How do I use Moq to validate Enterprise Library Logging? - unit-testing

I want to create a unit test that validates a Logger.Write command is executed with the correct message in one of my MVC controllers.
I can mock the Listener that the Logger writes to, but I do not know how to reach the message that is stored. For example,
var mockListener = new Mock<MyTraceListener>();
// the .Write method is void so I can't use .Returns() on my mock
mockListener.Setup(listener => listener.Write(It.IsAny<string>()))
MyController controller = new MyController();
// and then the Index method calls the following Logger.Write() to the category that writes to MyTraceListener:
Logger.Write("test message", "MyCategory");
This write command to the logger does not return the input string or store it into a parameter for me to validate with an Assertion statement. Can I use one of the Moq verifies or setups or the .when (whatever this is) functions to get the message that is logged, or at least check that it executed?
Preferably, I want to store the log entry into a variable in my unit test so I can assert this:
Assert.AreEqual(loggedMessage, "test message");
If anyone knows of a strategy to do this I would greatly appreciate it.

Assuming you're using Entlib 5.0, there's already a mock point for you. Instead of using Logger.Write directly, instead inject an instance of LogWriter into your controller. You can then mock out the LogWriter object in your tests.

You want to use the Callback as a way to get the input from your Write method back to your unit test.
Because Loggers is static, you'll have to wrap the calls to those static methods in order to use Moq in your tests. The sample class below should be all you need to do to pull that off. You'll also have to update your code to use the wrapper, that might be painful.
Here is a sample test and class structure to achieve this.
public class Logger
public virtual void Write( string message, string category )
Loggers.Write( message, category );
public void SampleTest()
string input = string.Empty;
var mockLogger = new Mock<Logger>();
mockLogger.Setup( l => l.Write( It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>() ) ).Callback( ( string message, string category ) => input = message );
mockLogger.Object.Write( "test", "category" );
Assert.AreEqual( "test", input );
Please note I'm using Moq version 4.0.10827.0.
I hope this helps!


Moq out parameters

I'm fairly new to using Moq and Nunit for unit testing and I'm having issues with one scenario. What I want is for my mock to have an out parameters which my system under test will then use to decide what action to take.
My system under test is an MVC API controller and in particular I'm trying to test the POST method. I want to return an error message for the object when validation fails.
Here is the method code for the controller:
public IHttpActionResult Post(Candidate candidate)
return BadRequest();
IEnumerable<string> errors;
_candidateManager.InsertCandidate(candidate, out errors);
if (errors!=null && errors.Any())
return BadRequest(CreateErrorMessage("Invalid candidate: ", errors));
return CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new {id = candidate.CandidateId}, candidate);
catch (Exception)
return InternalServerError();
This is my Unit Test Code:
[Category("CandidateManagerController Unit Tests")]
public void Should_Return_Bad_Request_When_Creating_Invalid_Candidate()
IEnumerable<string> errors = new List<string>() {"error1", "error2"};
var mockManager = new Mock<ICandidateManager>();
mockManager.Setup(x => x.InsertCandidate(new Candidate(), out errors)).Callback(()=>GetErrors(errors));
var sut = new CandidateManagerController(mockManager.Object);
var actionResult = sut.Post(new Candidate());
What I expect is that when _candidateManager.InsertCandidate() is run then the errors variable is populated. However what is happening is that when you step through the controller code errors is null after _candidateManager.InsertCandidate() method is run.
If anyone has any ideas what I'm doing wrong or if what I want to do is not possible using Moq then please let me know.
What you want to do is possible. If you look at the Quickstart docs at, there is a section where it shows how you do setups for methods using out params. I have made two corrections to your code and it works.
You have to use the same candidate instance for both the mock setup and when you exercise the sut. Otherwise, Moq thinks that the two objects are different and your test setup becomes useless.
You don't have to use Callback in order to set the errors returned by the mocked CandidateManager.
Below is your test method with my changes.
[Category("CandidateManagerController Unit Tests")]
public void Should_Return_Bad_Request_When_Creating_Invalid_Candidate()
IEnumerable<string> errors = new List<string>() {"error1", "error2"};
//instance to be used for both setup and test later
var candidate = new Candidate();
var mockManager = new Mock<ICandidateManager>();
//removed Callback
mockManager.Setup(x => x.InsertCandidate(candidate, out errors));
var sut = new CandidateManagerController(mockManager.Object);
var actionResult = sut.Post(candidate);
You have to make sure that when you call your SUT that you use the same instance passed to the out argument otherwise the call will fail.
In your example, the method under test passes a null instance into the mocked method thus negating the setup of the test.
If however you are not able to supply the same instances for the out then it doesn't look like you will be able to get a mock to pass successfully. Take a look a the Quick Start for Moq to get an understanding of it capabilities.

Why isn't my EventAggregator Subscription Handling This Event?

I have an Autofac DI Container defined as follows:
public class Bootstrapper
public IContainer BootStrap()
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
I have a Unit Test defined to test whether a deletion removes the deleted item from the collection:
public void Should_remove_item_from_collection_when_item_is_deleted()
const int deletedId = 42;
// adds three items to the collection
// I've tried this:
// and alternatively, this (not at the same time):
Assert.Equal(2,_vm.ItemEditViewModels.Count); // always fails
.Select(vm => vm.Item.Id).Contains(42), "Wrong item deleted");
The constructor of the Unit Test initializes and assigns the EventAggregator to the view model:
_eventAggregatorMock = new Mock<IEventAggregator>();
_itemDeletedEventMock = new Mock<ItemDeletedEvent>();
_eventAggregatorMock.Setup(ea => ea.GetEvent<ItemDeletedEvent>())
_vm = new ItemViewModel(_eventAggregatorMock.Object, */ ... /*);
In my actual view model, I Subscribe to the event:
public ItemViewModel(IEventAggregator ea, /* ... */)
.Subscribe(OnItemDeleted, true);
And we never hit a breakpoint here:
public void OnItemDeleted()
// never happens
For the life of me, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong - I'm overlooking something... do I have to Setup the event's Publish event in the Mock? Should I be using a real ItemDeletedEvent instance instead of a Mock? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
=> Hi Scott,
there are 2 ViewModel-scenarios you want to test when using an EventAggregator:
You want to test that your ViewModel is publishing an event
You want to test that your ViewModel does something when an event was published. So the ViewModel has to subscribe to that Event to do something
(Note: The following lines are true for PRISM's EventAggregator, which is the one you're using I guess. For other EventAggregators it could be different)
For the first scenario, you have to create a mock for the event. Then you can verify on that mock-instance that the Publish-method of the Event has been called.
For the second scenario, which is the scenario you have in your question, you have to use the real event in your test. Why?
When you call the Publish-method on a event-mock, that Publish method won't call the subscribers to that Event, as there's no logic behind the Subscribe-method. For sure you could setup both methods and implement that publish/subscribe-logic in your mock. But there's no reason to do so, just use the real Event
When you use the real event, the Publish-method will call all the subscribers. And this is exactly What you need in your test.
It should look like this:
_itemDeletedEvent = new ItemDeletedEvent();
_eventAggregatorMock.Setup(ea => ea.GetEvent<ItemDeletedEvent>())
Now your ViewModel will get this itemDeletedEvent-instance from the EventAggregator. In your test you call the Publish-method on this itemDeletedEvent-instance and it will work.
More about this is explained in my Course on Pluralsight about WPF and Test Driven Development:

Issue testing Laravel Controller with Mockery | trying to get property of non-object

I'm very new to testing controllers and I'm running into a problem with a method(). I believe I'm either missing something in my test or my Controller / Repository is designed incorrectly.
The application I'm writing is basically one of those secure "one time" tools. Where you create a note, the system provides you with a URL, once that url is retrieved the note is deleted. I actually have the application written but I am going back to write tests for practice (I know that's backwards).
My Controller:
use OneTimeNote\Repositories\NoteRepositoryInterface as Note;
class NoteController extends \Controller {
protected $note;
public function __construct(Note $note)
$this->note = $note;
public function getNote($url_id, $key)
$note = $this->note->find($url_id, $key);
if (!$note) {
return \Response::json(array('message' => 'Note not found'), 404);
return \Response::json($note);
I've injected my Note interface in to my controller and all is well.
My Test
use \Mockery as M;
class OneTimeNoteTest extends TestCase {
public function setUp()
$this->mock = $this->mock('OneTimeNote\Repositories\EloquentNoteRepository');
public function mock($class)
$mock = M::mock($class);
$this->app->instance($class, $mock);
return $mock;
public function testShouldReturnNoteObj()
// Should Return Note
$note = $this->call('GET', '/note/1234567890abcdefg/1234567890abcdefg');
$this->assertEquals('test', $note->getContent());
The error I'm getting
1) OneTimeNoteTest::testShouldReturnNoteObj
ErrorException: Trying to get property of non-object
Line 24 is in reference to this line found in my controller:
Basically my abstracted repository method delete() obviously can't find $note->id because it really doesn't exist in the testing environment. Should I create a Note within the test and try to actually deleting it? Or would that be something that should be a model test? As you can see I need help, thanks!
----- Update -----
I tried to stub the repository to return a Note object as Dave Marshall mentioned in his answer, however I'm now receiving another error.
1) OneTimeNoteTest::testShouldReturnNoteObj
BadMethodCallException: Method Mockery_0_OneTimeNote_Repositories_EloquentNoteRepository::delete() does not exist on this mock object
I do have a delete() method in my repository and I know it's working when I test my route in the browser.
public function delete($id)
You are stubbing the note repository to return a string, PHP is then trying to retrieve the id attribute of a string, hence the error.
You should stub the repository to return a Note object, something like:
$this->mock->shouldReceive('find')->once()->andReturn(new Note());
Building upon Dave's answer, I was able to figure out what my problem is. I wasn't mocking the delete() method. I didn't understand the need to mock each individual method in my controller that would be called.
I just added this line:
Since my delete method is just deleting the note after it is found, I went ahead and mocked it but set it to return null.

Mocking DBSet, EF Model First

As said in the title, I follow Model First method. So my Model classes are Automatically generated. If I want mock the DBContext derived MyModelContainer which contain DBSets of entity classes. Read some where that in order to unit test, you need to change it to IDBSet. Whether its possible to do it especially in a class that gets auto generated when I do "Run Custom Tool" is one concern. But as of now I modified it.
But the real problem is: when I try to Stub MyModelContainer to return a mock generated from IDBSet. Rhino mock is firing an InvalidOperationException: "Invalid call, the last call has been used, or no call has been made(make sure that you are calling a virtual(C#)/Overridable(VB) method."
Here is my unit test code.
MyModelContainer dbMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<MyModelContainer>();
IDBSet<Models.MyEntity> entityMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDBSet<Models.MyEntity>>()
dbMock.Stub( x=>x.MyEntities ).Return( entityMock );
The last statement is triggering the exception. I tried using the fake implementation of IDBSet<> specified here, But no luck!
I use MVC 4, Rhino Mocks 3.6. Any help will be appreciated.
After some trials and research, I found a fix. I changed the code to:
MyModelContainer dbMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<MyModelContainer>();
IDBSet<Models.MyEntity> entityMock = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDBSet<Models.MyEntity>>()
//dbMock.Stub( x=>x.MyEntities ).Return( entityMock );
dbMock.MyEntities = entityMock;
Now the InvalidOperationException is gone.
The test fails only due to ExpectationViolationException which should be normal.
As for auto generated Model class, it is found out that editing the DbContext's T4 template (.tt extension) will do the trick. Thanks to Alan's Blog
But I want to know why the previous code didn't work. Anyone?
2 reasons are possible here:
MyEntites property of MyModelContainer is not virtual.
In that case Rhino Mock can't stub this property at all. Then dbMock.Stub(x=>x.MyEntities) will fail.
MyEntites property is virtual, but has both public getter and public setter.
Then notation dbMock.Stub(x=>x.MyEntities).Return(entityMock) is not allowed. You can see explanation e.g. here.
In both cases the right fix is exactly what you did: use dbMock.MyEntities = entityMock instead of dbMock.Stub(x=>x.MyEntities).Return(entityMock).
Here is an extension method for Substituting IDbSet (with NSubstitute) to return an IQueryable
public static DbSet<T> FakeDbSet<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable) where T : class
DbSet<T> fakeDbSet = Substitute.For<DbSet<T>, IQueryable<T>>();
return fakeDbSet;
Then you can now stub the DbContext like this:
var db = NSubstitute.Substitute.For<DataContext>();
var fakeResult = emptyCustomers.FakeDbSet();
Here is an extension method for Stubing (with RhinoMocks) IDbSet to return an IQueryable
public static class RhinoExtensions
public static IDbSet<T> MockToDbSet<T>(this IQueryable<T> queryable) where T : class
IDbSet<T> mockDbSet = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IDbSet<T>>();
mockDbSet.Stub(m => m.Provider).Return(queryable.Provider);
mockDbSet.Stub(m => m.Expression).Return(queryable.Expression);
mockDbSet.Stub(m => m.ElementType).Return(queryable.ElementType);
mockDbSet.Stub(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Return(queryable.GetEnumerator());
return mockDbSet;
Then you can now stub the DbContext like this:
_db.Stub(p => p.Customers).Return(fakeCustomers.MockToDbSet());

Moq - how to mock the result of a method within a method begin tested

and thank you in advance for any and all your assistance.
I have a method that I'm trying to test.
Within this method is a call to UserMembership.Validate()
//custom override but the code isn't functional yet and is outside the scope of the test.
I want to therefore mock (using moq) the return result so that the actual test of the method can succeed.
Here is the code
public LoginResponse Login(LoginRequest request)
var response = new LoginResponse(request.RequestId);
// Validate client tag and access token
if (!ValidateRequest(request, response, Validate.ClientTag | Validate.AccessToken))
return response;
if (!UserMembership.ValidateUser(request.UserName, request.Password))
response.Acknowledge = AcknowledgeType.Failure;
response.Messages = "Invalid username and/or password.";
//response.MessageCode = -4;
return response;
_userName = request.UserName;
return response;
So, my test is for LoginResponse() but I want to 'fake' the UserMembership return value (bool) to true...
Simple enough I'm sure for you guys.
TIA, Hugh.
You could probably re-title your question to "How do you use a mocking framework with unit testing 99% of the time," because you're right on track for doing just that - a very typical usage.
You're going to want to extract an interface from your UserMembership class (right click inside the class, select "refactor" and then "extract interface."), then use Moq to create mock instances of that interface for use within your tests. Then you can use Moq to "setup" the behavior of that mock to do anything you want it to during your test. The syntax would look like this:
var userMembershipMock = new Mock<IUserMembership>();
userMembershipMock.Setup(m=> m.ValidateUser(It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myUserName"), It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myPassword"))).Returns(true);
Then you would create a new instance of your class, passing in your mock instance of IUserMembership (but since you'll make your class's constructor takes an argument of the interface type, your class won't care whether you're passing it a mock or an actual UserMembership instance
MyClass myClass = new MyClass(userMembershipMock.Object);
after which you could begin actually testing the behavior of your MyClass:
var request = new LoginRequest { UserName = "myUserName", Password = "myPassword" };
LoginResponse response = myClass.Login(request);
And then you can assert that your class's response is what you expect:
Assert.AreEqual(AcknowledgeType.Success, response.Acknowledge);
or you can verify that your mock's method (or property) was invoked as you expected:
userMembershipMock.Verify(m=> m.ValidateUser(It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myUserName"), It.Is<string>(str=> str == "myPassword")), Times.Once());
and so on.
The Moq quick start page is kind of sort of a one-page read, and can teach you 99% of everything that you need to know to use it.
The only way I can think of to mock UserMembership in this case (assuming it's not a property) is to use an IoC framework like Castle Windsor or Ninject. When you use an IoC container you would refactor your calls to UserMembership into an interface (IUserMembership) and use the container to provide an implementation:
if (Container.Resolve<IUserMembership>().ValidateUser(request.UserName, request.Password))
Then in your unit test Setup you would register the implementation of IUserMembership to be the mock object:
var mock = new Mock<IUserMembership>();
You would have to also create a production implementation. If this is the standard UserMembership class, this implementation will probably do nothing other than UserMembership. Although, there are other ways to mimic this kind of duck typing.