How to link a C++ shared library with gcc - c++

I have seen a GCC link with a C++ shared library, but I am not able to reproduce it on my own. So first I create a C++ library with a testfunction:
g++ -shared -o test.c
Then I have a test main function which calls the library function and compile it like this
gcc -o prog.out main.c -L. -ltest
Then i receive the error
undefined reference to 'testfunc'
which i think is caused by different refernce in the library ... C names the function testfunc and C++ names the function [some stuff]__testfunc[maybe again some stuff].
I have also tried to use
gcc -o prog.out main.c
but this results in the same error.
Therefore, my question is: How is it possible to link a c++ library with gcc to a c file?
Update: I know i can use extern "C", but that's not the way it is solved. Maybe there are some parameters for the linker instead?
Update2: Just thought it could also be possible that the first part is just compiled with c++ and linked with gcc. Also tried this:
g++ -c testlib.c -o testlib.o
gcc -shared -o testlib.o
gcc -o prog.out
still doesn't work. Is there something wrong with the flags?

Yes, the problem has nothing to do with shared libraries (I think...) and everything to do with name mangling.
In your header, you must declare the function like this:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void testfunc(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
This will cause testfunc to have the same symbol and calling conventions for both C and C++.
On the system I'm using right now, the C symbol name will be _testfunc and the C++ symbol name (assuming you don't use extern "C") will be __Z8testfuncv, which encodes information about the parameter types so overloading will work correctly. For example, void testfunc(int x) becomes __Z8testfunci, which doesn't collide with __Z8testfuncv.

When you use g++ it compiles ALL source as C++. This means all function use the C++ ABI (this also including name mangling). When you use gcc it compiles *.c files using the C ABI (no name mangling).
Thus the same function compiles with the two different compilers will generate different functions (in a lot of ways). That's because they are different languages.
To force g++ to compile a function using the C ABI prefix it with extern "C"
extern "C" void testfunc(char*);
Alternatively use the block version
extern "C" {
<multiple Functions>
To be honest I never compile anything with gcc anymore (unless there is some hard requirement to do so (in which case I usually fix the code so it works in C++)). If you compile all files with g++ just makes the processes simpler.

If you are sure it's not because of name mangling. Then it means gcc could not find the library try giving the full path of the library unless the .so file is in standard location. If you are not sure then recheck for any conflict in variable (function) name. Use namespaces to group classes and define the functions inside the classes to avoid naming conflict


GNU linker: Adapt to change of name mangling algorithm

I am trying to re-compile an existing C++ application.
Unfortunately, I must rely on a proprietary library I only have a pre-compiled static archive of.
I use g++ version 7.3.0 and ld version 2.30.
Whatever GCC version it was compiled with, it is ancient.
The header file defines the method:
class foo {
int bar(int & i);
As nm lib.a shows, the library archive contains the corresponding exported function:
T bar__4fooRi
nm app.o shows my recent compiler employing a different kind of name mangling:
U _ZN4foo9barERi
Hence the linker cannot resolve the symbols provided by the library.
Is there any option to chose the name mangling algorithm?
Can I introduce a map or define the mangled names explicitly?
#Botje's suggestion lead me to writing a linker script like this (the spaces in the PROVIDE stanza are significant):
PROVIDE(_ZN4foo9barERi = bar__4fooRi);
As far as I understood, this will regard bar__4fooRi as an externally defined symbol (which it is). If _ZN4foo9barERi is searched for, but not defined, bar__4fooRi will take its place.
I am calling the linker from the GNU toolchain like this (mind the order – the script needs to be after the dependant object but before the defining library):
g++ -o application application.o script.ld -lfoo
It looks like this could work.
At least in theory.
The linker now regards other parts of the library, which in turn depends on other unresolvable symbols including (but not limited to) __throw, __cp_pop_exception, and __builtin_delete. I have no idea where these functions are defined nowadays. Joxean Koret shows some locations in this blog post based on guesswork (__builtin_new probably is malloc) – but I am not that confident.
These findings lead me to the conclusion that the library relies on a different style of exception handling and probably memory management, too.
EDIT: The result may be purely academical due to ABI changes as pointed out by #eukaryota, a linker script can indeed be used to "alias" symbols. Here is a complete minimal example:
class Foo {
int bar(int);
#include "foo.h"
int Foo::bar(int i) {
return i+21;
class Foo {
int baa(int); // use in-place "header" to simulate different name mangling algorithm
int main(int, char**) {
Foo f;
return f.baa(21);
PROVIDE(_ZN3Foo3baaEi = _ZN3Foo3barEi); /* declare "alias" */
Build process:
g++ -o libfoo.o -c foo.c
ar rvs libfoo.a libfoo.o # simulate building a library
g++ -o app main.o -L. script.ld -lfoo
app is compiled, can be executed and returns expected result.

lstd++ & extern - calling C++ from C

I have wrapped my C++ header file in an extern "C" block to allow calling C++ functions from C. I have included the proper header files in the proper places. It works if I do something like the following:
g++ -c
gcc -c c_src.c
gcc -o c_exe c_src.o cpp_src.o -lstdc++
But if I remove the -lstdc++ from the last line, I get a bunch of errors. Because of reasons beyond my control, I cannot add the -lstdc++ flag. Is there a way to get the above to work without -lstdc++? What exactly is lstdc++, as in how does the gcc use it while linking with g++ compiled code?
Also, uses STL, if that makes a difference.
If you really need to have an object file that you can link with gcc without using -lstdc++, you can do an incremental link of your C++ object file with -lstdc++ and then use the result of that on your gcc link line. Something like:
ld -i -static cpp_src.o -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.8 -lstdc++ -o cpp_withstdlib.o
This will link your C++ object file with the standard C++ library and produce a new object file (cpp_withstdlib.o) that contains all the standard C++ library stuff you need, so can be linked on the gcc command line without needing -lstdc++
The tricky part is the -L option -- you need to figure out where g++ has stashed its standard library, as it generally doesn't put it in the standard /usr/lib location. The above is for an Ubuntu 14.04 machine. On most Linux machines, you can find it with locate libstdc++.a
You're generally just better off using g++ to link C++ code, as it knows all the right paths and won't make little mistakes that result in a binary that superficially appears to work, but is actually incorrect.
Using Josh's suggestion, you can do:
ld -i -static cpp_src.o `g++ -print-file-name=libstdc++.a` -o cpp_withstdlib.o
which is a bit cleaner, and could readily be done in a Makefile.
-lstdc++ causes the linker to link to libstdc++, which is gcc's implementation of the C++ standard library. If your code uses any symbols from the standard library (it uses the standard library, and not all code is inlined from headers), it must link libstdc++ (or whichever standard library implementation you use).
You can avoid the standard library, or you can link against the system standard library, or you can statically link a copy of the standard library into your program.

How do I compile "c++ functions from c" if c++ functions need other libraries?

I have these files in the same folder:
If I have a simple function like sum(int a){return a+a;} (in function.cpp), I am able to compile it, but I need to use a library like this:
#include "something.hh"
void function(){
ClassX* test;
The problem is that, when I'm trying to compile this, I get "undefined reference" in every class.
How should I compile this?
Is this possible? I've read somewhere you can use a c++ function in c while its return type and its parameters are accessible from C. Is there any other requirement?
What I do:
g++ -c -I /folder/include function.cpp -o function.o
gcc -c main.c -o main.o
gcc main.o function.o -o exec
In function.cpp undefined reference to ClassX
I think your problem is not use of C and C++ but that file containing entire ClassX is not compiled and hence in the third stage in link time it gives error
gcc main.o function.o -o exec
Make sure that ClassX is defined in one .o file and that file is passed in above step.
Now coming to your question,
you can't compile C++ code is C compilers because C is not forward compatible but C++ is backward compatible to C that is to say that most of the C code will get compiled by C++ compiler with little change. But you can write a library in c or compile c code to .o and then use it in C++ compiler to do that you need to use extern "C" linkage.
extern "C"
Check this link
How should i compile this? Is this possible?
Normally, there are two possibilities:
define your header file API in terms of functions only, declare those functions with extern "C" linkage and use them in C code.
if you have class declarations or other C++ specific code, compile your client code to C++ (i.e. move main.c to main.cpp).
In your case, you are trying to access a C++ class, in C code. This is not possible.
You can still use the functionality, but you will have to create an adaptation layer (with APIs declared as extern "C" and declaring no classes, templates or other C++ features).
Within this adaptation layer, classes or other C++ constructs can be hidden in structures opaque to client code.

Link dynamic shared library in Linux - Undefined reference to function

I know there are many questions related to shared libraries on Linux but maybe because I'm tired of having a hard day trying to create a simple dynamic library on Linux (on Windows it would have taken less than 10 minutes) I can't find what happens in this case.
So, I am trying to create a library to be linked at build-time and used at run-time (not a static library, not a library to be embedded into the executable, in other words). For now it contains a simple function. These are my files:
// gugulibrary.cpp
// This is where my function is doing its job
#include "gugulibrary.h"
namespace GuGu {
void SayHello() {
// gugulibrary.h
// This is where I declare my shared functions
#include <stdio.h>
namespace Gugu {
void SayHello();
// guguapp.cpp
// This is the executable using the library
#include "gugulibrary.h"
int main() {
return 0;
This is how I try to build my project (and I think this is what is wrong):
gcc -Wall -s -O2 -fPIC -c gugulibrary.cpp -o gugulibrary.o
ld -shared -o bin/ gugulibrary.o
gcc -Wall -s -O2 guguapp.cpp -o bin/GuGu -ldl
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=bin
This is saved as a .sh file which I click and execute in a terminal. The error I get when trying to link the library is this:
/tmp/ccG05CQD.o: In function `main':
guguapp.cpp:(.text.startup+0x7): undefined reference to `SayHello'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
And this is where I am lost. I want the library to sit in the same folder as the executable for now and maybe I need some symbols/definitions file or something, which I don't know how to create.
Thanks for your help!
In your C++ file, GuGu::SayHello is declared as a C++ symbol. In your header, you are wrapping it in an extern "C" block. This is actually undefined, as you aren't allowed to use C++ syntax (namespace) in that context. But my guess is that what the compiler is doing is ignoring the namespace and generating a C symbol name of "SayHello". Obviously such a function was never defined by your library. Take out the extern "C" bits, because your API as defined cannot be used from C anyway.
You are inconsistent with your GuGu, there are also Gugu's running around, this needs to be made consistent, then it works (At least on my computer are some Gugu's now)

In C++, why don't I have to include anything to use the sqrt() function?

I am just learning C++. Compiling with g++ version 3.2.3, "g++ hworld.cpp":
double sqrt(double);
int main(){
double x = sqrt(1515.15);
return 0;
That compiles fine, but if we were to replace sqrt with "sqrtfoo" the compiler would say sqrtfoo cannot be used as a function. I thought I would have to include cmath, but I guess not? Can someone please explain what my program has access to before any includes? For comparison, gcc does not allow me to do this, saying "undefined reference to 'sqrt'." Thank you.
You don't need to include cmath because your code has a prototype for sqrt in it already, the very first line.
As the existing answers explain, the double sort(double) provides a prototype to let the compiler know that the function exists.
But you also mentioned that this doesn't work under GCC. When you build a C or C++ program, the source code is compiled into object format. The object files are then linked together to form an executable.
To see this in action, try
gcc -c hello.c
This tells GCC to compile (-c) the source file hello.c. Assuming that hello.c exists and has no errors, you'll find hello.o in the current directory. Now try
gcc -o hello hello.o
This tells GCC to link hello.o with the appropriate system libraries, and to generate an output file called "hello". If hello.c uses math functions, you'll also need to link in the math library:
gcc -o hello hello.o -lm
"-l" is used to tell gcc to include extra libraries (beyond the default "libc" C library). "m" refers to "libm", which is the math library containing sqrt. If your program uses only one source file it's common to ask implicitly GCC to compile and link in a single command:
gcc -o hello hello.c -lm
Now to your question. GCC won't compile the above code because you haven't asked it to link in the math library. But g++ is okay with it. There's a very similar question already on Stack Overflow. According to its accepted answer,
the C++ runtime libstdc++ requres libm, so if you compile a C++
program with GCC (g++), you will automatically get libm linked in.
Since "libstdc++" is the C++ language runtime library, it's included by g++ by default. And as it depends on libm, the linker automatically loads libm while producing the final binary program.
Header files hold only declarations (signatures), and you've included one in the first line (prototype: double sqrt(double)).
The compiler compiles it just fine, because you've stated that somewhere this function is defined. The step that occurs after compiling is responsible for actually looking for that function definition. It's called linking, and during that phase linker lookups those definitions. In case of sqrtfoo it cannot find anything, whereas in case of sqrt it finds it in some standard library (I do not know the details here).