Junit: testing chosen tests instead of all of them - unit-testing

I have a problem with executing tests in JUnit. Imagine you have one test case class with f.e. 100 tests, no test suite and no main program - test case class test the device on com port. JUnit project is in Netbeans. I want to run tests - but not all of them at the same time, i would like to choose tests to run before actual testing.
Once I saw something like that in eclipse - but it wasn't my project and I don't know how it was done and how to do the same thing in netbeans. It was a separate window, poping up before running tests. In this window there were checkboxes with names of methods with #Test annotation and you could choose tests you wanted to run and click run - so it let you to run what you wanted.
Does anyone know how to do it in netbeans? Is it any library or plugin?
Any help will be appreciated.

You can take a look at Run single test from a JUnit class using command-line. It does allow you to specify what test you want to run given a class with multiple test cases in it. Being command-line you can then script your own test suite that runs the specific ones you want.
I also noticed your other question Junit: changing sequence of test running. With the scripting approach you can actually control the order of your testing.
This approach does not take advantage of Eclipse's or NetBean's JUnit test runners though, so it is a very specific workaround.

Netbeans nowadays support running single tests:


Cannot run individual tests in a test suite inside GoLand IDE?

Am using testify's test suite support to write unit tests. This results in my test file having a single TestFooBar(t *testing.T) that kicks of the suite.Run while all my individual tests become a part of my test suite struct with method signatures like - func (suite *myTestSuite) TestMyStuff().
I have observed that GoLand can identify all methods with a signature similar to TestFooBar(t *testing.T) and put a green play icon next to it. It will allow me to run/debug these methods individually. However, all the test methods that are a part of the test suite as described above, won't be identified and cannot be ran or debugged individually in the IDE.
Any way to tell GoLand that myTestSuite structure has many tests that will allow me to execute them individually inside the IDE?
(Similar question here but that is just talking about command line, while my question is specifically for the IDE.)
At the moment, the IDE does not support recognizing tests from testify. There's an issue for that, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/GO-3066, and we hope we'll get it done soon.
As a workaround, you can edit manually a Run Configuration via Run | Edit Configurations... | + | Go Test and pass the arguments to the Go Tool in order to pick up the test that you need to debug.
Workaround: Remove the suite receiver, do the test and then put the suite receiver back.

Running Isolated Tests Without Relying on Terminal? IntelliJ IDEA

I understand that I should use the sure-fire plugin for unit tests, and failsafe for integration. I can run unit tests with mvn test and integration tests with mvn verify but this annoys me for 2 reasons:
I'd prefer to be able to select any test class (or method in that class) and run it individually by a simple click, rather than typing it into terminal every time.
The terminal returns the test results in ugly black/white paragraphs, requiring me to sift through them. I'd much prefer to have the results returned in a visually organized manner, similar to if I right-clicked on the test class in IntelliJ and click 'RunDemoTest`. This produces:
I find the error results much easier to sift through, for example it shows red/green #Test results on the left, and on the right it cleanly organizes the error into
Expected : 3
Actual :1
I'm sure there are advantages to using terminal for automated test runs later into production, but during development I don't find the terminal conducive to my tinkering.
How do I benefit from IntelliJ's visual feedback of test results, while simultaneously ensuring unit & integration tests are run separately, and preserving my freedom to pick and choose which test classes and test methods I can run at any time?
I'm assuming I can't have my cake and eat it too. Please explain.
If you are using the IntelliJ view "Maven Projects" you can very easy toggle on/off the exection of maven integrated tests.
Via "Run/Debug Configurations" you can create test executions that match your reqirement for a comfortable UI.
After these steps, there is a new entry in the drop down list "Run/Debug configurations". When you start the new JUnit Test configuration, the defined tests are executed and the results are presented exactly in the same manner as the screenshot in your question.
The options in my second screenshot allow a very flexible definition of the scope. You don't have go to every java file and click on the green arrows in the editor view.
This configuration isn't related to any maven configuration, and you can use them at any time in your coding process.

How to run unit tests only in a Hybris project?

We have a large Hybris project here and to run all the tests with takes much too long (hours, yes, a large consulting company created that crap). My target is to reduce all the spring based integration tests and replace them by real unit tests.
But when running the tests with the Hybris ant build for one extension (ant alltests -Dtestclasses.extensions=myext) starts a server with the junit tenant also if there are only non Spring based unit tests in that extension. I also tried to use ant unittests but that one does not even executes my tests.
Is there any way to run only the tests annotated with #UnitTest without any server start in an ant run?
PS: I have a hybris 5.1 and 5.3 commerce suite
You should use ant unittests and not ant unit tests:
ant unittests -Dtestclasses.extensions=myext
Running simple unit tests exclusively is not so easy whenever someone uses somewhere Registry.getApplicationContext() in the code under test!
In fact, Registry.getApplicationContext() starts a Hybris instance. If that happens to you, you need to eliminate that particular call to Registry.getApplicationContext() with a better class design and/or mocks.
This is good information. However, in my opinion, even running the unit tests for a single extension is still too much. Unit tests are supposed to be FAST! I should be able to run a single unit test method from within my IDE if I choose to. The whole concept of "red-green testing" is lost if I have to wait for a bunch of non-relevant unit tests to run every time I want to test my refactored code.
Because these tests rely on a runtime environment, there are NO unit tests in Hybris. There are only integration tests because they all rely on a running Hybris system to be executed.
I would like to give some details how to run unittests from within the IDE.
Install IntelliJ
Install Hybris plugun (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7525-hybris-integration)
Import the project
Run the UnitTest as any normal developer will do it
Enjoy :)

Junit: changing sequence of test running

I have a big mess with 100 tests in one class and running all of them by clicking "Test project (...). They run in a random order and I would like them to run in a specific order - from beginning to the end, the same order that I wrote them. In eclipse it's not a problem because eclipse just works like that, how to do it in netbeans?
Any help will be appreciated.
Edit (due to answers): Tests order is required for the clearance of the log. They are independent.
If your tests needs to run in a specific order, something is wrong with your design.
2 test that needs to run one after another are 1 test. Consider this before searching for a solution.
check this https://blogs.oracle.com/mindless/entry/controlling_the_order_of_junit
Having tests depending on other tests 99.9% of the time a very bad idea. Unit tests should be independent from each other, as otherwise you might have a cascade of errors, or (even worse) one test failing because something another test did sometime before.
If you still want to go through this pain, you'll need to use a different unit testing framework (such as TestNG - see dependsOnMethods) which supports test dependencies.
Junit doesn't support this feature because it's seen by many as a bad practice (for very good reasons).
The next JUnit release will support ordering of test methods. The standard Maven Surefire Plugin supports ordering of test methods already.
Netbeans has good integration with ant build files. You could write a specific ant target that could execute each test in order.

How can I test Selenium test scripts? Or should I?

I'm working in a project with a quite large suite of tests (about 800 scenarios). Our code grew quite a lot and now I'm looking for ways to test some parts of our test library. Have you ever tested (parts of) your selenium scripts? How are you doing it? I thought about using some sample pages only for these tests, but it looks like a lot of work, doesn't it?
I know I can mock WebDriver, but white box testing doesn't seem quite right for me. Perhaps I have not yet grasped all the mock concepts properly. Any concerns or tips?
Here's one school of thought..
Create the test case manually
Ensure that the test case passes when a tester manually executes it
Create an automated selenium script to replace this test case.
Have a different dev or QA test the automation works correctly.
Integrate the automated test into some kind of nightly run.
I would not recommend having automated tests (like a unit testing or acceptence testing framework) test your selenium tests. It seems like an unnecessary layer of test automation.