Rotating a vector (array) - c++

I am trying to rotate a vector of elements in C++. What I mean by that is that I have a vector<point> I want the last element to become the first.
[1,2,3] become [3,1,2] then [2,3,1]
For that I tried to do the following:
//Add the last element at index 0
//Remove Last element
but I get this error:
Error 6 error C2664: 'std::_Vector_iterator<_Myvec> std::vector<Ty>::insert<cv::Point<_Tp>&>(std::_Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec>,_Valty)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'std::_Vector_const_iterator<_Myvec>'
How can I solve it?

There's a std::rotate algorithm in the standard library:
ObjectToRotate.end()-1, // this will be the new first element

The recommendations to use std::rotate are, of course, fully correct;
using an existing function is always the preferred solution when
available. Never the less, it's worth pointing out why your solution
didn't work. Containers in the standard library, like std::vector,
take position information in the form of iterators, not indexes. The
idiomatic way of writing your operation would be:
v.insert( v.begin(), v.back() );
v.erase( std::prev( v.end() ) );
(If you don't have C++11, it's pretty simply to write your own version
of prev. Or in the case of vector, you can just write v.end() -

The arguments to insert and erase are iterators, not indexes:
ObjectToRotate.insert(ObjectToRotate.begin(), ObjectToRotate.back());
ObjectToRotate.pop_back(); // or erase(ObjectToRotate.end()-1), if you prefer
But it may be more efficient to remove the last element first (after taking a copy), to avoid the possibility of reallocation:
auto back = ObjectToRotate.back();
ObjectToRotate.insert(ObjectToRotate.begin(), back);
or to use std::rotate:
std::rotate(ObjectToRotate.begin(), ObjectToRotate.end()-1, ObjectToRotate.end());
If you're doing this a lot, then deque might be a better choice of container, since that allows efficient insertion and removal at both ends. But, if speed is important, make sure you measure and verify that this really is an improvement; if the sequence isn't very large, then the overhead from the more complicated memory layout might make deque slower.

Use std::rotate:

James Kanze suggested a fantastic answer of using the following code snippet to rotate individual elements. To rotate x amount of items, simply put the below code into a loop.
vec.insert( vec.begin(), vec.back() );
vec.erase( std::prev( vec.end() ) );
If you CAN use the standard rotate function, that'll be your best choice, however. The code below is again rotating x number of items, see the CPP docs about rotate, and they even provide code examples showing Left & Right rotation. :)
// simple rotation to the left
std::rotate(vec.begin(), vec.begin() + x, vec.end());
// simple rotation to the right
std::rotate(vec.rbegin(), vec.rbegin() + x, vec.rend());

for making [1,2,3] to [2,3,1] here is the code
vector<int> Solution::rotateArray(vector<int> &A, int B) {
vector<int> ret;
for (int i = 0; i < A.size(); i++) {
ret.push_back(A[(i + B) % A.size()]);
return ret;
here A is [1,2,3] and B is 1 to shift 1 position


how to use erase, partition and iterate together at once on vector of objects

~ i'm learning c++ on my own~
I have a class field vector of objects that I want to iterate through and erase things that don't meet a certain condition.
myVector[0] is {obj1= val 1, obj2= val 2, obj3= val3 }
myVector[i] is {obj1= val x, obj2= val y, obj3= valz }
my issue is in order to pass the value to predicate function i need to access the object id and value at that index. But I don't know how to implement it so that i iterates/ increments.
Or more specifically how to I pass that key value at each index ? I'm asking for syntax help.
something like this:
myVector.erase(std::partition(myVector.begin(),myVector.end(), predicate(myVector[i].obj1)),myVector.end());
obviously there is no way for me to increment i this way.
is there a way to do this without using a for loop
I'm not 100% sure I understand the question, because you seem to be worried about the indexes into the vector. If your predicate needs to look at the indexes and not just the items in the vector, that complicates things.
However, does this solve your problem?
#include <algorithm>
std::remove_if(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(), myPredicate),
This is an example of the so-called "erase / remove idiom." The call to remove_if shifts the elements you want to keep forward in the list the appropriate amount but doesn't truncate the vector. Instead, it returns a pointer to the end of the list, which you can then pass to erase.
(Why can't we do this just a single call, instead of having the confusingly-named erase AND remove together? Because std::remove_if is part of <algorithm>, which consists of generic algorithms that work on anything that supplies the right sort of iterators, whereas erase is special to std::vector. Having a start/end pair of the right sort of iterators gives you enough functionality to do what remove_if does, but doesn't give you the ability to truncate the list directly.)
You can write this using a lambda if you don't want to break the predicate out into its own method. For instance:
std::remove_if(myVector.begin(), myVector.end(),
[](const auto & x) { return x.obj1 <= 0; }),

How to copy whole vector into queue in reversed order?

My vector stores the numbers of the vertices of a certain graph in ascending order. I want to add these numbers to a queue in order to run BFS later in code, but I dont know how do that in nice and fast way. I want the solution to be clear for everyone to read and what I came with is in my opinion obscure.
Disclaimer - I use static casts because i hate seeing warnings when i work with Qt. Here's what did:
Using casual for loop to iterate in reverse order through the vector starting with size-1 ending when i equals -1. Because I'm using -1 as rule I need to cast everything on int which makes code ugly.
vector<unsigned> v;
queue<unsigned> q;
for(int i = static_cast<int>(v.size()-1); i>=0; i--)
Can someone tell me how pros do it? Cant find anything like "copy in reverse order" function that can start from .end()-1 element and copy all elements including .begin() one?
std::vector provides the functions rbegin and rend which return reverse iterators that you can use to iterate from the back to the front. Using those you can use std::for_each to iterate the vector and then use a lambda as the functor to push each element into the queue. That would look like
std::vector<int> v = {1, 2, 3};
std::queue<int> q;
std::for_each(v.rbegin(), v.rend(), [&q](auto el){ q.push(el); });

How to add an element to the front of a vector in C++? [duplicate]

iterator insert ( iterator position, const T& x );
Is the function declaration of the insert operator of the std::Vector class.
This function's return type is an iterator pointing to the inserted element. My question is, given this return type, what is the most efficient way (this is part of a larger program I am running where speed is of the essence, so I am looking for the most computationally efficient way) of inserting at the beginning. Is it the following?
//Code 1
vector<int> intvector;
vector<int>::iterator it;
it = myvector.begin();
for(int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++){
it = intvector.insert(it,i);
//Code 2
vector<int> intvector;
for(int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++){
Essentially, in Code 2, is the parameter,
"Costly" to evaluate computationally as compared to using the returned iterator in Code 1 or should both be equally cheap/costly?
If one of the critical needs of your program is to insert elements at the begining of a container: then you should use a std::deque and not a std::vector. std::vector is only good at inserting elements at the end.
Other containers have been introduced in C++11. I should start to find an updated graph with these new containers and insert it here.
The efficiency of obtaining the insertion point won't matter in the least - it will be dwarfed by the inefficiency of constantly shuffling the existing data up every time you do an insertion.
Use std::deque for this, that's what it was designed for.
An old thread, but it showed up at a coworker's desk as the first search result for a Google query.
There is one alternative to using a deque that is worth considering:
std::vector<T> foo;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
std::reverse( foo.begin(), foo.end() );
You still use a vector which is significantly more engineered than deque for performance. Also, swaps (which is what reverse uses) are quite efficient. On the other hand, the complexity, while still linear, is increased by 50%.
As always, measure before you decide what to do.
If you're looking for a computationally efficient way of inserting at the front, then you probably want to use a deque instead of a vector.
Most likely deque is the appropriate solution as suggested by others. But just for completeness, suppose that you need to do this front-insertion just once, that elsewhere in the program you don't need to do other operations on the front, and that otherwise vector provides the interface you need. If all of those are true, you could add the items with the very efficient push_back and then reverse the vector to get everything in order. That would have linear complexity rather than polynomial as it would when inserting at the front.
When you use a vector, you usually know the actual number of elements it is going to have. In this case, reserving the needed number of elements (100000 in the case you show) and filling them by using the [] operator is the fastest way. If you really need an efficient insert at the front, you can use deque or list, depending on your algorithms.
You may also consider inverting the logic of your algorithm and inserting at the end, that is usually faster for vectors.
I think you should change the type of your container if you really want to insert data at the beginning. It's the reason why vector does not have push_front() member function.
Intuitively, I agree with #Happy Green Kid Naps and ran a small test showing that for small sizes (1 << 10 elements of a primitive data type) it doesn't matter. For larger container sizes (1 << 20), however, std::deque seems to be of higher performance than reversing an std::vector. So, benchmark before you decide. Another factor might be the element type of the container.
Test 1: push_front (a) 1<<10 or (b) 1<<20 uint64_t into std::deque
Test 2: push_back (a) 1<<10 or (b) 1<<20 uint64_t into std::vector followed by std::reverse
Test 1 - deque (a) 19 µs
Test 2 - vector (a) 19 µs
Test 1 - deque (b) 6339 µs
Test 2 - vector (b) 10588 µs
You can support-
Insertion at front.
Insertion at the end.
Changing value at any position (won't present in deque)
Accessing value at any index (won't present in deque)
All above operations in O(1) time complexity
Note: You just need to know the upper bound on max_size it can go in left and right.
class Vector{
int front,end;
int arr[100100]; // you should set this in according to 2*max_size
Vector(int initialize){
arr[100100/2] = initialize; // initializing value
front = end = 100100/2;
void push_back(int val){
arr[end] = val;
void push_front(int val){
if(front<0){return;} // you should set initial size accordingly
arr[front] = val;
int value(int idx){
return arr[front+idx];
// similarity create function to change on any index
int main(){
Vector v(2);
for(int i=1;i<100;i++){
// O(1)
for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
// to access the value in O(1)
cout<<v.value(i)<<" ";
This may draw the ire of some because it does not directly answer the question, but it may help to keep in mind that retrieving the items from a std::vector in reverse order is both easy and fast.

How to remove almost duplicates from a vector in C++

I have an std::vector of floats that I want to not contain duplicates but the math that populates the vector isn't 100% precise. The vector has values that differ by a few hundredths but should be treated as the same point. For example here's some values in one of them:
X: -43.094505
X: -43.094501
X: -43.094498
What would be the best/most efficient way to remove duplicates from a vector like this.
First sort your vector using std::sort. Then use std::unique with a custom predicate to remove the duplicates.
std::unique(v.begin(), v.end(),
[](double l, double r) { return std::abs(l - r) < 0.01; });
// treats any numbers that differ by less than 0.01 as equal
Live demo
Sorting is always a good first step. Use std::sort().
Remove not sufficiently unique elements: std::unique().
Last step, call resize() and maybe also shrink_to_fit().
If you want to preserve the order, do the previous 3 steps on a copy (omit shrinking though).
Then use std::remove_if with a lambda, checking for existence of the element in the copy (binary search) (don't forget to remove it if found), and only retain elements if found in the copy.
I say std::sort() it, then go through it one by one and remove the values within certain margin.
You can have a separate write iterator to the same vector and one resize operation at the end - instead of calling erase() for each removed element or having another destination copy for increased performance and smaller memory usage.
If your vector cannot contain duplicates, it may be more appropriate to use an std::set. You can then use a custom comparison object to consider small changes as being inconsequential.
Hi you could comprare like this
bool isAlmostEquals(const double &f1, const double &f2)
double allowedDif = xxxx;
return (abs(f1 - f2) <= allowedDif);
but it depends of your compare range and the double precision is not on your side
if your vector is sorted you could use std::unique with the function as predicate
I would do the following:
Create a set<double>
go through your vector in a loop or using a functor
Round each element and insert into the set
Then you can swap your vector with an empty vector
Copy all elements from the set to the empty vector
The complexity of this approach will be n * log(n) but it's simpler and can be done in a few lines of code. The memory consumption will double from just storing the vector. In addition set consumes slightly more memory per each element than vector. However, you will destroy it after using.
std::vector<double> v;
std::set<double> s;
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it = v.begin();
for(;it != v.end(); ++it)
std::copy(s.begin(), s.end(), v.begin());
The problem with most answers so far is that you have an unusual "equality". If A and B are similar but not identical, you want to treat them as equal. Basically, A and A+epsilon still compare as equal, but A+2*epsilon does not (for some unspecified epsilon). Or, depending on your algorithm, A*(1+epsilon) does and A*(1+2*epsilon) does not.
That does mean that A+epsilon compares equal to A+2*epsilon. Thus A = B and B = C does not imply A = C. This breaks common assumptions in <algorithm>.
You can still sort the values, that is a sane thing to do. But you have to consider what to do with a long range of similar values in the result. If the range is long enough, the difference between the first and last can still be large. There's no simple answer.

Inserting into a vector at the front

iterator insert ( iterator position, const T& x );
Is the function declaration of the insert operator of the std::Vector class.
This function's return type is an iterator pointing to the inserted element. My question is, given this return type, what is the most efficient way (this is part of a larger program I am running where speed is of the essence, so I am looking for the most computationally efficient way) of inserting at the beginning. Is it the following?
//Code 1
vector<int> intvector;
vector<int>::iterator it;
it = myvector.begin();
for(int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++){
it = intvector.insert(it,i);
//Code 2
vector<int> intvector;
for(int i = 1; i <= 100000; i++){
Essentially, in Code 2, is the parameter,
"Costly" to evaluate computationally as compared to using the returned iterator in Code 1 or should both be equally cheap/costly?
If one of the critical needs of your program is to insert elements at the begining of a container: then you should use a std::deque and not a std::vector. std::vector is only good at inserting elements at the end.
Other containers have been introduced in C++11. I should start to find an updated graph with these new containers and insert it here.
The efficiency of obtaining the insertion point won't matter in the least - it will be dwarfed by the inefficiency of constantly shuffling the existing data up every time you do an insertion.
Use std::deque for this, that's what it was designed for.
An old thread, but it showed up at a coworker's desk as the first search result for a Google query.
There is one alternative to using a deque that is worth considering:
std::vector<T> foo;
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
std::reverse( foo.begin(), foo.end() );
You still use a vector which is significantly more engineered than deque for performance. Also, swaps (which is what reverse uses) are quite efficient. On the other hand, the complexity, while still linear, is increased by 50%.
As always, measure before you decide what to do.
If you're looking for a computationally efficient way of inserting at the front, then you probably want to use a deque instead of a vector.
Most likely deque is the appropriate solution as suggested by others. But just for completeness, suppose that you need to do this front-insertion just once, that elsewhere in the program you don't need to do other operations on the front, and that otherwise vector provides the interface you need. If all of those are true, you could add the items with the very efficient push_back and then reverse the vector to get everything in order. That would have linear complexity rather than polynomial as it would when inserting at the front.
When you use a vector, you usually know the actual number of elements it is going to have. In this case, reserving the needed number of elements (100000 in the case you show) and filling them by using the [] operator is the fastest way. If you really need an efficient insert at the front, you can use deque or list, depending on your algorithms.
You may also consider inverting the logic of your algorithm and inserting at the end, that is usually faster for vectors.
I think you should change the type of your container if you really want to insert data at the beginning. It's the reason why vector does not have push_front() member function.
Intuitively, I agree with #Happy Green Kid Naps and ran a small test showing that for small sizes (1 << 10 elements of a primitive data type) it doesn't matter. For larger container sizes (1 << 20), however, std::deque seems to be of higher performance than reversing an std::vector. So, benchmark before you decide. Another factor might be the element type of the container.
Test 1: push_front (a) 1<<10 or (b) 1<<20 uint64_t into std::deque
Test 2: push_back (a) 1<<10 or (b) 1<<20 uint64_t into std::vector followed by std::reverse
Test 1 - deque (a) 19 µs
Test 2 - vector (a) 19 µs
Test 1 - deque (b) 6339 µs
Test 2 - vector (b) 10588 µs
You can support-
Insertion at front.
Insertion at the end.
Changing value at any position (won't present in deque)
Accessing value at any index (won't present in deque)
All above operations in O(1) time complexity
Note: You just need to know the upper bound on max_size it can go in left and right.
class Vector{
int front,end;
int arr[100100]; // you should set this in according to 2*max_size
Vector(int initialize){
arr[100100/2] = initialize; // initializing value
front = end = 100100/2;
void push_back(int val){
arr[end] = val;
void push_front(int val){
if(front<0){return;} // you should set initial size accordingly
arr[front] = val;
int value(int idx){
return arr[front+idx];
// similarity create function to change on any index
int main(){
Vector v(2);
for(int i=1;i<100;i++){
// O(1)
for(int i=0;i<20;i++){
// to access the value in O(1)
cout<<v.value(i)<<" ";
This may draw the ire of some because it does not directly answer the question, but it may help to keep in mind that retrieving the items from a std::vector in reverse order is both easy and fast.