Can't read file more than once in c++ - c++

In my assignment i have a problem with reading a file. See the following code segment.
std::string data;
std::ifstream fileRead;"a.txt");
while (fileRead >> data)
long a = fileRead.tellg();
fileRead.seekg (a+1, ios::beg);
std::string check;
//some code here
while (fileRead >> check)
//some code here
fileRead.seekg (a+1, ios::beg);
I have to check how many same words are in the file. My logic is, i read a word and keep it in data. Then i continue reading after that word using fileRead.seekg (a+1, ios::beg); Then i compare each of the words in the file.
After checking whole file i again put my fileobject to next word using this line fileRead.seekg (a+1, ios::beg); But this line is not working. I mean first while loop just work once. Someone please help me out here.
By the way, i am totally new in file operation. So my logic or concept may not be correct in that case tell me what is the right way to do this? But i need to know why first while loop ends just after reading one word?

When you read file as while(fileRead >> data), the a failure flag is set for the stream object, before exiting the loop. In fact, it is set that is why it exits the loop. You need to clear this failure flagas:
fileRead.clear(); //clear the failure flag
fileRead.seekg (0, ios::beg);
//now read


Fstream getline() only reading from the very first line of text file, ignoring every other line

I am working on a coding project where I sort and organize data from a text file, and I cannot get the getline() function to read past the first line.
The idea is to capture the entire line, split it into 3 sections, assign it to an object, then move on. I can do everything except get getline() to work properly, here is the snippet of code I am having trouble with:
ifstream fin;"textFile.txt");
while (!fin.eof()) // while loop to grab lines until the end of file is reached
getline(fin, line);
fin >> first >> last >> pace; // assigning the data to their respective variables
ClassObject obj(first, last, pace); // creating an object with those variables
ClassVector.push_back(obj); // assignment object to vector
This has been the closest I have gotten to reading every line while also sorting the data into a vector, but as I mentioned before, getline() will read line 1, and skip the rest of the file (1000 lines).
what you can do is rather than using !fin.eof(). i prefer to use something similar to this:
ifstream file ( fileName.c_str() );
while (file >> first >> last >> pace ) // assuming the file is delimited with spaces
// Do whatever you want with first, last, and pace
The "While loop" will keep reading the next line until we reach the end of the file.
If the lengths of first, last, pace are constant, you can also just get the contents of the line (in a string variable) and use substring on it, but this only works in the specific case that the lengths are constant throughout the entire file.

c++ this to write object into binary file

I've some trouble with this pointer in c++ function.
I would write my class into binary file, so I write this function member
void Product::saveProducts(){
fstream file;
Product temp;
bool flag = false;"cigarettes.dat", ios::out | ios::binary);
file.seekg(0, ios::end);
file.seekg(0, ios::beg);
while(!file.eof()){<char *>(&temp), sizeof(temp));
if(temp.getId() == this->getId()){
file.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(this), sizeof(temp));
file.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(this), sizeof(temp));
But when I try to retrieve my stored object with another function member:
list<Product> Product::loadProducsts(){
fstream file;
Product temp;
list<Product> products;"cigarettes.dat", ios::in | ios::binary);
while(!file.eof()){<char *>(&temp), sizeof(temp));
return products;
My array is filled with only one object empty. What's the problem?
There are any number of problems with your code, starting with
the fact that just dumping bits to a file generally will not
give you anything useful that you can read back. The fact that
you need a reinterpret_cast to use it should have tipped you
off. In addition:
You only open the file for output, and then try to read from
it. (Opening a file for output truncates it, so you've already
lost all of your previous data.)
I'm not sure what you think you're doing with while (!file.eof()),
but it's surely not correct. If for some reason, the fails without hitting the end of file, you'll end up
in an endless loop, for example.
And you're using the results of without verifying
that the function worked.
You close the file without being at the end. This truncates
a file open in output mode.
Same problems in the read loop of the second snippet. If the
file is empty, you'll still "read" one object, pushing the
default constructed temp into products.
Not knowing what Product looks like, nor the initial contents
of the file, it's hard to say what is really happening. But
most likely:
You truncate the file with the open. It now has a length of
Since file.tellg() returns 0, you never even try to read
it. (If you'd tried to read it, an error would have been set,
which would have made all successive operations no-ops.)
You then write the single element, and close the file.
The only thing I'm not too sure of: in this scenario, the file
actually does contain one element. So when you try to read it,
the first succeeds, probably without setting
eofbit, since doesn't need any look ahead. And if
eofbit isn't set, I would expect you to loop a second time,
and push the unmodified bits in temp into products a second
FWIW: if we assume that you're in the very restricted case
where just writing the data bits to the disk is valid (which
normally means that you'll be rereading them later in the same
process, but never from a different processs), and that the
id can never be -1 in a valid Product, what you probably
want to do is:
Product temp;
temp.setId( -1 ); // This sort of thing should really be handled by a constructor
std::fstream file( "cigartettes.dat", ios::out | ios::in | ios::binary );
while ( reinterpret_cast<char*>( &temp ), sizeof(temp) && temp.getId() != getId() ) {
if ( file.gcount() != 0 ) {
// Error somewhere, we ended up reading a partial record
} else if ( temp.getId() == getId() ) {
file.seekp( -static_cast<int>( sizeof(temp) ) );
} else {
file.write( reinterpret_cast<char const*>( this ), sizeof(*this) );
if ( !file ) {
// Something went wrong somewhere...
Several comments:
Opening in both input and output is necessary. Opening only
in output means that 1) the file will be truncated, and 2) any
attempt to read it will fail. will fail if it cannot read the correct number of
bytes. If it fails, it might have read some bytes anyway (and
overwritten the id field in Product, and left the current
pointer at some position which isn't a modulo of your object
size). So you should check for this using the value from
file.gcount() (which returns the number of bytes read by the
last unformatted read operation—in the case of the read
you're doing, this can only be different from sizeof(Product)
if the read failed.
When specifying a negative value to seek backwards: you have
to convert the results of sizeof to a signed type before doing
the -. Otherwise, you'll end up with some astronomical
positive value, which will cause you to try to seek beyond the
end of file (which will fail).
When the read fails, and the number of bytes read is 0, you've
reached the end of file. And set the failbit, which will
cause all future operations to fail. So we have to clear the
error if we're going to write to extend the data. (If we
haven't reached end of file, of course, there's nothing to
When doing bidirectional input, after a read, you must execute
either a seek or a flush before a write. (Don't ask me why;
it's just what the standard says.)
Finally, it's good practice to verify the status of the file
after closing, when all buffers have been fully flushed and
passed to the OS. If for some reason, a write has failed
somewhere, you want to know about it, to inform the user that
the file that was output is corrupt.
I might add that the usual way of modifying just one record in
a file is to copy the file to a new file, replacing or appending
the changed record, and then delete the old file and rename the
new. Trying to modify a file, as you are doing, can mean that
you loose all of the data if something goes wrong.

How to read content of the file and save it to string type variable? Why there is empty space?

This is how I get the name of the file from the command line and open a file and save the content of the file line by line to a string. All the procedures works fine except three empty spaces at the beginning of the file. Is anyone can say why these empty spaces occurred and how can I ignore them?
string filename = "input.txt";
char *a=new char[filename.size()+1];
ifstream fin(a);
cout<<" = File does not exist ->> No File for reading\n";
string s;
string tmp;
if(s[s.size()-1] == '.')
//Do nothing
s.append(" ");
The most probable cause is that your file is encoded in something else than ASCII. It contains a bunch of unprintable bytes and the string you on the screen is the result of your terminal interpreting those bytes. To confirm this, print the size of s after the reading is done. It should be larger than the number of characters you see on the screen.
Other issues:
string filename = "input.txt";
char *a=new char[filename.size()+1];
ifstream fin(a);
is quite an overzealous way to go about it. Just write ifstream fin(a.c_str());, or simply ifstream fin(a); in C++11.
is almost surely a bug. eof() does not tell if you the next read will succeed, only whether the last one reached eof or not. Using it this way will tipically result in last line seemingly being read twice.
Always, always, check for success of a read operation before you use the result. That's idiomatically done by putting getline in the loop condition: while (getline(fin, tmp))

How to check if there isn't data in file to read

std::fstream fin("emptyFile", std::fstream::in);
std::cout << fin.eof() << std::endl;
This prints 0. So using eof function I can't check if file is empty. Or after reading some data I need to check if there is no more data in it.
There are two ways to check if you "can read something" from a file:
Try to read it, and if it fails, it wasn't OK... (e.g fin >> var;)
Check the size of the file, using fin.seekg(0, ios_base::end); followed by size_t len = fin.tellg(); (and then move back to the beginning with fin.seekg(0, ios_base::beg);)
However, if you are trying to read an integer from a text-file, the second method may not work - the file could be 2MB long, and still not contain a single integer value, because it's all spaces and newlines, etc.
Note that fin.eof() tells you if there has been an attempt to read BEYOND the end of the file.
eof() gives you the wrong result because eofbit is not set yet. If you read something you will pass the end of the file and eofbit will be set.
Avoid eof() and use the following:
std::streampos current = fin.tellg();
fin.seekg (0, fin.end);
bool empty = !fin.tellg(); // true if empty file
fin.seekg (current, fin.beg); //restore stream position

reading until the end of file in C++

I'm trying to read till the end of a file for a phonebook app that im converting from C to C++. When I print the the results from the file i get this:
johnny smith
x☺> x☺>
it should print:
johnny smith
Right now I'm using while(!infile.eof()) which i've read is a poor practice, but when I use infile.getline() I get a repeat of the first and last name, and the format is all jacked up. Is there anyway(or another way) to get rid of the junk at the end of the input or another way to read till the end of file in C++ that fixes this. I've been reading about different solutions, but the one a lot of sites seem to agree on is fgets, which is what I had with the original C version, but obviously fgets doesn't work with ifstream which is what I'm using. here is the code:
void contacts:: readfile(contacts*friends ,int* counter, int i,char buffer[],char user_entry3[])
ifstream read;,ios::in);
int len;
contacts temp;
while (!read.eof()) {
strcpy(temp.home, buffer);
strcpy(temp.cell, buffer);
//adds file content to the structure
//closes file and frees memory
Don't use !eof(). It checks whether the last read failure was due to reaching the end of the file. It does not predict the future.
Don't use malloc in C++. If you do, check the return value for errors!
Don't use operator>> for char *. There's no size check so that's just asking for buffer overflows.
The '\n' check on buffer is useless. operator>> for strings stops at whitespace.
You're blindly strcpying a string of unknown length into temp.home of size 20. That's another buffer overflow.
... I kind of stopped reading there. If you want to read stuff from a file but stop on eof/error, you can do something like this:
string a, b, c;
while (true) {
if (!(in >> a)) break;
if (!(in >> b)) break;
if (!(in >> c)) break;
do_stuff_with(a, b, c);
Do not use eof() to determine if you reached end of file. Instead, read what you want to read and then check if you successfully read the data. Obce reading failed you may use eof() to determine if the error is down to having reached the end of the file before producing an error report about a format error.
Since you mentioned that you read that using !infile.eof() is good practice: Can you point us at the source of this wrong information? This information need correction.