ksoap2 - SoapObject 'source not found' - web-services

I have a code for the BlackBerry App where the "login" button is clicked to fetch xml data. However nothing turns up when I try to show the response returned from the webservice that accepts username and password. My MDS is selected and the browser shows the internet to be working. However I do not see any disable registration option in the debugger configuration window as some posts suggest. My problem is how to get the server response. In the simulator debug console, no System.println msgs are showing up. Debugging line by line, when it comes to the code
SoapObject rpc = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
debugger produces the error "Source not found". My focus has actually shifted from getting the server response to actually fixing the path to ksoap2 as it appears not to be found. Any tips on this? Thanks


RequestDumperValve breaks POST request

I have an historic ColdFusion 9 server running on top of JBoss 5.1 on Scientific Linux 6.2.
Every once in a while I see the error
2019-08-20 12:15:30,621 ERROR [org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[jboss.web].[localhost].[/REDACTED].[CfmServlet]] (ajp- Servlet.service() for servlet CfmServlet threw exception
javax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE:
at coldfusion.filter.FormScope.parseQueryString(FormScope.java:375)
at coldfusion.filter.FormScope.parsePostData(FormScope.java:346)
at coldfusion.filter.FormScope.fillForm(FormScope.java:296)
at coldfusion.filter.FusionContext.SymTab_initForRequest(FusionContext.java:377)
in the file /var/log/jboss/server.log
To find out what seems to be the problem I thought it's somehow possible to log the POST params JBoss received and is trying to prepare for ColdFusion to use. On the internet I read I should go to file /opt/jboss/server/default/deploy/jbossweb.sar/server.xml and uncomment the line <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve" />.
Now, the params (cookie, header, POST etc.) are indeed logged into the server.log file. The ColdFusion server, however, does not do its task anymore. I open CFADMIN in the browser and enter the password. I'm not let in. I, again, see the log-on page. Same is true for my application. I see in the server.log file the parameters (username and password) are correct. They are logged in clear text.
There's a story on the internet that describes how the RequestDumperValve destroys a request by applying wrong encoding. Does something like this happen to me? Are there other possibilities to log the POST params in JBoss?

Could not get any response in postman version 5.5.0

I installed postman's native app in my desktop(Postman version 5.5.0). Now when I send simple soap request, "Could not get any response" message is shown. The same request when sent in my previous postman chrome extension I get the expected response. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
What i have done it is first of all install postman.
Later go to task manager once u open the app, click on Postman on the task manager, and click on finish task.
Later go to your icon desktop and click on it another time. Now it will work properly and launch without any probblem. It works with me with a W8.0

Coldfusion same file different output on CF10 and CF11 using cfheader

I have this simple code in Coldfusion
statustext="There was something wrong with the request."
<cfoutput>This is what I want to return as the output.</cfoutput>
When I run this on my localhost running CF10, I get this output on my Chrome browser:
But when I run this same file on another server running CF11, I get this output:
Am I missing something? Is there some other way of doing this in CF11?
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.
The issue actually has nothing to do with ColdFusion, either 10 or 11.
By default, IIS shows not does not show the statustext portion of the error message; it only shows the statuscode number. This is a security feature to prevent data leakage. If you do want to show the statustext portion of the error message, that is called "Detailed Error Messages" in IIS.
Steps to enable Detailed Error Messages in IIS 7:
Open the IIS7 manager
Select the Website and on its features view, double click on "Error Pages".
Right click and select the "Edit Feature Settingsā€¦" or select the same from the Actions pane (in the right hand side)
Select the "Detailed errors" radio button and click on OK
Now, even your client browsers will be able to see the detailed error messages.
More information:

Server home is not valid for ColdFusion10 in CF Builder

Today when I was trying to configure my ColdFusion10 Server with the ColdFusion Builder 2, It shown me a error message like "Sever home is not valid", Screenshot:
I can not move forward both the "Next" and "Finish" button is disabled and showing the error message.
Can anyone please suggest me which path I should provide ?
As per your comment above: you've selected "JRun" as your application server, but ColdFusion 10 runs on Tomcat. That'll be your problem.

Unable to View Undelievered Mail in CF Administrator

When I go to the Mail option in CF10 and click the "View Undelivered Mail" button I am getting following errors:
Error retrieving markup for element mailBody : Client verification
failure. [Enable debugging by adding 'cfdebug' to your URL parameters
to see more information]
Error invoking CFC /CFIDE/administrator/mail/undeliveredmail.cfc :
Client verification failure. [Enable debugging by adding 'cfdebug' to
your URL parameters to see more information]
Does anyone have any idea why am I not able to see Undelivered mail?
Try deleting any ColdFusion related cookies in your browser, such as CFID, CFTOKEN, CFAUTHORIZATION_cfadmin and CFADMIN_LASTPAGE_ADMIN, and then restart your browser.
Look for an 0-byte file named something like "Mail4117192657238440155.cfmail" in your /Applications/ColdFusion10/cfusion/Mail/Undelivr folder and delete it. That fixed the problem for me.