Coding union-find in 4-connectivity two-pass algorithm - c++

I try to code in c++ a component labelling code uses two pass algorithm with 4-connectivity. You might want to see In that algorithm there is a data structure named as union-find. I cannot get the structure of that and cannot code it since I cannot understand how the algorithm is using that structure.
Do you know how to use union-find in that algorithm or at least Is there any native library in C++ environment or do you know any source to understand that structure. Maybe an animation might be useful.

The data structure of Union-Find is also called a "disjoint-set". You can actually find some more descriptions and information of disjoint-set on its Wikipedia page ( A more detailed introduction to disjoint-set data structures call be found in the book "Introduction to Algorithms" Chapter 21 (as also shown in Reference 1 of the Wikipedia page.)
Usually when we talk about disjoint-set data structures, we are talking about a specific implementation called "disjoint-set forest". What is good about this specific implementation is that: 1) it is really easy to implement 2) has a perfect time complexity (almost constant).
You can also find some pseudocode of how to implement disjoint-set forest in the Wikipedia page or in Chapter 21 of the book I've mentioned.

See: and;jsessionid=5F7A5FE1F4DCBA968A0B0E99B0593F71?doi=


What's the correct academic reference for CGAL's Min_sphere_of_sphere algorithm?

I'm using CGAL's class Min_sphere_of_spheres_d<> and would like to provide the appropriate academic reference describing the algorithm implemented. However, the documentation at doesn't provide that. Is that perhaps because there is no academic article describing the algorithm?
The page you mention has a citation:
[MSW92] J. MatouĊĦek, Micha Sharir, and Emo Welzl. A subexponential bound for linear programming. In Proc. 8th Annu. ACM Sympos. Comput. Geom., pages 1-8, 1992.

What algorithm opencv GCGRAPH (max flow) is based on?

opencv has an implementation of max-flow algorithm (class GCGRAPH in file gcgraph.hpp). It's available here.
Does anyone know which particular max-flow algorithm is implemented by this class?
I am not 100% confident about this, but I believe that the algorithm is based on this research paper describing max-flow algorithms for computer vision. Specifically, Section 3 describes a new algorithm for computing maximum flows.
I haven't lined up every detail of the paper's algorithm with the implementation of the algorithm, but many details seem to match:
The algorithm described works by using a bidirectional search from both s and t, which the implementation is doing as well: for example, there's a comment reading // grow S & T search trees, find an edge connecting them.
The algorithm described keeps track of a set of orphaned nodes, which the variable std::vector<Vtx*> orphans seems to track in the implementation.
The algorithm described works by building up a set of trees and reusing them; the algorithm implementation keeps track of a tree associated with each node.
I hope this helps!

How to implement 3d kDTree build and search algorithm in c or c++?

How to implement 3d kDTree build and search algorithm in c or c++? I am wondering if we have a working code to follow
I'd like to recommend you a two good presentations to start with:
"Introduction to k-d trees"
"Lecture 6: Kd-trees and range trees".
Both give all (basic ideas behind kd-trees, short visual examples and code snippets) you need to start writing your own implementation.
Update-19-10-2021: Resources are now longer public. Thanks to #Hari for posting new links down below in the comments.
I found the publications of Vlastimil Havran very useful. His Ph.d Thesis gives a nice introduction to kd-trees and traversal algorithms. Further articles are about several improvements, e.g. how to construct kd-tree in O(nlogn). There are also a lot of implementations in different graphic libs. You should just google for it.
For an example of a 3D kd-tree implementation in C, take a look at kd3. It is not general purpose library and requires the input data to be in a specific form, but the ideas and approach should be transferable.
Disclosure: I am the author of kd3.
Disclaimer: It was written as proof-of-concept code for an existing application and is therefore not as generic nor as well-tested as it should be. Bug reports/fixes are welcome.

C++ Graph Vertex Coloring Library or Source Code

Is there a C++ (or any other language) library with a portfolio of algorithms for the problem of graph coloring?
There are of course naive greedy vertex coloring algorithms, but I'm interested in more interesting algorithms like:
Algorithms mentioned in the "Exact Algorithms" section of the wiki
Approximation algorithms that take advantage of special graph properties like the graph being planar or a unit disk graph.
Algorithms that find the fractional coloring of a graph.
That last one is of particular importance to me.
What I found so far is the list on this page but none of them have any of the above algorithms. Moreover, the best one is Joe Culberson's Graph Coloring code and that was implemented in late 90's, so is very much outdated in terms of not having a documented API (not that this is important for what this question is about, but I thought I'd mention it).
There's the Koala graph coloring library that has the spirit of what I'm looking for, but if you look at their source code it has not delivered on the promise just yet. It appears to be in very early stages of development.
Other general graph libraries are mentioned in this stackoverflow question. They include:
Boost Graph Library
I should note that I use the Boost Graph Library for a lot of things. In fact, it provides a naive vertex coloring implementation. Joe Culberson's code (mentioned above) does much more.
The following is a list of graph coloring code, I've found (and tested in most cases) but they still mostly fall short in terms of the three algorithm classes above.
GraphCol - documentation is not in English, sigh.
Planarity - contains a coloring algorithm that guarantees a 5-coloring or better for planar graphs.
Graph-Coloring - appears to be a re-implementation of a small number of algorithms already implemented by Joe Culberson (above).
There's some good ones at These correspond to a portfolio of algorithms reviewed and tested in my book:
Lewis, R. (2021) A Guide to Graph Colouring: Algorithms and Applications (second ed.). Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-81053-5.
These include greedy, backtracking and metaheuristic approaches. I've included compilation instructions etc. in the above link.
Maybe you can help yourself with the Boost Graph Library.
You can try CXXGraph library. It contains some useful algorithm on Graph

HOT(Heap On Top) Queues

Could anyone point me to an example implementation of a HOT Queue or give some pointers on how to approach implementing one?
Here is a page I found that provides at least a clue toward what data structures you might use to implement this. Scroll down to the section called "Making A* Scalable." It's unfortunate that the academic papers on the subject mention having written C++ code but don't provide any.
Here is the link to the paper describing HOT queues. It's very abstract, that's why i wanted
to see a coded example (I'm still trying to fin my way around it).
The "cheapest", sort to speak variant of this is a two-level heap queue (maybe this sounds more familiar). What i wanted to do is to improve the running time of the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.
What i wanted to do is to improve the
running time of the Dijkstra's
shortest path algorithm.
Have you considered using the Boost Graph Library?
If you are using your own implementation of the algorithm you might already get better results using the one the BGL provides.
However It might be nontrivial to modify your code so it works with the BGL.
Of course speed-up could also be gained by not using Dijkstra at all but another algorithm.