PC File server variable performance when importing from Access MDB - sas

I've got some code that runs in Enterprise guide (SAS Enterprise build, Windows locally, Unix server), which imports a large table via a local install of PC File server. It runs fine for me, but is slow to the point of uselessness for the system tester.
When I use his SAS identity on my windows PC, the code works; but when I use my SAS identity on his machine it doesn't, so it appears to be a problem with the local machine. We have the same version of EG (same hot fixes installed) connecting to the same server (with the same roles) running the same code in the same project, connecting to the same Access database.
Even a suggestion of what to test next would be greatly appreciated!
libname ACCESS_DB pcfiles path="&db_path"
data permanent.&output_table (keep=[lots of vars]);
format [lots of vars];
length [lots of vars];
set ACCESS_DB.&source_table (rename=([some awkward vars]));
if [var]=[value];
[build some new vars, nothing scary];
Addenda The PC files server is running on the same machine where the EG project is being run in both case - we both have the same version installed. &db_path is the location of the Access database - on a network file store both users can access (in fact other, smaller tables can be retrieved by both users in a sensible amount of time). This server is administered by IT and not a server we as the business can get software installed on.

The resolution of your problem will require more details and best solved by dialog with SAS Tech Support. The "online ticket" form is here or you can call them by phone.
For example, is the PCFILES server running locally on both your machine and your tester's machine? If yes, is the file referenced by &db_path on a network file server and does your tester have similar access (meaning both of you can reach it the same way)? Have you considered installing the PCFILE server on your file server rather than on your local PC? Too many questions, I think, for a forum like this. But I could be wrong (its happened before); perhaps others will have a great answer.


WSUS server for offline network

First post on this forum,
I work on an offline network with a lot of computers on an active directory. I would like to automatically update Windows on all of them. I found WSUS offline but it only works on a single computer. I also found WSUS Server but from what I understood, it needs to be connected to another WSUS machine with Internet (which is not possible for me).
What I wish to do is a mix between them: being able to download updates on a computer, transfer them manually to a WSUS Server, and change the windows update source through GPO to my WSUS Server.
I've found other software like batchpatch or autopatcher but none of them could do that.
Does anyone know if it is possible ?
Yes, you can configure a WSUS server to operate offline, check the MS documentation regarding this:
Hope this help

Work(flow) Setup: Remote Debian VM (in office), ssh, web development

Normally I've developed locally (on my own machine) and pushed to wherever things needed to go via mapped drives, ftp, github, etc. I have done a bit of work with vagrant/virtualbox (but again, locally) with a shared/mirrored folder.
I am now in a situation where everyone here has access to their own dev box (a vm on the network). I see some working in Vim directly via SSH, I believe, but I'm not there yet. So I'm left with the question: What's the best way for (more of a front end guy) to approach this?
I have heard of doing an SSH-mount from my workstation... if that's a viable thing. I'm curious what everyone's take on this kind of environment is and (perhaps) any best practices. Tips, links, and reading is highly welcome and appreciated, too... any pointing in a good direction would be wonderful.
Thank you.
The best answer will come from what virtual resources do you want to capitalize on for the virtual networked VMs. If you just want the storage space, then share the VM's drives, and mount them locally, treat them as local, end of story. If you want to run all the processing on the remote machine, and connect from a thin client, you have a couple of options, but they all take the same form. Connect to the machine, edit the files on the remote machine. Depending on your OS, you will have different options available.
If the remote machine doesn't have an graphical client installed you are stuck with either, mounting the remote share locally (you can use whatever editor you want) or ssh to the remote machine and using a commandline editor (vim, nano, emacs).
If there is a graphical client installed you have more options:
Remote in the server using any visual viewer (mstsc for windows, vnc is an option), and then use any remotely installed editor of your choice.
Remote in using ssh -X, and then run the remotely installed editor. Assuming you have an X-Server locally (if you are running linux you already do), the GUI part of the application will be run on the client side of the ssh tunnel, and the process will be run on the server. This is probably the best option.
Make sure the remote server has a desktop client software (gtk, kde, gnome, almost any windows os, etc...)
install GUI editor of your choice on that server
ssh -X to that server
install sublime text, geany, or your choice of editor
run subl, geany, or other to start the application.
SSH mounting would indeed allow you to use all of the files on the VM as if they were stored in your local machine, letting you edit and update files without having to manually copy them every time you perform changes. You will run into a speed bump though, since files changed will have to be synchronized/copied to your remote machine every time and that takes a couple of seconds. Check this post by DigitalOcean, they explain how to get the SSH mount working.
A better option you have (IMHO) is to use an IDE in your local machine that allows you to push changes to a server after saving or by manually doing so. This would allow you to develop faster by using your local resources (local web server) since no files would have to be copied over the network to the remote VM; and would also allow you to test on that remote VM when needed by uploading the files when you are ready to test on that environment.
PS: Exporting visual apps or environments form the remote machine to your local one can be slow (depending on your network and the VM host load running your machine). If you still like that approach, you could also install something to access that VM over something more standard and lightweight like RDP for GNU/Linux (xrdp).

Trying to connect a remote MySQL Database to Visual Studio 2010 Pro (C++)

Ok guys, I've been trying to get this working for a few weeks in my spare time, and all day today, and I have nothing to show for it, so here's my question.
First off, the end goal for this is to read and write basic information (id #s, names, etc.) from a remote mysql database, to a C++ program written in Visual Studio 2010 Pro, or something equivalent (and free). I access the server from my laptop with SSH, and I can call family members to mess with router settings and such.
I'm trying to use a MySQL database on a Ubuntu Server machine that I access remotely from a Windows 7 laptop. I have installed MySQL Connector C++ from the MySQL website (the msi installer). NOTE: I have not done anything with the Connector install except run the exe I downloaded. Didn't think I needed to compile anything, but I'm wrong a lot. I have created a database, a user who has privileges to the database, and this user can (in theory) connect from any ip, because it is declared as 'username#'%'. I also changed the my.cnf file so that the bind-address line is commented out. I used 'mysqladmin ping -h serveraddress -u username -p' and that gave me 'mysqld is alive', so I'm assuming the database is accessible from any ip remotely. So, I opened up VS 2010 Pro, made a new project, went to tools, and then 'Connect To Database'. I selected Microsoft MySQL Server and put in the information exactly as I did for mysqladmin. I clicked Test Connection and I get an error box that ends with 'provider: Named Pipes Provider, error 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server'. Sorry for the block of text, just want to give all the details I can.
Hopefully I'm close to making this work, I'm not pressed for time but I'm really tired of not being able to work on anything else in the project, since it all branches from this database connection.
Thanks you all! I'll reply with whatever you need me to during the day, I'm not much of a night owl anymore =)
I have the sample code from the mysql site compiling correctly, it was just a matter of finally getting a few hours to sit down and fix linker/library errors one at a time, downloaded the boost libraries, and changed include directories to direct paths when I could get them to work correctly. Now all I need to do is learn how to use it lol
Thanks all!
Not sure if this is the problem but be sure to use the 32 bit ODBC Administrator if you are building a 32 bit application. If you are on a 64 bit PC, by default you are going to be using the 64 bit ODBC Administrator and consequently your 32 bit application won't actually see the DSN that you've created. Run the 32 bit ODBC Administrator using this path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe and then create your DSN.

Trying to run WebLogic samples in VMWare Lab Manager

I'm trying to do the following:
Installing a Oracle WebLogic 11g Server with the examples in a VMWare Lab Manager (virutal machine Windows XP SP3).
The problem is the following:
According to the installation instruction everything is quite easy and should work out of the box. The installation does not show any errors.
Normally (i tried on a real machine first) it is only needed to got to
Start - Oracle WebLogic - WebLogic Server 11GR1 - Examples - Start Medical Records Server (Spring Edition)
and everything should work fine (a webpage should open).
The problem is, that no Medical webpage shows up.
Digging a little bit deeper:
Start Medical Records Server is only a batch script. On the real machine (same OS) a derby server is started, on VM not.
The batch script on both machines are equal, but both call a setDomainEnv.cmd which containt on the real machine
set DERBY_FLAG=true
and on VM
set DERBY_FLAG=false
Changing the parameter from false to true does start up derby, but the webpage does not open.
The only info message looking liek an error shown on startup is
Ignoring the trusted CA certificate "CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Cl
ass 3,OU=T-Systems Trust Center,O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH,C=DE". The loading of the trusted certificate list raise a certificate parsing exception PKIX: Unsupported OID in the AlgorithmIdentifier object: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.11.>
but the machine finally goes to
Server started in RUNNING mode
Is there something else need to fire up the sample pages?
the admin console starts up at localhost:7011\console , but not the samples

Several machines running same software, some won't connect to firebird

I'm pretty perplexed... I've got 5 different test computers, all relatively blank Windows XP machines running similar hardware specs. I run a silent install of the FireBird (Classic) database and my application. Some computers require "localhost:" (or before the database location to make a connection, and some simply don't work at all! This is running the exact same software across the board. Does anybody have any suggestions as to what needs to happen to make the connection string universal, or what I could be doing wrong??
It's firebird version Classic
By the way, i tried connecting to the same database using FlameRobin (a small db management tool) and it worked just fine on the computers that don't connect.
Any more information necessary just let me know! Thanks a lot in advance
For anybody's future reference, the answer is in the services. Apparently it's not being registered as a service for some reason, and on the working computers, was at some point registered, probably through some sort of far earlier tests of Interbase is my best guess.
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and opening up the file 'services' and adding the following line allows the server to run properly.
gds_db 3050/tcp
I'm not sure whether you are aware of that, but a connection string without "localhost:" or "" in front of the database name or alias will use the local protocol, which can't be used when connecting to Firebird Classic Server (see this link for more information). If a host name or IP address is given, then TCP port 3050 will be used for the connection.
If you have registered a server in FlameRobin, and did not leave the hostname field in the registration dialog blank, then the host name will be part of the connection string. That would explain why you can connect using FlameRobin.
As for the differences between the machines: You should first go to the Firebird Server Manager applet and make sure that the server is indeed running on all machines, and that the version is the same.
Does it have something to do with the hosts file on some of the computers? Or is that what you're referring to with your
Some computers require "localhost:" (or before the database location...