Alternative IDE for Arduino - c++

Is there some alternative IDE for developing for Adruino
I tried to use Eclipe and Arduino IDE, but i am fan of Sublime Text.
So, can i use it for programming for Arduino or Seeeduino in Linux?
I mean i must download some libraries and plugged in to my source code?

I use a make file, to compile and upload programs to Arduino. You can use any IDE you like (sublime Text in your case and vim in my case)
make upload
make screen # to view the serial monitor

You could use AVR Studio
Here is a tutorial on to use it with Arduino:

Use whatever editor you feel like and build/upload from the command line. Personally, I use arscons to pull this off. You'll need SCons, of course. Building is as simple as running
$ scons
$ scons upload
at the command line. There are a lot of other options in the SConstruct file provided by the arscons project, such as specifying the location for extra libraries; the type of Arduino you're building for; and which USB port you're plugged into. I wasn't able to get wireless programming for an Arduino Fio working with it, but it works great with the Arduino Mega and Uno.

As others have pointed out, you can use Arduino with any IDE if you set up the toolchain properly. If you're looking for a list of possibilities, as well as documentation on how to start on specific platforms, check out the Development Tools section of the Arduino Playground.
To use with Sublime Text, you could adapt one of the existing command-line build scripts to work with Sublime's build system.


Is there any way to create an executable file using c++ and an online IDE

So here's the situation. I have been using ms access vba for automation at my job. I have access to ms access and notepad++ only with the nppexec plugin. However, g++ is not installed as far as I can tell.
I am looking to use ui automation event handlers but those do not work in vba. Since I have notepad++ i can write out c++ and make that work but in the end, i would like to produce a one click .exe file that runs the add event handlers objects.
The issue is that i cannot compile or run without g++. However I can if I use an online ide. I just need one that will let me download the resulting exe file.
Is there any such tool? Either that or a way to get g++ onto a computer without installing. (Permissions issues)
Thank you.

MySQL with C++ program

I need to write a C++ Windows App to fetch data from a text file stored in a web site (http:.../my.txt) and contains data as follows :
m[mi++]="16.11.12 11:35:00|3366;3448;5352;431|3426;3508;5421;438|3396;3480;5364;443|3515;3598;5560;437|3622;3704;5741;472|3483;3561;5193;442|3454;3536;5464;440|3748;3835;5527;474|3385;3469;5367;436|3326;3413;4800;701;24|8092;8274;12800;688;30"
m[mi++]="19.12.12 11:35:00|3366;3448;5352;431|3426;3508;5421;438|3396;3480;5364;443|3515;3598;5560;437|3622;3704;5741;472|3483;3561;5193;442|3454;3536;5464;440|3748;3835;5527;474|3385;3469;5367;436|3326;3413;4800;701;24|8092;8274;12800;688;30"
I need to read the first 2 inputs of data (start with m[mi++]) each 2 minutes and take the first two parameters from each ones and store it in mySQL table as a script file as follows
Date Data
16.11.12 11:35:00 3366;3448;5352;431
19.12.12 11:35:00 3366;3448;5352;431
Which C++ IDE (not MS visual studio) that is good to use with MySQL without any complication. I tried Netbeans and Eclipse but I've got errors with both MinG and Cygwin
Actually, its not about IDE. Everyting should work almost everywhere (if you have up to date compiller and set things up correctly). I personally use MSVS and mysql++ library. Everything work just fine.
There is no such a thing as IDE for C++ and MySQL development. Just use IDE you want and add libraries correctly. You didnt wrote, what library are you using, so I cant help you more.
I would say that CodeLite ( or Code::Blocks ( are decent alternatives. You might need to Checkout wxDevCpp (DevCpp is dead), Anjuta, KDevelop, QT Creator and more.
I personally find MSVS a complicated IDE also I personally believe Eclipse and Netbeans should be used in Java (they Work with C++ both with right plugins)
My personal vote to CodeLite

Build systems in Sublime Text

I'm just beginning to learn programming (on C++ and Python), and by beginning I mean total beginning ("hello world" beginning...). Not wanting to use multiple IDE's, I would like to be able to code and build–simple–programs with my text editor, Sublime Text 2. Could someone indicate me, with a step-by-step tutorial, how to implement C++ and Python compiling and executing capabilities in Sublime Text.
I've searched Sublime Text build systems on the site, but the answers are very specific and can't help a rookie like me (but they'll probably help me later).
Sublime Text 2 already comes with scripts for building and running Python and C++ programs.
Simply press Cmd+B (or Ctrl+B on Windows & Linux) when a .py or .cpp file is open. The Python file will automatically execute and show the result in the built in console.
For C++, you need to press Cmd+Shift+B (Ctrl+Shift+B on Windows & Linux) to run it after building.
You need to have Python installed (get it here for Windows), and also a C++ compiler. The build system for C++ tries to call g++ by default (get it here for Windows. Remember to select the C++ compiler when installing!).
You will need to add the directories to path (c:\python32\ or similar for python, c:\mingw\bin or similar for the C++ compiler).
On windows, you may experience problems running the C++ programs (it tries to use bash). But Ctrl+B builds the program, and you can then use a command line to run it. Python works flawlessly on Windows.
windows(install minigw, python2.7 and added to the system path)
build: ctrl+b
run: ctrl+shift+b
build and run: ctrl+b
you may try to learn the the .sublime-build files in your Tools -> Build system -> New build system
So, you don't want to use an IDE but then you want IDE features from a text editor? :)
Most people who use a text editor for writing code use terminal to build and run the code.
So, for C++, the instructions are:
make (or gcc myprogram.c)
for a Python program, it's even simpler:
python ./
If you're not comfortable with terminal, then you probably need an IDE.
for c++ I actually made sublime to produce colorful error messages which are easier to read and you can also click on the errors which takes you to the file with the error.
You can look at how I modified the build to do what I wanted in here

ios and rubber band

I have looked at Rubber Band and even downloaded it onto my laptop. It is really a unix based program (so can run on OSX) but it dos require some prerequisites (e.i libsamplerate and libfftw3). Also most of the commands for actually making the program are run on a command line possibly in a Terminal or something similar. I need to have to ability to check and change the BPM rate of an audio file (specifically .cat, .wav, and .mp3 however the more files the bettwe obviously). However i need to do this for the Iphone (IOS) which is an integrated platform of OSX. Of course not everything that can be run on a mac can be run on an iphone, but does anyone know how to import Rubber Band into my application or an alternative to the main goal?
Rubber Band is open source: which means the code is freely available for you to use.
You have probably downloaded the command line utility pre-compiled binary that's available. What you want instead is to download the source code (the first link on the download page here:
You can then take this source code and integrate it via XCode. Rubber Band is written in C++, so if you're not familiar with that language it may be a bit of a pain: but certainly achievable.

Apply VST audio effect/plugin to audio-file

This is my first question after leeching over here for some time.. So spare me.
I need to apply the iZotope Vinyl VST effect to some audio files via CLI or C++ (so language doesn't really matter), it has to work on a Mac or on a Unix based system. I've researched all over the webs and can't find any working solution.
I've tried using MissWatson, a command line utility, this works but my result audio files are silent...
./MissWatson -plugin=Vinyl -input-file="/Users/Sjaq/Desktop/test.wav" -output-file="/Users/Sjaq/Downloads/MissWatson-v1.0-mac/res.wav" -parameter=1:0.6,2:0.6,11:0.4
Then I tried using the Steinberg VST SDK by creating a host application, starting from the vstvalidator provided by the SDK. But when I try to load the VST I get this error:
2010-12-01 16:57:40.774 vstvalidator[4654:903] Error loading /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Vinyl.vst/Contents/MacOS/Vinyl: dlopen(/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Vinyl.vst/Contents/MacOS/Vinyl, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/Vinyl.vst/Contents/MacOS/Vinyl: no matching architecture in universal wrapper
And I don't know what to do. I'm pretty new to C++ and and made a few apps without any issues, but this time I've hit a dead end.
I've read about pyvst but it seems to need a DLL for the VST so that didn't work either.
I'm the author of MissWatson, and as you probably noticed on the webpage, I unfortunately was required to close-source the code, so I can't really ask you for more diagnostic information, since I wouldn't be able to patch MissWatson if it's a bug there. However, I would recommend running MissWatson with the -verbose switch and perhaps logging that output to file if that floods your terminal. You might find something in that output which helps you to diagnose the problem.
Anyways, as for the error in your VST host, I have a feeling that you are compiling your app as a 64-bit executable and trying to load a 32-bit plugin. Since hardly any VST/AU plugins (and also sequencers, for that matter) have made the leap to 64-bit, you'd be better off just compiling your app as a 32-bit x86 binary.
By default, the "debug" configuration in Xcode only builds your app for the native architecture of your machine to save time during compilation. I would advise that you disable this feature in your project's build settings and always build with the architectures you plan to ship with. This will prevent weird cross-architecture types of errors like the one you saw above.
Edit: I have since started a new command-line VST host to replace MissWatson which is called MrsWatson. You should try using this tool instead.
Perhaps you can port the source code of this open source vst host to match your platforms?
Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Hope it helps.