Optimizing by transforming "goto" to branch - c++

I have the following code (This is partially pseudo code for demonstration):
void foo(...){
//some code here
min_item = _MAX_VALUE;
//some code here also
if (min_item == _MAX_VALUE)
if (smaller_item_x == min_item){
global_queue[size++] = smaller_item_x;
if (next_item_x!=0){
smaller_item_x= next_item_x;
if (smaller_item_x > smaller_item_y)
global_queue[size++] = smaller_item_y;
if (next_item_y!=0){
smaller_item_y= next_item_y;
if (smaller_item_y > smaller_item_x)
As far as i know goto is translated to jmp in assembler, i am interested to increase performance of this procedure by changing the second goto to something similar to branch (shorter command with short jump up), i may be missing something, and it could be trivial, so my apologies.

It is very difficult to second-guess C compilers these days. They often compile to assembler that is tighter than people would have coded directly. They also don't offer controls to programmers that direct their optimizations to this degree.
If you want this level of control, you will probably have to write in assembler, and chances are good that your code will be slower than the C compiler's.

This is probably not an answer that you were looking for, but it does not fit in a comment, so I pasted it here.
This piece of code should be equivalent to yours, but it does not have gotos, and it does not introduce additional indirection. There is an additional check and a switch on branchId, but the compiler should be able to optimize it into a single access, and perhaps even put it in a register.
int branchId = smaller_item_x == min_item;
while (branchId >= 0) {
switch (branchId) {
case 0:
global_queue[size++] = smaller_item_y;
if (next_item_y != 0) {
branchId = (smaller_item_y=next_item_y) > smaller_item_x ? 1 : -1;
case 1:
global_queue[size++] = smaller_item_x;
if (next_item_x != 0) {
branchId = (smaller_item_x=next_item_x) > smaller_item_y ? 0 : -1;


else if comparison - compiler standpoint

Are these blocks of code identical? By identical I mean, does the compiler interpret them exactly the same way?
int i = 2;
if (i == 0) {
} else if (i == 1) {
} else if (i == 2) {
} else {
int i = 2;
if (i == 0) {
} else {
if (i == 1) {
} else {
if (i == 2) {
} else {
As you can see this is Java.
While both my friend and I agree that logically these are exactly the same, I was wondering whether the java compiler compiles them exactly the same way. The thing that strikes me is that in the second else/if block you are nesting ifs and elses inside of the else block.
However, given my lack of knowledge in assembly or java byte code, this very well could compile to be completely identical. The only advantage could be syntactical sugar, if you will.
Will someone put this issue to rest - assuming you are extremely confident in the answer (otherwise another debate might ensue).
The two code samples differ only in the use of redundant curly braces, so I would be very suprised if different code is generated. But it's easy enough to check if you are really curious - use the javap command to display the bytecode.

C++: Redirect code to certain position

I am very new to C++.
How I can "redirect" code to certain position?
Basically, what should I put instead of comments lines here:
if ( N>1 ) {
// What should be here to make the code start from the beginning?
else {
// What should be here to make the code start from certain point?
I understand that C++ is not scripting language, but in case the code is written as script, how I can make redirect it?
Thank you
A goto command will do what you want but it's generally frowned on in polite circles :-)
It has its place but you would be possibly better off learning structured programming techniques since the overuse of goto tends to lead to what we call spaghetti code, hard to understand, follow and debug.
If your mandate is to make minimal changes to code which sounds like it may already be badly written, goto may be the best solution:
n = try_something();
if (n > 1)
goto try_again;
With structured programming, you would have something like:
n = try_something();
while (n > 1)
n = try_something();
You may not see much of a difference between those two cases but that's because it's simple. If you end up with your labels and goto statements widely separated, or forty-two different labels, you'll beg for the structured version.
Use functions, loops etc to control the "flow" of your application. Think about code as reusable pieces, anything that is going to be reused should be placed in a function or looped through.
Here is an example:
void main()
int i = 0;
if (i < 1)
void SayHello()
cout << "Hello" << endl;
void SayGoodbye()
cout << "Goodbye" << endl;
I'm not entirely certain what you mean by "redirect", but consider the following:
if (N > 1) {
} else {
as paxdiablo has already stated the goto method isn't good practice. It would be better to use functions that do a specific thing, this way debugging is easier and someone can actually follow what your code is doing (or at least what it is supposed to do).

Best practice for having two if statements from the same bool c++

I have an if statement that [obviously] only runs if the condition is true. After this if statement there is some code that should always run, after that is another if statement that should run under the same condition as the first.
The code in the middle is performing an operation using a particular element of a stack, the ifs on either side perform a push/pop on the stack before and after the operation respectively.
so the logic is something like this:
Do I need to push the stack? yes/no
perform operation on top of stack
Was the stack pushed? (if yes then pop)
items 1 and 3 are the same condition.
This is the code that I first wrote to do this in c++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int somefunction(){
return rand() % 3 + 1; //return a random number from 1 to 3
int ret = 0;
// Option 1 Start
int main(){
bool run = (ret = somefunction()) == 1; //if the return of the function is 1
run = (run || (ret == 2)); //or the return of the function is 2
if (run){ //execute this if block
//conditional code
if (ret == 1){
//more conditional code
//unconditional code
if (run){
//even more conditional code
// Option 1 End
After writing this I thought that it might be more efficient to do this:
// Option 2 Start
int main(){
bool run;
if (run=(((ret = somefunction()) == 1)||ret == 2)){ //if the return of the function is 1 or 2 then execute this if block
//conditional code
if (ret == 1){
//more conditional code
//unconditional code
if (run){
//even more conditional code
// Option 2 End
I prefer the first method for readability as it is split into several lines whereas the second has two assignments (=) and two comparisons (==) in the same line.
I want to know if it is better to use the second method (for reasons of efficiency or executable size) or if there is a better method than both.
Before anyone says it will only make an almost immeasurable difference, this is in a huge loop that has to run many thousands of times within 1/50 of a second so I would like to save as much time as possible.
Performance should not be your concern: the modern compilers are usually smart enough to optimize the code in any case. The results will be the same if the code is doing essentially the same thing.
So you should prefer the variant which is more readable (and therefore better maintainable).
I would write something like that:
ret = somefunction();
// I don't know what is the semantics of ret == 1, so let's imagine some
bool operationIsPush = (ret == 1);
bool operationIsOnTop = (ret == 2);
if (operationIsPush || operationIsOnTop)
//conditional code
if (operationIsPush)
//more conditional code
//unconditional code
if (operationIsPush || operationIsOnTop)
// ...
I believe there will be no difference in the performance here. The first reason is that your compiler will probably optimize the code in each case. The second is that you just change the place where operations take place (like "I do A->B->C or A->C->B"), not the amount of operations, so it's always the same amount of computing (1 function call, a couple of == and so on).
However consider that this
(run=(((ret = somefunction()) == 1)||ret == 2))
is pretty hard to read.
Correctness is more important than whether you fold two operations assigning a bool into one (which the compiler will probably do anyway).
For pushing/popping a stack, you should use a scopeguard (original article here). This will ensure that if something throws in the "unconditional bit", which you never really know for sure, then it still runs correctly. Otherwise you get funny a surprise (stack off by one, or overflowing).
if theres a situation that you can split "if-else" to distinct huge loops, it will be faster
rather than
loop { if_1 {some work} if_2 {some other work} }
you can
if_1 { loop {work }} if_2 {loop{same work}}
even more extremely, if you can split the most inner "if" sentences, you can have 10-20(dpending on your situation) distinct huge loops that runs x2 x3 faster (if it is slow bacause of "if")

Are do-while-false loops common?

A while back I switched the way I handled c style errors.
I found a lot of my code looked like this:
int errorCode = 0;
errorCode = doSomething();
if (errorCode == 0)
errorCode = doSomethingElse();
if (errorCode == 0)
errorCode = doSomethingElseNew();
But recently I've been writing it like this:
int errorCode = 0;
if (doSomething() != 0) break;
if (doSomethingElse() != 0) break;
if (doSomethingElseNew() != 0) break;
} while(false);
I've seen a lot of code where nothing gets executed after there's an error, but it has always been written in the first style. Is there anyone else who uses this style, and if you don't, why?
Edit: just to clarify, usually this construct uses errno otherwise I will assign the value to an int before breaking. Also there's usually more code than just a single function call within the if (error == 0 ) clauses. Lots of good points to think on, though.
If you're using C++, just use exceptions. If you're using C, the first style works great. But if you really do want the second style, just use gotos - this is exactly the type of situation where gotos really are the clearest construct.
int errorCode = 0;
if ((errorCode = doSomething()) != 0) goto errorHandler;
if ((errorCode = doSomethingElse()) != 0) goto errorHandler;
if ((errorCode = doSomethingElseNew()) != 0) goto errorHandler;
// handle error
Yes gotos can be bad, and exceptions, or explicit error handling after each call may be better, but gotos are much better than co-opting another construct to try and simulate them poorly. Using gotos also makes it trivial to add another error handler for a specific error:
int errorCode = 0;
if ((errorCode = doSomething()) != 0) goto errorHandler;
if ((errorCode = doSomethingElse()) != 0) goto errorHandler;
if ((errorCode = doSomethingElseNew()) != 0) goto errorHandlerSomethingElseNew;
// handle error
// handle error
Or if the error handling is more of the "unrolling/cleaning up what you've done" variety, you can structure it like this:
int errorCode = 0;
if ((errorCode = doSomething()) != 0) goto errorHandler;
if ((errorCode = doSomethingElse()) != 0) goto errorHandler1;
if ((errorCode = doSomethingElseNew()) != 0) goto errorHandler2;
// clean up after doSomethingElseNew
// clean up after doSomethingElse
// clean up after doSomething
return errorCode;
This idiom gives you the advantage of not repeating your cleanup code (of course, if you're using C++, RAII will cover the cleanup code even more cleanly.
The second snippet just looks wrong. You're effectively re-invented goto.
Anyone reading the first code style will immediately know what's happening, the second style requires more examination, thus makes maintenance harder in the long run, for no real benefit.
Edit, in the second style, you've thrown away the error code, so you can't take any corrective action or display an informative message, log something useful etc....
The first style is a pattern the experienced eye groks at once.
The second requires more thought - you look at it and see a loop. You expect several iterations, but as you read through it, this mental model gets shattered...
Sure, it may work, but programming languages aren't just a way to tell a computer what to do, they are a way to communicate those ideas to other humans too.
I think the first one gives you more control over what to do with a particular error. The second way only tells you that an error occurred, not where or what it was.
Of course, exceptions are superior to both...
Make it short, compact, and easy to quickly read?
How about:
if ((errorcode = doSomething()) == 0
&& (errorcode = doSomethingElse()) == 0
&& (errorcode = doSomethingElseNew()) == 0)
return errorcode; // or whatever is next
Why not replace the do/while and break with a function and returns instead?
You have reinvented goto.
What about using exceptions?
try {
catch(DoSomethingException e) {
catch(DoSomethingElseException e) {
catch(DoSomethingNewException e) {
catch(...) {
Your method isn't really bad and it's not unreadable like people here are claiming, but it is unconventional and will annoy some (as you noticed here).
The first one can get REALLY annoying after your code gets to a certain size because it has a lot of boilerplate.
The pattern I tended to use when I couldn't use exceptions was more like:
fn() {
while(true) {
handleError();//error detected...
bool doIt() {
return true;
return true;
return false;
Your second function should be inlined into the first if you put the correct magic incantations in the signature, and each function should be more readable.
This is functionally identical to the while/bail loop without the unconventional syntax (and also a bit easier to understand because you separate out the concerns of looping/error handling from the concerns of "what does your program do in a given loop".
This should be done through exceptions, at least if the C++ tag is correct. There is nothing wrong if you are using C only, although I suggest to use a Boolean instead as you are not using the returned error code. You don't have to type != 0 either then...
I've used the technique in a few places (so you aren't the only one who does it). However, I don't do it as a general rule, and I have mixed feelings about it where I have used it. Used with careful documentation (comments) in a few places, I'm OK with it. Used everywhere - no, generally not a good idea.
Relevant exhibits: files sqlstmt.ec, upload.ec, reload.ec from SQLCMD source code (not, not Microsoft's impostor; mine). The '.ec' extension means that the file contains ESQL/C - Embedded SQL in C which is pre-processed to plain C; you don't need to know ESQL/C to see the loop structures. The loops are all labelled with:
/* This is a one-cycle loop that simplifies error handling */
The classic C idiom is:
if( (error_val = doSomething()) == 0)
//Manage error condition
Note that C returns the assigned value from an assignment, enabling a test to be performed. Often people will write:
if( ! ( error_val = doSomething()))
but I retained the == 0 for clarity.
Regarding your idioms...
Your first idiom is ok. Your second idiom is an abuse of the language and you should avoid it.
How about this version then
I'd usually just do something like your first example or possibly with a boolean like this:
bool statusOkay = true;
if (statusOkay)
statusOkay = (doSomething() == 0);
if (statusOkay)
statusOkay = (doSomethingElse() == 0);
if (statusOkay)
statusOkay = (doSomethingElseNew() == 0);
But if you are really keen on the terseness of your second technique then you could consider this approach:
bool statusOkay = true;
statusOkay = statusOkay && (doSomething() == 0);
statusOkay = statusOkay && (doSomethingElse() == 0);
statusOkay = statusOkay && (doSomethingElseNew() == 0);
Just don't expect the maintenance programmers to thank you!
I use the do { } while (false); every once in a while when it seems appropriate. I see it as being something like a try/catch block in that I have code that is setup as a block with a series of decisions with possible exceptions and the need is to have the various paths through the rules and logic to merge at the end of the block.
I am pretty sure I only use this construct with C programming and it is not very often.
With the specific example you gave of a series of function calls that will be performed one after the other with the complete series being done or the series stopped if an error is detected, I would probably just use if statements checking an error variable.
int iCallStatus = 0;
iCallStatus = doFunc1();
if (iCallStatus == 0) iCallStatus = doFunc2();
if (iCallStatus == 0) icallStatus = doFunc3();
This is short and the meaning is straightforward and clear even without comments.
What I have run into from time to time is that this fairly straightforward sequential flow of procedural steps does not apply to a particular requirement. What I need is to create a code block with various decisions, usually involving loops or iterating over some series of data objects and I want to treat this series as a kind of transaction in which the transaction will be committed if there is no error or aborted if there is some kind of an error condition found during the processing of the transaction. As part of this data block, I may create a set of temporary variables for the scope of the do { } while (false); When ever I use this, I always put a comment indicating that this is a single iteration do while, something like:
do { // single loop code block begins
// block of statements for business logic with single ending point
} while (false); // single loop code block ends
When ever I find myself thinking this construct is necessary, I look to see if the code needs to be refactored or if a function or set of functions would be more appropriate.
The reason I prefer this construct over using a goto statement is that the use of brackets and indentation makes the source code easier to read. With my editor I can find the top and bottom of the block easily and the indentation makes it easier to visualize the code as a block with a single entry point and a known ending point. There may be multiple exit points within the block however I do know where they will all end up. Using this means that I can create localized variables that will go out of scope though just using brackets without the do { } while (false); does that as well. However I use the do while because I need the break; capability as well.
I would consider using this style under some of the following conditions. If the business logic that is being implemented requires a set of variables that are shared and referenced by different possible execution pathways which rejoin. If the business logic is complex with multiple states and checks with several levels of if statements and if an error is detected during the processing, an indication to the error is set and the processing is aborted.
The only times that I can think of when I have used this is with something a bit gnarly and this helped to clarify and make the processing abort easier. So basically I was using this similar to throwing an exception with a try/catch.
The first style is a good example of why exceptions are superior: You can't even see the algorithm because it's buried under explicit error handling.
The second style abuses a loop construct to mimic goto in a mislead attempt to avoid having to explicitly spell out goto. It's plainly evil and long-time usage will lead you to the dark side.
For me, I'd prefer:
if(!doSomething()) {
All of the other stuff is syntactic noise that is obscuring the three function calls. Inside of Else and New you can throw an error, or if older, use longjmp to go back to some earlier handling. Nice, clean and rather obvious.
There seems to be a deeper problem here than your control constructs. Why do you have such complex error control? I.e. you seem to have multiple ways of handling different errors.
Typically, when I get an error, I simply break off the operation, present an error message to the user, and return control to the event loop, if an interactive application. For batch, log the error, and either continue processing on the next data item or abort the processing.
This kind of control flow is easily handled with exceptions.
If you have to handle error numbers, then you can effectively simulate exceptions by continuing normal error processing in case of an error, or returning the first error. Your continued processing after an error occurs seems to be very fragile, or your error conditions are really control conditions not error conditions.
Honestly the more effective C/C++ programmers I've known would just use a gotos in such conditions. The general approach is to have a single exit label with all cleanup after it. Have only one return path from the function. When the cleanup logic starts to get complicated/have conditionals, then break the function into subfunctions. This is pretty typical for systems coding in C/C++ imo, where the APIs you call return error codes rather than throw exceptions.
In general, gotos are bad. Since the usage I've described is so common, done consistently I think its fine.
The second style is commonly used for managing resource allocations and de-allocations in C, where RAII doesn't come to the rescue.
Typically, you would declare some resources before the do, allocate and use them inside the pseudo-loop, and de-allocate them outside.
An example of the general paradigm is as follows:
int status = 0;
// declare and initialize resources
BYTE *memory = NULL;
// etc...
// do some work
// allocate some resources
file = CreateFile(...);
status = GetLastError();
// do some work with new resources
// allocate more resources
memory = malloc(...);
if(memory == NULL)
// do more work with new resources
} while(0);
// clean up the declared resources
if(memory != NULL)
return status;
Having said that, RAII solves the same problem with much cleaner syntax (basically, you can forget the cleanup code altogether) and handles some scenarios that this approach does not, such as exceptions.
I've seen this pattern before and didn't like it. Usually, it could be cleaned up by pulling the logic into a separate function.
The code then becomes
int errorCode = doItAll();
int doItAll(void) {
int errorCode;
return errorCode;
return errorCode;
return errorCode;
return 0;
Combining this with cleanup becomes pretty easy too, you just use a goto and error handler like in eclipses answer.
int errorCode = doItAll();
int doItAll(void) {
int errorCode;
void * aResource = NULL; // Somthing that needs cleanup after doSomethingElse has been called
if(errorCode=doSomething()!=0) //Doesn't need cleanup
return errorCode;
goto cleanup;
goto cleanup;
return 0;
return errorCode;
I use the second approach when I am managing allot of pointers and when the function is acceptable to fail that throwing an exception is not really the correct answer.
I find it is easier to manage cleanup of pointers in one place instead of in several places and also you know that it is only going to return in one place.
pointerA * pa = NULL;
pointerB * pb = NULL;
pointerB * pc = NULL;
pa = new pointerA();
do {
if (!dosomethingWithPA( pa ))
pb = new poninterB();
if(!dosomethingWithPB( pb ))
pc = new pointerC();
if(!dosemethingWithPC( pc ))
bRet = TRUE;
} while (FALSE);
// cleanup
if (NULL != pa)
delete pa;
if (NULL != pb)
delete pb;
if (NULL != pc)
delete pc;
return bRet;
in contrast with
pointerA * pa = NULL;
pointerB * pb = NULL;
pointerB * pc = NULL;
pa = new pointerA();
if (!dosomethingWithPA( pa )) {
delete pa;
return FALSE;
pb = new poninterB();
if(!dosomethingWithPB( pb )) {
delete pa;
delete pb;
return FALSE;
pc = new pointerC();
if(!dosemethingWithPAPBPC( pa,pb,pc )) {
delete pa;
delete pb;
delete pc;
return FALSE;
delete pa;
delete pb;
delete pc;
return TRUE;

Can you rewrite this snippet without goto

Guys, I have the following code that is inside a big while loop that iterates over a tree. This is as fast as I can get this routine but I have to use a goto. I am not fundamentally against goto but if I can avoid them I would like to. (I am not trying to start a flame war, please.)
The constraints:
The current=current->child() is expensive (it's a shared_ptr) so I'd like to minimize the use of that operation at all cost.
After the operation current should be the last child it found.
cnt must count each child it encounters.
cnt++ will be replaced by some other operation (or several operations) and should only appear once :)
the code:
if ( current->hasChild() )
current = current->child();
goto insideloopy;
Edit: Sorry guys, originally forgot to mention cnt++ should only appear once. It will be some kind of operation on the node, and should thus only be there one time. I'm also trying to avoid making that another function call.
Original answer
Assuming this is C or C++:
while (cnt++, current->hasChild())
current = current->child();
I'm not a big fan of the comma operator usually, but I don't like repeating myself either :)
Updated 'fun' answer
After learning that cnt++ is actually some multiline operation, this particular syntax would be less than ideal. Something more along the lines of your accepted answer would be better.
If you want to be really funky, this would also work:
} while (current->hasChild() && (current = current->child()));
Now I feel really dirty though, with my abusing the short circuiting on the && operator :)
Sane answer
Exercises in compactness aside and striving for readable code, I'm forced to conclude that one of the existing answers is best suited (I'm just including this for completeness' sake):
while (true)
if (!current->hasChild()) break;
current = current->child();
The while (true) will be optimized by the compiler into a regular infinite loop, so there is only one conditional statement (if you care about that).
The only thing going against this solution is if your node operation was a long piece of code. I don't mind infinite loops so much, as long as I can see where they terminate at a glance. Then again, if it were really long, it should be a function anyway.
current = current->child();
If you only want cnt++ to be in your code once:
current = current->child();
if ( current->hasChild() )
current = current->child();
goto insideloopy;
I love infinite loops.
while (true) {
if (!current->hasChild()) break;
current = current->child();
Of course you can do it in many other ways (see other answers). do while, put the check in the while, etc. In my solution, I wanted to map nearly to what you are doing (an infinite goto, unless break)
You can use break to get out of the loop in the middle of the code:
while (true) {
if (!current->hasChild()) break;
current = current->child();
while (current->hasChild())
current = current->child();
Or am I missing something?
for(cnt++ ; current->hasChild() ; cnt++) {
current = current->child();
I'd investigate the possibility of making current->child() return NULL when it has no child if it doesn't already -- that seems the best possible result and leaving it undefined in this case seems error prone -- and then use:
for (; current; current = current->child())
No break statements:
if ( current->hasChild() ){
current = current->child();
} else {