benefit that you can produce Parquet files, which could help speed up your queries.
On the other hand it's not as simple as it sounds. If you're in luck you can use INSERT INTO to transform partitions from your current table into an optimised table after a point in time when they will not change – but in my experience most of the time your most recent data gets updated during some window of time, but you still want to be able to query it during that window. In that situation the ETL process becomes much more complicated since you need to remove data from the optimised table to avoid ending up with duplicate data. It's not hard, it's just a lot of code and juggling S3 and Glue Data Catalog operations so that you never have tables that have duplicate data nor too little data.
Unless you feel like your current setup with the view is too slow, don't go implementing something big and complicated. Remember that you pay for bytes scanned in Athena, not the amount of time Athena spends crunching your query. You get quite a lot of compute power running your queries and in my experience there's rarely any point in micro-optimisation of queries, the gains you make are orders of magnitude lower than minimising the amount of data you process, either through clever partitioning or moving to columnar file formats. Most of the time the gains from small optimisations are not measurable because the error bars caused by Athena's query queue and waiting for S3 operations. You may get your query to run 50ms faster, but sometimes it gets queued for 500ms, and spends another 2000ms doing list operations on S3 so how can you tell?
If you decide to go down the materialisation route, first do it once using CTAS and run your QuickSight visualisation against the results. Don't implement the whole ETL workflow before you've checked that you get something that is significantly more performant.
If all you are worried about is that it's less performant to apply filters after the unnesting of your arrays than using array functions, write the two versions of the query and benchmark them against each other. I suspect array functions are going to be slightly faster – but for the same reasons I mentioned above, the gains may drown in the error bars caused by Athena's queuing and other operations.
Make sure to benchmark at different points during the day, and be especially conscious of the fact that top-of-the-hour behaviour in Athena is extremely different from other times (run queries at 10:00 and then at 10:10 – your total execution times will be very different because everyone's cron jobs run at the top of the hour).

Benchmarking SQL Data Warehouse DWU

I'm putting together some simple analysis to benchmark DWU impact on read and write based on a CTAS statement.
The query is aggregating 1.7b row table to a table of 993k rows. Source and destination tables are round-robin distribution (source won't be RR long-term, will move to HASH) the query is roughly as follows:
create table CTAS_My_DWU_Test
with (distribution = round_robin)
select TableKey1, TableKey2,
from FactSales
group by TableKey1, TableKey2
option (label='MyDWUTest');
I am analysing the performance via the sys.dm_pdw_dms_workers DMV, getting an average bytes_per_second over each distribution for both type=DIRECT_READER and type=WRITER.
My process is to change the DWU, drop the CTAS, re-create it and analyse the data in the DMV.
I'm not seeing a consistent improvement in performance as I increase the DWU. My goal is to look for clear proof of increase compute, however sometimes a higher DWU is slower and returning less bytes_per_sec than a smaller DWU.
If I happen to run the CTAS statement twice on the same DWU, without going through the scale process, the second & subsequent executions run nearly 10x faster.
Looking for help to on the process based on one table, want to keep data movement/join out of the equation for the moment.
Good question! The architecture of Azure SQL Data Warehouse is more performant when there is less data movement. I recommend following the steps in this article to determine which step is slowing the process down:
It's possible that your query is analyzing each of the aggregations over the 1.7b rows in serial, which doesn't maximize the parallel nature of our product, but the best way to find out what is going on is to take a look at the query plan, etc. in the link above.
As for the 10x performance on a repeat run, that's coming from internal caching in our system.
Let us know what you find in the query plan, execution plan, etc.

Tool for querying large numbers of csv files

We have large numbers of csv files, files/directories are partitioned by date and several other factors. For instance, files might be named /data/AAA/date/BBB.csv
There are thousands of files, some are in the GB range in size. Total data sizes are in the terabytes.
They are only ever appended to, and usually in bulk, so write performance is not that important. We don't want to load it into another system because there are several important processes that we run that rely on being able to stream the files quickly, which are written in c++.
I'm looking for tool/library that would allow sql like queries against the data directly off the data. I've started looking at hive, spark, and other big data tools, but its not clear if they can access partitioned data directly from a source, which in our case is via nfs.
Ideally, we would be able to define a table by giving a description of the columns, as well as partition information. Also, the files are compressed, so handling compression would be ideal.
Are their open source tools that do this? I've seen a product called Pivotal, which claims to do this, but we would rather write our own drivers for our data for an open source distributed query system.
Any leads would be appreciated.
Spark can be a solution. It is in memory distributed processing engine. Data can be loaded into memory on multiple nodes in the cluster and can be processed in memory. You do not need to copy data to another system.
Here are the steps for your case:
Build multiple node spark cluster
Mount NFS on to one of the nodes
Then you have to load data temporarily into memory in the form of RDD and start processing it
It provides
Support for programming languages like scala, python, java etc
Supports SQL Context and data frames. You can define structure to the data and start accessing using SQL Queries
Support for several compression algorithms
Data has to be fit into memory to be processed by Spark
You need to use data frames to define structure on data after which you can query the data using sql embedded in programming languages like scala, python, java etc
There are subtle differences between traditional SQL in RDBMS and SQL in distributed systems like spark. You need to aware of those.
With hive, you need to have data copied to HDFS. As you do not want to copy the data to another system, hive might not be solution.

What is the most efficient way to store time series in Riak with heavy reads

My current approach:
I have one domain class - Application
Each application in my system is stored in "applications" bucket under APPLICATION_KEY key
Apart from application metadata stored in this bucket, each application has its own bucket called "time_metrics/APPLICATION_KEY" where I store time series in a way:
KEY - timestamp / VALUE - some attributes
My concern is efficiency of queries made over specific time window for given application. Currently to get time series from some specific time window and eventually make some reductions I have to make map/reduce over whole "time_metric/APPLICATION_KEY" bucket, which what I have found is not the recommended use case for Riak Map/Reduce.
My question: what would be the best db structure for this kind of a system and how efficiently query it.
Adding onto #macintux's answer.
Basho has had a few customers that have used riak for time series metrics.
Boundary has a nice tech talk about how they use Riak with their network monitoring software. They rollup data into different chunks of time (1m, 5m, 15m) for analysis.
They also have a series of blog posts about lessons learned while implementing this system.
Kivra also has a good slide deck about how they use timeseries data with riak.
You could roll up your data into some sort of arbitrary time length, then read the range you need by issuing regular K/V gets, and then reconstruct the larger picture / reduce in your application.
If you have spare computing power and you know in advance what keys you need, you certainly can use Riak's MapReduce, but often retrieving the keys and running your processing on the client will be as fast (and won't strain your cluster).
Some general ideas:
Roll up your data into larger blocks
If you're concerned about losing data if your client crashes while buffering it, you can always store the data as it arrives
Similar idea: store the data as it arrives, then retrieve it and roll it up at certain intervals
You can automatically expire data once you're confident it is being reliably stored in larger blocks, using either the Bitcask or Memory backends
Memory backend is quite useful (RAM permitting) for any data that only needs to be stored for a limited period of time
Related: don't be afraid to store multiple copies of your data to make reading/reporting easier later
Multiple chunks of time (5- and 15-minute blocks, for example)
Multiple report formats
Having said all that, if you're doing straight key/value requests (it's ideal to always be able to compute the keys you need, rather than doing indexing or searching), Riak can support very heavy traffic loads, so I wouldn't recommend spending too much time creating alternative storage mechanisms unless you know you're going to face latency problems.