Static analysis of header inclusion in C++ - c++

It seems that often I find that my code when moving either from one linux installation to another or from one unix to another, I find that I've missed including certain header files.
This tends to become annoying when you give the source to someone else expecting them to be able to compile it just fine, only for it to fail because of missing header file includes.
Are there any static analysis tools that can detect headers that should be explicitly included where they're currently seem to be implicitly included? Is there some way to disable this implicit inclusion of header files?
Also I'd like to detect header files that included and may have become redundant through code changes, and are no longer required.

I have used checkheaders with some success. Development seems to have slowed down some in the last year, but it is still usable. Probably it's best to use the trunk version.

There is a google project called Include-What-You-Use that might be helpfull. But still it is very complicated to get it done right. And i'm not aware of any other tool that does this.


Is there anyway to figure out what STL header file has not been included directly?

Our product uses C++ as the programming language. One annoying issue of using C++ STL is that we forget to include the necessary header files, because the file may have been included in some other STL header, the build passes. For example,
In Mac platform using Xcode, if I use std::auto_ptr without include memory.h but include iostream.h, the build will pass, but it will fail in Android platform.
But I don't want move the code to Android for an build check for each code change commit. So, is there anyway to avoid that problem?
Edit 1:
I know the best solution is to not forget the include the header. But developers make mistakes. So is there any tool to help check it?
Edit 2:
Seams no ideal solution, so I will use vim script to check it in my editor,the solution is similar to
You can use a common_includes.h file that includes all necessary files there, and include that file everywhere you need. This will simplify the situation and will help out forgetting to include some file. At least you will forget it only one time :).
The only tool I know of... is the compiler itself.
Whenever the issue is portability, the best solution I have seen was to simply put on automated build/test suites for all required environments. Then, whenever a pull request is made it will be validated on all your build bots, and you will be warned if you forgot something.

My Visual C++ compiler compiles out of date source

I'm a beginner starting to use Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010 for Windows Programming. I've created a new C++ application using native code, not managed or MFC. I had Visual Studio create for me the basic windows code to create one window with simple menus (chat.cpp). I modified this file and I was able to compile correctly and see my changes take effect.
Now I've added one more source file to the solution (intro.cpp) which I include in my header and call from within chat.cpp. This seems to work just fine, but with one problem. The compiler doesn't seem to be applying my code changes occasionally: I make various edits, recompile, and the "old" code seems to be running. Then, after a while, after I make only a tiny modification, the compiler seems to "catch up" and it runs the new code including all the previous changes I had made.
Is there some kind of cache? Do I need to tell the compiler which files to compile and which ones to just link from object files? Did I make a mistake when I added the file to the solution?
Does intro.cpp have a header file? is that in your solution too?
It's hard for me to imagine that this area of such a mature IDE has a bug here, so I would examine your file list first. Make sure that the Solution Explorer shows all the files you have added and are editing. This is the list that VS uses to determine rebuild is needed.
EDIT: I admit it's not clear to me from your description why it would fail right now. However, typically header files do not include code, it works the other way around (except for class template header files, such as the STL headers). There is some discussion about pros and cons here. The most compelling argument to me in favour of code including headers rather than vice versa is that the header file contains the interface, while the code file contains the implementation.
I would try restructuring your code to a more traditional structure where intro.cpp includes intro.h and any others it needs, and the same with chat.cpp. Then your compilation units are intro.cpp and chat.cpp, and they depend on the associated header files, so provided they are properly listed in the SOlution Explorer, all should work. You can clean up the build dependencies to avoid dups and reduce build time once you have it working as you wish.

Using precompiled headers, header file changes arent picked up, expected?

Visual Studio C++ lib project
Project is set to use precompiled headers
stdafx.cpp is set to create precompiled header
I have a header file, MyClass.h
If I build, then make a change to MyClass.h that should fail to compile, compile still succeeds.
If I do a rebuild, or if I make a change to a cpp file that includes "MyClass.h", then the compile fails as expected.
Is this expected because I'm using precompiled headers? Is there any way to fix it so a 2nds buid picks up header changes without turning off precompiled headers?
Make sure that the header file you are altering is referenced by your project in Solution Explorer. If this is the case, the full build should trigger when it is changed.
In the project properties, set "Enable Minimal Rebuild" to No
Are you sure that stdafx.cpp includes the header in question?
VisualStudio can often get pretty damn stupid over changes. It can go either way, but usually it goes the way you're running into.
I've had it catch onto changes in a header used by one file, but not the fact that it's used in others. So it compiles the one but not the others. Then I get really weird linker errors.
It could of course still be your own damn fault, but VS is, in fact, notoriously stupid. Sometimes a complete rebuild will fix the issue permanently, until next time. Other times you have somehow hosed the project file and hopefully you can get back to the original (like a source server revert). "Undo" most usually does not undo this kind of fubar.
I've noted this several times not needing to be a header that's in the precompiled header. It seems to be somewhat random but one more common correlation is that the header is full of templates. VS is just plain retarded wrt templates.

C++ include file browser

I have a very large project with tons of convoluted header files that all include each other. There's also a massive number of third-party libraries that it depends on. I'm trying to straighten out the mess, but I'm having some trouble, since a lot of the time I'll remove one #include directive only to find that the stuff it was including is still included through one of the other files. Is there any tool that can help me understand this? I'd really like to be able to click on a .h file and ask it which CPP files it's included in (directly or indirectly), and the paths through which it is included, and likewise click a cpp file and ask it which .h files are included (directly and indirectly). I've never heard of a tool that does this, and a bit of quick googling hasn't turned anything up, but maybe I don't know what to search for.
For VS2003 there is /showIncludes flag (in C/C++/Advanced properties). This will print all headers each .cpp file includes and what they include, so you can go from there.
I'm sure there is same option in same place for VS2008.
if you use GCC compilers, try this
g++ -M abc.cpp
it will show all include dependencies for the file abc.cpp
Your situation reminds me of my own. I have a bunch of headers that I have created that I use as a library instead of bothering with a DLL.
Of course the cyclic-includes can become troublesome, so I find that a tool like Visual Assist X (1) helps with this sort of thing. It has a function that can find references to stuff, so that you can easily weed out where something is being defined/declared/included etc. It also has a lot of other useful features, so I consider it to be pretty useful.
There’s probably other tools/plugins that have a referencing function, but usually as one feature among the other refactoring and productivity functions of the utility.
It's pretty tedious, but you can binary-search your way to where an #include happens by using #error (and #pragma message) to narrow down which include line is pulling in the third party. I've done this in the case of a single file I was trying to track down, but it sounds like your problem is bigger so probably one of the tools others have mentioned would be more effective.

Why does stdafx.h work the way it does?

As usual, when my brain's messing with something I can't figure out myself, I come to you guys for help :)
This time I've been wondering why stdafx.h works the way it does? To my understanding it does 2 things:
Includes standard headers which we
might (?) use and which are rarely changed
Work as a compiler-bookmark for when
code is no longer precompiled.
Now, these 2 things seems like two very different tasks to me, and I wonder why they didn't do two seperate steps to take care of them? To me it seems reasonable to have a #pragma-command do the bookmarking stuff and to optionally have a header-file a long the lines of windows.h to do the including of often-used headers... Which brings me to my next point: Why are we forced to include often-used headers through stdafx.h? Personally, I'm not aware of any often used headers I use that I'm not already doing my own includes for - but maybe these headers are necessary for .dll generation?
Thx in advance
stdafx.h is ONE way of having Visual studio do precompiled headers. It's a simple to use, easy to automatically generate, approach that works well for smaller apps but can cause problems for larger more complex apps where the fact that it encourages, effectively, the use of a single header file it can cause coupling across components that are otherwise independent. If used just for system headers it tends to be OK, but as a project grows in size and complexity it's tempting to throw other headers in there and then suddenly changing any header file results in the recompilation of everything in the project.
See here: Is there a way to use pre-compiled headers in VC++ without requiring stdafx.h? for details of an alternative approach.
You are not forced to use "stdafx.h". You can check off the Use precompiled headers in project properties (or when creating the project) and you won't need stdafx.h anymore.
The compiler uses it as a clue to be able to precompile most used headers separately in a .pch file to reduce compilation time (don't have to compile it every time).
It keeps the compile time down, as the stuff in it are always compiled first (see details in quote below):
stdafx.h is a file
that describes both standard system
and project specific include files
that are used frequently but hardly
ever changed.
Compatible compilers will
pre-compile this file to reduce
overall compile times. Visual C++ will
not compile anything before the
#include "stdafx.h" in the source file, unless the compile option
/Yu'stdafx.h' is unchecked (by
default); it assumes all code in the
source up to and including that line
is already compiled.
It will help reduce long compilations.